biasCorrectionConv_mod sourceΒΆ

   1MODULE biasCorrectionConv_mod
   2  ! MODULE biasCorrectionConv_mod (prefix='bcc' category='1. High-level functionality')
   3  !
   4  !:Purpose: Performs bias correction for conventional observations.
   5  !
   6  use utilities_mod
   7  use obsSpaceData_mod
   8  use MathPhysConstants_mod
   9  use midasMpi_mod
  10  use bufr_mod
  11  use codtyp_mod
  12  use timeCoord_mod
  14  implicit none
  15  save
  16  private
  17  public               :: bcc_applyAIBcor, bcc_applyGPBcor, bcc_applyUABcor
  18  public               :: bcc_biasActive
  20  ! This variable is set to .true. when bcc_readConfig() [the routine that reads &NAMBIASCONV namelist]
  21  ! is called for the first time to read/initialize the bias correction namelist variables.
  22  logical            :: initialized = .false.
  24  integer, parameter :: nPhases=3, nLevels=5, nAircraftMax=100000
  25  integer, parameter :: nStationMaxGP = 10000
  26  integer, parameter :: phaseLevel   = 3
  27  integer, parameter :: phaseAscent  = 5
  28  integer, parameter :: phaseDescent = 6
  29  integer, parameter :: phaseLevelIndex   = 1
  30  integer, parameter :: phaseAscentIndex  = 2
  31  integer, parameter :: phaseDescentIndex = 3
  33  integer, parameter :: nSondesMax = 18, nMandLevs = 16
  34  integer, parameter :: nStationMaxUA = 1000
  35  integer, parameter :: Index500mb = 5
  37  ! Missing values in the input bias correction files for AI, GP and UA families
  38  real(8), parameter :: aiMissingValue = 99.d0
  39  real(8), parameter :: gpMissingValue = -999.00d0
  40  real(8), parameter :: uaMissingValue = -99.0d0
  42  integer               :: nbAircrafts, nbGpStations
  43  real(8), allocatable  :: AIttCorrections(:,:,:)
  44  real(8), allocatable  :: ztdCorrections(:)
  45  real(8), allocatable  :: ttCorrections(:,:,:,:),    tdCorrections(:,:,:,:)
  46  real(8), allocatable  :: ttCorrectionsStn(:,:,:,:), tdCorrectionsStn(:,:,:,:)
  48  character(len=9), allocatable     :: aircraftIds(:), gpsStations(:), uaStations(:)
  49  character(len=8) :: sondeTypes(nSondesMax)
  51  real(8) :: mandLevs(nMandLevs), tolPress(nMandLevs)
  53  logical :: bcc_aiBiasActive, bcc_gpBiasActive, bcc_uaBiasActive
  54  logical, allocatable :: biasCorrPresentStype(:,:,:), biasCorrPresentStn(:,:,:)
  56  ! Bias correction files (must be in program working directory)
  57  character(len=8), parameter  :: aiBcFile = "ai_bcors", gpBcFile = "gp_bcors"
  58  character(len=14), parameter :: uaBcFileStype = "ua_bcors_stype", uaBcFileStn = "ua_bcors_stn"
  60  integer, external    :: fnom, fclos, newdate
  62  ! Namelist variables
  63  logical :: aiBiasActive ! Control if bias correction is applied to aircraft data
  64  logical :: gpBiasActive ! Control if bias correction is applied to ground-based GPS data
  65  logical :: uaBiasActive ! Control if bias correction is applied to radiosonde data
  66  logical :: aiRevOnly    ! Don't apply new correction but simply reverse any old corrections for AI
  67  logical :: gpRevOnly    ! Don't apply new correction but simply reverse any old corrections for GP
  68  logical :: uaRevOnly    ! Don't apply new correction but simply reverse any old corrections for UA
  69  logical :: uaRejUnBcor  ! Set DATA QC flag bit 11 on to exclude uncorrected UA observations from assimilation 
  70  integer :: uaNbiasCat   ! Number of bias profile categories in UA bcor files, e.g. 1, or 2 for "asc" and "desc" phase categories
  71  integer :: uaNlatBands  ! Number of latitude bands in ua_bcors_stype bcor file (= 5 or 1). Set to 1 if there are no latitude bands in file
  72  integer :: uaNprofsMin  ! Min number of bias profiles required for a station/stype/time-of-day to use biases 'ua_bcors_stn' as corrections
  73  character(len=8) :: nlSondeTypes(nSondesMax)    ! List of radiosonde type names
  74  integer          :: nlSondeCodes(nSondesMax,20) ! List of radiosonde type codes
  75  integer          :: nlNbSondes                  ! Number of radiosonde types in lists
  77  ! Structure to hold dictionary containing the BUFR sonde type codes associated with each sonde type
  78  type sondeType
  79    character(len=8)  :: name
  80    integer           :: codes(20)
  81  end type sondeType
  83  type(sondeType), allocatable  :: rsTypes(:)
  85  namelist /nambiasconv/ aiBiasActive,gpBiasActive,aiRevOnly,gpRevOnly,uaBiasActive,uaRevOnly,uaNprofsMin,uaRejUnBcor,uaNbiasCat,uaNlatBands
  86  namelist /namsondetypes/ nlNbSondes, nlSondeTypes, nlSondeCodes
  88  ! 16 mandatory pressure levels (mb) on which radiosonde bias profiles are defined
  89  data mandLevs /1000.d0,925.d0,850.d0,700.d0,500.d0,400.d0,300.d0,250.d0,200.d0,150.d0,100.d0,70.d0,50.d0,30.d0,20.d0,10.d0/
  90  ! +/- tolerance (mb) for matching a radiosonde observation pressure to one of the mandatory levels
  91  data tolPress /  10.d0, 10.d0, 10.d0, 10.d0, 10.d0, 10.d0, 10.d0,  5.d0,  5.d0,  5.d0,  5.d0, 2.d0, 2.d0, 2.d0, 1.d0, 1.d0/
  95  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
  96  ! bcc_readConfig
  97  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
  98  subroutine bcc_readConfig()
  99    !
 100    !:Purpose: Read NAMBIASCONV namelist section and NAMSONDETYPES section if uaBiasActive=true
 101    !
 102    implicit none
 104    ! Locals:
 105    integer  :: ierr, nulnam, sondeIndex
 107    if ( initialized ) then
 108      write(*,*) "bcc_readConfig has already been called. Returning..."
 109      return
 110    end if
 112    ! set default values for namelist variables
 113    aiBiasActive = .false.  ! bias correct AI data (TT)
 114    gpBiasActive = .false.  ! bias correct GP data (ZTD)
 115    uaBiasActive = .false.  ! bias correct UA data (TT,ES)
 116    aiRevOnly    = .false.  ! AI: don't apply new correction but simply reverse any old corrections
 117    gpRevOnly    = .false.  ! GP: don't apply new correction but simply reverse any old corrections
 118    uaRevOnly    = .false.  ! UA: don't apply new correction but simply reverse any old corrections
 119    uaRejUnBcor  = .false.  ! UA: Set DATA QC flag bit 11 on to exclude uncorrected UA observations from assimilation
 120    uaNprofsMin  = 100      ! UA: If Nprofs for a given stn/stype < uaNprofsMin, flag the bcors as unusable
 121    uaNbiasCat   = 1        ! UA: Number of bias profile categories in UA bcor files: 1, or 2 for "asc" and "desc" categories
 122    uaNlatBands  = 1        ! UA: Number of latitude bands in ua_bcors_stype file (1 or 5): 1 = no bands (global biases).
 123    ! read in the namelist NAMBIASCONV
 124    if ( utl_isNamelistPresent('nambiasconv','./flnml') ) then
 125      nulnam = 0
 126      ierr = fnom(nulnam,'./flnml','FTN+SEQ+R/O',0)
 127      read(nulnam,nml=nambiasconv,iostat=ierr)
 128      if ( ierr /= 0 )  call utl_abort('bcc_readConfig: Error reading namelist section NAMBIASCONV')
 129      if ( mmpi_myid == 0 ) write(*,nml=nambiasconv)
 130      ierr = fclos(nulnam)
 131    else
 132      write(*,*)
 133      write(*,*) 'bcc_readconfig: NAMBIASCONV section is missing in the namelist. The default values will be used.'
 134    end if
 136    bcc_aiBiasActive = aiBiasActive
 137    bcc_gpBiasActive = gpBiasActive
 138    bcc_uaBiasActive = uaBiasActive
 140    ! read in the namelist NAMSONDETYPES
 141    if ( uaBiasActive .and. .not.uaRevOnly ) then
 142      if ( utl_isNamelistPresent('namsondetypes','./flnml') ) then
 143        nlNbSondes = MPC_missingValue_INT
 144        nlSondeTypes(:)   = 'empty'
 145        nlSondeCodes(:,:) = MPC_missingValue_INT
 146        nulnam = 0
 147        ierr = fnom(nulnam,'./flnml','FTN+SEQ+R/O',0)
 148        read(nulnam,nml=namsondetypes,iostat=ierr)
 149        if ( ierr /= 0 )  call utl_abort('bcc_readConfig: Error reading namelist section NAMSONDETYPES')
 150        if (nlNbSondes /= MPC_missingValue_INT) then
 151          call utl_abort('bcc_readConfig: check namsondetypes namelist section, you should remove nlNbSondes')
 152        end if
 153        nlNbSondes = 0
 154        do sondeIndex = 1, nSondesMax
 155          if (trim(nlSondeTypes(sondeIndex)) == 'empty') exit
 156          nlNbSondes = nlNbSondes + 1
 157        end do
 158        if ( mmpi_myid == 0 ) write(*,nml=namsondetypes)
 159        ierr = fclos(nulnam)
 160      else 
 161        write(*,*)
 162        call utl_abort('bcc_readconfig: NAMSONDETYPES section is missing in the namelist!')
 163      end if
 164      if ( nlNbSondes > nSondesMax ) call utl_abort('bcc_readconfig: Number of sonde types in namelist exceeds nSondesMax!')
 165      if ( nlNbSondes <= 0 )         call utl_abort('bcc_readconfig: Number of sonde types in namelist <= 0!')
 166      allocate( rsTypes(nlNbSondes) )
 167      do sondeIndex = 1, nlNbSondes
 168        rsTypes(sondeIndex)%name     = nlSondeTypes(sondeIndex)
 169        rsTypes(sondeIndex)%codes(:) = nlSondeCodes(sondeIndex,:)
 170      end do
 171    end if
 173    initialized = .true.
 175  end subroutine bcc_readConfig  
 177  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 178  ! bcc_UACorrection
 179  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 180  function bcc_UACorrection(timeOfDayX,corrNight,corrDay) result(uaCorrection)
 181    !
 182    !:Purpose: Returns a UA bias correction from day and night corrections
 183    !
 184    implicit none
 186    ! Arguments:
 187    real(8), intent(in)  :: timeOfDayX ! 0.0 (night) <= timeOfDayX <= 1.0 (day), depends on solar_elev
 188    real(8), intent(in)  :: corrNight  ! night bias correction
 189    real(8), intent(in)  :: corrDay    ! day bias correction
 190    ! Result:
 191    real(8) :: uaCorrection
 193    uaCorrection = MPC_missingValue_R8
 195    if ( timeOfDayX == 0.0d0 ) then
 196      uaCorrection = corrNight
 197    else if ( timeOfDayX == 1.0d0 ) then
 198      uaCorrection = corrDay
 199    else
 200      if ( corrNight /= MPC_missingValue_R8 .and. corrDay /= MPC_missingValue_R8 ) then
 201        uaCorrection = timeOfDayX*corrDay + (1.0d0-timeOfDayX)*corrNight
 202      end if
 203    end if
 205  end function bcc_UACorrection
 207  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 208  ! bcc_GetUACorrection
 209  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 210  subroutine bcc_GetUACorrection(varName,stnIndex,sondeTypeIndex,sondeType,biasProfileCategory,timeOfDayX,latband,obsPressure,corr,sourceCorr)
 211    !
 212    !:Purpose: Return a TT or TD bias correction (corr) 
 214    !
 215    !      varName        = (str) 'TT' or 'TD'
 216    !      stnIndex       = (int) station index (in uaStations) = -1 if station was not found in bcor file
 217    !      sondeTypeIndex = (int) sonde type index (in rsTypes) =  0 if sonde-type code is not associated with any type
 218    !      sondeType      = (str) sonde-type from rsTypes
 219    !      biasProfileCategory = (int) bias profile category = 1 (ascent/none) or 3 (descent)
 220    !      timeOfDayX     = (float)  0.0 (night) <= TimeOfDayX <= 1.0 (day), depends on solar_elev
 221    !      latband        = (int) 1-5
 222    !      obsPressure    = (float) pressure level (mb) of observation
 223    !
 224    !  Also returns info regarding the source of the correction returned:
 225    !      sourceCorr     = (str) 'none', 'stn', or 'stype'
 226    !
 227    ! Requires TT and TD correction profiles read from UA bcor file ua_bcors_stn and stored in
 228    !    ttCorrectionsStn(stnIndex,sondeTypeIndex,j,MandLev)
 229    !    tdCorrectionsStn(stnIndex,sondeTypeIndex,j,MandLev)
 230    ! with backup corrections by sonde-type read from UA bcor file ua_bcors_stype and stored in
 231    !    ttCorrections(sondeTypeIndex,latband,j,MandLev)
 232    !    tdCorrections(sondeTypeIndex,latband,j,MandLev)
 233    ! where MandLev = 1 (1000 mb) to 16 (10 mb)
 234    ! If uaNbiasCat = 1 (biasProfileCategory = 1)
 235    !       j = 1 (night)
 236    !           2 (day)
 237    ! If uaNbiasCat = 2 (biasProfileCategory = 1 [ascent] or 3 [descent])
 238    !       j = 1 (night-ascent)
 239    !           2 (day-ascent)
 240    !           3 (night-descent)
 241    !           4 (day-descent)
 242    !
 243    ! Interpolation of the correction profiles on mandatory levels is used to get the 
 244    ! correction at the observation level (obsPressure).
 245    ! Persistence is applied for observations outside the range of the mandatory levels.
 246    !
 247    implicit none
 249    ! Arguments:
 250    integer,          intent(in)  ::  stnIndex
 251    integer,          intent(in)  ::  sondeTypeIndex
 252    integer,          intent(in)  ::  biasProfileCategory
 253    integer,          intent(in)  ::  latband
 254    real(8),          intent(in)  ::  timeOfDayX
 255    real(8),          intent(in)  ::  obsPressure
 256    character(len=*), intent(in)  ::  varName
 257    character(len=*), intent(in)  ::  sondeType
 258    real(8),          intent(out) ::  corr
 259    character(len=*), intent(out) ::  sourceCorr
 261    ! Locals:
 262    real(8) ::  corrProfileStnDay(16), corrProfileStnNight(16), corrProfileStypeDay(16), corrProfileStypeNight(16)
 263    real(8) ::  corrDay, corrNight
 264    real(8) ::  weight1, weight2, deltaPressure, pressureAbove, pressureBelow, corrAbove, corrBelow
 265    real(8) ::  corrAboveNight, corrBelowNight, corrAboveDay, corrBelowDay
 266    integer ::  level, levelIndex
 267    logical ::  profileExistsStn, profileExistsStype, doInterp
 269    sourceCorr = "none"
 271    ! Bias correction by station and sonde-type
 272    if ( stnIndex == -1 ) then
 273      profileExistsStn = .false.
 274    else
 275      if ( sondeTypeIndex > 0 ) then
 276        ! Check that correction profile for this station, sonde-type and TimeOfDay is available for use
 277        profileExistsStn = biasCorrPresentStn(stnIndex,sondeTypeIndex,biasProfileCategory)
 278      else ! There are no bias profiles for this station/stype combination
 279        profileExistsStn = .false.
 280      end if
 281    end if
 283    ! BACKUP: Bias correction by sonde-type
 284    profileExistsStype = .false.
 285    if ( trim(sondeType) /= 'unknown' .and. trim(sondeType) /= 'Others' .and. trim(sondeType) /= 'None' ) then
 286      ! Check if correction profile for this sonde-type,latband,and TimeOfDay is available for use
 287      profileExistsStype = biasCorrPresentStype(sondeTypeIndex,latband,biasProfileCategory)
 288    end if
 290    if ( .not.profileExistsStn  .and. .not.profileExistsStype ) then
 291      corr = MPC_missingValue_R8
 292      return
 293    end if
 295    ! Fill the night and day bias correction profiles
 296    if ( varName == 'TT' ) then
 297      if ( profileExistsStn ) then
 298        corrProfileStnNight(:)   = ttCorrectionsStn(stnIndex,sondeTypeIndex,biasProfileCategory,:)
 299        corrProfileStnDay(:)     = ttCorrectionsStn(stnIndex,sondeTypeIndex,biasProfileCategory+1,:)
 300      end if
 301      if ( profileExistsStype ) then
 302        corrProfileStypeNight(:) = ttCorrections(sondeTypeIndex,latband,biasProfileCategory,:)
 303        corrProfileStypeDay(:)   = ttCorrections(sondeTypeIndex,latband,biasProfileCategory+1,:)
 304      end if
 305    else if ( varName == 'TD' ) then
 306      if ( profileExistsStn ) then
 307         corrProfileStnNight(:)   = tdCorrectionsStn(stnIndex,sondeTypeIndex,biasProfileCategory,:)
 308         corrProfileStnDay(:)     = tdCorrectionsStn(stnIndex,sondeTypeIndex,biasProfileCategory+1,:)
 309      end if
 310      if ( profileExistsStype ) then
 311         corrProfileStypeNight(:) = tdCorrections(sondeTypeIndex,latband,biasProfileCategory,:)
 312         corrProfileStypeDay(:)   = tdCorrections(sondeTypeIndex,latband,biasProfileCategory+1,:)
 313      end if
 314    else 
 315      call utl_abort('bcc_GetUACorrection: Unsupported varName '//varName)
 316    end if
 318    corr = MPC_missingValue_R8
 319    doInterp = .true.
 321    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 322    ! Get the correction at the observation level (obsPressure)
 323    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 325    ! Check if obsPressure is outside range of levels (no interpolation possible)
 326    if ( obsPressure >= mandLevs(1) ) then
 327      levelIndex = 1
 328    else if ( obsPressure <= mandLevs(nMandLevs) ) then 
 329      levelIndex = nMandLevs
 330    else
 331      levelIndex = 0
 332    end if
 334    ! Check if obsPressure is close to one of the 16 mandatory levels (no interpolation needed)
 335    if ( levelIndex == 0 ) then
 336      do level = 1, nMandLevs
 337        if ( abs(obsPressure-mandLevs(level)) <= tolPress(level) ) then
 338          levelIndex = level
 339          exit
 340        end if
 341      end do
 342    end if
 344    ! If obsPressure is close to one of the 16 mandatory levels get the correction for the mandatory level: 
 345    ! Use correction by station with correction by stype as backup
 346    if ( levelIndex > 0 ) then
 347      if ( profileExistsStn ) then
 348        corrNight = corrProfileStnNight(levelIndex)
 349        corrDay   = corrProfileStnDay(levelIndex)
 350        sourceCorr = "stn"
 351        corr = bcc_UACorrection(timeOfDayX,corrNight,corrDay)
 352        if ( corr == MPC_missingValue_R8 ) then
 353          sourceCorr = "none"
 354          if ( profileExistsStype ) then
 355            corrNight = corrProfileStypeNight(levelIndex)
 356            corrDay   = corrProfileStypeDay(levelIndex)
 357            sourceCorr = "stype"
 358            corr = bcc_UACorrection(timeOfDayX,corrNight,corrDay)
 359            if ( corr == MPC_missingValue_R8 ) sourceCorr = "none"
 360          end if
 361        end if
 362      else
 363        if ( profileExistsStype ) then
 364          corrNight = corrProfileStypeNight(levelIndex)
 365          corrDay   = corrProfileStypeDay(levelIndex)
 366          sourceCorr = "stype"
 367          corr = bcc_UACorrection(timeOfDayX,corrNight,corrDay)
 368          if ( corr == MPC_missingValue_R8 ) sourceCorr = "none"
 369        end if
 370      end if
 371      doInterp = .false.
 372    end if
 374    ! or interpolate to get correction for observation level obsPressure:
 375    ! Use corrections by station with corrections by stype as backup
 376    if ( doInterp ) then
 377      corrAbove = MPC_missingValue_R8
 378      corrBelow = MPC_missingValue_R8
 380      if ( profileExistsStn ) then
 381        do level = 1, nMandLevs-1
 382          if ( obsPressure <= mandLevs(level) .and. obsPressure > mandLevs(level+1) ) then
 383            pressureBelow = mandLevs(level)
 384            pressureAbove = mandLevs(level+1)
 385            corrBelowNight = corrProfileStnNight(level)
 386            corrAboveNight = corrProfileStnNight(level+1)
 387            corrBelowDay   = corrProfileStnDay(level)
 388            corrAboveDay   = corrProfileStnDay(level+1)
 389            exit
 390          end if
 391        end do
 392        sourceCorr = "stn"
 393        if ( timeOfDayX == 0.0d0 ) then
 394          corrBelow = corrBelowNight
 395          corrAbove = corrAboveNight 
 396        else if ( timeOfDayX == 1.0d0 ) then
 397          corrBelow = corrBelowDay
 398          corrAbove = corrAboveDay
 399        else 
 400          if ( corrBelowNight /= MPC_missingValue_R8 .and. corrBelowDay /= MPC_missingValue_R8 ) then
 401            corrBelow = timeOfDayX*corrBelowDay + (1.0d0-timeOfDayX)*corrBelowNight
 402          end if
 403          if ( corrAboveNight /= MPC_missingValue_R8 .and. corrAboveDay /= MPC_missingValue_R8 ) then
 404            corrAbove = timeOfDayX*corrAboveDay + (1.0d0-timeOfDayX)*corrAboveNight
 405          end if
 406        end if
 407      end if
 409      if ( corrAbove == MPC_missingValue_R8 .or. corrBelow == MPC_missingValue_R8 ) then
 410        if ( profileExistsStype ) then
 411          do level = 1, nMandLevs-1
 412            if ( obsPressure <= mandLevs(level) .and. obsPressure > mandLevs(level+1) ) then
 413              pressureBelow = mandLevs(level)
 414              pressureAbove = mandLevs(level+1)
 415              corrBelowNight = corrProfileStypeNight(level)
 416              corrAboveNight = corrProfileStypeNight(level+1)
 417              corrBelowDay   = corrProfileStypeDay(level)
 418              corrAboveDay   = corrProfileStypeDay(level+1)
 419              exit
 420            end if
 421          end do
 422          sourceCorr = "stype"
 423          if ( timeOfDayX == 0.0d0 ) then
 424            corrBelow = corrBelowNight
 425            corrAbove = corrAboveNight 
 426          else if ( timeOfDayX == 1.0d0 ) then
 427            corrBelow = corrBelowDay
 428            corrAbove = corrAboveDay
 429          else 
 430            if ( corrBelowNight /= MPC_missingValue_R8 .and. corrBelowDay /= MPC_missingValue_R8 ) then
 431              corrBelow = timeOfDayX*corrBelowDay + (1.0d0-timeOfDayX)*corrBelowNight
 432            end if
 433            if ( corrAboveNight /= MPC_missingValue_R8 .and. corrAboveDay /= MPC_missingValue_R8 ) then
 434              corrAbove = timeOfDayX*corrAboveDay + (1.0d0-timeOfDayX)*corrAboveNight
 435            end if
 436          end if
 437        end if
 438      end if
 439      deltaPressure = log10(pressureBelow)-log10(pressureAbove)
 440      weight1 = (log10(pressureBelow) - log10(obsPressure)) / deltaPressure
 441      weight2 = (log10(obsPressure) - log10(pressureAbove)) / deltaPressure
 442      if ( corrAbove /= MPC_missingValue_R8 .and. corrBelow /= MPC_missingValue_R8 ) then
 443        corr = weight1*corrAbove + weight2*corrBelow
 444      else if ( corrAbove /= MPC_missingValue_R8 .and. max(weight1,weight2) == weight1 ) then
 445        corr = corrAbove
 446      else if ( corrBelow /= MPC_missingValue_R8 .and. max(weight1,weight2) == weight2 ) then
 447        corr = corrBelow
 448      else
 449        corr = MPC_missingValue_R8
 450        sourceCorr = "none"
 451      end if
 452    end if
 454  end subroutine bcc_GetUACorrection
 456  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 457  ! bcc_StationIndex
 458  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------  
 459  function bcc_StationIndex(station) result(stationIndexOut)
 460    !
 461    !:Purpose: Return the station index (order in array uaStations) corresponding to station
 462    !           Returns -1 if station is not found in uaStations.
 463    !
 464    implicit none
 466    ! Arguments:
 467    character(len=*), intent(in)  :: station
 468    ! Result:
 469    integer  :: stationIndexOut     
 471    ! Locals:
 472    integer    :: stationIndex
 474    if ( allocated(uaStations) ) then
 475      stationIndexOut = -1
 476      do stationIndex = 1, nStationMaxUA
 477        if ( trim(uaStations(stationIndex)) == trim(station) ) then
 478          stationIndexOut = stationIndex
 479          exit
 480        end if
 481      end do
 482    else 
 483      call utl_abort('bcc_StationIndex: array uaStations not allocated!')
 484    end if
 486  end function bcc_StationIndex
 488  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 489  ! bcc_SondeIndex
 490  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 491  function bcc_SondeIndex(sondeType) result(sondeIndex)
 492    !
 493    !:Purpose: Return the Sonde Type index (order in array rsTypes) corresponding to the SondeType
 494    !           Requires array of sondeType structures (rsTypes) to be allocated and filled.
 495    !           Returns -1 if SondeType is not found in rsTypes.
 496    !
 497    implicit none
 499    ! Arguments:
 500    character(len=*), intent(in)  :: sondeType
 501    ! Result:
 502    integer  :: sondeIndex
 504    ! Locals:
 505    integer    :: typeIndex, ntypes
 507    if ( allocated(rsTypes) ) then
 508      ntypes = nlNbSondes
 509    else 
 510      call utl_abort('bcc_SondeIndex: array rsTypes not allocated!')
 511    end if
 513    SondeIndex = -1
 514    do typeIndex = 1, ntypes
 515      if ( trim(rsTypes(typeIndex)%name) == trim(sondeType) ) then
 516        sondeIndex = typeIndex
 517        exit
 518      end if
 519    end do
 521  end function bcc_SondeIndex
 523  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 524  ! bcc_GetSondeType
 525  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 526  subroutine bcc_GetSondeType(sondeTypeCode,sondeType,sondeTypeIndex)
 527    !
 528    !:Purpose: Returns the sonde type and index given a BUFR table sondeTypeCode (BUFR elem 002011)
 529    !           Returns sondeType='unknown', sondeTypeIndex=0 if sondeTypeCode is not found.
 530    !
 531    !
 532    !           Requires array of sonde_type structures (rsTypes) to be allocated and filled with the 
 533    !           sonde type codes associated with each sonde-type (read from namelist).
 534    !
 535    implicit none
 537    ! Arguments:
 538    integer,          intent(in)  :: sondeTypeCode
 539    character(len=*), intent(out) :: sondeType
 540    integer,          intent(out) :: sondeTypeIndex
 542    ! Locals:
 543    integer  :: typeIndex, ntypes, sondeCode
 545    if ( allocated(rsTypes) ) then
 546      ntypes = nlNbSondes
 547    else 
 548      call utl_abort('bcc_GetSondeType: array rsTypes not allocated!')
 549    end if
 551    if ( sondeTypeCode == 190 .or. sondeTypeCode == 192 ) then      ! NCAR dropsonde (BUFR only)
 552      sondeCode = 13                                 ! RS92 code
 553    else if ( sondeTypeCode == 191 .or. sondeTypeCode == 193 ) then ! NCAR dropsonde (BUFR only)
 554      sondeCode = 41                                 ! RS41 code
 555    else if ( sondeTypeCode >=100 .and. sondeTypeCode < 200 ) then
 556      sondeCode = sondeTypeCode - 100
 557    else 
 558      sondeCode = sondeTypeCode
 559    end if
 561    sondeType = 'unknown'
 562    sondeTypeIndex = 0
 563    do typeIndex = 1, ntypes
 564      if ( ANY(rsTypes(typeIndex)%codes == sondeCode) ) then
 565        sondeType = rsTypes(typeIndex)%name 
 566        sondeTypeIndex = typeIndex
 567        exit
 568      end if
 569    end do
 571  end subroutine bcc_GetSondeType
 573  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 574  ! bcc_GetSolarElevation
 575  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 576  subroutine bcc_GetSolarElevation(lat,lon,date,time,solarElev)
 577    !
 578    !:Purpose: Returns the solar elevation angle (degrees) given lat,lon,date(yyyymmdd),time(hhmm)
 579    !
 581    !    lat,  lon  = obsSpaceData header column OBS_LAT, OBS_LON (radians)
 582    !    date, time = obsSpaceData header column OBS_DAT (yyyymmdd), OBS_ETM (hhmm)  -or-
 583    !       datestamp = tim_getDatestamp()   -- date stamp for central (analysis) time
 584    !       ier  = newdate(datestamp,date,time,-3)
 585    !       time = time/10000
 586    !
 587    implicit none
 589    ! Arguments:
 590    integer, intent(in)  :: date          ! yyyymmdd
 591    integer, intent(in)  :: time          ! hhmm
 592    real(8), intent(in)  :: lat           ! radians
 593    real(8), intent(in)  :: lon           ! radians
 594    real(8), intent(out) :: solarElev     ! degrees
 596    ! Locals:
 597    integer :: days(13) = (/0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/)
 598    integer :: leap_years(7) = (/2016,2020,2024,2028,2032,2036,2040/)
 599    integer :: yy, mmdd, mm, dd, hh, nn, doy
 600    real(8) :: timeUTC, timeLCL, solarDec, hourAngle, csz, sza
 602    yy   = date/10000
 603    mmdd = date - yy*10000
 604    mm   = mmdd/100
 605    dd   = mmdd - mm*100 
 606    hh   = time/100
 607    nn   = time - hh*100
 609    if ( ANY(leap_years == yy) ) days(3) = 29
 610    doy = SUM(days(1:mm)) + dd
 611    timeUTC = float(hh) + float(nn)/60.0d0
 612    timeLCL = timeUTC + (lon*MPC_DEGREES_PER_RADIAN_R8)/15.0d0
 613    if ( timeLCL < 0.0d0  ) timeLCL = 24.0d0 + timeLCL
 614    if ( timeLCL > 24.0d0 ) timeLCL = timeLCL - 24.0d0
 615    solarDec = 0.4093d0 * sin(((2.0d0*MPC_PI_R8)/365.0d0)*(284.0d0 + float(doy)))
 616    hourAngle = 15.0d0*(timeLCL-12.0d0) * MPC_RADIANS_PER_DEGREE_R8
 617    csz = sin(solarDec)*sin(lat) + cos(solarDec)*cos(lat)*cos(hourAngle)
 618    sza = MPC_DEGREES_PER_RADIAN_R8 * acos(csz)
 619    solarElev = 90.0d0 - sza
 621  end subroutine bcc_GetSolarElevation
 623  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 624  ! bcc_GetTimeOfDay
 625  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 626  subroutine bcc_GetTimeOfDay(solarElev,timeOfDayX)
 627    !
 628    !:Purpose: Returns the time-of-day x value (0.0(night) <= x <= 1.0(day))
 629    !
 630    implicit none
 632    ! Arguments:
 633    real(8), intent(in)    ::  solarElev     ! degrees
 634    real(8), intent(out)   ::  timeOfDayX
 636    if (solarElev < -7.5d0) then 
 637      timeOfDayX = 0.0d0
 638    else if (solarElev < 22.5d0) then
 639      timeOfDayX = (solarElev+7.5d0)/(22.5d0+7.5d0)
 640    else
 641      timeOfDayX = 1.0d0
 642    end if
 644  end subroutine bcc_GetTimeOfDay
 646  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 647  ! bcc_uaPhase
 648  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 649  function bcc_uaPhase(codeType) result(uaPhase)
 650    !
 651    !:Purpose: Returns the radiosonde phase (1=ascent, 2=descent) given a header code type
 652    !
 653    implicit none
 655    ! Arguments:
 656    integer, intent(in)   ::  codeType
 657    ! Result:
 658    integer  :: uaPhase
 660    if (codeType == codtyp_get_codtyp('tempdrop')) then
 661      uaPhase = 2
 662    else
 663      uaPhase = 1
 664    end if
 666  end function bcc_uaPhase  
 668  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 669  ! bcc_LatBand
 670  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 671  function bcc_LatBand(latInRadians) result(latBand)
 672    !
 673    !:Purpose: Returns latitude band number given latitude (radians)
 674    !
 675    implicit none
 677    ! Arguments:
 678    real(8), intent(in) ::  latInRadians 
 679    ! Result:
 680    integer :: latBand    
 682    ! Locals:
 683    real(8)             ::  latInDegrees
 685    if ( uaNlatBands /= 5 ) then
 686      latBand = -1
 687    else
 688      latInDegrees = MPC_DEGREES_PER_RADIAN_R8 * latInRadians
 689      if (latInDegrees < -90.0d0 ) latBand = 1  ! Should never be the case!
 690      if   (latInDegrees >= -90.0d0   .and. latInDegrees < -60.0d0) then
 691         latBand = 1
 692      else if (latInDegrees >= -60.0d0 .and. latInDegrees < -20.0d0) then
 693         latBand = 2
 694      else if (latInDegrees >= -20.0d0 .and. latInDegrees <  20.0d0) then
 695         latBand = 3
 696      else if (latInDegrees >= 20.0d0  .and. latInDegrees <  60.0d0) then
 697         latBand = 4
 698      else
 699         latBand = 5
 700      end if
 701    end if
 703  end function bcc_LatBand
 705  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 706  ! bcc_readAIBiases
 707  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 708  subroutine bcc_readAIBiases(biasEstimateFile)
 709    !
 710    !:Purpose: Read aircraft (AI) TT bias estimates from bias file and fill bias correction array ttCorrections. 
 711    !           The first line of the file is the number of aircraft plus one.
 712    !           The rest of the file gives 15 values of Mean O-A for each aircraft, with each (AC,value) line written in format "a9,1x,f6.2".
 713    !           The order is the same as what is written by genbiascorr script
 714    !           The first "aircraft" (AC name = BULKBCORS) values are the bulk biases by layer for All-AC (first 5 values), AIREP/ADS 
 715    !           (second 5 values) and AMDAR/BUFR (last 5 values).
 716    !           Missing value = 99.0.
 717    !
 718    implicit none
 720    ! Arguments:
 721    character(len=*), intent(in) :: biasEstimateFile
 723    ! Locals:
 724    integer :: ierr, nulcoeff
 725    integer :: stationIndex, phaseIndex, levelIndex
 726    real(8) :: biasEstimate, correctionValue
 727    character(len=9) :: stationId
 729    if (.not.initialized) call bcc_readConfig()
 731    if ( aiRevOnly ) return
 733    nulcoeff = 0
 734    ierr = fnom(nulcoeff, biasEstimateFile, 'FMT+R/O', 0)
 735    if ( ierr /= 0 ) then
 736      call utl_abort('bcc_readAIBiases: unable to open airplanes bias correction file ' // biasEstimateFile )
 737    end if
 738    read (nulcoeff, '(i5)', iostat=ierr ) nbAircrafts
 739    if ( ierr /= 0 ) then
 740      call utl_abort('bcc_readAIBiases: error 1 while reading airplanes bias correction file ' // biasEstimateFile )
 741    end if
 743    allocate( AIttCorrections(nAircraftMax,nPhases,nLevels) )
 744    allocate( aircraftIds(nAircraftMax) )
 746    AIttCorrections(:,:,:) =  MPC_missingValue_R8
 748    do stationIndex=1,nbAircrafts
 749      do phaseIndex=1,3
 750        do levelIndex=1,5
 751          read (nulcoeff, *, iostat=ierr) stationId, biasEstimate
 752          if ( ierr /= 0 ) then
 753            call utl_abort('bcc_readAIBiases: error 2 while reading airplanes bias correction file ' // biasEstimateFile )
 754          end if
 755          if ( biasEstimate == aiMissingValue ) then
 756            correctionValue = MPC_missingValue_R8
 757          else
 758            correctionValue = -1.0D0*biasEstimate
 759          end if
 760          AIttCorrections(stationIndex,phaseIndex,levelIndex) = correctionValue
 761          aircraftIds(stationIndex)                         = stationId
 762          !print*, stationIndex, phaseIndex, levelIndex, aircraftIds(stationIndex), AIttCorrections(stationIndex,phaseIndex,levelIndex)
 763        end do
 764      end do
 765    end do
 766    ierr = fclos(nulcoeff)
 768    ! Check for bulk bias corrections at start of file
 769    if ( aircraftIds(1) /= "BULKBCORS" ) then
 770      call utl_abort('bcc_readAIBiases: Bulk bias corrections are missing in bias correction file!' )
 771    end if
 773  end subroutine bcc_readAIBiases
 775  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 776  ! bcc_applyAIBcor
 777  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 778  subroutine bcc_applyAIBcor(obsSpaceData)
 779    !
 780    !:Purpose:  to apply aircraft (AI) bias corrections to observations in ObsSpaceData
 781    !
 782    implicit none
 784    ! Arguments:
 785    type(struct_obs), intent(inout) :: obsSpaceData
 787    ! Locals:
 788    integer  :: headerIndex, bodyIndex, codtyp
 789    integer  :: flag, phase, bufrCode
 790    integer  :: phaseIndex, levelIndex, stationIndex, stationNumber
 791    integer  :: countTailCorrections,  countBulkCorrections
 792    integer  :: headerFlag
 793    real(8)  :: corr, tt, oldCorr, pressure
 794    character(len=9) :: stnid, stnId1, stnId2
 796    if (.not.initialized) call bcc_readConfig()
 798    if ( .not. aiBiasActive ) return
 800    write(*,*) "bcc_applyAIBcor: start"
 802    if ( .not.aiRevOnly ) call bcc_readAIBiases(aiBcFile)
 804    countTailCorrections = 0
 805    countBulkCorrections = 0
 807    call obs_set_current_header_list(obsSpaceData,'AI')
 808    HEADER: do
 809      headerIndex = obs_getHeaderIndex(obsSpaceData)
 810      if ( headerIndex < 0 ) exit HEADER
 812      headerFlag = obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ST1, headerIndex )
 814      call obs_set_current_body_list(obsSpaceData, headerIndex)
 816      BODY: do
 818        bodyIndex = obs_getBodyIndex(obsSpaceData)
 819        if ( bodyIndex < 0 ) exit BODY
 821        if ( obs_bodyElem_i(obsSpaceData,OBS_ASS,bodyIndex) /= obs_assimilated ) cycle BODY 
 823        bufrCode = obs_bodyElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_VNM, bodyIndex )
 825        if ( bufrCode == BUFR_NETT ) then
 826          tt      = obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_VAR, bodyIndex )
 827          flag    = obs_bodyElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_FLG, bodyIndex )
 828          oldCorr = obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_BCOR, bodyIndex )
 829          corr = MPC_missingValue_R8
 831          if ( tt /= MPC_missingValue_R8 ) then
 833            if ( btest(flag, 6) .and. oldCorr /= MPC_missingValue_R8 ) then
 834              if ( btest(headerFlag, 15) ) then
 835                tt = tt - oldCorr
 836              else
 837                tt = tt + oldCorr
 838              end if
 839              flag = ibclr(flag, 6)
 840            end if
 841            if ( aiRevOnly ) corr = 0.0D0
 843            if ( .not.aiRevOnly ) then
 845              pressure = obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_PPP, bodyIndex ) * MPC_MBAR_PER_PA_R8
 847              ! Get level index and current (mar 2020) static bulk corrections applied to AI TT data at derivate stage
 848              if ( (pressure <= 1100.d0) .and. (pressure > 700.d0) ) then
 849                corr = 0.0D0
 850                levelIndex = 5
 851              else if ( (pressure <= 700.d0)  .and. (pressure > 500.d0) ) then
 852                corr = -0.1D0
 853                levelIndex = 4
 854              else if ( (pressure <= 500.d0)  .and. (pressure > 400.d0) ) then
 855                corr = -0.2D0
 856                levelIndex = 3
 857              else if ( (pressure <= 400.d0)  .and. (pressure > 300.d0) ) then
 858                corr = -0.3D0
 859                levelIndex = 2
 860              else if ( (pressure <= 300.d0)  .and. (pressure > 100.d0) ) then
 861                corr = -0.5D0
 862                levelIndex = 1
 863              else 
 864                levelIndex = 0
 865                corr = 0.0D0
 866              end if
 868              codtyp = obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ITY, headerIndex)
 870              ! Default bulk corrections read from bcor file (applied if dynamic corrections are not availble for the aircraft)
 871              select case(  trim( codtyp_get_name(codtyp) ) )
 872                case('airep','ads')
 873                  phaseIndex = phaseAscentIndex
 874                case('amdar','acars')
 875                  phaseIndex = phaseDescentIndex
 876                case default
 877                  write(*,*) 'bcc_applyAIBcor: codtyp=', codtyp
 878                  call utl_abort('bcc_applyAIBcor: unknown codtyp') 
 879              end select
 881              if ( levelIndex /= 0 ) then
 882                if ( AIttCorrections(1,phaseIndex,levelIndex) /= MPC_missingValue_R8 ) corr = AIttCorrections(1,phaseIndex,levelIndex)
 883                countBulkCorrections = countBulkCorrections + 1
 884              end if
 886              headerIndex = obs_bodyElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_HIND, bodyIndex  )
 887              stnid = trim( obs_elem_c(obsSpaceData,'STID',headerIndex) )
 889              ! on verifie si la station est dans le dictionnaire du fichier de correction de biais
 890              !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 891              stationNumber = 0
 892              stnId2 = trim(stnid)
 893              do stationIndex = 1, nbAircrafts
 894                stnId1 = trim(aircraftIds(stationIndex))
 895                if ( stnId2(2:9) == stnId1(1:8) ) stationNumber = stationIndex
 896              end do
 898              phase =  obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_PHAS, headerIndex  )
 900              ! If the aircraft is in the bias correction file, get the new correction
 901              ! AIttCorrections(stationNumber,phaseIndex,levelIndex) where
 902              !     stationNumber = index for this AC in bias correction file (0 if not found)
 903              !     phaseIndex   = index for the 3 phases of flight (level, asc, desc)
 904              !     levelIndex   = index for the 5 layers (100-300, 300-400,400-500,500-700,700-1100)
 905              !  and use it instead of bulk value (if it is not missing value).
 906              if ( stationNumber /= 0 ) then 
 907                phaseIndex = 0
 908                if ( phase == phaseLevel   ) phaseIndex = phaseLevelIndex
 909                if ( phase == phaseAscent  ) phaseIndex = phaseAscentIndex
 910                if ( phase == phaseDescent ) phaseIndex = phaseDescentIndex
 911                if ( levelIndex /= 0 .and. phaseIndex /= 0 ) then
 912                  if ( AIttCorrections(stationNumber,phaseIndex,levelIndex) /= MPC_missingValue_R8 ) then
 913                    corr = AIttCorrections(stationNumber,phaseIndex,levelIndex)
 914                    countTailCorrections = countTailCorrections + 1
 915                    countBulkCorrections = countBulkCorrections - 1
 916                  end if
 917                end if
 918              end if
 920              ! Apply the bias correction (bulk or new) and set the "bias corrected" bit in TT data flag ON
 921              tt = tt + corr
 922              flag = ibset(flag, 6)
 924            end if
 926          end if
 928          call obs_bodySet_r( obsSpaceData, OBS_BCOR, bodyIndex, corr )
 929          call obs_bodySet_r( obsSpaceData, OBS_VAR , bodyIndex, tt   )
 930          call obs_bodySet_i( obsSpaceData, OBS_FLG , bodyIndex, flag )        
 932        end if
 934      end do BODY
 936      ! Set header flag bit 15 on to indicate that bias correction has been ADDED to raw value.
 937      ! In older versions of this routine, such as the version used in IC-3/GDPS v8.0, the correction was SUBTRACTED.
 938      headerFlag = ibset(headerFlag, 15)
 939      call obs_headSet_i( obsSpaceData, OBS_ST1, headerIndex, headerFlag )
 941    end do HEADER
 943    if ( countBulkCorrections + countTailCorrections /= 0 ) then
 944      write (*, '(a58, i10)' ) "bcc_applyAIBcor: Number of obs with TT bulk correction  = ", countBulkCorrections
 945      write (*, '(a58, i10)' ) "bcc_applyAIBcor: Number of obs with TT tail correction  = ", countTailCorrections
 946    else
 947      write(*,*) "bcc_applyAIBcor: No AI data found"
 948    end if
 950    if ( allocated(AIttCorrections) ) deallocate(AIttCorrections)
 951    if ( allocated(aircraftIds)   ) deallocate(aircraftIds)
 953    write(*,*) "bcc_applyAIBcor: end"
 955  end subroutine bcc_applyAIBcor
 957  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 958  ! bcc_readGPBiases
 959  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 960  subroutine bcc_readGPBiases(biasEstimateFile)
 961    !
 962    !:Purpose: Read GB-GPS bias estimates (mean ZTD O-A [mm] by station) and fill bias correction array ztdCorrections.
 963    !           Missing value = -999.00
 964    !
 965    implicit none
 967    ! Arguments:
 968    character(len=*), intent(in) :: biasEstimateFile
 970    ! Locals:
 971    integer :: ierr, nulcoeff
 972    integer :: stationIndex
 973    real(8) :: biasEstimate
 974    character(len=9) :: stationId
 976    if (.not.initialized) call bcc_readConfig()
 978    if ( gpRevOnly ) return
 980    nulcoeff = 0
 981    ierr = fnom(nulcoeff, biasEstimateFile, 'FMT+R/O', 0)
 982    if ( ierr /= 0 ) then
 983      call utl_abort('bcc_readGPBiases: unable to open GB-GPS bias correction file ' // biasEstimateFile )
 984    end if
 985    read (nulcoeff, '(i5)', iostat=ierr ) nbGpStations
 986    if ( ierr /= 0 ) then
 987      call utl_abort('bcc_readGPBiases: error 1 while reading GB-GPS bias correction file ' // biasEstimateFile )
 988    end if
 990    allocate( ztdCorrections(nStationMaxGP) )
 991    allocate( gpsStations(nStationMaxGP)  )
 993    ztdCorrections(:) =  MPC_missingValue_R8
 995    do stationIndex=1,nbGpStations
 996       read (nulcoeff, *, iostat=ierr) stationId, biasEstimate
 997       if ( ierr /= 0 ) then
 998          call utl_abort('bcc_readGPBiases: error 2 while reading GB-GPS bias correction file ' // biasEstimateFile )
 999       end if
1000       if ( biasEstimate /= gpMissingValue ) ztdCorrections(stationIndex) = -1.0D0*(biasEstimate/1000.0D0)  ! mm to m
1001       gpsStations(stationIndex) = stationId
1002    end do
1003    ierr = fclos(nulcoeff)
1005  end subroutine bcc_readGPBiases
1007  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1008  ! bcc_applyGPBcor
1009  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1010  subroutine bcc_applyGPBcor(obsSpaceData)
1011    !
1012    !:Purpose:  to apply GB-GPS (GP) ZTD bias corrections to ZTD observations in ObsSpaceData
1013    !
1014    implicit none
1016    ! Arguments:
1017    type(struct_obs), intent(inout) :: obsSpaceData
1019    ! Locals:
1020    integer  :: headerIndex, bodyIndex
1021    integer  :: flag, bufrCode
1022    integer  :: stationIndex, stationNumber
1023    integer  :: nbCorrected
1024    real(8)  :: corr, ztd, oldCorr
1025    character(len=9) :: stnid, stnId1, stnId2
1027    if (.not.initialized) call bcc_readConfig()
1029    if ( .not. gpBiasActive ) return
1031    write(*,*) "bcc_applyGPBcor: start"
1033    if ( .not.gpRevOnly ) call bcc_readGPBiases(gpBcFile)
1035    nbCorrected = 0
1037    call obs_set_current_header_list(obsSpaceData,'GP')
1039    HEADER: do
1040      headerIndex = obs_getHeaderIndex(obsSpaceData)
1041      if ( headerIndex < 0 ) exit HEADER
1043      call obs_set_current_body_list(obsSpaceData, headerIndex)
1045      BODY: do
1047        bodyIndex = obs_getBodyIndex(obsSpaceData)
1048        if ( bodyIndex < 0 ) exit BODY
1050        if ( obs_bodyElem_i(obsSpaceData,OBS_ASS,bodyIndex) /= obs_assimilated ) cycle BODY 
1052        bufrCode = obs_bodyElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_VNM, bodyIndex )
1054        if ( bufrCode == BUFR_NEZD ) then
1056          ztd     = obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_VAR, bodyIndex )
1057          oldCorr = obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_BCOR, bodyIndex )
1058          flag    = obs_bodyElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_FLG, bodyIndex )
1060          corr = MPC_missingValue_R8
1062          if ( ztd /= MPC_missingValue_R8 ) then  
1064            ! Remove any previous bias correction
1065            if ( btest(flag, 6) .and. oldCorr /= MPC_missingValue_R8 ) then
1066              ztd = ztd - oldCorr
1067              flag = ibclr(flag, 6)
1068            end if
1070            if ( .not. gpRevOnly ) then
1071              headerIndex = obs_bodyElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_HIND, bodyIndex  )
1072              stnid = trim( obs_elem_c(obsSpaceData,'STID',headerIndex) )
1074              ! on verifie si la station est dans le dictionnaire du fichier de correction de biais
1075              ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1076              stationNumber = 0
1077              stnId2 = trim(stnid)
1078              do stationIndex = 1, nbGpStations
1079                stnId1 = trim(gpsStations(stationIndex))
1080                if ( stnId2 == stnId1 ) stationNumber = stationIndex
1081              end do
1083              if (stationNumber /= 0) then 
1084                corr = ztdCorrections(stationNumber)
1085              end if
1087              ! Apply the bias correction and set the "bias corrected" bit in ZTD data flag ON
1088              if ( corr /= MPC_missingValue_R8 ) then
1089                ztd = ztd + corr
1090                nbCorrected = nbCorrected + 1
1091                flag = ibset(flag, 6)
1092              else 
1093                corr = 0.0D0
1094              end if
1095            else
1096              corr = 0.0D0
1097            end if
1099          end if
1101          call obs_bodySet_r( obsSpaceData, OBS_BCOR, bodyIndex, corr )
1102          call obs_bodySet_r( obsSpaceData, OBS_VAR , bodyIndex, ztd  )
1103          call obs_bodySet_i( obsSpaceData, OBS_FLG , bodyIndex, flag )
1105        end if
1107      end do BODY
1108    end do HEADER
1110    if ( nbCorrected /= 0 ) then
1111      write (*, '(a50, i10)' ) "bcc_applyGPBcor: Number of ZTD observations corrected  = ", nbCorrected
1112    else 
1113      write(*,*) "bcc_applyGPBcor: No GP data bias corrections made"
1114    end if
1116    if ( allocated(ztdCorrections) ) deallocate( ztdCorrections )
1117    if ( allocated(gpsStations) )    deallocate( gpsStations  )
1119    write(*,*) "bcc_applyGPBcor: end"
1121  end subroutine bcc_applyGPBcor
1124  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1125  ! bcc_readUABcorStype
1126  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1127  subroutine bcc_readUABcorStype(biasCorrectionFileName,nGroups)
1128    !
1129    !:Purpose: Read night and day TT, TD biases by SONDE TYPE and latitude band on 16 mandatory levels for UA family.
1131    !           The first line is the sonde-type (and latitude band if uaNlatBands=5). Sonde type = 'END' for end of file.
1132    !           nGroups groups of of 16 lines follow, e.g., nGroups = 2: one group for ascending sonde observations and 
1133    !                                                                    one for descending sonde observations
1134    !               -- 16 lines are 16 mandatory levels from 100000 Pa to 1000 Pa
1135    !               -- Lines contain four values: TT night-bias, TT day-bias, TD night-bias, TD day-bias
1136    !           Missing value = -99.0.
1137    !
1138    implicit none
1140    ! Arguments:
1141    character(len=*), intent(in) :: biasCorrectionFileName
1142    integer,          intent(in) :: nGroups
1144    ! Locals:
1145    integer :: ierr, nulcoeff
1146    integer :: sondeTypeIndex, group, latBand, levelIndex, groupIndex, maxGroups
1147    real(8) :: ttBiasNight, ttBiasDay, tdBiasNight, tdBiasDay
1148    character(len=8) :: sondeType
1150    if ( uaRevOnly ) return
1152    nulcoeff = 0
1153    ierr = fnom(nulcoeff, biasCorrectionFileName, 'FMT+R/O', 0)
1154    if ( ierr /= 0 ) then
1155      call utl_abort('bcc_readUABcorStype: unable to open radiosonde bias correction file ' // biasCorrectionFileName )
1156    end if
1158    maxGroups = nGroups*2
1160    allocate( ttCorrections(nSondesMax,uaNlatBands,maxGroups,nMandLevs) )
1161    allocate( tdCorrections(nSondesMax,uaNlatBands,maxGroups,nMandLevs) )
1162    allocate( biasCorrPresentStype(nSondesMax,uaNlatBands,maxGroups) )
1164    ttCorrections(:,:,:,:) =  MPC_missingValue_R8
1165    tdCorrections(:,:,:,:) =  MPC_missingValue_R8
1166    sondeTypes(:) = 'empty'
1168    biasCorrPresentStype(:,:,:) = .false.
1170    main_loop: do 
1172      if ( uaNlatBands == 1 ) then
1173        read (nulcoeff, *, iostat=ierr) sondeType
1174        latBand = 1
1175      else
1176        read (nulcoeff, *, iostat=ierr) sondeType, latBand
1177      end if
1178      if ( ierr /= 0 ) then
1179        call utl_abort('bcc_readUABcorStype: error reading sondeType, latBand in radiosonde bias correction file ' // biasCorrectionFileName )
1180      end if
1181      if ( trim(sondeType) == 'END' ) exit main_loop
1182      sondeTypeIndex = bcc_SondeIndex(sondeType)
1183      if ( sondeTypeIndex < 0 ) call utl_abort('bcc_readUABcorStype: Unknown sonde type '//sondeType)
1184      if ( latBand < 0 .or. latBand > uaNlatBands ) then
1185        write(*,*) 'sondeType, latband = ',  sondeType, latBand
1186        call utl_abort('bcc_readUABcorStype: Latitude band out of range 0-5!')
1187      end if
1188      ! Skip sondeType/latband 0 (globe) if present
1189      if ( latBand == 0 ) then
1190        do group = 1, nGroups
1191          do levelIndex = 1, nMandLevs
1192            read (nulcoeff, *, iostat=ierr) ttBiasNight, ttBiasDay, tdBiasNight, tdBiasDay
1193          end do
1194        end do
1195        cycle main_loop
1196      end if
1197      sondeTypes(sondeTypeIndex) = sondeType
1198      do group = 1, nGroups
1199        groupIndex = (group-1)*2 + 1
1200        do levelIndex = 1, nMandLevs
1201          read (nulcoeff, *, iostat=ierr) ttBiasNight, ttBiasDay, tdBiasNight, tdBiasDay
1202          if ( ierr /= 0 ) then
1203            call utl_abort('bcc_readUABcorStype: error reading corrections in radiosonde bias correction file ' // biasCorrectionFileName )
1204          end if
1205          if ( ttBiasNight == uaMissingValue ) ttBiasNight = MPC_missingValue_R8
1206          if ( ttBiasDay == uaMissingValue )   ttBiasDay   = MPC_missingValue_R8
1207          if ( tdBiasNight == uaMissingValue ) tdBiasNight = MPC_missingValue_R8
1208          if ( tdBiasDay == uaMissingValue )   tdBiasDay   = MPC_missingValue_R8
1209          if ( ttBiasNight /= MPC_missingValue_R8 ) ttCorrections(sondeTypeIndex,latBand,groupIndex,levelIndex)   = -1.0d0*ttBiasNight
1210          if ( ttBiasDay /= MPC_missingValue_R8 )   ttCorrections(sondeTypeIndex,latBand,groupIndex+1,levelIndex) = -1.0d0*ttBiasDay
1211          if ( tdBiasNight /= MPC_missingValue_R8 ) tdCorrections(sondeTypeIndex,latBand,groupIndex,levelIndex)   = -1.0d0*tdBiasNight
1212          if ( tdBiasDay /= MPC_missingValue_R8 )   tdCorrections(sondeTypeIndex,latBand,groupIndex+1,levelIndex) = -1.0d0*tdBiasDay
1213        end do
1214        if ( ttCorrections(sondeTypeIndex,latBand,groupIndex,Index500mb)   /= MPC_missingValue_R8 ) biasCorrPresentStype(sondeTypeIndex,latBand,groupIndex)   = .true.
1215        if ( ttCorrections(sondeTypeIndex,latBand,groupIndex+1,Index500mb) /= MPC_missingValue_R8 ) biasCorrPresentStype(sondeTypeIndex,latBand,groupIndex+1) = .true.
1216      end do
1218    end do main_loop
1220    ierr = fclos(nulcoeff)
1222  end subroutine bcc_readUABcorStype
1224  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1225  ! bcc_readUABcorStn
1226  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1227  subroutine bcc_readUABcorStn(biasCorrectionFileName,nProfsMin,nGroups)
1228    !
1229    !:Purpose: Read TT, TD biases by STATION/sonde-type on 16 mandatory levels for UA family.
1230    !
1231    !           The first line is the station and sonde-type followed by number of profiles. 
1232    !
1233    !           Station = 'END' for end of file.
1234    !
1235    !           nGroups groups of of 16 lines follow, e.g., nGroups = 2: one group for ascending sonde observations and 
1236    !                                                                    one for descending sonde observations 
1237    !
1238    !               -- 16 lines are 16 mandatory levels from 100000 Pa to 1000 Pa
1239    !               -- Lines contain 4 values: TT night-bias, TT day-bias, TD night-bias, TD day-bias
1240    !
1241    !           Missing value (file) = -99.0.
1242    !
1243    !           Sonde type in file is "None" if type was unknown/missing for the reports from a station.
1244    !
1245    !           biasCorrPresentStn(iStn,iType,TOD) = .true. for all TOD if total Nprofs >= nProfsMin (e.g. 100)
1246    !
1247    !           ttCorrectionsStn(iStn,iType,TOD,level) = MPC_missingValue_R8 if TTcorrectionValue == -99.0
1248    !
1249    implicit none
1251    ! Arguments:
1252    character(len=*), intent(in) :: biasCorrectionFileName
1253    integer,          intent(in) :: nProfsMin
1254    integer,          intent(in) :: nGroups
1256    ! Locals:
1257    integer :: ierr, nulcoeff, stationIndex, typeIndex
1258    integer :: group, levelIndex, nProfs, groupIndex, maxGroups
1259    real(8) :: ttBiasNight, ttBiasDay, tdBiasNight, tdBiasDay
1260    character(len=8) :: sondeType
1261    character(len=9) :: station, stnPrev
1263    if ( uaRevOnly ) return
1265    nulcoeff = 0
1266    ierr = fnom(nulcoeff, biasCorrectionFileName, 'FMT+R/O', 0)
1267    if ( ierr /= 0 ) then
1268      call utl_abort('bcc_readUABcorStn: unable to open radiosonde bias correction file ' // biasCorrectionFileName )
1269    end if
1271    maxGroups = nGroups*2
1273    allocate( ttCorrectionsStn(nStationMaxUA,nSondesMax,maxGroups,nMandLevs) )
1274    allocate( tdCorrectionsStn(nStationMaxUA,nSondesMax,maxGroups,nMandLevs) )
1275    allocate( uaStations(nStationMaxUA) )
1276    allocate( biasCorrPresentStn(nStationMaxUA,nSondesMax,maxGroups) )
1278    ttCorrectionsStn(:,:,:,:) =  MPC_missingValue_R8
1279    tdCorrectionsStn(:,:,:,:) =  MPC_missingValue_R8
1280    uaStations(:) = 'empty'
1281    biasCorrPresentStn(:,:,:) = .false.
1283    stationIndex = 0
1284    stnPrev = "toto"
1285    main_loop: do 
1287      read (nulcoeff, *, iostat=ierr) station, sondeType, nProfs
1288      if ( ierr /= 0 ) then
1289        call utl_abort('bcc_readUABcorStn: error reading station line in radiosonde bias correction file ' // biasCorrectionFileName )
1290      end if
1291      if ( trim(station) == 'END' ) exit main_loop
1292      typeIndex = bcc_SondeIndex(sondeType)
1293      if ( typeIndex < 0 ) call utl_abort('bcc_readUABcorStn: Unknown sonde type '//sondeType//' not in rsTypes defined in namelist')
1295      ! If new station, add station to uaStations array.
1296      ! Assumes entries for the same station and different types are consecutive in bcor file
1297      if ( trim(station) /= trim(stnPrev) ) then
1298        stationIndex = stationIndex + 1
1299        uaStations(stationIndex) = station
1300        stnPrev = station
1301      end if      
1303      ! Determine which station/sondeType/time-of-day have enough profiles to use the bias corrections
1304      ! and set logical biasCorrPresentStn accordingly.
1306      do group = 1, maxGroups
1307        if ( nProfs >= nProfsMin ) biasCorrPresentStn(stationIndex,typeIndex,group) = .true.
1308      end do
1310      ! Read the bias correction profiles for this station/sondeType. 
1311      do group = 1, nGroups
1312        groupIndex = (group-1)*2 + 1
1313        do levelIndex = 1, nMandLevs
1314          read (nulcoeff, *, iostat=ierr) ttBiasNight, ttBiasDay, tdBiasNight, tdBiasDay
1315          if ( ierr /= 0 ) then
1316            call utl_abort('bcc_readUABcorStn: error reading corrections in radiosonde bias correction file ' // biasCorrectionFileName )
1317          end if
1318          if ( ttBiasNight == uaMissingValue ) ttBiasNight = MPC_missingValue_R8
1319          if ( ttBiasDay == uaMissingValue )   ttBiasDay   = MPC_missingValue_R8
1320          if ( tdBiasNight == uaMissingValue ) tdBiasNight = MPC_missingValue_R8
1321          if ( tdBiasDay == uaMissingValue )   tdBiasDay   = MPC_missingValue_R8
1322          if ( ttBiasNight /= MPC_missingValue_R8 ) ttCorrectionsStn(stationIndex,typeIndex,groupIndex,levelIndex)   = -1.0d0*ttBiasNight
1323          if ( ttBiasDay /= MPC_missingValue_R8 )   ttCorrectionsStn(stationIndex,typeIndex,groupIndex+1,levelIndex) = -1.0d0*ttBiasDay
1324          if ( tdBiasNight /= MPC_missingValue_R8 ) tdCorrectionsStn(stationIndex,typeIndex,groupIndex,levelIndex)   = -1.0d0*tdBiasNight
1325          if ( tdBiasDay /= MPC_missingValue_R8 )   tdCorrectionsStn(stationIndex,typeIndex,groupIndex+1,levelIndex) = -1.0d0*tdBiasDay
1326        end do
1327      end do
1329    end do main_loop
1331    ierr = fclos(nulcoeff)
1333  end subroutine bcc_readUABcorStn
1335  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1336  ! bcc_applyUABcor
1337  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1338  subroutine bcc_applyUABcor(obsSpaceData)
1339    !
1340    !:Purpose:  To apply bias corrections to radiosonde TT and ES observationa in obsSpaceData 
1341    !            This public routine is called by external routines.
1343    !  NOTE: We ADD the correction (negative of the bias) to the raw observation.
1344    !        We first SUBTRACT the old correction (if any) from the observation to remove (reverse) the old correction!
1345    !        Bias correction is put in obsSpaceData OBS_BCOR column.
1346    !
1347    !  NOTE: Bias correction is NOT applied if the sonde type is RS41. Observations from this sonde type are 
1348    !        assumed to be unbiased.
1349    !
1350    !  Routine does nothing if uaBiasActive = .false. (just returns to calling routine)
1351    !
1352    implicit none
1354    ! Arguments:
1355    type(struct_obs), intent(inout) :: obsSpaceData
1357    ! Locals:
1358    integer  :: headerIndex, bodyIndex, codtyp
1359    integer  :: flag, bufrCode, sondeTypeCode, sondeTypeIndex, stnIndex
1360    integer  :: date, time, latBand, groupIndex, phase
1361    integer  :: countTTCorrections,  countESCorrections, countUnknownStype, countMissingStype
1362    integer  :: countUnknownStation, countTTCorrByStation, countTTCorrByStype, countTTObs, countRS41
1363    integer  :: countCat1, countCat2, countNight, countDay, countDawnDusk
1364    integer  :: ttBodyIndex, esBodyIndex
1365    real(8)  :: tt, oldCorr, pressure, lat, lon, ttOriginal, es, esOriginal, td
1366    real(8)  :: solarElev, corr, p1, p2, p3, p4
1367    real(8)  :: timeOfDayX
1368    character(len=9)  :: stnid, stnidPrev
1369    character(len=8)  :: sondeType
1370    character(len=5)  :: sourceCorr
1371    logical  :: newStation, debug, stationFound, realRS41
1373    if ( .not. uaBiasActive ) return
1375    write(*,*) "bcc_applyUABcor: start"
1377    debug = .false.
1379    debug = debug .and. ( mmpi_myid == 0 )
1381    ! Read the ascii files containing TT and TD bis profiles by sonde-type and by station
1382    if ( .not.uaRevOnly ) then
1383      call bcc_readUABcorStype(uaBcFileStype, uaNbiasCat)
1384      call bcc_readUABcorStn(uaBcFileStn, uaNprofsMin, uaNbiasCat)
1385    end if
1387    countTTCorrections    = 0
1388    countESCorrections    = 0
1389    countUnknownStype     = 0
1390    countMissingStype     = 0
1391    countUnknownStation   = 0
1392    countTTCorrByStation  = 0
1393    countTTCorrByStype    = 0
1394    countTTObs            = 0
1395    countRS41             = 0
1396    countCat1             = 0
1397    countCat2             = 0
1398    countNight            = 0
1399    countDay              = 0
1400    countDawnDusk         = 0
1402    call obs_set_current_header_list(obsSpaceData,'UA')
1404    stnidPrev = 'toto'
1405    HEADER: do           ! Loop over UA headers (one header per pressure level)
1406      headerIndex = obs_getHeaderIndex(obsSpaceData)
1407      if ( headerIndex < 0 ) exit HEADER
1409      call obs_set_current_body_list(obsSpaceData, headerIndex)
1411      stnid  = trim(obs_elem_c(obsSpaceData,'STID',headerIndex))
1412      if ( trim(stnid) /= trim(stnidPrev) ) then
1413        newStation = .true.
1414        stnidPrev = stnid
1415      else 
1416        newStation = .false.
1417      end if
1419      ! Get the information needed to apply the bias corrections from the first header for this station
1420      if ( newStation .and. .not.uaRevOnly ) then
1422        ! Station index in list of stations (uaStations) from ua_bcors_stn file
1423        stationFound = .false.
1424        stnIndex = bcc_StationIndex(stnid)
1425        if (debug) write(*,*) 'stnid, index = ', stnid, stnIndex
1426        if ( stnIndex > 0 ) then
1427          stationFound = .true.
1428        else 
1429          countUnknownStation = countUnknownStation + 1
1430          if (debug) write(*,*) 'Unknown station (not in ua_bcors_stn file) '//stnid
1431        end if
1433        ! Date and lat,lon
1434        codtyp = obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ITY, headerIndex) ! CODE TYPE
1435        date   = obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_DAT, headerIndex) ! YYYYMMDD
1436        time   = obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ETM, headerIndex) ! HHMM
1437        lat    = obs_headElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_LAT, headerIndex) ! radians!
1438        lon    = obs_headElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_LON, headerIndex) ! radians!
1440        ! Sonde phase: 1=asc, 2=desc
1441        phase  = bcc_uaPhase(codtyp)
1443        if (uaNbiasCat == 2) then
1444          groupIndex = (phase-1)*2 + 1
1445        else
1446          groupIndex = 1
1447        end if
1449        if ( groupIndex == 1 ) then 
1450          countCat1 = countCat1 + 1
1451        else
1452          countCat2 = countCat2 + 1
1453        end if
1455        ! Get the sonde type index in rsTypes read from namelist
1456        sondeTypeCode  = obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_RTP, headerIndex)  ! sonde type BUFR code (WMO table)
1457        if (debug) then
1458          write(*,*) 'stnid, sondeTypeCode, date, time, lat'
1459          write(*,*) stnid, sondeTypeCode, date, time, lat*MPC_DEGREES_PER_RADIAN_R8
1460        end if
1461        if ( sondeTypeCode == -999 ) then
1462          sondeTypeCode = 0
1463          countMissingStype = countMissingStype + 1
1464          write (*,'(a60)') "bcc_applyUABcor: Missing sonde type at stn "//stnid
1465        end if
1466        call bcc_GetsondeType(sondeTypeCode,sondeType,sondeTypeIndex)
1467        if ( sondeTypeIndex == 0 ) then
1468          countUnknownStype = countUnknownStype + 1
1469          write (*,'(a70,i4)') "bcc_applyUABcor: Unknown sonde-type code at stn "//stnid//". Code = ", sondeTypeCode
1470        end if
1471        if (debug) write(*,*) 'sondeType, sondeTypeIndex = ', sondeType, sondeTypeIndex
1473        ! We assume that a sonde type of "RS41" reported by Chinese UA stations is not correct
1474        realRS41 = .false.
1475        if ( trim(sondeType) == "RS41" ) then
1476          if ( stnid(1:1) == "5" ) then
1477            realRS41 = .false.
1478          else
1479            realRS41 = .true.
1480          end if
1481        end if
1483        ! Time-of-day x-value
1484        call bcc_GetSolarElevation(lat,lon,date,time,solarElev)
1485        call bcc_GetTimeOfDay(solarElev,timeOfDayX)
1486        if ( timeOfDayX == 0.0 ) then
1487          countNight = countNight+1
1488        else if ( timeOfDayX == 1.0 ) then
1489          countDay = countDay+1
1490        else
1491          countDawnDusk = countDawnDusk+1
1492        end if
1494        ! Latitude band
1495        if ( uaNlatBands == 1 ) then
1496          latBand = 1
1497        else
1498          latBand = bcc_LatBand(lat)
1499          if ( latBand == -1 ) then
1500            write(*,*) "uaNlatBands = ", uaNlatBands
1501            call utl_abort("bcc_applyUABcor: uaNlatBands must equal 1 or 5")
1502          end if
1503        end if
1505        if (debug) write(*,*) 'solarElev, timeOfDayX, latBand = ',solarElev, timeOfDayX, latBand
1507      end if
1509      ttBodyIndex = -1
1510      esBodyIndex = -1
1512      BODY: do   ! Find the body indices for the TT and ES observations for this header (pressure level)
1514        bodyIndex = obs_getBodyIndex(obsSpaceData)
1515        if ( bodyIndex < 0 ) exit BODY
1517        if ( obs_bodyElem_i(obsSpaceData,OBS_ASS,bodyIndex) /= obs_assimilated ) cycle BODY 
1519        bufrCode = obs_bodyElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_VNM, bodyIndex )
1521        ! Assumes that normal (non high-precision) codes are used for TT and ES observations in obsSpaceData
1522        if ( bufrCode == BUFR_NETT ) then
1523          ttBodyIndex = bodyIndex
1524        else if ( bufrCode == BUFR_NEES ) then
1525          esBodyIndex = bodyIndex
1526        end if
1528      end do BODY
1530      ! Reverse any old corrections and apply new corrections (if uaRevOnly=.false.)
1532      ! TT bias correction
1533      if ( ttBodyIndex >= 0 ) then
1534        bodyIndex = ttBodyIndex
1535        ttOriginal  = obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_VAR, bodyIndex )
1536        tt          = ttOriginal
1537        pressure    = obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_PPP, bodyIndex ) * MPC_MBAR_PER_PA_R8
1538        flag        = obs_bodyElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_FLG, bodyIndex )
1539        oldCorr     = obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_BCOR, bodyIndex )
1540        corr        = MPC_missingValue_R8
1541        if ( debug .and. pressure == 500.0d0 ) write(*,*) 'TTin',ttBodyIndex,pressure,tt
1542        if ( tt /= MPC_missingValue_R8 ) then
1543          if ( btest(flag, 6) .and. oldCorr /= MPC_missingValue_R8 ) then
1544            tt = tt - oldCorr
1545            flag = ibclr(flag, 6)
1546          end if
1547          if ( uaRevOnly ) corr = 0.0d0
1548          if ( .not.uaRevOnly ) then
1549            ! Get the TT correction for this station, sonde type, time-of-day and level
1550            ! stnIndex   = -1 if station not found in bcor file
1551            ! sondeTypeIndex =  0 if sonde-type code is not associated with any of the types in
1552            !                namelist (rsTypes) including stypes "Others" and "None" [code=0]
1553            countTTObs = countTTObs + 1
1554            if ( realRS41 ) then
1555              corr = MPC_missingValue_R8
1556              countRS41 = countRS41 + 1
1557            else
1558              call bcc_GetUACorrection('TT',stnIndex,sondeTypeIndex,sondeType,groupIndex,timeOfDayX,latBand,pressure,corr,sourceCorr)
1559              if ( sourceCorr == 'stn' ) then
1560                 countTTCorrByStation = countTTCorrByStation + 1
1561              else if ( sourceCorr == 'stype' ) then
1562                 countTTCorrByStype = countTTCorrByStype + 1
1563              end if
1564              if ( debug .and. pressure == 500.0d0 ) write(*,*) 'corrTT, source, groupIndex = ',corr, sourceCorr, groupIndex
1565            end if
1566            if ( corr /= MPC_missingValue_R8 ) then
1567              tt = tt + corr
1568              flag = ibset(flag, 6)
1569              countTTCorrections = countTTCorrections + 1
1570            else
1571              if ( .not.realRS41 .and. uaRejUnBcor ) flag = ibset(flag, 11)
1572            end if
1573          end if
1574        end if
1575        if ( debug .and. pressure == 500.0d0 ) write(*,*) 'TTout, corr, flag = ', tt, corr, flag
1576        call obs_bodySet_r( obsSpaceData, OBS_BCOR, bodyIndex, corr )
1577        call obs_bodySet_r( obsSpaceData, OBS_VAR , bodyIndex, tt   )
1578        call obs_bodySet_i( obsSpaceData, OBS_FLG , bodyIndex, flag ) 
1579      end if
1581      ! ES bias correction
1582      if ( esBodyIndex >= 0 .and. ttBodyIndex >= 0 ) then
1583        bodyIndex   = esBodyIndex
1584        esOriginal  = obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_VAR, bodyIndex )
1585        es          = esOriginal
1586        pressure    = obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_PPP, bodyIndex ) * MPC_MBAR_PER_PA_R8
1587        flag        = obs_bodyElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_FLG, bodyIndex )
1588        oldCorr     = obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_BCOR, bodyIndex )
1589        corr        = MPC_missingValue_R8
1590        if ( debug .and. pressure == 500.0d0 ) write(*,*) 'ESin',esBodyIndex,pressure,es
1591        if ( es /= MPC_missingValue_R8 ) then
1592          if ( btest(flag, 6) .and. oldCorr /= MPC_missingValue_R8 ) then
1593            es = es - oldCorr
1594            flag = ibclr(flag, 6)
1595          end if
1596          if ( uaRevOnly ) corr = 0.0d0
1597          if ( .not.uaRevOnly ) then
1598            if ( realRS41 ) then
1599              corr = MPC_missingValue_R8
1600            else
1601              call bcc_GetUACorrection('TD',stnIndex,sondeTypeIndex,sondeType,groupIndex,timeOfDayX,latBand,pressure,corr,sourceCorr)
1602              if ( debug .and. pressure == 500.0d0 ) write(*,*) 'corrTD, source, groupIndex = ',corr, sourceCorr, groupIndex
1603            end if
1604            if ( corr /= MPC_missingValue_R8 ) then
1605              td = (ttOriginal - es) + corr
1606              es = tt - td
1607              if ( es < 0.0 ) es =  0.0d0
1608              if ( es > 30.0) es = 30.0d0
1609              corr =  es - esOriginal
1610              if ( debug .and. pressure == 500.0d0 ) write(*,*) 'ES corr =',corr
1611              flag = ibset(flag, 6)
1612              countESCorrections = countESCorrections + 1
1613            else
1614              if ( .not.realRS41 .and. uaRejUnBcor ) flag = ibset(flag, 11)
1615            end if
1616          end if
1617        end if
1618        if ( debug .and. pressure == 500.0d0 ) write(*,*) 'ESout, corr, flag = ', es, corr, flag
1619        call obs_bodySet_r( obsSpaceData, OBS_BCOR, bodyIndex, corr )
1620        call obs_bodySet_r( obsSpaceData, OBS_VAR , bodyIndex, es   )
1621        call obs_bodySet_i( obsSpaceData, OBS_FLG , bodyIndex, flag ) 
1622      end if     
1624    end do HEADER
1626    if ( .not.uaRevOnly ) then
1627      write (*, '(a60, i10)' ) "bcc_applyUABcor: Number of TT obs corrected          = ", countTTCorrections
1628      write (*, '(a60, i10)' ) "bcc_applyUABcor: Number of ES obs corrected          = ", countESCorrections
1629      write (*, '(a60, i10)' ) "bcc_applyUABcor: Number obs with unknown station     = ", countUnknownStation
1630      write (*, '(a60, i10)' ) "bcc_applyUABcor: Number obs with missing sonde type  = ", countMissingStype
1631      write (*, '(a60, i10)' ) "bcc_applyUABcor: Number obs with unknown sonde code  = ", countUnknownStype
1632      write (*, '(a40)'      ) "----------------------------------------"
1633      write (*, '(a60, i10)' ) "bcc_applyUABcor: Total number of TT observations     = ", countTTObs
1634      if ( countTTObs > 0 ) then
1635        p1 = (float(countTTCorrByStation)/float(countTTObs))*100.d0
1636        p2 = (float(countTTCorrByStype)/float(countTTObs))*100.d0
1637        p3 = 100.d0 - (p1+p2)
1638        p4 = (float(countRS41)/float(countTTObs))*100.
1639        write (*, '(a60, f7.2)' ) "bcc_applyUABcor: Percentage corrected by STATION     = ", p1
1640        write (*, '(a60, f7.2)' ) "bcc_applyUABcor: Percentage corrected by SONDE-TYPE  = ", p2
1641        write (*, '(a60, f7.2)' ) "bcc_applyUABcor: Percentage uncorrected              = ", p3
1642        write (*, '(a60, f7.2)' ) "bcc_applyUABcor: Percentage RS41                     = ", p4
1643        write (*, '(a60, i10)' )  "bcc_applyUABcor: Number of night profiles            = ", countNight
1644        write (*, '(a60, i10)' )  "bcc_applyUABcor: Number of day profiles              = ", countDay
1645        write (*, '(a60, i10)' )  "bcc_applyUABcor: Number of dawn-dusk profiles        = ", countDawnDusk
1646        if (uaNbiasCat == 2) then
1647          write (*, '(a60, i10)' )  "bcc_applyUABcor: Number of ascent profiles            = ", countCat1
1648          write (*, '(a60, i10)' )  "bcc_applyUABcor: Number of descent profiles           = ", countCat2
1649        end if
1650      end if
1651    end if
1653    if ( allocated(ttCorrections) )        deallocate(ttCorrections)
1654    if ( allocated(tdCorrections) )        deallocate(tdCorrections)
1655    if ( allocated(ttCorrectionsStn) )     deallocate(ttCorrectionsStn)
1656    if ( allocated(tdCorrectionsStn) )     deallocate(tdCorrectionsStn)    
1657    if ( allocated(biasCorrPresentStype) ) deallocate(biasCorrPresentStype)
1658    if ( allocated(biasCorrPresentStn) )   deallocate(biasCorrPresentStn)
1659    if ( allocated(uaStations) )           deallocate(uaStations)
1661    if ( allocated(rsTypes) ) deallocate(rsTypes)
1663    write(*,*) "bcc_applyUABcor: end"
1665  end subroutine bcc_applyUABcor
1668  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1669  ! bcc_biasActive
1670  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1671  function bcc_biasActive(obsFam) result(biasActive)
1672    !
1673    !:Purpose: returns True if bias correction is active for the given conventional observation family
1674    !
1675    implicit none
1677    ! Arguments:
1678    character(len=*),intent(in) :: obsFam
1679    ! Result:
1680    logical :: biasActive 
1682    if (.not.initialized) call bcc_readConfig()
1684    select case(trim(obsFam))
1685    case('GP')
1686      biasActive = bcc_gpBiasActive
1687    case('UA')
1688      biasActive = bcc_uaBiasActive
1689    case('AI')
1690      biasActive = bcc_aiBiasActive
1691    case default
1692      biasActive = .false.
1693    end select
1695  end function bcc_biasActive
1697end MODULE biasCorrectionConv_mod