biasCorrectionSat_mod sourceΒΆ

   1module biasCorrectionSat_mod
   2  ! MODULE biasCorrectionSat_mod (prefix='bcs' category='1. High-level functionality')
   3  !
   4  !:Purpose: Performs the bias correction for satellite radiance
   5  !          data. This includes both the traditional approach based
   6  !          on regression and the variational bias correction approach
   7  !          for estimating the bias. Existing bias correction estimates
   8  !          can also be applied to observations.
   9  !
  10  use utilities_mod
  11  use ramDisk_mod
  12  use MathPhysConstants_mod
  13  use obsSpaceData_mod
  14  use controlVector_mod
  15  use midasMpi_mod
  16  use rttov_const, only : ninst
  17  use tovsNL_mod
  18  use timeCoord_mod
  19  use columnData_mod
  20  use codePrecision_mod
  21  use localizationFunction_mod
  22  use HorizontalCoord_mod
  23  use verticalCoord_mod
  24  use gridStateVector_mod
  25  use gridStateVectorFileIO_mod
  26  use stateToColumn_mod
  27  use codtyp_mod
  28  use timeCoord_mod
  29  use clibInterfaces_mod
  30  use obserrors_mod
  31  use fSQLite
  32  use obsfiles_mod
  34  implicit none
  35  save
  36  private
  38  public :: bcs_setup, bcs_calcBias_tl, bcs_calcBias_ad, bcs_writeBias, bcs_finalize
  39  public :: bcs_removeBiasCorrection, bcs_refreshBiasCorrection
  40  public :: bcs_do_regression, bcs_filterObs, bcs_computeResidualsStatistics, bcs_calcBias
  41  public :: bcs_removeOutliers, bcs_applyBiasCorrection
  42  public :: bcs_mimicSatbcor
  43  public :: bcs_readConfig
  44  public :: bcs_dumpBiasToSqliteAfterThinning
  46  type  :: struct_chaninfo
  47    integer :: numActivePredictors
  48    logical :: isDynamic
  49    integer :: channelNum
  50    character(len=1) :: bcmode
  51    character(len=1) :: bctype
  52    integer, allocatable  :: predictorIndex(:)
  53    real(8), allocatable  :: coeff(:)
  54    real(8), allocatable  :: coeffIncr(:)
  55    real(8), allocatable  :: coeff_fov(:)
  56    real(8), allocatable  :: coeff_offset(:)
  57    integer               :: coeff_nobs
  58    real(8), allocatable  :: coeffIncr_fov(:)
  59    real(8), allocatable  :: stddev(:)
  60    real(8), allocatable  :: coeffCov(:,:)
  61  end type struct_chaninfo
  63  type  :: struct_bias
  64    type(struct_chaninfo), allocatable :: chans(:)
  65    integer :: numscan
  66    integer :: numChannels
  67    real(8), allocatable  :: BHalfScanBias(:,:)
  68    real(8), allocatable  :: BMinusHalfScanBias(:,:)
  69  end type struct_bias
  71  type(struct_bias), allocatable  :: bias(:)
  72  type(struct_vco),       pointer :: vco_mask => null()
  73  type(struct_hco),       pointer :: hco_mask => null()
  74  type(struct_columnData) :: column_mask
  75  logical               :: initialized = .false.
  76  logical               :: bcs_mimicSatbcor
  77  logical               :: doRegression
  78  integer, parameter    :: NumPredictors = 7
  79  integer, parameter    :: NumPredictorsBcif = 6
  80  integer, parameter    :: maxfov = 120
  81  integer, parameter    :: maxNumInst = 25
  82  integer, parameter    :: maxPassiveChannels = 15
  84  real(8), allocatable  :: trialHeight300m1000(:)
  85  real(8), allocatable  :: trialHeight50m200(:)
  86  real(8), allocatable  :: trialHeight1m10(:)
  87  real(8), allocatable  :: trialHeight5m50(:)
  88  real(8), allocatable  :: RadiosondeWeight(:)
  89  real(8), allocatable  :: trialTG(:)
  90  integer               :: nobs
  91  integer, external     :: fnom, fclos 
  92  character(len=2), parameter  :: predTab(0:7) = [ "SB", "KK","T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "SV", "TG"]
  93  integer               :: passiveChannelNumber(maxNumInst)
  94  ! Namelist variables
  95  character(len=5) :: biasMode  ! "varbc" for varbc, "reg" to compute bias correction coefficients by regression, "apply" to compute and apply bias correction
  96  logical  :: biasActive        ! logical variable to activate the module
  97  logical  :: outstats          ! flag to activate output of residual statistics in "reg" mode 
  98  logical  :: mimicSatbcor      ! in "reg" mode compute regression coefficients the same way as the original satbcor program
  99  logical  :: weightedestimate  ! flag to activate radiosonde weighting for bias correction computation in "reg" mode
 100  logical  :: filterObs         ! flag to activate additional observation filtering in "reg" mode. If it is .false. only observations selected for assimilation will be used in the linear regression
 101  logical  :: removeBiasCorrection  ! flag to activate removal of an already present bias correction
 102  logical  :: refreshBiasCorrection !flag to replace an existing bias correction with a new one
 103  logical  :: centerPredictors      ! flag to transparently remove predictor mean in "reg" mode (more stable problem; very little impact on the result)
 104  logical  :: outCoeffCov           ! flag to activate output of coefficients error covariance (useful for EnKF system)
 105  logical  :: outOmFPredCov         ! flag to activate output of O-F/predictors coefficients covariances and correlations
 106  real(8)  :: scanBiasCorLength     ! if positive and .not. mimicSatBcor use error correlation between scan positions with the given correlation length
 107  real(8)  :: bg_stddev(NumPredictors) ! background error for predictors ("varbc" mode)
 108  character(len=7) :: cinst(maxNumInst)   ! to read the bcif file for each instrument in cinst
 109  character(len=3) :: cglobal(maxNumInst) ! a "global" parameter and
 110  integer          :: nbscan(maxNumInst)  ! the number of scan positions are necessary
 111  integer          :: passiveChannelList(maxNumInst, maxPassiveChannels)
 112  ! To understand the meaning of the following parameters controling filtering,
 113  ! please see pages 20-22
 114  logical  :: offlineMode   ! flag to select offline mode for bias correction computation
 115  logical  :: allModeSsmis  ! flag to select "ALL" mode for SSMIS
 116  logical  :: allModeTovs   ! flag to select "ALL" mode for TOVS (AMSU-A, AMSU-B, MHS, ATMS, MWHS-2)
 117  logical  :: allModeCsr    ! flag to select "ALL" mode for CSR (GOES, SEVIRI, MVIRI, ABI, etc..)
 118  logical  :: allModeHyperIr! flag to select "ALL" mode for hyperSpectral Infrared (AIRS, IASI, CrIS)
 119  logical  :: dumpToSqliteAfterThinning  ! option to output all usefull parameters to sqlite files after thinning
 120  namelist /nambiassat/ biasActive, biasMode, bg_stddev, removeBiasCorrection, refreshBiasCorrection
 121  namelist /nambiassat/ centerPredictors, scanBiasCorLength, mimicSatbcor, weightedEstimate
 122  namelist /nambiassat/ cglobal, cinst, nbscan, passiveChannelList, filterObs, outstats, outCoeffCov
 123  namelist /nambiassat/ offlineMode, allModeSsmis, allModeTovs, allModeCsr, allModeHyperIr
 124  namelist /nambiassat/ dumpToSqliteAfterThinning, outOmFPredCov
 127  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 128  ! bcs_readConfig
 129  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 130  subroutine bcs_readConfig()
 131    !
 132    !:Purpose: Read nambiassat namelist section
 133    !
 134    implicit none
 136    ! Locals:
 137    integer  :: ierr, nulnam
 138    logical, save :: firstCall = .true.
 139    integer :: instrumentIndex, channelIndex
 141    if (.not. firstCall) return
 142    firstCall = .false.
 144    ! set default values for namelist variables
 145    biasActive = .false.
 146    biasMode = "varbc"
 147    bg_stddev(:) = 0.0d0
 148    removeBiasCorrection = .false.
 149    filterObs = .false.
 150    refreshBiasCorrection = .false.
 151    centerPredictors = .false.
 152    mimicSatbcor = .true.
 153    scanBiasCorLength = -1.d0
 154    weightedEstimate = .false.
 155    outCoeffCov = .false.
 156    outOmFPredCov = .false.
 157    nbscan(:) = -1
 158    cinst(:) = "XXXXXXX"
 159    cglobal(:) = "XXX"
 160    outstats = .false.
 161    offlineMode = .false.
 162    allModeSsmis = .true.
 163    allModeTovs = .true.
 164    allModeCsr = .true.
 165    allModeHyperIr = .false.
 166    dumpToSqliteAfterThinning = .false.
 167    passiveChannelNumber(:) = 0
 168    passiveChannelList(:,:) = -1
 169    !
 170    ! read in the namelist NAMBIASSAT
 171    if (utl_isNamelistPresent('nambiassat', './flnml')) then
 172      nulnam = 0
 173      ierr = fnom(nulnam, './flnml', 'FTN+SEQ+R/O', 0)
 174      read(nulnam,nml=nambiassat,iostat=ierr)
 175      if (ierr /= 0) call utl_abort('bcs_readConfig: Error reading namelist section nambiassat')
 176      if (mmpi_myid == 0) write(*,nml=nambiassat)
 177      ierr = fclos(nulnam)
 178    else
 179      write(*,*)
 180      write(*,*) 'bcs_readconfig: nambiassat is missing in the namelist. The default value will be taken.'
 181    end if
 183    bcs_mimicSatbcor = mimicSatbcor
 184    doRegression = (trim(biasMode) == "reg")
 186    do instrumentIndex = 1, maxNumInst
 187      do channelIndex = 1, maxPassiveChannels
 188        if (passiveChannelList(instrumentIndex,channelIndex) > 0) then
 189          passiveChannelNumber(instrumentIndex) = passiveChannelNumber(instrumentIndex) + 1
 190        end if
 191      end do
 192    end do
 194  end subroutine bcs_readConfig
 196  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 197  ! bcs_setup
 198  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 199  subroutine bcs_setup()
 200    implicit none
 202    ! Locals:
 203    integer  :: cvdim
 204    integer  :: iSensor, iPredictor, instIndex
 205    integer  :: iChan
 206    integer  :: iPred, jPred, kPred, iScan1, iScan2
 207    character(len=85)  :: bcifFile
 208    character(len=10)  :: instrName, instrNamecoeff, satNamecoeff 
 209    logical            :: bcifExists
 210    ! variables from background coeff file
 211    integer            :: nfov, exitCode
 212    character(len=2)   :: predBCIF(tvs_maxchannelnumber,numpredictorsBCIF)
 213    integer            :: canBCIF(tvs_maxchannelnumber), npredBCIF(tvs_maxchannelnumber), ncanBcif, npredictors
 214    character(len=1)   :: bcmodeBCIF(tvs_maxchannelnumber), bctypeBCIF(tvs_maxchannelnumber)
 215    character(len=3)   :: global
 216    character(len=128) :: errorMessage
 217    real(8), allocatable :: Bmatrix(:,:)
 219    call bcs_readConfig()
 221    cvdim = 0
 223    if (biasActive) then
 225      if (scanBiasCorLength > 0.d0) call lfn_Setup('FifthOrder')
 227      allocate(bias(tvs_nSensors))
 229      do iSensor = 1, tvs_nSensors
 231        write(*,*) "bcs_setup: iSensor = ", iSensor
 233        instrName = InstrNametoCoeffFileName(tvs_instrumentName(iSensor))
 234        instrNamecoeff = InstrNameinCoeffFile(tvs_instrumentName(iSensor))
 235        satNamecoeff = SatNameinCoeffFile(tvs_satelliteName(iSensor)) 
 237        bcifFile = 'bcif_' // trim(instrName)
 239        global = "XXX"
 240        nfov = -1
 241        do instIndex = 1, size(cinst)
 242          if (trim(instrNamecoeff) == trim(cinst(instIndex))) then
 243            global = cglobal(instIndex)
 244            nfov = nbscan(instIndex)
 245          end if
 246        end do
 247        if (nfov == -1) then
 248          write(*,*) "bcs_setup: Problem with instrName ", instrNamecoeff
 249          write(*,'(15(A10,1x))')  cinst(:)
 250          call utl_abort('bcs_setup: check nambiassat namelist')
 251        end if
 253        inquire(file=trim(bcifFile), exist=bcifExists)
 254        if (bcifExists) then
 255          !read bcif (Bias Correction Information File)
 256          call read_bcif(bcifFile, tvs_isNameHyperSpectral(instrName), ncanBcif, &
 257               canBCIF, bcmodeBCIF, bctypeBCIF, npredBCIF, predBCIF, global, exitcode)
 258          if (exitcode /= 0) then
 259            call utl_abort("bcs_setup: Problem in read_bcif while reading " // trim(bcifFile))
 260          end if
 262          bias(iSensor)%numChannels = ncanBcif
 264          allocate(bias(iSensor)%chans(ncanBcif))
 266          do ichan=1, ncanBcif 
 267            bias(iSensor) % chans(ichan) % channelNum = canBCIF(ichan + 1) 
 268            bias(iSensor) % chans(ichan) % coeff_nobs = 0
 269            bias(iSensor) % chans(ichan) % bcmode =  bcmodeBCIF(ichan + 1)
 270            bias(iSensor) % chans(ichan) % bctype =  bctypeBCIF(ichan + 1)
 271            bias(iSensor) % chans(ichan) % isDynamic = ( (biasmode == "varbc" .and. bcmodeBCIF(ichan + 1) == "D") .or. biasmode /= "varbc")
 272            npredictors =  1 + npredBCIF(ichan + 1)
 273            bias(iSensor) % chans(ichan) % numActivePredictors = npredictors
 275            allocate( bias(iSensor) % chans(ichan) % stddev( npredictors ) )
 276            allocate( bias(iSensor) % chans(ichan) % coeffIncr( npredictors ) )
 277            allocate( bias(iSensor) % chans(ichan) % coeff( npredictors ) )
 278            allocate( bias(iSensor) % chans(ichan) % coeff_offset( npredictors ) )
 279            allocate( bias(iSensor) % chans(ichan) % predictorIndex( npredictors ) )
 280            bias(iSensor) % chans(ichan) % stddev(:) = 0.d0
 281            bias(iSensor) % chans(ichan) % coeffIncr(:) = 0.d0
 282            bias(iSensor) % chans(ichan) % coeff(:) = MPC_missingValue_R8
 283            bias(iSensor) % chans(ichan) % coeff_offset(:) = 0.d0
 285            bias(iSensor)%chans(ichan)% predictorIndex(1) = 1 !the constant term is always included
 286            jPred = 1
 287            do ipred = 1, npredBCIF(ichan + 1)
 288              jPred =  jPred + 1
 289              select case(predBCIF(ichan + 1, ipred))
 290              case('T1')
 291                kpred = 2
 292              case('T2')
 293                kpred = 3
 294              case('T3')
 295                kpred = 4
 296              case('T4')
 297                kpred = 5
 298              case('SV')
 299                kpred = 6
 300              case('TG')
 301                kpred = 7
 302              case default
 303                write(errorMessage,*) "bcs_setup: Unknown predictor ", predBCIF(ichan+1, ipred), ichan, ipred
 304                call utl_abort(errorMessage)
 305              end select
 306              bias(iSensor)%chans(ichan)%predictorIndex(jPred) = kpred
 307            end do
 308          end do
 309        else
 310          call utl_abort("bcs_setup: Error : " // trim(bcifFile) // " not present !")
 311        end if
 313        bias(iSensor)%numscan = nfov 
 315        allocate( bias(iSensor) % BHalfScanBias (nfov,nfov))
 316        if (doRegression) allocate( bias(iSensor) % BMinusHalfScanBias (nfov,nfov))
 317        allocate( Bmatrix(nfov,nfov))
 318        do ichan=1, ncanBcif
 319          allocate( bias(iSensor) % chans(ichan) % coeffIncr_fov(nfov))
 320          allocate( bias(iSensor) % chans(ichan) % coeff_fov(nfov))
 321          bias(iSensor) % chans(ichan) % coeffIncr_fov(:) = 0.d0
 322          bias(iSensor) % chans(ichan) % coeff_fov(:) = MPC_missingValue_R8
 323        end do
 325        do ichan = 1, ncanBcif
 326          if (bias(iSensor)%chans(ichan)%isDynamic) then
 327            do iPredictor = 1, bias(iSensor)%chans(ichan)%numActivePredictors
 328              bias(iSensor)%chans(ichan)%stddev(iPredictor) = bg_stddev(bias(iSensor)%chans(ichan)%PredictorIndex(iPredictor))
 329            end do
 330          end if
 331        end do
 333        if (trim(biasMode) == "varbc") then
 334          !change dimension of control vector
 335          do  ichan = 1, ncanBcif
 336            if (bias(iSensor)%chans(ichan)%isDynamic) &
 337                 cvdim = cvdim + bias(iSensor)%chans(ichan)%numActivePredictors - 1 + bias(iSensor)%numScan
 338          end do
 339        end if
 341        if (allocated(Bmatrix)) then
 342          if (scanBiasCorLength > 0.d0) then
 343            do iScan2 = 1, nfov
 344              do iScan1 = 1, nfov
 345                Bmatrix(iScan1,iScan2) = bg_stddev(1) * bg_stddev(1) * lfn_Response(1.d0*abs(iScan1-iScan2), scanBiasCorLength)
 346              end do
 347            end do
 348          else
 349            Bmatrix(:,:) = 0.d0
 350            do iScan1 = 1, nfov
 351              Bmatrix(iScan1,iScan1) = bg_stddev(1) * bg_stddev(1)
 352            end do
 353          end if
 354          bias(iSensor)%BHalfScanBias(:,:) =  Bmatrix(:,:)
 355          call utl_matsqrt(bias(iSensor)%BHalfScanBias, nfov, 1.d0, printInformation_opt=.true.)
 356          if (doRegression) then
 357            bias(iSensor)%BMinusHalfScanBias(:,:) = Bmatrix(:,:)
 358            call utl_matsqrt(bias(iSensor)%BMinusHalfScanBias, nfov, -1.d0, printInformation_opt=.true.)
 359          end if
 360          deallocate(Bmatrix)
 361        end if
 363      end do
 365    end if
 367    if  (trim(biasMode) == "varbc" .and. cvdim > 0) then
 368      if (mmpi_myid > 0) cvdim = 0 ! for minimization, all coefficients only on task 0
 369      call cvm_setupSubVector('BIAS', 'BIAS', cvdim)
 370    end if
 372    call  bcs_readCoeffs() ! Read coefficient files in the case of bias correction application (biasMode=="apply")
 374  end subroutine bcs_setup
 376  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 377  ! bcs_readCoeffs
 378  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 379  subroutine bcs_readCoeffs()
 380    !
 381    !:Purpose: Fill the bias structure with read static and dynamic bias correction coefficient files
 382    !
 383    implicit none
 385    ! Locals:
 386    integer :: iSensor, iSat, jchannel, jChan
 387    integer :: satIndexDynamic, satIndexStatic
 388    integer :: chanindexDynamic, chanindexStatic
 389    character(len=10) :: instrName, instrNamecoeff, satNamecoeff
 390    character(len=64) :: dynamicCoeffFile, staticCoeffFile
 391    logical           :: corrected
 392    integer           :: nfov, npredictors
 393    character(len=10) :: satsDynamic(tvs_nsensors)       ! satellite names
 394    integer           :: chansDynamic(tvs_nsensors,tvs_maxchannelnumber)    ! channel numbers
 395    real(8)           :: fovbiasDynamic(tvs_nsensors,tvs_maxchannelnumber,maxfov)! bias as F(fov)
 396    real(8)           :: coeffDynamic(tvs_nsensors,tvs_maxchannelnumber,NumPredictors + 1)
 397    integer           :: nsatDynamic
 398    integer           :: nchanDynamic(tvs_nsensors)      !number of channels
 399    integer           :: nfovDynamic
 400    integer           :: npredDynamic(tvs_nsensors,tvs_maxchannelnumber)    !number of predictors
 401    character(len=7)  :: cinstrumDynamic      ! string: instrument (e.g. AMSUB) 
 402    character(len=2)  :: ptypesDynamic(tvs_nsensors,tvs_maxchannelnumber,NumPredictors)
 403    integer           :: ndataDynamic(tvs_nsensors,tvs_maxchannelnumber)    !number of channels
 404    character(len=10) :: satsStatic(tvs_nsensors)       ! satellite names
 405    integer           :: chansStatic(tvs_nsensors,tvs_maxchannelnumber)    !channel numbers 
 406    real(8)           :: fovbiasStatic(tvs_nsensors,tvs_maxchannelnumber,maxfov)!bias as F(fov)
 407    real(8)           :: coeffStatic(tvs_nsensors, tvs_maxchannelnumber,NumPredictors + 1)
 408    integer           :: nsatStatic
 409    integer           :: nchanStatic(tvs_nsensors)      !number of channels
 410    integer           :: nfovStatic
 411    integer           :: npredStatic(tvs_nsensors,tvs_maxchannelnumber)    ! number of predictors
 412    character(len=7)  :: cinstrumStatic      ! string: instrument (e.g. AMSUB) 9
 413    character(len=2)  :: ptypesStatic(tvs_nsensors,tvs_maxchannelnumber,NumPredictors)
 414    integer           :: ndataStatic(tvs_nsensors,tvs_maxchannelnumber)    ! number of channels
 416    if (biasActive .and. biasMode == "apply") then
 418      ! 1 fichier de coefficient par intrument avec les differentes plateformes
 419      ! Cas particulier GEORAD (CSR) 
 421      do iSensor = 1, tvs_nSensors
 423        write(*,*) "bcs_readCoeffs: iSensor = ", iSensor
 425        instrName = InstrNametoCoeffFileName(tvs_instrumentName(iSensor))
 426        instrNamecoeff = InstrNameinCoeffFile(tvs_instrumentName(iSensor))
 427        satNamecoeff = SatNameinCoeffFile(tvs_satelliteName(iSensor)) 
 429        dynamicCoeffFile = "coeff_file_" // trim(instrName)
 430        staticCoeffFile = "static_coeff_file_" // trim(instrName)
 432        if ( tvs_isNameGeostationary(instrName)) then
 433          dynamicCoeffFile = trim(dynamicCoeffFile) // "." // trim(satNamecoeff)
 434          staticCoeffFile = trim(staticCoeffFile) // "." // trim(satNamecoeff) 
 435        end if
 437        call read_coeff(satsDynamic, chansDynamic, fovbiasDynamic, coeffDynamic, nsatDynamic, nchanDynamic, nfovDynamic, &
 438             npredDynamic, cinstrumDynamic, dynamicCoeffFile, ptypesDynamic, ndataDynamic)
 440        call read_coeff(satsStatic, chansStatic, fovbiasStatic, coeffStatic, nsatStatic, nchanStatic, nfovStatic, &
 441             npredStatic, cinstrumStatic, staticCoeffFile, ptypesStatic, ndataStatic)
 442        write(*,*) "bcs_readCoeffs: cinstrumDynamic = ", cinstrumDynamic
 443        write(*,*) "bcs_readCoeffs: cinstrumStatic = ", cinstrumStatic
 445        satIndexDynamic = -1
 446        do iSat = 1, nsatDynamic
 447          if (trim(satNameCoeff) /= trim(satsDynamic(iSat)) .or. trim(instrNamecoeff) /= trim(cinstrumDynamic)) cycle
 448          satIndexDynamic = iSat
 449        end do
 451        satIndexStatic = -1
 452        do iSat = 1, nsatStatic
 453          if (trim(satNameCoeff) /= trim(satsStatic(iSat)) .or. trim(instrNamecoeff) /= trim(cinstrumStatic)) cycle
 454          satIndexStatic = iSat
 455        end do
 457        nfov =  bias(iSensor)%numscan
 459        do jChannel = 1, bias(iSensor)%numChannels
 461          chanindexDynamic = -1
 462          if (satIndexDynamic > 0) then
 463            do jChan = 1, nchanDynamic(satIndexDynamic)
 464              if (chansDynamic(satIndexDynamic,jChan) == bias(iSensor)%chans(jChannel)%channelNum) then
 465                chanindexDynamic = jChan
 466                exit
 467              end if
 468            end do
 469          end if
 471          chanindexStatic = -1
 472          if (satIndexStatic > 0) then
 473            do jChan = 1, nchanStatic(satIndexStatic)
 474              if (chansStatic(satIndexStatic,jChan) == bias(iSensor)%chans(jChannel)%channelNum) then
 475                chanindexStatic = jChan
 476                exit
 477              end if
 478            end do
 479          end if
 480          npredictors = bias(iSensor)%chans(jChannel)%numActivePredictors
 482          corrected = .true.
 483          select case(bias(iSensor)%chans(jChannel)%bcmode)
 484          case("D")
 485            if (chanindexDynamic > 0) then
 486              if (bias(iSensor)%chans(jChannel)%bctype=="C") &
 487                   bias(iSensor)%chans(jChannel)%coeff(1:npredictors) = coeffDynamic(satIndexDynamic,chanindexDynamic,1:npredictors)
 488              if (bias(iSensor)%chans(jChannel)%bctype=="C" .or. bias(iSensor)%chans(jChannel)%bctype=="F") &
 489                   bias(iSensor)%chans(jChannel)%coeff_fov(1:nfov) = fovbiasDynamic(satIndexDynamic,chanindexDynamic,1:nfov)
 490            else if (chanindexStatic > 0) then
 491              if (bias(iSensor)%chans(jChannel)%bctype=="C") &
 492                   bias(iSensor)%chans(jChannel)%coeff(1:npredictors) = coeffStatic(satIndexStatic,chanindexStatic,1:npredictors)
 493              if (bias(iSensor)%chans(jChannel)%bctype=="C" .or. bias(iSensor)%chans(jChannel)%bctype=="F") &
 494                   bias(iSensor)%chans(jChannel)%coeff_fov(1:nfov) = fovbiasStatic(satIndexStatic,chanindexStatic,1:nfov)
 495            else
 496              corrected = .false.
 497            end if
 498          case("S")
 499            if (chanindexStatic > 0) then
 500              if (bias(iSensor)%chans(jChannel)%bctype=="C") &
 501                   bias(iSensor)%chans(jChannel)%coeff(1:npredictors) = coeffStatic(satIndexStatic,chanindexStatic,1:npredictors)
 502              if (bias(iSensor)%chans(jChannel)%bctype=="C" .or. bias(iSensor)%chans(jChannel)%bctype=="F") & 
 503                   bias(iSensor)%chans(jChannel)%coeff_fov(1:nfov) = fovbiasStatic(satIndexStatic,chanindexStatic,1:nfov)
 504            else
 505              corrected = .false.
 506            end if
 507          end select
 509          if (.not. corrected) then
 510            write(*,*) "bcs_readCoeffs: Warning: channel ", bias(iSensor)%chans(jChannel)%channelNum, " of ", &
 511                 trim(instrName), " ", trim(satNamecoeff), " not corrected!"
 512          end if
 514        end do
 516      end do
 518    end if
 520  end subroutine bcs_readCoeffs
 522  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 523  ! bcs_computePredictorBiases
 524  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 525  subroutine bcs_computePredictorBiases(obsSpaceData)
 526    !
 527    !:Purpose: to compute predictor average
 528    !
 529    implicit none
 531    ! Arguments:
 532    type(struct_obs), intent(inout) :: obsSpaceData
 534    ! Locals:
 535    real(8) :: predictor(NumPredictors)
 536    integer :: iobs, nsize, i, j, npred
 537    integer :: headerIndex, idatyp, indxtovs
 538    integer :: iSensor, iFov, iPredictor, ierr
 539    integer :: bodyIndex, jpred, chanIndx
 540    real(8), allocatable ::  temp_offset(:,:)
 541    integer, allocatable ::  temp_nobs(:)
 542    real(8), allocatable ::  temp_offset2(:,:,:)
 543    integer, allocatable ::  temp_nobs2(:,:)
 545    if (centerPredictors) then
 546      write(*,*) "bcs_computePredictorBiases: start"
 547      npred = 0
 548      do iSensor = 1, tvs_nSensors
 549        npred = max(npred, maxval(bias(iSensor)%chans(:)%numActivePredictors))
 550      end do
 551      allocate(temp_offset2(tvs_nsensors,maxval(bias(:)%numChannels),2:npred))
 552      allocate(temp_nobs2(tvs_nsensors,maxval(bias(:)%numChannels)))
 553      temp_offset2(:,:,:) = 0.d0
 554      temp_nobs2(:,:) = 0
 556      call obs_set_current_header_list(obsSpaceData, 'TO')
 557      iobs = 0
 558      HEADER: do
 559        headerIndex = obs_getHeaderIndex(obsSpaceData)
 560        if (headerIndex < 0) exit HEADER
 562        ! process only radiance data to be assimilated?
 563        idatyp = obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ITY, headerIndex)
 564        if (.not. tvs_isIdBurpTovs(idatyp)) then
 565          write(*,*) 'bcs_computePredictorBiases: warning unknown radiance codtyp present check NAMTOVSINST', idatyp
 566          cycle HEADER
 567        end if
 568        iobs = iobs + 1
 570        indxTovs = tvs_tovsIndex(headerIndex)
 571        if (indxTovs < 0) cycle HEADER
 573        iSensor = tvs_lsensor(indxTovs)
 575        call obs_set_current_body_list(obsSpaceData, headerIndex)
 576        iFov = obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_FOV, headerIndex)
 578        BODY: do
 579          bodyIndex = obs_getBodyIndex(obsSpaceData)
 580          if (bodyIndex < 0) exit BODY
 582          if (obs_bodyElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ASS, bodyIndex) /= obs_assimilated) cycle BODY   
 584          call bcs_getChannelIndex(obsSpaceData, iSensor, chanIndx, bodyIndex)
 585          if (chanindx > 0) then
 586            call bcs_getPredictors(predictor, headerIndex, iobs, chanIndx, obsSpaceData)
 587            do iPredictor = 2, bias(iSensor)%chans(chanIndx)%NumActivePredictors
 588              jPred = bias(iSensor)%chans(chanIndx)%PredictorIndex(iPredictor)
 589              temp_offset2(iSensor,chanIndx,iPredictor) = temp_offset2(iSensor,chanIndx,iPredictor) + predictor(jPred)
 590            end do
 591            temp_nobs2(iSensor,chanIndx) = temp_nobs2(iSensor,chanIndx) + 1
 592          end if
 593        end do BODY
 594      end do HEADER
 596      allocate(temp_offset(maxval(bias(:)%numChannels),2:npred))
 597      allocate(temp_nobs(maxval(bias(:)%numChannels)))
 599      do iSensor = 1, tvs_nSensors 
 600        temp_offset(:,:) = 0.0d0
 601        temp_offset(:,:) = temp_offset2(iSensor,:,:)
 602        call mmpi_allreduce_sumR8_2d( temp_offset, "GRID" )
 604        do i = 1, bias(iSensor)%numChannels
 605          do j = 2, bias(iSensor)%chans(i)%numActivePredictors
 606            bias(iSensor)%chans(i)%coeff_offset(j) = temp_offset(i,j)
 607          end do
 608        end do
 610        temp_nobs(:) = 0
 611        nsize = size(temp_nobs)
 612        call rpn_comm_allreduce(temp_nobs2(iSensor,:), temp_nobs, nsize, "mpi_integer", &
 613             "mpi_sum", "GRID", ierr)
 614        if (ierr /= 0) then
 615          call utl_abort("bcs_computePredictorBiases: Erreur de communication MPI 2")
 616        end if
 618        do i = 1, bias(iSensor)%numChannels
 619          bias(iSensor)%chans(i)%coeff_nobs = temp_nobs(i)
 620        end do
 621        do i = 1, bias(iSensor)%numChannels
 622          if (bias(iSensor)%chans(i)%coeff_nobs > 0) then
 623            bias(iSensor)%chans(i)%coeff_offset(:) = bias(iSensor)%chans(i)%coeff_offset / bias(iSensor)%chans(i)%coeff_nobs
 624          end if
 625        end do
 626      end do
 628      deallocate(temp_offset)
 629      deallocate(temp_nobs)
 630      deallocate(temp_offset2)
 631      deallocate(temp_nobs2)
 633      write(*,*) "bcs_computePredictorBiases: end"
 634    end if
 636  end subroutine bcs_computePredictorBiases
 638  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 639  ! bcs_calcBias
 640  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 641  subroutine bcs_calcBias(obsSpaceData, columnTrlOnTrlLev)
 642    !
 643    !:Purpose:  to fill OBS_BCOR column of ObsSpaceData body with bias correction computed from read coefficient file
 644    !
 645    implicit none
 647    ! Arguments:
 648    type(struct_obs),        intent(inout) :: obsSpaceData
 649    type(struct_columnData), intent(inout) :: columnTrlOnTrlLev
 651    ! Locals:
 652    integer  :: headerIndex, bodyIndex, iobs, indxtovs, idatyp
 653    integer  :: iSensor, iPredictor, chanIndx
 654    integer  :: iScan, iFov, jPred
 655    real(8)  :: predictor(NumPredictors)
 656    real(8)  :: biasCor
 658    if (.not. biasActive) return
 660    write(*,*) "bcs_calcBias: start"
 662    if (.not. allocated(trialHeight300m1000)) then
 663      call bcs_getTrialPredictors(obsSpaceData, columnTrlOnTrlLev)
 664    end if
 666    iobs = 0
 667    call obs_set_current_header_list(obsSpaceData, 'TO')
 668    HEADER: do
 669      headerIndex = obs_getHeaderIndex(obsSpaceData)
 670      if (headerIndex < 0) exit HEADER
 672      ! process only radiance data to be assimilated?
 673      idatyp = obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ITY, headerIndex)
 674      if (.not. tvs_isIdBurpTovs(idatyp)) then
 675        write(*,*) 'bcs_calBias: warning unknown radiance codtyp present check NAMTOVSINST', idatyp
 676        cycle HEADER
 677      end if
 679      iobs = iobs + 1
 681      indxtovs = tvs_tovsIndex(headerIndex)
 682      if (indxtovs < 0) cycle HEADER
 684      iSensor = tvs_lsensor(indxTovs)
 686      call obs_set_current_body_list(obsSpaceData, headerIndex)
 687      iFov = obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_FOV, headerIndex)
 689      if (bias(iSensor)%numScan > 1) then
 690        iScan = iFov
 691      else
 692        iScan = 1
 693      end if
 695      BODY: do
 696        bodyIndex = obs_getBodyIndex(obsSpaceData)
 697        if (bodyIndex < 0) exit BODY
 699        if (obs_bodyElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ASS, bodyIndex) /= obs_assimilated) cycle BODY   
 700        if (obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_VAR, bodyIndex) == MPC_missingValue_R8) cycle BODY
 702        call bcs_getChannelIndex(obsSpaceData, iSensor, chanIndx, bodyIndex)
 703        if (chanindx > 0) then
 704          if (bias(iSensor)%chans(chanIndx)%isDynamic .and. bias(iSensor)%numScan >0) then
 705            if ( bias(iSensor)%chans(chanIndx)%coeff_fov(iScan)/= MPC_missingValue_R8 .and. &
 706                 all( bias(iSensor)%chans(chanIndx)%coeff(1:bias(iSensor)%chans(chanIndx)%NumActivePredictors)/= MPC_missingValue_R8) ) then
 707              biasCor = bias(iSensor)%chans(chanIndx)%coeff_fov(iScan) + &
 708                   bias(iSensor)%chans(chanIndx)%coeff(1)
 709              call bcs_getPredictors(predictor, headerIndex, iobs, chanIndx, obsSpaceData)
 710              do iPredictor = 2, bias(iSensor)%chans(chanIndx)%NumActivePredictors
 711                jPred = bias(iSensor)%chans(chanIndx)%PredictorIndex(iPredictor)
 712                biasCor = biasCor + predictor(jPred) * bias(iSensor)%chans(chanIndx)%coeff(iPredictor)
 713              end do
 714              biasCor = -1.d0 * biascor
 715              call obs_bodySet_r( obsSpaceData, OBS_BCOR, bodyIndex, biasCor)
 716            end if
 717          end if
 718        end if
 719      end do BODY
 720    end do HEADER
 722    write(*,*) "bcs_calcBias: end"
 724  end subroutine bcs_calcBias
 726  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 727  ! bcs_dumpBiasToSqliteAfterThinning
 728  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 729  subroutine bcs_dumpBiasToSqliteAfterThinning(obsSpaceData)
 730    !
 731    !:Purpose:  to dump bias correction coefficients and predictors in dedicated sqlite files 
 732    !
 733    implicit none
 735    ! Arguments:
 736    type(struct_obs), intent(inout)     :: obsSpaceData
 738    ! Locals:
 739    integer  :: headerIndex, bodyIndex,iobs, indxtovs, idatyp
 740    integer  :: sensorIndex, iPredictor, chanIndx, codeTypeIndex, fileIndex, searchIndex
 741    integer  :: iScan, iFov, jPred, burpChanIndex
 742    real(8)  :: predictor(NumPredictors)
 743    real(8)  :: biasCor
 744    real(8)  :: sunzen, sunaz, satzen, sataz
 745    type(fSQL_DATABASE), allocatable  :: db(:) ! SQLIte  file handle
 746    type(fSQL_STATEMENT), allocatable :: stmtPreds(:), stmtCoeffs(:) ! precompiled SQLite statements
 747    type(fSQL_STATUS)    :: stat                 ! SQLiteerror status
 748    character(len=512)   :: queryCreate, queryPreds, queryCoeffs, queryTrim
 749    logical, allocatable :: first(:)
 750    integer, allocatable :: fileIndexes(:), obsOffset(:),  dataOffset(:)
 751    character(len=*), parameter :: myName = 'bcs_dumpBiasToSqliteAfterThinning::'
 752    character(len=30)  :: fileNameExtension
 753    character(len=4)   :: cmyidx, cmyidy
 754    integer            :: tovsCodeTypeListSize, tovsCodeTypeList(ninst)
 755    integer            :: tovsFileNameListSize
 756    character(len=20)  :: tovsFileNameList(30)
 757    character(len=256) :: fileName
 758    integer :: tovsAllCodeTypeListSize, tovsAllCodeTypeList(ninst)
 760    if (.not. biasActive) return
 761    if (.not. dumpToSqliteAfterThinning) return
 763    write(*,*) "bcs_dumpBiasToSqliteAfterThinning: start"
 765    ! get list of all possible tovs codetype values and unique list of corresponding filenames
 766    call tvs_getAllIdBurpTovs(tovsAllCodeTypeListSize, tovsAllCodeTypeList)
 767    write(*,*) 'bcs_dumpBiasToSqliteAfterThinning: tovsAllCodeTypeListSize = ', tovsAllCodeTypeListSize
 768    write(*,*) 'bcs_dumpBiasToSqliteAfterThinning: tovsAllCodeTypeList = ', tovsAllCodeTypeList(1:tovsAllCodeTypeListSize)
 770    tovsFileNameListSize = 0
 771    tovsFileNameList(:) = 'XXXXX'
 772    do codeTypeIndex = 1, tovsAllCodeTypeListSize
 773      fileName = getObsFileName(tovsAllCodeTypeList(codeTypeIndex))
 774      if (all(tovsFileNameList(:) /= fileName)) then
 775        tovsFileNameListSize = tovsFileNameListSize + 1
 776        tovsFileNameList(tovsFileNameListSize) = fileName
 777      end if
 778    end do
 779    write(*,*) 'bcs_dumpBiasToSqliteAfterThinning: tovsFileNameListSize = ', tovsFileNameListSize
 780    write(*,*) 'bcs_dumpBiasToSqliteAfterThinning: tovsFileNameList = ', tovsFileNameList(1:tovsFileNameListSize)
 782    allocate(db(tovsFileNameListSize))
 783    allocate(stmtPreds(tovsFileNameListSize))
 784    allocate(stmtCoeffs(tovsFileNameListSize))
 785    allocate(first(tovsFileNameListSize))
 786    first(:) = .true.
 787    allocate(fileIndexes(size(obsf_fileName)))
 788    fileIndexes(:) = -1
 789    do fileIndex = 1, tovsFileNameListSize
 790      do searchIndex = 1, size(obsf_fileName)
 791        if (index(trim(obsf_fileName(searchIndex)), trim(tovsFileNameList(fileIndex))) >0) then
 792          fileIndexes(searchIndex) = fileIndex
 793        end if
 794      end do
 795    end do
 796    write(*,*) 'bcs_dumpBiasToSqliteAfterThinning: fileIndexes', fileIndexes(1:tovsFileNameListSize)
 797    allocate(obsOffset(tovsFileNameListSize))
 798    allocate(dataOffset(tovsFileNameListSize))
 799    do fileIndex = 1, tovsFileNameListSize
 800      fileName = tovsFileNameList(fileIndex)
 801      write(*,*) 'tovs filename = ', fileName
 802      ! get list of codetypes associated with this filename
 803      tovsCodeTypeListSize = 0
 804      tovsCodeTypeList(:) = MPC_missingValue_INT
 805      do codeTypeIndex = 1, tovsAllCodeTypeListSize
 806        if (fileName == getObsFileName(tovsAllCodeTypeList(codeTypeIndex))) then
 807          tovsCodeTypeListSize = tovsCodeTypeListSize + 1
 808          tovsCodeTypeList(tovsCodeTypeListSize) = tovsAllCodeTypeList(codeTypeIndex)
 809        end if
 810      end do
 812      write(*,*) 'bcs_dumpBiasToSqliteAfterThinning: tovsCodeTypeListSize = ', tovsCodeTypeListSize
 813      write(*,*) 'bcs_dumpBiasToSqliteAfterThinning: tovsCodeTypeList = ', tovsCodeTypeList(1:tovsCodeTypeListSize) 
 814      call getInitialIdObsData(obsSpaceData, 'TO', obsOffset(fileIndex), dataOffset(fileIndex), &
 815           codeTypeList_opt=tovsCodeTypeList(1:tovsCodeTypeListSize))
 816      write(*,*) 'bcs_dumpBiasToSqliteAfterThinning: obsOffset(fileIndex), dataOffset(fileIndex)', fileIndex, obsOffset(fileIndex), dataOffset(fileIndex) 
 817    end do
 819    iobs = 0
 820    call obs_set_current_header_list(obsSpaceData, 'TO')
 821    HEADER: do
 822      headerIndex = obs_getHeaderIndex(obsSpaceData)
 823      if (headerIndex < 0) exit HEADER
 824      ! process only radiance data to be assimilated?
 825      idatyp = obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ITY, headerIndex)
 826      if (.not. tvs_isIdBurpTovs(idatyp)) then
 827        write(*,*) 'bcs_dumpBiasToSqliteAfterThinning: warning unknown radiance codtyp present check NAMTOVSINST', idatyp
 828        cycle HEADER
 829      end if
 830      iobs = iobs + 1
 831      fileIndex = fileIndexes(obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_IDF, headerIndex))
 832      indxtovs = tvs_tovsIndex(headerIndex)
 833      if (indxtovs < 0) cycle HEADER
 834      sensorIndex = tvs_lsensor(indxTovs)
 835      if (first(fileIndex)) then
 836        if (obs_mpiLocal(obsSpaceData)) then
 837          write(cmyidy,'(i4.4)') (mmpi_myidy + 1)
 838          write(cmyidx,'(i4.4)') (mmpi_myidx + 1)
 839          fileNameExtension = trim(cmyidx) // '_' // trim(cmyidy)
 840        else
 841          fileNameExtension = ' '
 842        end if
 844        fileName = 'obs/bcr' // trim(tovsFileNameList(fileIndex)) &
 845             // '_' // trim(filenameExtension)
 847        call fSQL_open(db(fileIndex), fileName, stat)
 848        write(*,*) 'bcs_dumpBiasToSqliteAfterThinning: Open ', trim(fileName)
 849        if (fSQL_error(stat) /= FSQL_OK) call handleError(stat, 'fSQL_open: ')
 851        ! Create the tables
 852        queryCreate = 'CREATE TABLE predictors(id_data integer, id_obs integer, predIndex integer, PredictorValue real,' // &
 853                      'PredictorType varchar(2), bcor real, fov integer, sunzen real, sunaz real, satzen real, sataz real);' // &
 854                      'CREATE TABLE  coeffs2(predIndex integer, coeff real, instrument varchar(10), platform varchar(16), vcoord integer, fov integer);'
 855        call fSQL_do_many(db(fileIndex), queryCreate, stat)
 856        if (fSQL_error(stat) /= FSQL_OK) call handleError(stat, 'fSQL_do_many: ')
 858        queryPreds = 'insert into predictors (id_data, id_obs, predIndex, predictorValue,' // &
 859                     ' predictorType, bcor, fov, sunzen, sunaz, satzen, sataz) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);'
 860        queryCoeffs = 'insert into coeffs2 (predIndex, coeff, instrument, platform, vcoord, fov) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?); '
 861        write(*,*) myName // ' Insert query Predictors   = ', trim(queryPreds)
 862        write(*,*) myName // ' Insert query Coeffs = ', trim(queryCoeffs)
 863        call fSQL_begin(db(fileIndex))
 864        call fSQL_prepare(db(fileIndex), queryPreds, stmtPreds(fileIndex), stat)
 865        if (fSQL_error(stat) /= FSQL_OK) call handleError(stat, 'fSQL_prepare 1: ')
 866        call fSQL_prepare(db(fileIndex), queryCoeffs, stmtCoeffs(fileIndex), stat)
 867        if (fSQL_error(stat) /= FSQL_OK) call handleError(stat, 'fSQL_prepare 2: ')
 868        first(fileIndex) = .false.
 869      end if
 870      call obs_set_current_body_list(obsSpaceData, headerIndex)
 871      iFov = obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_FOV, headerIndex)
 872      sunzen = obs_headElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_SUN, headerIndex)
 873      sunaz = obs_headElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_SAZ, headerIndex)
 874      satzen = obs_headElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_SZA, headerIndex)
 875      sataz = obs_headElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_AZA, headerIndex)
 876      if (bias(sensorIndex)%numScan > 1) then
 877        iScan = iFov
 878      else
 879        iScan = 1
 880      end if
 881      BODY: do
 882        bodyIndex = obs_getBodyIndex(obsSpaceData)
 883        if (bodyIndex < 0) exit BODY
 884        if (obs_bodyElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ASS, bodyIndex) /= obs_assimilated) cycle BODY   
 885        if (obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_VAR, bodyIndex) == MPC_missingValue_R8) cycle BODY
 886        if (btest(obs_bodyElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_FLG, bodyIndex), 11)) cycle BODY 
 887        call bcs_getChannelIndex(obsSpaceData, sensorIndex, chanIndx, bodyIndex)
 888        if (chanindx > 0) then
 889          biasCor = 0.0d0
 890          if (bias(sensorIndex)%chans(chanIndx)%isDynamic .and. bias(sensorIndex)%numScan > 0) then
 891            call bcs_getPredictors(predictor, headerIndex, iobs, chanIndx, obsSpaceData)
 892            biasCor = bias(sensorIndex)%chans(chanIndx)%coeff_fov(iScan) + &
 893                 bias(sensorIndex)%chans(chanIndx)%coeff(1) 
 894            burpChanIndex = nint(obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_PPP, bodyIndex))                   
 895            call fSQL_bind_param(stmtCoeffs(fileIndex), param_index=1, int_var=0)
 896            call fSQL_bind_param(stmtCoeffs(fileIndex), param_index=2, real8_var=bias(sensorIndex)%chans(chanIndx)%coeff_fov(iScan))
 897            call fSQL_bind_param(stmtCoeffs(fileIndex), param_index=3, char_var=trim(tvs_instrumentName(sensorIndex)))
 898            call fSQL_bind_param(stmtCoeffs(fileIndex), param_index=4, char_var=trim(tvs_satelliteName(sensorIndex)))
 899            call fSQL_bind_param(stmtCoeffs(fileIndex), param_index=5, int_var=burpChanIndex)
 900            call fSQL_bind_param(stmtCoeffs(fileIndex), param_index=6, int_var=iScan)
 901            call fSQL_exec_stmt(stmtCoeffs(fileIndex))
 902            call fSQL_bind_param(stmtCoeffs(fileIndex), param_index=1, int_var=1)
 903            call fSQL_bind_param(stmtCoeffs(fileIndex), param_index=2, real8_var=bias(sensorIndex)%chans(chanIndx)%coeff(1))
 904            call fSQL_bind_param(stmtCoeffs(fileIndex), param_index=3, char_var=trim(tvs_instrumentName(sensorIndex)))
 905            call fSQL_bind_param(stmtCoeffs(fileIndex), param_index=4, char_var=trim(tvs_satelliteName(sensorIndex)))
 906            call fSQL_bind_param(stmtCoeffs(fileIndex), param_index=5, int_var=burpChanIndex)
 907            call fSQL_bind_param(stmtCoeffs(fileIndex), param_index=6, int_var=iScan)
 908            call fSQL_exec_stmt(stmtCoeffs(fileIndex))
 909            do iPredictor = 2, bias(sensorIndex)%chans(chanIndx)%NumActivePredictors
 910              jPred = bias(sensorIndex)%chans(chanIndx)%PredictorIndex(iPredictor)
 911              biasCor = biasCor + predictor(jPred) * bias(sensorIndex)%chans(chanIndx)%coeff(iPredictor)
 912            end do
 913          end if
 914          biasCor = -1.d0 * biascor
 915          do iPredictor = 2, bias(sensorIndex)%chans(chanIndx)%NumActivePredictors
 916            jPred = bias(sensorIndex)%chans(chanIndx)%PredictorIndex(iPredictor)
 917            call fSQL_bind_param(stmtCoeffs(fileIndex), param_index=1, int_var=jPred)
 918            call fSQL_bind_param(stmtCoeffs(fileIndex), param_index=2, real8_var=bias(sensorIndex)%chans(chanIndx)%coeff(iPredictor))
 919            call fSQL_bind_param(stmtCoeffs(fileIndex), param_index=3, char_var=trim(tvs_instrumentName(sensorIndex)))
 920            call fSQL_bind_param(stmtCoeffs(fileIndex), param_index=4, char_var=trim(tvs_satelliteName(sensorIndex)))
 921            call fSQL_bind_param(stmtCoeffs(fileIndex), param_index=5, int_var=burpChanIndex)
 922            call fSQL_bind_param(stmtCoeffs(fileIndex), param_index=6, int_var=iScan)
 923            call fSQL_exec_stmt (stmtCoeffs(fileIndex))
 924            call fSQL_bind_param(stmtPreds(fileIndex), param_index=1, int_var=bodyIndex + dataOffset(fileIndex))
 925            call fSQL_bind_param(stmtPreds(fileIndex), param_index=2, int_var=headerIndex + obsOffset(fileIndex))
 926            call fSQL_bind_param(stmtPreds(fileIndex), param_index=3, int_var=jPred)
 927            call fSQL_bind_param(stmtPreds(fileIndex), param_index=4, real8_var=predictor(jPred))
 928            call fSQL_bind_param(stmtPreds(fileIndex), param_index=5, char_var=predtab(jPred))
 929            call fSQL_bind_param(stmtPreds(fileIndex), param_index=6, real8_var=biascor)
 930            call fSQL_bind_param(stmtPreds(fileIndex), param_index=7, int_var=iScan)
 931            call fSQL_bind_param(stmtPreds(fileIndex), param_index=8, real8_var=sunzen)
 932            call fSQL_bind_param(stmtPreds(fileIndex), param_index=9, real8_var=sunaz )
 933            call fSQL_bind_param(stmtPreds(fileIndex), param_index=10, real8_var=satzen )
 934            call fSQL_bind_param(stmtPreds(fileIndex), param_index=11, real8_var=sataz)
 935            call fSQL_exec_stmt (stmtPreds(fileIndex))
 936          end do
 937        end if
 938      end do BODY
 939    end do HEADER
 940    do fileIndex = 1, tovsFileNameListSize
 941      if (.not. first(fileIndex)) then
 942        call fSQL_finalize(stmtCoeffs(fileIndex))
 943        call fSQL_finalize(stmtPreds(fileIndex))
 944        queryTrim = 'create table coeffs as select distinct * from coeffs2; drop table coeffs2;'
 945        call fSQL_do_many(db(fileIndex), queryTrim, stat)
 946        if (fSQL_error(stat) /= FSQL_OK) call handleError(stat, 'fSQL_do_many: ')
 947        call fSQL_commit(db(fileIndex), stat)
 948        if (fSQL_error(stat) /= FSQL_OK) call handleError(stat, 'fSQL_commit: ')
 949        call fSQL_close(db(fileIndex), stat)
 950        if (fSQL_error(stat) /= FSQL_OK) call handleError(stat, 'fSQL_close: ')
 951      end if
 952    end do
 953    deallocate(dataOffset)
 954    deallocate(obsOffset)
 955    deallocate(fileIndexes)
 956    deallocate(first)
 957    deallocate(stmtCoeffs)
 958    deallocate(stmtPreds)
 959    deallocate(db)
 960    write(*,*) "bcs_dumpBiasToSqliteAfterThinning: end"
 961  contains
 963    subroutine handleError(stat, message)
 964      implicit none
 966      ! Arguments:
 967      type(FSQL_STATUS), intent(in) :: stat
 968      character(len=*),  intent(in) :: message
 970      write(*,*) message, fSQL_errmsg(stat)
 971      call utl_abort(trim(message))
 972    end subroutine handleError
 974  end subroutine bcs_dumpBiasToSqliteAfterThinning
 976  !---------------------------------------
 977  ! bcs_computeResidualsStatistics
 978  !----------------------------------------
 979  subroutine bcs_computeResidualsStatistics(obsSpaceData, prefix)
 980    !
 981    !:Purpose: to compute residuals mean and standard deviation by intrument, channel and scan position
 982    !
 983    implicit none
 985    ! Arguments:
 986    type(struct_obs), intent(inout)  :: obsSpaceData
 987    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: prefix
 989    ! Locals:
 990    real(8), allocatable :: tbias(:,:), tstd(:,:)
 991    integer, allocatable :: tcount(:,:)
 992    real(8), allocatable :: biasMpiGlobal(:,:), stdMpiGLobal(:,:)
 993    integer, allocatable :: countMpiGlobal(:,:)
 994    integer :: sensorIndex, headerIndex, bodyIndex
 995    integer :: nchans, nscan
 996    integer :: iSensor, iScan, chanIndx, iFov
 997    real(8) :: OmF, bcor
 998    integer :: ierr, nulfile1, nulfile2
 999    character(len=10) :: instrName, satNamecoeff
1000    character(len=72) :: errorMessage
1002    if (.not. biasActive) return
1004    if (.not. outstats) return
1006    write(*,*) "bcs_computeResidualsStatistics: start"
1008    SENSORS:do sensorIndex = 1, tvs_nsensors
1010      if  (.not. tvs_isReallyPresentMpiGLobal(sensorIndex)) cycle SENSORS
1012      write(*,*) "bcs_computeResidualsStatistics: sensorIndex ", sensorIndex
1014      nchans = bias(sensorIndex)%numChannels
1015      nscan = bias(sensorIndex)%numscan
1017      allocate(tbias(nchans,nscan))
1018      tbias(:,:) = 0.d0
1019      allocate(tstd(nchans,nscan))
1020      tstd(:,:) = 0.d0
1021      allocate(tcount(nchans,nscan))
1022      tcount(:,:) = 0
1024      call obs_set_current_header_list(obsSpaceData, 'TO')
1026      HEADER: do
1027        headerIndex = obs_getHeaderIndex(obsSpaceData)
1028        if (headerIndex < 0) exit HEADER
1029        if (tvs_tovsIndex(headerIndex) < 0) cycle HEADER
1030        iSensor = tvs_lsensor(tvs_tovsIndex(headerIndex))
1031        if (iSensor /= sensorIndex) cycle HEADER
1033        iFov = obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_FOV, headerIndex)
1034        if (nscan > 1) then
1035          iScan = iFov
1036        else
1037          iScan = 1
1038        end if
1040        call obs_set_current_body_list(obsSpaceData, headerIndex)
1041        BODY: do
1042          bodyIndex = obs_getBodyIndex(obsSpaceData)
1043          if (bodyIndex < 0) exit BODY
1045          if (obs_bodyElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ASS, bodyIndex) /= obs_assimilated) cycle BODY 
1046          call bcs_getChannelIndex(obsSpaceData, iSensor, chanIndx, bodyIndex)
1047          if (chanindx > 0) then
1048            OmF = obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_OMP, bodyIndex)
1049            bcor =  obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_BCOR, bodyIndex)
1050            if (OmF /= MPC_missingValue_R8 .and. bcor /= MPC_missingValue_R8) then
1051              tbias(chanIndx,iScan) = tbias(chanIndx,iScan) + (OmF + bcor)
1052              tstd(chanIndx,iScan) = tstd(chanIndx,iScan) + (OmF + bcor) ** 2
1053              tcount(chanIndx,iScan) = tcount(chanIndx,iScan) + 1
1054            end if
1055          end if
1056        end do BODY
1057      end do HEADER
1059      allocate( biasMpiGlobal(nchans,nscan) )
1060      allocate( stdMpiGlobal(nchans,nscan) )
1061      allocate( countMpiGlobal(nchans,nscan) )
1063      call mmpi_reduce_sumR8_2d( tbias, biasMpiGlobal, 0, "GRID" )
1064      call mmpi_reduce_sumR8_2d( tstd, stdMpiGlobal, 0, "GRID" )
1065      call rpn_comm_reduce(tcount, countMpiGlobal, size(countMpiGlobal), "mpi_integer", "MPI_SUM", 0, "GRID", ierr)
1066      if (ierr /=0) then
1067        write(errorMessage,*) "bcs_computeResidualsStatistics: MPI communication error 3", ierr 
1068        call utl_abort(errorMessage)
1069      end if
1071      if (mmpi_myId == 0) then
1072        where(countMpiGlobal > 0) 
1073          biasMpiGlobal = biasMpiGlobal / countMpiGlobal
1074          stdMpiGlobal = sqrt(stdMpiGlobal/ countMpiGlobal  - biasMpiGlobal**2)
1075        end where
1077        instrName = InstrNametoCoeffFileName(tvs_instrumentName(sensorIndex))
1078        satNamecoeff = SatNameinCoeffFile(tvs_satelliteName(sensorIndex)) 
1080        nulfile1 = 0
1081        ierr = fnom(nulfile1, './std_' // trim(instrName) // '_' // trim(satNamecoeff) // trim(prefix) // '.dat', 'FTN+FMT', 0)
1082        nulfile2 = 0
1083        ierr = fnom(nulfile2, './mean_' // trim(instrName) // '_' // trim(satNamecoeff) // trim(prefix) // '.dat', 'FTN+FMT', 0)
1085        do chanIndx = 1, nchans
1086          if (sum(countMpiGlobal(chanIndx, :)) > 0) then
1087            write(nulfile2,'(i4,1x,100e14.6)') chanIndx, biasMpiGlobal(chanindx,:)
1088            write(nulfile1,'(i4,1x,100e14.6)') chanIndx, stdMpiGlobal(chanindx,:)
1089          end if
1090        end do
1091        ierr = fclos(nulfile1)
1092        ierr = fclos(nulfile2)
1094      end if
1096      deallocate(biasMpiGlobal)
1097      deallocate(stdMpiGlobal)
1098      deallocate(countMpiGlobal)
1099      deallocate(tbias)
1100      deallocate(tstd)
1101      deallocate(tcount)
1103    end do SENSORS
1105    write(*,*) "bcs_computeResidualsStatistics: end"
1107  end subroutine bcs_computeResidualsStatistics
1109  !---------------------------------------
1110  !  bcs_removeOutliers
1111  !---------------------------------------- 
1112  subroutine  bcs_removeOutliers(obsSpaceData)
1113    !
1114    !:Purpose: to remove outliers (too large OmF) from linear regression
1115    !
1116    implicit none
1118    ! Arguments:
1119    type(struct_obs), intent(inout)  :: obsSpaceData
1121    ! Locals:
1122    real(8), allocatable :: tbias(:,:), tstd(:,:)
1123    integer, allocatable :: tcount(:,:)
1124    real(8), allocatable :: biasMpiGlobal(:,:), stdMpiGLobal(:,:)
1125    integer, allocatable :: countMpiGlobal(:,:)
1126    integer :: sensorIndex, headerIndex, bodyIndex
1127    integer :: nchans, nfiles
1128    integer :: iSensor, chanIndx, timeIndex
1129    real(8) :: OmF
1130    real(8), parameter :: alpha = 5.d0
1131    real(8) :: stepObsIndex
1132    integer :: ierr
1133    character(len=72) :: errorMessage
1135    if (.not. biasActive) return
1137    write(*,*) "bcs_removeOutliers: start"
1139    SENSORS:do sensorIndex = 1, tvs_nsensors
1141      if  (.not. tvs_isReallyPresentMpiGLobal(sensorIndex)) cycle SENSORS
1143      write(*,*) "bcs_removeOutliers: sensorIndex ", sensorIndex
1145      nchans = bias(sensorIndex)%numChannels
1146      nfiles = tim_nstepobs
1148      allocate(tbias(nchans,nfiles))
1149      tbias(:,:) = 0.d0
1150      allocate(tstd(nchans,nfiles))
1151      tstd(:,:) = 0.d0
1152      allocate(tcount(nchans,nfiles))
1153      tcount(:,:) = 0
1155      call obs_set_current_header_list(obsSpaceData, 'TO')
1157      HEADER1: do
1158        headerIndex = obs_getHeaderIndex(obsSpaceData)
1159        if (headerIndex < 0) exit HEADER1
1160        if (tvs_tovsIndex(headerIndex) < 0) cycle HEADER1
1161        iSensor = tvs_lsensor(tvs_tovsIndex(headerIndex))
1162        if (iSensor /= sensorIndex) cycle HEADER1
1164        call tim_getStepObsIndex(stepObsIndex, tim_getDatestamp(), &
1165             obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_DAT, headerIndex), &
1166             obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ETM, headerIndex), tim_nstepobs)
1168        timeIndex = nint(stepObsIndex)
1169        if  (timeIndex < 0) cycle HEADER1
1170        call obs_set_current_body_list(obsSpaceData, headerIndex)
1171        BODY1: do
1172          bodyIndex = obs_getBodyIndex(obsSpaceData)
1173          if (bodyIndex < 0) exit BODY1
1175          if (obs_bodyElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ASS, bodyIndex) == obs_assimilated .and. &
1176               .not. btest(obs_bodyElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_FLG, bodyIndex), 6)) then 
1177            call bcs_getChannelIndex(obsSpaceData, iSensor, chanIndx, bodyIndex)
1178            if (chanindx > 0) then
1179              OmF = obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_OMP, bodyIndex)
1180              if (OmF /= MPC_missingValue_R8) then
1181                tbias(chanIndx,timeindex) = tbias(chanIndx,timeindex) + OmF
1182                tstd(chanIndx,timeindex) = tstd(chanIndx,timeindex) + (OmF ** 2)
1183                tcount(chanIndx,timeindex) =  tcount(chanIndx,timeindex) + 1
1184              end if
1185            end if
1186          end if
1187        end do BODY1
1188      end do HEADER1
1190      allocate(biasMpiGlobal(nchans,nfiles))
1191      allocate(stdMpiGlobal(nchans,nfiles))
1192      allocate(countMpiGlobal(nchans,nfiles))
1194      call mmpi_reduce_sumR8_2d( tbias, biasMpiGlobal, 0, "GRID" )
1195      call mmpi_reduce_sumR8_2d( tstd, stdMpiGlobal, 0, "GRID" )
1196      call rpn_comm_reduce(tcount, countMpiGlobal, size(countMpiGlobal), "mpi_integer", "MPI_SUM", 0, "GRID", ierr)
1197      if (ierr /=0) then
1198        write(errorMessage,*) "bcs_removeOutliers: MPI communication error 3", ierr 
1199        call utl_abort(errorMessage)
1200      end if
1202      if (mmpi_myId == 0) then
1203        where(countMpiGlobal > 0) 
1204          biasMpiGlobal = biasMpiGlobal / countMpiGlobal
1205          stdMpiGlobal = sqrt(stdMpiGlobal/ countMpiGlobal  - biasMpiGlobal**2)
1206        end where
1207      end if
1209      call rpn_comm_bcast(countMpiGlobal, nchans*nfiles, "mpi_integer", 0, "GRID", ierr)
1210      if (ierr /=0) then
1211        write(errorMessage,*) "bcs_removeOutliers: MPI communication error 4", ierr 
1212        call utl_abort(errorMessage)
1213      end if
1214      call rpn_comm_bcast(stdMpiGlobal, nchans*nfiles, "mpi_double_precision", 0, "GRID", ierr)
1215      if (ierr /=0) then
1216        write(errorMessage,*) "bcs_removeOutliers: MPI communication error 5", ierr 
1217        call utl_abort(errorMessage)
1218      end if
1220      if (sum(countMpiGlobal) /= 0) then
1222        tcount(:,:) = 0
1224        call obs_set_current_header_list(obsSpaceData, 'TO')
1226        HEADER2: do
1227          headerIndex = obs_getHeaderIndex(obsSpaceData)
1228          if (headerIndex < 0) exit HEADER2
1229          if (tvs_tovsIndex(headerIndex) < 0) cycle HEADER2
1230          iSensor = tvs_lsensor(tvs_tovsIndex(headerIndex))
1231          if (iSensor /= sensorIndex) cycle HEADER2
1233          call tim_getStepObsIndex(stepObsIndex, tim_getDatestamp(), &
1234               obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_DAT, headerIndex), &
1235               obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ETM, headerIndex), tim_nstepobs)
1237          timeIndex = nint(stepObsIndex)
1238          if  (timeIndex < 0) cycle HEADER2
1240          call obs_set_current_body_list(obsSpaceData, headerIndex)
1241          BODY2: do
1242            bodyIndex = obs_getBodyIndex(obsSpaceData)
1243            if (bodyIndex < 0) exit BODY2
1245            if (obs_bodyElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ASS, bodyIndex) == obs_assimilated .and. &
1246                 .not. btest(obs_bodyElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_FLG, bodyIndex), 6)) then 
1248              call bcs_getChannelIndex(obsSpaceData, iSensor, chanIndx, bodyIndex)
1250              if (chanindx > 0) then
1252                OmF = obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_OMP, bodyIndex)
1253                if (countMpiGlobal(chanIndx, timeindex) > 2 .and.  &
1254                     abs(OmF) > alpha * stdMpiGlobal(chanIndx, timeindex)) then
1255                  call obs_bodySet_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ASS, bodyIndex, obs_notAssimilated)
1256                  tcount(chanIndx,timeindex) = tcount(chanIndx,timeindex) + 1
1257                end if
1259              end if
1260            end if
1261          end do BODY2
1262        end do HEADER2
1264        do chanIndx = 1, nchans
1265          if (sum(tcount(chanIndx,:)) > 0) then
1266            write(*,'(A,1x,i2,1x,i4,1x,i6,1x,30e14.6)') "bcs_removeOutliers:", sensorindex, chanIndx, sum(tcount(chanIndx,:)), stdMpiGlobal(chanIndx,:)
1267          end if
1268        end do
1270      end if
1272      deallocate(biasMpiGlobal)
1273      deallocate(stdMpiGlobal)
1274      deallocate(countMpiGlobal)
1275      deallocate(tbias)
1276      deallocate(tstd)
1277      deallocate(tcount)
1279    end do SENSORS
1281    write(*,*) "bcs_removeOutliers: end"
1283  end subroutine bcs_removeOutliers
1285  !---------------------------------------
1286  ! bcs_calcBias_tl
1287  !---------------------------------------- 
1288  subroutine bcs_calcBias_tl(cv_in, obsColumnIndex, obsSpaceData, columnTrlOnTrlLev)
1289    !
1290    !:Purpose: tl of bias computation (for varBC)
1291    !
1292    implicit none
1294    ! Arguments:
1295    real(8),                 intent(in)    :: cv_in(:)
1296    integer,                 intent(in)    :: obsColumnIndex
1297    type(struct_obs),        intent(inout) :: obsSpaceData
1298    type(struct_columnData), intent(inout) :: columnTrlOnTrlLev
1300    ! Locals:
1301    integer  :: headerIndex, bodyIndex, iobs, indxtovs, idatyp
1302    integer  :: iSensor, iPredictor, chanIndx
1303    integer  :: iScan, iFov, jPred
1304    real(8)  :: predictor(NumPredictors)
1305    real(8), pointer :: cv_bias(:)
1306    real(8), target  :: dummy4Pointer(1)
1307    real(8)  :: biasCor
1309    if (.not. biasActive) return
1311    if (.not. allocated(trialHeight300m1000)) then
1312      call bcs_getTrialPredictors(obsSpaceData, columnTrlOnTrlLev)
1313      call bcs_computePredictorBiases(obsSpaceData)
1314      call bcs_getRadiosondeWeight(obsSpaceData, lmodify_obserror_opt=.true.)
1315    end if
1317    nullify(cv_bias)
1318    if (mmpi_myid == 0) then
1319      if (cvm_subVectorExists('BIAS')) then
1320        cv_Bias => cvm_getSubVector(cv_in, 'BIAS')
1321        write(*,*) 'bcs_calcBias_tl: maxval(cv_bias) = ', maxval(cv_bias(:))
1322      else
1323        write(*,*) 'bcs_calcBias_tl: control vector does not include bias coefficients'
1324        return
1325      end if
1326   else
1327      cv_bias => dummy4Pointer
1328   end if
1330    ! get bias coefficients
1331    call bcs_cvToCoeff(cv_bias)
1333    ! apply bias increment to specified obs column
1334    iobs = 0
1335    call obs_set_current_header_list(obsSpaceData, 'TO')
1336    HEADER: do
1337      headerIndex = obs_getHeaderIndex(obsSpaceData)
1338      if (headerIndex < 0) exit HEADER
1340      ! process only radiance data to be assimilated?
1341      idatyp = obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ITY, headerIndex)
1342      if (.not. tvs_isIdBurpTovs(idatyp)) then
1343        write(*,*) 'bcs_calBias_tl: warning unknown radiance codtyp present check NAMTOVSINST', idatyp
1344        cycle HEADER
1345      end if
1347      iobs = iobs + 1
1349      indxtovs = tvs_tovsIndex(headerIndex)
1350      if (indxtovs < 0) cycle HEADER
1352      iSensor = tvs_lsensor(indxTovs)
1354      call obs_set_current_body_list(obsSpaceData, headerIndex)
1355      iFov = obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_FOV, headerIndex)
1357      BODY: do
1358        bodyIndex = obs_getBodyIndex(obsSpaceData)
1359        if (bodyIndex < 0) exit BODY
1361        if (obs_bodyElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ASS, bodyIndex) /= obs_assimilated) cycle BODY   
1363        call bcs_getChannelIndex(obsSpaceData, iSensor, chanIndx, bodyIndex)
1365        if (chanindx > 0) then
1366          biasCor = 0.0d0
1367          if (bias(iSensor)%chans(chanIndx)%isDynamic .and. bias(iSensor)%numScan >0) then
1368            call bcs_getPredictors(predictor, headerIndex, iobs, chanindx, obsSpaceData)
1369            do iPredictor = 1, bias(iSensor)%chans(chanIndx)%NumActivePredictors
1370              jPred = bias(iSensor)%chans(chanIndx)%PredictorIndex(iPredictor)
1371              if (iPredictor == 1) then
1372                if (bias(iSensor)%numScan > 1) then
1373                  iScan = iFov
1374                else
1375                  iScan = 1
1376                end if
1377                biasCor = biasCor + predictor(jPred) * bias(iSensor)%chans(chanIndx)%coeffIncr_fov(iScan) 
1378              else
1379                biasCor = biasCor + predictor(jPred) * bias(iSensor)%chans(chanIndx)%coeffIncr(iPredictor) 
1380              end if
1381            end do
1382          end if
1383          call obs_bodySet_r(obsSpaceData, obsColumnIndex, bodyIndex, &
1384               obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData, obsColumnIndex, bodyIndex) - biasCor)
1385        end if
1386      end do BODY
1387    end do HEADER
1390  end subroutine bcs_calcBias_tl
1392  !----------------------
1393  ! bcs_getTrialPredictors
1394  !----------------------
1395  subroutine bcs_getTrialPredictors(obsSpaceData, columnTrlOnTrlLev)
1396    !
1397    !:Purpose: get predictors from trial fields
1398    !
1399    implicit none
1401    ! Arguments:
1402    type(struct_columnData), intent(inout) :: columnTrlOnTrlLev
1403    type(struct_obs),        intent(inout) :: obsSpaceData
1405    ! Locals:
1406    integer  :: headerIndex, idatyp, iobs
1407    real(8)  :: height1, height2
1409    if (tvs_nobtov > 0) then
1410      allocate(trialHeight300m1000(tvs_nobtov))
1411      allocate(trialHeight50m200(tvs_nobtov))
1412      allocate(trialHeight5m50(tvs_nobtov))
1413      allocate(trialHeight1m10(tvs_nobtov))
1414      allocate(trialTG(tvs_nobtov))
1415      allocate(RadiosondeWeight(tvs_nobtov))
1416    else
1417      write(*,*) 'bcs_getTrialPredictors: No radiance OBS found'
1418      return
1419    end if
1421    iobs = 0
1423    call obs_set_current_header_list(obsSpaceData, 'TO')
1425    HEADER2: do
1426      headerIndex = obs_getHeaderIndex(obsSpaceData)
1427      if (headerIndex < 0) exit HEADER2
1428      idatyp = obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ITY, headerIndex)
1429      if (.not.  tvs_isIdBurpTovs(idatyp)) then
1430        write(*,*) 'bcs_getTrialPredictors: warning unknown radiance codtyp present check NAMTOVSINST', idatyp
1431        cycle HEADER2
1432      end if
1433      iobs = iobs + 1
1435      height1 = logInterpHeight(columnTrlOnTrlLev, headerIndex, 1000.d0)
1436      height2 = logInterpHeight(columnTrlOnTrlLev, headerIndex, 300.d0)
1438      trialHeight300m1000(iobs) = height2 - height1
1440      height1 = logInterpHeight(columnTrlOnTrlLev, headerIndex, 200.d0)
1441      height2 = logInterpHeight(columnTrlOnTrlLev, headerIndex, 50.d0)
1443      trialHeight50m200(iobs) = height2 - height1
1445      height1 = height2
1446      height2 = logInterpHeight(columnTrlOnTrlLev, headerIndex, 5.d0)
1448      trialHeight5m50(iobs) = height2 - height1
1450      height1 = logInterpHeight(columnTrlOnTrlLev, headerIndex, 10.d0)
1451      height2 = logInterpHeight(columnTrlOnTrlLev, headerIndex, 1.d0)
1453      trialHeight1m10(iobs) = height2 - height1
1455      trialTG(iobs) = col_getElem(columnTrlOnTrlLev, 1, headerIndex, 'TG')
1457    end do HEADER2
1459    if (trialTG(1) > 150.0d0) then
1460      write(*,*) 'bcs_getTrialPredictors: converting TG from Kelvin to deg_C'
1461      trialTG(:) = trialTG(:) - MPC_K_C_DEGREE_OFFSET_R8
1462    end if
1464    trialHeight300m1000(:) = 0.1d0 * trialHeight300m1000(:) ! conversion factor
1465    trialHeight50m200(:) = 0.1d0 * trialHeight50m200(:)
1466    trialHeight5m50(:) = 0.1d0 * trialHeight5m50(:)
1467    trialHeight1m10(:) =  0.1d0 *  trialHeight1m10(:)
1469    write(*,*) 'bcs_getTrialPredictors: end'
1471  contains
1473    function logInterpHeight(columnTrlOnTrlLev, headerIndex, p) result(height)
1474      implicit none
1476      ! Arguments:
1477      type(struct_columnData), intent(inout) :: columnTrlOnTrlLev
1478      integer,                 intent(in)    :: headerIndex
1479      real(8),                 intent(in)    :: p
1480      ! Result:
1481      real(8) :: height
1483      ! Locals:
1484      integer :: jk, nlev, ik
1485      real(8) :: zpt, zpb, zwt, zwb
1486      real(8), pointer :: col_ptr(:)
1488      ik = 1
1489      nlev = col_getNumLev(columnTrlOnTrlLev, 'TH')
1490      do jk = 2, nlev - 1
1491        zpt = col_getPressure(columnTrlOnTrlLev, jk, headerIndex, 'TH') * MPC_MBAR_PER_PA_R8
1492        if(p > zpt) ik = jk
1493      end do
1494      zpt = col_getPressure(columnTrlOnTrlLev, ik, headerIndex, 'TH') * MPC_MBAR_PER_PA_R8
1495      zpb = col_getPressure(columnTrlOnTrlLev, ik + 1, headerIndex, 'TH') * MPC_MBAR_PER_PA_R8
1497      zwb = log(p/zpt) / log(zpb/zpt)
1498      zwt = 1.d0 - zwb
1499      col_ptr => col_getColumn(columnTrlOnTrlLev, headerIndex, 'Z_T')
1501      height = zwb * col_ptr(ik+1) + zwt * col_ptr(ik)
1503    end function logInterpHeight
1505  end subroutine bcs_getTrialPredictors
1507  !----------------------
1508  ! bcs_cvToCoeff
1509  !----------------------
1510  subroutine bcs_cvToCoeff(cv_bias)
1511    !
1512    !:Purpose: get coefficient increment from control vector
1513    !
1514    implicit none
1516    ! Arguments:
1517    real(8), intent(in) :: cv_bias(:)
1519    ! Locals:
1520    integer  :: index_cv, iSensor, iChannel, iPredictor, iScan
1521    integer  :: nsize, ierr
1523    if (mmpi_myid == 0) then
1524      write(*,*) 'bcs_cvToCoeff: start'
1525      index_cv = 0
1526      ! initialize of coeffIncr
1527      do iSensor = 1, tvs_nSensors
1528        if (bias(iSensor)%numScan > 0) then
1529          do iChannel = 1, bias(iSensor)%numChannels
1530            if (bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%isDynamic) then
1531              bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%coeffIncr(:) = 0.0d0
1532              bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%coeffIncr_fov(:) = 0.0d0
1533            end if
1534          end do
1535        end if
1536      end do
1538      do iSensor = 1, tvs_nSensors
1539        if (bias(iSensor)%numScan > 0) then
1540          do iChannel = 1, bias(iSensor)%numChannels
1541            if (bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%isDynamic) then
1542              do iPredictor = 1, bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%numActivePredictors
1543                if (iPredictor == 1) then
1544                  do iScan = 1, bias(iSensor)%numScan
1545                    index_cv = index_cv + 1
1546                    bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%coeffIncr_fov(iScan) = bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%stddev(iPredictor) * cv_bias(index_cv)
1547                  end do
1548                else
1549                  index_cv = index_cv + 1
1550                  bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%coeffIncr(iPredictor) = bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%stddev(iPredictor) * cv_bias(index_cv)
1551                end if
1552              end do !iPredictor
1553            end if ! isDynamic
1554          end do !iChannel
1555        end if
1556      end do !iSensor
1558    end if
1560    ! for constant part
1561    do iSensor = 1, tvs_nSensors
1562      if (bias(iSensor)%numScan > 0) then
1563        nsize = bias(iSensor)%numScan 
1564        do iChannel = 1, bias(iSensor)%numChannels
1565          if (bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%isDynamic) &
1566               call rpn_comm_bcast(bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%coeffIncr_fov, nsize, "mpi_double_precision", 0, "GRID", ierr)
1567        end do
1568      end if
1569    end do
1571    ! for predictor part
1572    do iSensor = 1, tvs_nSensors
1573      if (bias(iSensor)%numScan > 0) then
1574        do iChannel = 1, bias(iSensor)%numChannels
1575          if (bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%isDynamic) then
1576            nsize = bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%numActivePredictors 
1577            call rpn_comm_bcast(bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%coeffIncr, nsize, "mpi_double_precision", 0, "GRID", ierr)
1578          end if
1579        end do
1580      end if
1581    end do
1583  end subroutine bcs_cvToCoeff
1585  !-----------------------------------
1586  ! bcs_getPredictors
1587  !---------------------------------- 
1588  subroutine bcs_getPredictors(predictor, headerIndex, obsIndex, chanindx, obsSpaceData)
1589    !
1590    !:Purpose: get predictors
1591    !
1592    implicit none
1594    ! Arguments:
1595    real(8),          intent(out)   :: predictor(NumPredictors)
1596    integer,          intent(in)    :: headerIndex
1597    integer,          intent(in)    :: obsIndex
1598    integer,          intent(in)    :: chanindx
1599    type(struct_obs), intent(inout) :: obsSpaceData
1601    ! Locals:
1602    integer  :: iSensor, iPredictor, jPredictor
1603    real(8)  :: zenithAngle
1605    predictor(:) = 0.0d0
1607    do iPredictor = 1, NumPredictors
1609      if (iPredictor == 1) then
1610        ! constant
1611        predictor(iPredictor) = 1.0d0
1612      else if (iPredictor == 2) then
1613        ! Height300-Height1000 (dam) /1000 T1
1614        predictor(iPredictor) = trialHeight300m1000(obsIndex) / 1000.0d0
1615      else if (iPredictor == 3) then
1616        ! Height50-Height200 (dam) /1000   T2
1617        predictor(iPredictor) = trialHeight50m200(obsIndex) / 1000.0d0
1618      else if (iPredictor == 4) then
1619        ! Height5-Height50 (dam) /1000    T3
1620        predictor(iPredictor) = trialHeight5m50(obsIndex) / 1000.0d0
1621      else if (iPredictor == 5) then
1622        ! Height1-Height10 (dam) /1000    T4
1623        predictor(iPredictor) = trialHeight1m10(obsIndex) / 1000.0d0        
1624      else if (iPredictor == 6) then
1625        ! SV secant of satellite zenith angle minus one
1626        zenithAngle = obs_headElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_SZA, headerIndex) 
1627        if (zenithAngle < 75.) predictor(iPredictor) = (1.d0 / cos(zenithAngle * MPC_RADIANS_PER_DEGREE_R8)) - 1.d0
1628      else if (iPredictor == 7) then
1629        ! skin temperature (C) /10
1630        predictor(iPredictor) = trialTG(obsIndex)
1631      end if
1633    end do
1635    iSensor = tvs_lsensor(tvs_tovsIndex(headerIndex))
1636    do  iPredictor = 1, bias(iSensor)%chans(chanIndx)%numActivePredictors
1637      jPredictor = bias(iSensor)%chans(chanIndx)%predictorIndex(iPredictor)
1638      predictor(jPredictor) = predictor(jPredictor) - bias(iSensor)%chans(chanindx)%coeff_offset(iPredictor)
1639    end do
1641  end subroutine bcs_getPredictors
1643  !---------------------------------------------
1644  ! bcs_calcBias_ad
1645  !---------------------------------------------
1646  subroutine bcs_calcBias_ad(cv_out, obsColumnIndex, obsSpaceData)
1647    !
1648    !:Purpose: bias computation adjoint (for varBC)
1649    !
1650    implicit none
1652    ! Arguments:
1653    real(8),          intent(in)    :: cv_out(:)
1654    integer,          intent(in)    :: obsColumnIndex
1655    type(struct_obs), intent(inout) :: obsSpaceData
1657    ! Locals:
1658    integer  :: headerIndex, bodyIndex, iobs, idatyp
1659    integer  :: iSensor, iChannel, iPredictor, chanIndx
1660    integer  :: iScan, iFOV, jPred
1661    real(8)  :: predictor(NumPredictors)
1662    real(8), pointer  :: cv_bias(:)
1663    real(8), target  :: dummy4Pointer(1)
1664    real(8)  :: biasCor
1666    if (.not. biasActive) return
1668    if (mmpi_myid == 0) write(*,*) 'bcs_calcBias_ad: start'
1670    nullify(cv_bias)
1671    if (mmpi_myid == 0) then
1672      if (cvm_subVectorExists('BIAS')) then
1673        cv_bias => cvm_getSubVector(cv_out, 'BIAS')
1674      else
1675        write(*,*) 'bcs_calcBias_ad: control vector does not include bias coefficients'
1676        return
1677      end if
1678    else
1679      cv_bias => dummy4Pointer
1680    end if
1682    ! adjoint of applying bias increment to specified obs column
1683    do iSensor = 1, tvs_nSensors
1684      if (bias(iSensor)%numScan > 0) then
1685        do iChannel = 1, bias(iSensor)%numChannels
1686          if (bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%isDynamic) then
1687            bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%coeffIncr(:) = 0.0d0
1688            bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%coeffIncr_fov(:) = 0.0d0
1689          end if
1690        end do
1691      end if
1692    end do
1694    iobs = 0
1695    call obs_set_current_header_list(obsSpaceData, 'TO')
1696    HEADER: do
1697      headerIndex = obs_getHeaderIndex(obsSpaceData)
1698      if (headerIndex < 0) exit HEADER
1699      idatyp = obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ITY, headerIndex)
1700      if (.not.  tvs_isIdBurpTovs(idatyp)) then
1701        write(*,*) 'bcs_calcBias_ad: warning unknown radiance codtyp present check NAMTOVSINST', idatyp
1702        cycle HEADER
1703      end if
1704      iobs = iobs + 1
1705      if (tvs_tovsIndex(headerIndex) < 0) cycle HEADER
1707      iSensor = tvs_lsensor(tvs_tovsIndex(headerIndex))
1709      call obs_set_current_body_list(obsSpaceData, headerIndex)
1710      iFov = obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_FOV, headerIndex)
1712      BODY: do
1713        bodyIndex = obs_getBodyIndex(obsSpaceData)
1714        if (bodyIndex < 0) exit BODY
1716        if (obs_bodyElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ASS, bodyIndex) /= obs_assimilated) cycle BODY
1718        call bcs_getChannelIndex(obsSpaceData, iSensor, chanIndx, bodyIndex)
1720        if (chanindx > 0) then
1721          if (bias(iSensor)%chans(chanIndx)%isDynamic) then
1722            call bcs_getPredictors(predictor, headerIndex, iobs, chanIndx, obsSpaceData)
1723            biasCor = obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData, obsColumnIndex, bodyIndex)
1724            do iPredictor = 1, bias(iSensor)%chans(chanIndx)%numActivePredictors
1725              jPred = bias(iSensor)%chans(chanIndx)%PredictorIndex(iPredictor)
1726              if (jPred == 1) then
1727                if (bias(iSensor)%numScan > 1) then
1728                  iScan = iFov
1729                else
1730                  iScan = 1
1731                end if
1732                bias(iSensor)%chans(chanIndx)%coeffIncr_fov(iScan) = bias(iSensor)%chans(chanIndx)%coeffIncr_fov(iScan) &
1733                     + predictor(jPred) * biasCor
1734              else
1735                bias(iSensor)%chans(chanIndx)%coeffIncr(iPredictor) = bias(iSensor)%chans(chanIndx)%coeffIncr(iPredictor) & 
1736                     + predictor(jPred) * biasCor
1737              end if
1738            end do !iPredictor
1739          end if
1740        end if
1742      end do BODY
1744    end do HEADER
1746    ! put the coefficients into the control vector
1747    call bcs_cvToCoeff_ad(cv_bias)
1749    if (mmpi_myid == 0) then
1750      write(*,*) 'bcs_calcBias_ad: maxval(cv_bias) = ', maxval(cv_bias(:))
1751    end if
1753  end subroutine bcs_calcBias_ad
1755  !----------------------------------------------------
1756  ! bcs_cvToCoeff_ad
1757  !----------------------------------------------------
1758  subroutine bcs_cvToCoeff_ad(cv_bias)
1759    !
1760    !:Purpose: adjoint of control vector to coeff transfer (for varBC)
1761    !
1762    implicit none
1764    ! Arguments:
1765    real(8), intent(inout)  :: cv_bias(:)
1767    ! Locals:
1768    integer  :: index_cv, iSensor, iChannel, iPredictor, iScan
1769    integer  :: nChan, nScan
1770    integer  :: nsize, iChan
1771    real(8), allocatable  :: temp_coeffIncr(:), temp_coeffIncr_fov(:)
1773    write(*,*) "bcs_cvToCoeff_ad: start"
1775    do iSensor = 1, tvs_nSensors
1776      if (bias(iSensor)%numScan > 0) then
1777        nChan = bias(iSensor)%numChannels
1778        do ichan = 1, nChan
1779          if (bias(iSensor)%chans(ichan)%isDynamic) then
1780            nSize = bias(iSensor)%chans(iChan)%numActivePredictors
1781            allocate(temp_coeffIncr(nSize))
1782            temp_coeffIncr(:) = 0.0d0
1783            call mmpi_reduce_sumR8_1d( bias(iSensor)%chans(ichan)%coeffIncr(:), temp_coeffIncr, 0, "GRID" )
1784            bias(iSensor)%chans(ichan)%coeffIncr(:) = temp_coeffIncr(:)
1785            deallocate(temp_coeffIncr)
1786          end if
1787        end do
1788      end if
1789    end do
1791    do iSensor = 1, tvs_nSensors
1792      if (bias(iSensor)%numScan > 0) then
1793        nChan = bias(iSensor)%numChannels
1794        nScan = bias(iSensor)%numScan
1795        nsize = nChan * nScan
1796        if (nsize > 0) then
1797          allocate(temp_coeffIncr_fov(1:nScan))
1798          do ichan = 1, nChan
1799            if (bias(iSensor)%chans(ichan)%isDynamic) then
1800              temp_coeffIncr_fov(:) = 0.0d0
1801              call mmpi_reduce_sumR8_1d( bias(iSensor)%chans(ichan)%coeffIncr_fov, temp_coeffIncr_fov, 0, "GRID" )
1802              bias(iSensor)%chans(iChan)%coeffIncr_fov(:) = temp_coeffIncr_fov(:)
1803            end if
1804          end do
1805          deallocate(temp_coeffIncr_fov)
1806        end if
1807      end if
1808    end do
1810    if (mmpi_myid == 0) then
1811      cv_bias(:) = 0.d0
1812      index_cv = 0
1813      do iSensor = 1, tvs_nSensors
1814        if (bias(iSensor)%numScan > 0) then
1815          do iChannel = 1, bias(iSensor)%numChannels
1816            if (bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%isDynamic) then
1817              do iPredictor = 1, bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%numActivePredictors
1818                if (iPredictor == 1) then
1819                  do iScan = 1, bias(iSensor)%numScan
1820                    index_cv = index_cv + 1
1821                    cv_bias(index_cv) = bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%stddev(iPredictor) * bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%coeffIncr_fov(iScan)
1822                  end do
1823                else
1824                  index_cv = index_cv + 1
1825                  cv_bias(index_cv) = bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%stddev(iPredictor) * bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%coeffIncr(iPredictor)
1826                end if
1827              end do
1828            end if
1829          end do
1830        end if
1831      end do
1832    end if
1834  end subroutine bcs_cvToCoeff_ad
1836  !-----------------------------------------
1837  ! bcs_writeBias
1838  !-----------------------------------------
1839  subroutine bcs_writeBias(cv_in_opt)
1840    !
1841    !:Purpose: to write bias increments and coefficients (varBC)
1842    !
1843    implicit none
1845    ! Arguments:
1846    real(8), optional, intent(in)  :: cv_in_opt(:)
1848    ! Locals:
1849    integer  :: iSensor, iChannel, iPredictor, iScan
1850    integer  :: jSensor, iChannel2
1851    integer  :: nulfile_inc, nulfile_fov, ierr
1852    real(8), pointer :: cv_bias(:)
1853    real(8), target  :: dummy4Pointer(1)
1854    character(len=80) :: BgFileName
1855    !for background coeff and write out
1856    integer             :: iInstr
1857    integer             :: numCoefFile, jCoef, kCoef
1858    character(len=10)   :: coefInstrName(tvs_nSensors), temp_instrName
1859    character(len=25)   :: filecoeff
1860    logical             :: coeffExists
1861    ! these variables are not used but need to be present to satisfy bcs_updateCoeff interface
1862    ! some bcs_updateCoeff arguments could be made optional (todo)
1863    integer            :: chans(tvs_nSensors, tvs_maxChannelNumber), nsat, nfov
1864    integer            :: nchan(tvs_nSensors)
1865    character(len=10)  :: sats(tvs_nsensors) ! satellite names
1866    character(len=7)   :: cinstrum           ! string: instrument (e.g. AMSUB)
1868    if (.not. biasActive) return
1870    if (present(cv_in_opt)) then
1871      nullify(cv_bias)
1872      if (mmpi_myid == 0) then
1873        if (cvm_subVectorExists('BIAS')) then
1874          cv_bias => cvm_getSubVector(cv_in_opt, 'BIAS')
1875          write(*,*) 'bcs_writeBias: maxval(cv_bias) = ', maxval(cv_bias(:))
1876        else
1877          write(*,*) 'bcs_writeBias: control vector does not include bias coefficients'
1878          return
1879        end if
1880      else
1881        cv_bias => dummy4Pointer
1882      end if
1883      call bcs_cvToCoeff(cv_bias)
1884    end if
1886    ! apply transformation to account for predictor offset
1888    do iSensor = 1, tvs_nSensors
1889      if (bias(iSensor)%numScan > 0) then
1890        do iChannel = 1, bias(iSensor)%numChannels
1891          do iPredictor = 2, bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%numActivePredictors
1892            if (mimicSatbcor) then
1893              bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%coeffIncr(1) = bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%coeffIncr(1) - &
1894                   bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%coeffIncr(iPredictor) * bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%coeff_offset(iPredictor)
1895            else
1896              do iScan = 1, bias(iSensor)%numScan
1897                bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%coeffIncr_fov(iScan) = bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%coeffIncr_fov(iScan) - &
1898                     bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%coeffIncr(iPredictor) * bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%coeff_offset(iPredictor)
1899              end do
1900            end if
1901          end do
1902          if (bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%numActivePredictors > 0 .and. mmpi_myId ==0 .and. (.not. doRegression)) &
1903               write(*,*) "bcs_writeBias: bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%coeffIncr(:) = ",  bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%coeffIncr(:)
1904        end do
1905      end if
1906    end do
1908    if (doRegression) then
1909      call bcs_writeCoeff()
1910      return
1911    end if
1913    if (mmpi_myId == 0) then
1915      ! write out bias coefficient increments in ascii file
1916      nulfile_inc = 0
1917      ierr = fnom(nulfile_inc, './satbias_increment.dat', 'FTN+FMT', 0)
1919      do iSensor = 1, tvs_nSensors
1920        write(nulfile_inc,'(/,1X,"Sensor Index=",I3,", Satellite Name=",A15,", Instrument Name=",A15)') &
1921             iSensor, tvs_satelliteName(iSensor), tvs_instrumentName(iSensor)
1922        if (bias(iSensor)%numScan > 0) then
1923          do iChannel = 1, bias(iSensor)%numChannels
1924            if (bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%isDynamic) then
1925              iChannel2 = bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%channelNum
1926              if (sum(bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%coeffIncr(:)) /= 0.0d0) &
1927                   write(nulfile_inc,'(3X,"Channel number=",I4)') iChannel2
1928              do iPredictor = 2, bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%numActivePredictors
1929                if (bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%coeffIncr(iPredictor) /= 0.0d0) &
1930                     write(nulfile_inc,'(5X,"Predictor number=",I4,", Coefficient=",e12.4)') &
1931                     iPredictor, bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%coeffIncr(iPredictor)
1932              end do
1933            end if
1934          end do
1935        end if
1936      end do
1938      ierr = fclos(nulfile_inc)
1940      ! write out fovbias coefficient increments in ascii file
1941      nulfile_fov = 0
1942      ierr = fnom(nulfile_fov, './fovbias_incre.dat', 'FTN+FMT', 0)
1943      do iSensor = 1, tvs_nSensors
1944        write(nulfile_fov,'(/,1X,"Sensor Index=",I3,", Satellite Name=",A15,", Instrument Name=",A15)') &
1945             iSensor, tvs_satelliteName(iSensor), tvs_instrumentName(iSensor)
1946        if (bias(iSensor)%numScan > 0) then
1947          do iChannel = 1, bias(iSensor)%numChannels
1948            if (bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%isDynamic) then
1949              iChannel2 = bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%channelNum
1950              if (sum(bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%coeffIncr_fov(:)) /= 0.0d0) then
1951                write(nulfile_fov,'(3X,"Channel number=",I4)') iChannel2 
1952                write(nulfile_fov,*) bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%coeffIncr_fov(:)
1953              end if
1954            end if
1955          end do
1956        end if
1957      end do
1958      ierr = fclos(nulfile_fov)
1960    end if
1962    ! Find the background coeff_file number and name
1963    do iSensor = 1, tvs_nSensors
1964      numCoefFile = 0
1965      jCoef = 0
1966      do jSensor = 1, tvs_nSensors
1967        temp_instrName = InstrNametoCoeffFileName(tvs_instrumentName(jSensor))
1968        filecoeff = 'coeff_file_' // trim(temp_instrName) // ''
1969        inquire(file=trim(filecoeff), exist=coeffExists)
1971        if (coeffExists) then
1972          numCoefFile = numCoefFile + 1
1973          jCoef = jCoef + 1
1974          coefInstrName(jCoef) = temp_instrName
1975        end if
1976        if (jSensor > 1) then
1977          do kCoef = 1, jCoef - 1
1978            if (temp_instrName == coefInstrName(kCoef)) then
1979              numCoefFile = numCoefFile - 1
1980              jCoef = jCoef - 1
1981            end if
1982          end do
1983        end if 
1984      end do
1985    end do
1987    ! update coeff_file_instrument and write out
1988    do iInstr=1, numCoefFile 
1989      BgFileName = './coeff_file_' // coefInstrName(iInstr)
1990      call bcs_updateCoeff(tvs_nSensors, NumPredictors, BgFileName, sats, chans, nsat, nchan, nfov, cinstrum)
1991    end do
1993  end subroutine bcs_writeBias
1995  !-----------------------------------------
1996  ! bcs_updateCoeff
1997  !-----------------------------------------
1998  subroutine bcs_updateCoeff(maxsat, maxpred, coeff_file, sats, chans, nsat, nchan, nfov, cinstrum, updateCoeff_opt)
1999    !
2000    !:Purpose: to read, and optionaly update and write out, the coeff files (varBC).
2001    !
2002    implicit none
2004    ! Arguments:
2005    integer,           intent(in)  :: maxsat, maxpred
2006    character(len=*),  intent(in)  :: coeff_file
2007    logical, optional, intent(in)  :: updateCoeff_opt
2008    integer,           intent(out) :: chans(maxsat,tvs_maxChannelNumber) ! channel numbers
2009    integer,           intent(out) :: nsat
2010    integer,           intent(out) :: nfov
2011    integer,           intent(out) :: nchan(maxsat) ! number of channels
2012    character(len=10), intent(out) :: sats(maxsat)  ! Satellite names
2013    character(len=*),  intent(out) :: cinstrum      ! instrument (e.g. AMSUB)
2015    ! Locals:
2016    real(8)            :: fovbias(maxsat,tvs_maxChannelNumber,maxfov)
2017    real(8)            :: coeff(maxsat,tvs_maxChannelNumber,maxpred)
2018    character(len=2) :: ptypes(maxsat,tvs_maxChannelNumber,maxpred) 
2019    integer            :: npred(maxsat,tvs_maxChannelNumber)           ! number of predictors
2020    integer            :: ndata(maxsat,tvs_maxChannelNumber)
2021    ! LOCAL for reading background coeff file
2022    integer            :: iSat, jChan, kPred, kFov
2023    logical            :: verbose
2024    ! update coeff files
2025    real               :: fovbias_an(maxsat,tvs_maxChannelNumber,maxfov)
2026    real               :: coeff_an(maxsat,tvs_maxChannelNumber,maxpred) 
2027    integer            :: iSensor, jChannel, iFov, iPred, totPred
2028    character(len=10)  :: tmp_SatName, tmp_InstName 
2029    ! write out files 
2030    integer            :: iuncoef2, ierr, numPred
2031    character(len=80):: filename2
2032    logical            :: updateCoeff_opt2
2033    !   sats(nsat)            = satellite names
2034    !   chans(nsat, nchan(i))  = channel numbers of each channel of each satellite i
2035    !   npred(nsat, nchan(i))  = number of predictors for each channel of each satellite i
2036    !   fovbias(i, j, k)        = bias for satellite i, channel j, FOV k   k=1,nfov
2037    !     if FOV not considered for instrument, nfov = 1 and fovbias is global bias for channel
2038    !   coeff(i, j, 1)          = regression constant
2039    !   coeff(i, j, 2), ..., coeff(i, j, npred(i, j)) = predictor coefficients
2040    !   nsat, nchan, nfov, cinstrum (output) are determined from file
2041    !   if returned nsat = 0, coeff_file was empty
2042    !   maxpred (input) is max number of predictors
2043    !   maxsat (input)  is max number of satellites
2045    ! There are three parts in this subroutine, read, update and write out the coeff files
2046    ! 
2047    !- 1. read in the background coeff files, this program is read_coeff from genbiascorr
2048    ! 
2049    if (present(updateCoeff_opt)) then
2050      updateCoeff_opt2 = updateCoeff_opt
2051    else
2052      updateCoeff_opt2 = .true.
2053    end if
2055    verbose = .false.
2057    call read_coeff(sats, chans, fovbias, coeff, nsat, nchan, nfov, &
2058         npred, cinstrum, coeff_file, ptypes, ndata)
2060    ! Transfer of coefficients read from file to the bias structure
2061    satloop :do iSat = 1, nsat  !backgroud sat
2062      instloop:do iSensor = 1, tvs_nSensors
2063        ! for Satellite Name
2064        tmp_SatName = SatNameinCoeffFile(tvs_satelliteName(iSensor))
2065        ! for Instrument Name
2066        tmp_InstName = InstrNameinCoeffFile(tvs_instrumentName(iSensor))
2068        if (trim(tmp_SatName) /= trim(sats(iSat)) .or. trim(tmp_InstName) /= trim(cinstrum)) cycle instloop
2069        write(*,*) "bcs_updateCoeff: " // tmp_SatName // " " // tmp_InstName
2071        if (.not. allocated(bias(iSensor)%chans)) cycle instloop
2073        chan1loop:do jChan = 1, nchan(iSat)
2074          chan2loop:do jChannel = 1, bias(iSensor)%numChannels  
2076            if (chans(iSat, jChan) /= bias(iSensor)%chans(jChannel)%channelNum) cycle chan2loop
2078            ! part 1 for coeffIncr
2079            do iFov = 1, nfov
2080              bias(iSensor)%chans(jchannel)%coeff_fov(iFov) = fovbias(iSat, jChan, iFov)
2081            end do ! iFov
2083            ! part 2 for coeffIncr_fov
2084            totPred  = bias(iSensor)%chans(jchannel)%NumActivePredictors 
2085            do iPred = 1, totPred
2086              bias(iSensor)%chans(jchannel)%coeff(iPred) = coeff(iSat, jChan, iPred)
2087            end do ! iPred
2089          end do chan2loop ! jChannel
2090        end do chan1loop !jChan
2092      end do instloop
2093    end do satloop
2095    if (.not. updateCoeff_opt2) return 
2097    !
2098    !- 2.update coeff and fovbias  
2099    !
2100    coeff_an(:,:,:) = coeff(:,:,:)
2101    fovbias_an(:,:,:) = fovbias(:,:,:)
2103    do iSat = 1, nsat  !backgroud sat
2104      do iSensor = 1, tvs_nSensors
2105        ! for Satellite Name
2106        tmp_SatName = SatNameinCoeffFile(tvs_satelliteName(iSensor))
2107        ! for Instrument Name
2108        tmp_InstName = InstrNameinCoeffFile(tvs_instrumentName(iSensor))
2109        if (trim(tmp_SatName) /= trim(sats(iSat)) .or. trim(tmp_InstName) /= trim(cinstrum)) cycle 
2110        do jChan = 1, nchan(iSat)
2111          do jChannel = 1, bias(iSensor)%numChannels  
2113            if (chans(iSat, jChan) /= bias(iSensor)%chans(jChannel)%channelNum) cycle
2115            ! part 1 for coeffIncr
2116            do iFov = 1, nfov
2117              fovbias_an(iSat, jChan, iFov) = fovbias(iSat, jChan, iFov) + bias(iSensor)%chans(jchannel)%coeffIncr_fov(iFov)
2118            end do ! iFov
2120            ! part 2 for coeffIncr_fov
2121            totPred  = bias(iSensor)%chans(jchannel)%NumActivePredictors 
2122            do iPred = 1, totPred
2123              coeff_an(iSat, jChan, iPred) = coeff(iSat, jChan, iPred) + bias(iSensor)%chans(jchannel)%coeffIncr(iPred)
2124            end do ! iPred
2126          end do ! jChannel
2127        end do !jChan
2128      end do !iSensor
2129    end do ! iSat
2131    !
2132    !- 3. Write out updated_coeff
2133    ! 
2135    if (mmpi_myId == 0) then
2137      iuncoef2 = 0
2138      filename2 = './anlcoeffs_' // cinstrum 
2139      ierr = fnom(iuncoef2, filename2, 'FTN+FMT', 0)
2141      write(*,*) 'bcs_updateCoeff: write in bcs_updateCoeff'
2143      do iSat = 1, nsat
2144        do jChan = 1, nchan(iSat)
2145          numPred = npred(iSat, jChan)
2146          if (sum(abs(coeff_an(iSat, jchan, 1:numpred+1))) /= 0.d0 .and. sum(abs(fovbias_an(iSat, jChan, 1:nfov))) /= 0.d0) then 
2147            write(iuncoef2,'(A52,A8,1X,A7,1X,I6,1X,I8,1X,I2,1X,I3)') &
2148                 'SATELLITE, INSTRUMENT, CHANNEL, NOBS, NPRED, NSCAN: ', sats(iSat), cinstrum, chans(iSat,jChan), ndata(isat,jchan), numPred, nfov
2149            write(iuncoef2,'(A7,6(1X,A2))') 'PTYPES:', (ptypes(iSat, jChan, kPred), kPred = 1, numPred)
2150            write(iuncoef2,'(120(1x,ES17.10))') (fovbias_an(iSat, jChan, kFov), kFov = 1, nfov)
2151            write(iuncoef2,*) (coeff_an(iSat, jChan, kPred), kPred = 1, numPred + 1)
2152          end if
2153        end do
2154      end do
2156      ierr = fclos(iuncoef2) 
2158      write(*,*) 'bcs_updateCoeff: finish writing coeffient file', filename2
2160    end if
2162  end subroutine bcs_updateCoeff
2164  !-----------------------------------------
2165  ! bcs_writeCoeff
2166  !-----------------------------------------
2167  subroutine bcs_writeCoeff()
2168    !
2169    !:Purpose:  write out  the coeff files (regression case).
2170    !
2171    implicit none
2173    ! Locals:
2174    integer            :: iuncoef, numPred, ierr
2175    character(len=80)  :: filename
2176    character(len=80)  :: instrName, satNamecoeff
2177    integer :: sensorIndex, nchans, nscan, nfov, kpred, kFov, jChan
2179    if (mmpi_myId == 0) then
2181      SENSORS:do sensorIndex = 1, tvs_nsensors
2183        if  (.not. tvs_isReallyPresentMpiGLobal(sensorIndex)) cycle SENSORS
2185        write(*,*) "bcs_writeCoeff: sensorIndex ", sensorIndex
2187        nchans = bias(sensorIndex)%numChannels
2188        nscan = bias(sensorIndex)%numscan
2190        instrName = InstrNameinCoeffFile(tvs_instrumentName(sensorIndex))
2191        satNamecoeff = SatNameinCoeffFile(tvs_satelliteName(sensorIndex)) 
2193        filename = './anlcoeffs_' // trim(instrName)  
2194        call utl_open_asciifile(filename, iuncoef)
2195        nfov = bias(sensorIndex)%numScan
2196        do jChan = 1, nchans
2197          if (bias(sensorIndex)%chans(jChan)%coeff_nobs > 0) then
2198            numPred = bias(sensorIndex)%chans(jChan)%numActivePredictors 
2200            write(iuncoef,'(A52,A8,1X,A7,1X,I6,1X,I8,1X,I2,1X,I3)') 'SATELLITE, INSTRUMENT, CHANNEL, NOBS, NPRED, NSCAN: ',  &
2201                 satNameCoeff, instrName, bias(sensorIndex)%chans(jChan)%channelNum, bias(sensorIndex)%chans(jChan)%coeff_nobs, numPred - 1, nfov
2202            write(iuncoef,'(A7,6(1X,A2))') 'PTYPES:',  (predtab(bias(sensorIndex)%chans(jChan)%predictorIndex(kPred)), kPred = 2, numPred)
2203            write(iuncoef,'(120(1x,ES17.10))') (bias(sensorIndex)%chans(jChan)%coeff_fov(kFov), kFov = 1, nfov)
2204            write(iuncoef,'(12(1x,ES17.10))') (bias(sensorIndex)%chans(jChan)%coeff(kPred), kPred = 1, numPred)
2205          end if
2206        end do
2208        ierr = fclos(iuncoef) 
2210        if (outCoeffCov) then
2211          filename = './anlcoeffsCov_' // trim(instrName)  
2212          call utl_open_asciifile(filename, iuncoef)
2213          do jChan = 1, nchans
2214            if (bias(sensorIndex)%chans(jChan)%coeff_nobs > 0) then
2215              numPred = bias(sensorIndex)%chans(jChan)%numActivePredictors 
2217              write(iuncoef,'(A38,A8,1X,A7,1X,I6,1X,I2)') 'SATELLITE, INSTRUMENT, CHANNEL, NPRED: ',  &
2218                   satNameCoeff, instrName, bias(sensorIndex)%chans(jChan)%channelNum, numPred
2219              do kpred =1, numPred
2220                write(iuncoef,'(10e14.6)') bias(sensorIndex)%chans(jChan)%coeffCov(kpred, :)
2221              end do
2222            end if
2223          end do
2224          ierr = fclos(iuncoef) 
2225        end if
2227      end do SENSORS
2229    end if
2231 end subroutine bcs_writeCoeff
2233 !-----------------------------------------
2234 ! bcs_removeBiasCorrection
2235 !-----------------------------------------
2236 subroutine bcs_removeBiasCorrection(obsSpaceData, family_opt)
2237    !
2238    !:Purpose: to remove bias correction from OBS_VAR
2239    !           After the call OBS_VAR contains the uncorrected
2240    !           observation and OBS_BCOR is set to zero
2241    !
2242    implicit none
2244    ! Arguments:
2245    type(struct_obs),           intent(inout) :: obsSpaceData
2246    character(len=2), optional, intent(in)    :: family_opt
2248    ! Locals:
2249    integer :: nbcor
2250    integer :: bodyIndex
2251    real(8) :: biascor, Obs
2253    if (.not. removeBiasCorrection) return
2255    if (mmpi_myid == 0) write(*,*) 'bcs_removeBiasCorrection: start'
2257    nbcor = 0
2258    call obs_set_current_body_list(obsSpaceData, family_opt)
2260    BODY: do
2261      bodyIndex = obs_getBodyIndex(obsSpaceData)
2262      if (bodyIndex < 0) exit BODY
2263      if (obs_bodyElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ASS, bodyIndex) /= obs_assimilated) cycle BODY  
2264      biasCor = obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_BCOR, bodyIndex)
2265      Obs = obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_VAR, bodyIndex)
2266      if (biasCor /= MPC_missingValue_R8 .and. Obs /= MPC_missingValue_R8) then
2267        call obs_bodySet_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_VAR, bodyIndex, real(Obs - biasCor, pre_obsReal))
2268        call obs_bodySet_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_BCOR, bodyIndex, real(0.d0, pre_obsReal))
2269        nbcor = nbcor + 1
2270      end if
2271    end do BODY
2273    if (mmpi_myid == 0) then
2274      write(*,*) 'bcs_removeBiasCorrection: removed bias correction for ', nbcor, ' observations'
2275      write(*,*) 'bcs_removeBiasCorrection exiting'
2276    end if
2278  end subroutine bcs_removeBiasCorrection
2280  !-----------------------------------------
2281  ! bcs_filterObs
2282  !-----------------------------------------
2283  subroutine bcs_filterObs(obsSpaceData)
2284    !
2285    !:Purpose: to filter radiance observations to include into
2286    !           bias correction offline computation
2287    !           (same rules as in bgck.gen_table)
2288    !
2289    implicit none
2291    ! Arguments:
2292    type(struct_obs), intent(inout) :: obsSpaceData
2294    ! Locals:
2295    integer :: bodyIndex, headerIndex, instrumentIndex, sensorIndex
2296    integer, allocatable :: instrumentList(:)
2297    integer :: assim, flag, codtyp, channelNumber
2298    integer :: isatBufr, instBufr, iplatform, isat, inst, idsat, chanIndx
2299    logical :: lHyperIr, lGeo, lSsmis, lTovs
2300    logical :: condition, condition1, condition2, channelIsAllsky
2301    logical :: channelIsPassive
2302    character(len=10)  :: instrName
2304    if (.not. filterObs) return
2306    if (mmpi_myid == 0) write(*,*) 'bcs_filterObs: start'
2308    allocate(instrumentList(tvs_nsensors))
2309    instrumentList(:) = -1
2310    do sensorIndex = 1, tvs_nsensors
2311      instrName = InstrNameinCoeffFile(tvs_instrumentName(sensorIndex))
2312      do instrumentIndex = 1,  maxNumInst
2313        if (trim(instrName) == trim(cinst(instrumentIndex)))    then
2314          instrumentList(sensorIndex) = instrumentIndex
2315        end if
2316      end do
2317      if (instrumentList(sensorIndex) == -1) then
2318        call utl_abort('bcs_filterObs: Instrument ' // trim(instrName) // &
2319            'missing in CINST table fron NAMBIASSAT namelist section')
2320      end if
2321    end do
2323    call obs_set_current_header_list(obsSpaceData, 'TO')
2324    HEADER: do
2325      headerIndex = obs_getHeaderIndex(obsSpaceData)
2326      if (headerIndex < 0) exit HEADER
2328      codtyp = obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ITY, headerIndex)
2330      lHyperIr = .false.
2331      lGeo = .false.
2332      lSsmis = .false.
2333      lTovs = .false.
2335      select case (codtyp_get_name(codtyp))
2336      case("ssmis")
2337        lSsmis = .true.
2338      case("csr")
2339        lGeo = .true.
2340      case("airs","iasi","cris","crisfsr")
2341        lHyperIr = .true.
2342      case default
2343        lTovs = .true.
2344      end select
2346      isatBufr = obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_SAT, headerIndex) !BUFR element 1007
2347      instBufr = obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_INS, headerIndex) !BUFR element 2019
2349      call tvs_mapSat(isatBufr, iplatform, isat)
2350      call tvs_mapInstrum(instBufr, inst)
2352      idsat = -1
2353      do sensorIndex = 1, tvs_nsensors
2354        if (tvs_platforms(sensorIndex) == iplatform .and.  &
2355            tvs_satellites(sensorIndex) == isat     .and.  &
2356            tvs_instruments(sensorIndex) == inst)   then
2357          idsat = sensorIndex
2358          exit
2359        end if
2360      end do
2361      if (idsat == -1) cycle HEADER
2363      call obs_set_current_body_list(obsSpaceData, headerIndex)
2365      BODY: do
2366        bodyIndex = obs_getBodyIndex(obsSpaceData)
2367        if (bodyIndex < 0) exit BODY
2369        ! determine if instrument/channel function in all-sky mode
2370        channelNumber = nint(obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_PPP, bodyIndex))
2371        channelIsAllsky = .false.
2372        if ((tvs_isInstrumUsingCLW(tvs_instruments(idsat)) .or. &
2373             tvs_isInstrumUsingHydrometeors(tvs_instruments(idsat))) .and. &
2374            oer_useStateDepSigmaObs(channelNumber, idsat)) then
2375          channelIsAllsky = .true.
2376        end if
2377        channelIsPassive = .false.
2378        if (passiveChannelNumber(instrumentList(idsat)) > 0) then
2379          channelIsPassive = (utl_findloc(passiveChannelList(instrumentList(idsat),1:passiveChannelNumber(instrumentList(idsat))), channelNumber) > 0)
2380        end if
2381        assim = obs_bodyElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ASS, bodyIndex)
2382        if (assim == obs_notAssimilated) then
2383          call bcs_getChannelIndex(obsSpaceData, idsat, chanIndx, bodyIndex)
2384          if (chanIndx > 0) then
2385            flag = obs_bodyElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_FLG, bodyIndex)
2387            if (lSsmis) then   ! SSM/I and SSMIS
2388              !   Here "good" means data that are not rejected by first QC program satqc_ssmi(s) (bit 7 ON).
2389              !   Bit 11 is ON for data that are unselected by UTIL or for uncorrected data (or both).
2390              !   Data rejected by first QC program satqc_ssmi(s) have bit 7 switched ON only (in addition to bit 9) as
2391              !   rogue/topo checks are skipped. So if bit 16 (rogue) is ON, bit 7 must be off.
2392              if (.not. offlineMode .and. .not. channelIsPassive) then
2393                if (allModeSsmis) then
2394                  !  FLAG test: all good data (corrected/selected or not) that have passed all QC (bit 9 OFF)
2395                  condition1 = .not. btest(flag, 9) !' AND (FLAG & 512 = 0)'
2396                  !  FLAG test: uncorrected good data that failed rogue check only ([bit 9 ON] + bit 6 OFF + bit 16 ON + bit 18 OFF + [bit 7 OFF])
2397                  condition2 = .not. btest(flag, 6) .and. btest(flag, 16) .and. .not. btest(flag, 18) !' AND (FLAG & 64 = 0) AND (FLAG &  65536 = 65536) AND (FLAG & 262144 = 0)'
2398                  condition = condition1 .or. condition2
2399                else
2400                  !  FLAG test: corrected/selected good data that have passed QC (bits 9,11 OFF) --> data to be assimilated
2401                  condition = .not. btest(flag, 9) .and. .not. btest(flag, 11)       !' AND (FLAG & 512 = 0) AND (FLAG & 2048 = 0)'
2402                end if
2403              else
2404                ! OFFLINE MODE --> want all observations except data rejected for any reason other than rogue innovation check
2405                condition1 = .not. btest(flag, 9) !' AND (FLAG & 512 = 0)'  
2406                ! all good data that passed all QC    
2407                ! "good" data that failed rogue check [bit 9 ON, bit 7 OFF, bit 18 OFF]
2408                condition2 = btest(flag, 9) .and. .not. btest(flag, 7) .and. .not. btest(flag, 18) !' AND (FLAG & 512 = 512) AND (FLAG & 128 = 0) AND (FLAG & 262144 = 0)'
2409                condition = condition1 .or. condition2
2410              end if
2411            else if(lTovs) then
2412              ! AMSU-A, AMSU-B/MHS, ATMS, MWHS-2
2413              !  In AMSU case, bit 11 is set for data that are not bias corrected or for unselected channels.
2414              !    BUT unlike other instruments, all AMSU data are bias corrected, whether selected or not
2415              !    so bit 11 = unselected channel (like bit 8 for AIRS/IASI)
2416              !  Bit 9 is set for all other rejections including rogue (9+16) and topography (9+18).
2417              !  In addition, bit 7 is set for channels with bad data or data that should not be assimilated.
2418              if (.not. offlineMode .and. .not. channelIsPassive) then
2419                if (allModeTovs) then
2420                  !  FLAG test: all data (selected or not) that have passed QC (bit 9 OFF)
2421                  condition1 = .not. btest(flag, 9) !' AND (FLAG & 512 = 0)'
2422                  !  FLAG test: uncorrected (bit 6 OFF) data that failed rogue check only (bit (9)/16 ON, 18,7 OFF)
2423                  !             NOTE: As all AMSU data are normally bias corrected, query2 will return nothing
2424                  condition2 = btest(flag, 16) .and. .not. btest(flag, 6) .and. .not. btest(flag, 18) .and. .not. btest(flag, 7)!' AND (FLAG & 64 = 0) AND (FLAG &  65536 = 65536) AND (FLAG & 262144 = 0) AND (FLAG & 128 = 0)'
2425                  condition = condition1 .or. condition2
2426                else
2427                  !  FLAG test: selected data (bit 11 OFF) that have passed QC (bit 9 OFF)
2428                  condition = .not. btest(flag, 9) .and. .not. btest(flag, 11) !' AND (FLAG & 512 = 0) AND (FLAG & 2048 = 0)'
2429                end if
2430              else    ! OFFLINE MODE --> want all observations except data rejected for any reason other than rogue check
2431                condition1 = .not. btest(flag, 9) !' AND (FLAG & 512 = 0)'  
2432                ! all good data that passed all QC    
2433                ! "good" data that failed rogue check [bit 9 ON, bit 7 OFF, bit 18 OFF]
2434                condition2 =  btest(flag, 9) .and. .not. btest(flag, 7) .and. .not. btest(flag, 18)  !' AND (FLAG & 512 = 512) AND (FLAG & 128 = 0) AND (FLAG & 262144 = 0)'
2435                condition = condition1 .or. condition2
2436              end if
2437              if (channelIsAllsky) condition = condition .and. .not. btest(flag, 23)
2438            else if(lGeo) then  ! CSR case
2439              !    No flag check        =                all data that have passed QC/filtering
2440              !  (FLAG & 2048 = 0)      = bit 11 OFF --> corrected/selected data that have passed QC/filtering
2441              if (allModeCsr .or. offlineMode .or. channelIsPassive) then
2442                condition = .true.
2443              else        
2444                condition = .not. btest(flag, 18) ! ' AND (FLAG & 2048 = 0)' 
2445              endif
2446            else if (lHyperIr) then ! AIRS, IASI and CRIS
2447              !  (FLAG & 2560 = 0)     = bits 9, 11 OFF       --> data that passed QC (rogue and other)
2448              !  (FLAG & 11010176 = 0) = bits 7,19,21,23 OFF  --> "good" data (corrected/selected or not)!  (FLAG & 64 = 64)  = bit 6 ON        --> bias corrected data
2449              !  (FLAG & 256 = 0)  = bit 8 OFF       --> passed selction (not blacklisted, UTIL=1)
2450              !  (FLAG & 2048 = 2048)   = bit 11 ON
2451              !  (FLAG & 65536 = 65536) = bit 16 ON  --> rogue check failure
2452              !  (FLAG & 524288 = 0)    = bit 19 OFF --> not surface affected [experimental, bit 11 may not be on if data
2453              !                                          are to be assimilated]
2454              !  (FLAG & 2097152 = 0)   = bit 21 OFF --> not rejected due to model top transmittance
2455              !  (FLAG & 8388608 = 0)   = bit 23 OFF --> "clear sky" radiance [experimental, bit 11 may not be on if cloudy
2456              !                                          data are assimilated]!  (FLAG & 128 = 0)      = bit 7 OFF  --> not shortwave channel during day
2457              !  (FLAG & 512 = 0)      = bit 9 OFF  --> non-erroneous data that passed O-P rogue check
2458              !! AIRS, IASI:!    bit  8 ON: blacklisted/unselected channel (UTIL=0)
2459              !    bit  9 ON: erroneous/suspect data (9), data failed O-P check (9+16)
2460              !    bit 11 ON: cloud (11+23), surface (11+19), model top transmittance (11+21), shortwave channel+daytime (11+7)
2461              !               not bias corrected (11) (with bit 6 OFF)
2462              if (.not. offlineMode .and. .not. channelIsPassive) then
2463                if (allModeHyperIr) then        
2464                  ! good data that have passed all QC (bits 9 and 7,19,21,23 OFF), corrected/selected or not
2465                  condition1  = .not. btest(flag, 9) .and. .not. btest(flag, 7) .and. .not. btest(flag, 19) .and. .not. btest(flag, 21) .and. .not. btest(flag, 23) !' AND (FLAG & 512 = 0) AND (FLAG & 11010176 = 0)'
2466                  ! uncorrected (6 OFF, [11 ON]) good data (7,19,21,23 OFF) that failed QC rogue check only (bits [9],16 ON), selected or not
2467                  condition2  = .not. btest(flag, 6) .and. btest(flag, 11) .and.  .not. btest(flag, 17) .and. .not. btest(flag, 19) .and. .not. btest(flag, 21) .and. .not. btest(flag, 23) 
2468                  !' AND (FLAG & 64 = 0) AND (FLAG & 65536 = 65536) AND (FLAG & 11010176 = 0)'
2469                  condition = condition1 .or. condition2
2470                else 
2471                  ! corrected data that passed all QC and selection excluding cloud/sfc affected obs
2472                  condition =  .not. btest(flag, 9) .and. .not. btest(flag, 11) .and.  .not. btest(flag, 8) .and. .not. btest(flag, 23) .and. .not. btest(flag, 19) 
2473                  !' AND (FLAG & 2560 = 0) AND (FLAG & 256 = 0) AND (FLAG & 8388608 = 0) AND (FLAG & 524288 = 0)'
2474                end if
2475              else! OFFLINE MODE --> Want all observations except data rejected for any reason other than innovation rogue check
2476                !   Assumes that type S or N correction has been applied to all data/channels (all data "corrected")
2477                ! data that passed all QC 
2478                condition1 =  .not. btest(flag, 9) .and. .not. btest(flag, 7) .and. .not. btest(flag, 19) .and. .not. btest(flag, 21) .and. .not. btest(flag, 23) 
2479                !' AND (FLAG & 512 = 0) AND (FLAG & 11010176 = 0)'
2480                ! good data (7,19,21,23 OFF) that failed QC rogue check only (bits [9],16 ON)
2481                condition2 = btest(flag, 9) .and. btest(flag, 16) .and. .not. btest(flag, 7) .and. .not. btest(flag, 19) .and. .not. btest(flag, 21) .and. .not. btest(flag, 23) !' AND (FLAG & 65536 = 65536) AND (FLAG & 11010176 = 0)'
2482                condition = condition1 .or. condition2
2483              end if
2484            end if
2486            if (condition) assim = obs_Assimilated
2488            call obs_bodySet_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ASS, bodyIndex, assim)
2489          end if
2490        end if
2491      end do BODY
2492    end do HEADER
2494    deallocate(instrumentList)
2496  end subroutine bcs_filterObs
2498  !-----------------------------------------
2499  ! bcs_applyBiasCorrection
2500  !-----------------------------------------
2501  subroutine bcs_applyBiasCorrection(obsSpaceData, column, family_opt)
2502    !
2503    !:Purpose: to apply bias correction from OBS_BCOR to
2504    !           obsSpaceData column column.
2505    !           After the call obsSpaceData body column contains the corrected
2506    !           observation or O-F and OBS_BCOR is not modified.
2507    implicit none
2509    ! Arguments:
2510    type(struct_obs),           intent(inout) :: obsSpaceData
2511    integer,                    intent(in)    :: column !obsSpaceData column
2512    character(len=2), optional, intent(in)    :: family_opt
2514    ! Locals:
2515    integer :: nbcor
2516    integer :: bodyIndex
2517    real(8) :: biascor, Obs
2518    integer :: flag
2520    if (.not. biasActive) return
2521    if (trim(biasMode) /= "apply") return
2523    if (mmpi_myid == 0) write(*,*) 'bcs_applyBiasCorrection: start'
2525    nbcor = 0
2526    call obs_set_current_body_list(obsSpaceData, family_opt)
2528    BODY: do
2529      bodyIndex = obs_getBodyIndex(obsSpaceData)
2530      if (bodyIndex < 0) exit BODY
2531      if (obs_bodyElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ASS, bodyIndex) /= obs_assimilated) cycle BODY  
2532      biasCor = obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_BCOR, bodyIndex)
2533      if (biasCor /= MPC_missingValue_R8) then
2534        Obs = obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData, column, bodyIndex)
2535        if (Obs /= MPC_missingValue_R8) then
2536          call obs_bodySet_r(obsSpaceData, column, bodyIndex, real(Obs + biasCor, pre_obsReal))
2537          flag = obs_bodyElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_FLG, bodyIndex)
2538          flag = ibset(flag, 6)
2539          call obs_bodySet_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_FLG, bodyIndex, flag)
2540          nbcor = nbcor + 1
2541        end if
2542      end if
2543    end do BODY
2545    if (mmpi_myid == 0) then
2546      write(*,*) 'bcs_applyBiasCorrection: apply bias correction for ', nbcor, ' observations'
2547      write(*,*) 'bcs_applyBiasCorrection exiting'
2548    end if
2550  end subroutine bcs_applyBiasCorrection
2552  !-----------------------------------------
2553  ! bcs_refreshBiasCorrection
2554  !-----------------------------------------
2555  subroutine bcs_refreshBiasCorrection(obsSpaceData, columnTrlOnTrlLev)
2556    !
2557    !:Purpose: to apply bias correction from read coefficient file to OBS_VAR
2558    !           After the call OBS_VAR contains the corrected observation
2559    !           and OBS_BCOR is set to applied bias correction
2560    !
2561    implicit none
2563    ! Arguments:
2564    type(struct_obs),        intent(inout) :: obsSpaceData
2565    type(struct_columnData), intent(inout) :: columnTrlOnTrlLev
2567    if (.not.biasActive) return
2568    if (.not. refreshBiasCorrection) return
2570    if (mmpi_myid == 0) write(*,*) 'bcs_refreshBiasCorrection: start'
2571    call bcs_calcBias(obsSpaceData, columnTrlOnTrlLev)
2572    call bcs_applyBiasCorrection(obsSpaceData, OBS_VAR, "TO")
2573    if (mmpi_myid == 0) write(*,*) 'bcs_refreshBiasCorrection: exit'
2575  end subroutine bcs_refreshBiasCorrection
2577  !-----------------------------------------
2578  ! bcs_getRadiosondeWeight
2579  !-----------------------------------------
2580  subroutine bcs_getRadiosondeWeight(obsSpaceData, lmodify_obserror_opt)
2581    !
2582    !:Purpose: initialize the weights to give more importance to data near radiosonde stations
2583    !
2584    implicit none
2586    ! Arguments:
2587    type(struct_obs),  intent(inout) :: obsSpaceData
2588    logical, optional, intent(in)    :: lmodify_obserror_opt
2590    ! Locals:
2591    integer :: iobs, headerIndex, idatyp, nobs, bodyIndex, stepIndex
2592    logical :: lmodify_obserror
2593    real(8) :: sigmaObs
2594    type(struct_gsv)      :: stateVector_mask, stateVector_mask_4d
2596    lmodify_obserror =.false.
2598    if (present(lmodify_obserror_opt)) lmodify_obserror = lmodify_obserror_opt
2601    if (weightedEstimate) then
2602      call hco_SetupFromFile(hco_mask, './raob_masque.std', 'WEIGHT', GridName_opt='RadiosondeWeight', varName_opt='WT')
2603      call vco_SetupFromFile(vco_mask, './raob_masque.std')   ! IN
2605      call gsv_allocate(stateVector_mask, 1, hco_mask, vco_mask, dateStampList_opt=[-1], varNames_opt=["WT"], &
2606           dataKind_opt=4, mpi_local_opt=.true., mpi_distribution_opt="Tiles")
2607      call gsv_allocate(stateVector_mask_4d, tim_nstepobs, hco_mask, vco_mask, dateStampList_opt=[ (-1, stepIndex = 1, tim_nstepobs) ], varNames_opt=["WT"], &
2608           dataKind_opt=4, mpi_local_opt=.true., mpi_distribution_opt="Tiles")
2610      call gio_readFromFile(stateVector_mask, './raob_masque.std', 'WEIGHT', 'O', unitConversion_opt=.false., &
2611           containsFullField_opt=.false.)
2613      do stepIndex = 1, tim_nstepobs
2614        call gsv_copy(stateVector_mask, stateVector_mask_4d, stepIndexOut_opt=stepIndex)
2615      end do
2616      call gsv_deallocate(stateVector_mask)
2617      call col_setVco(column_mask, vco_mask)
2618      nobs = obs_numHeader(obsSpaceData)
2619      call col_allocate(column_mask, nobs, beSilent_opt=.false., varNames_opt=["WT"])
2621      call s2c_nl(stateVector_mask_4d, obsSpaceData, column_mask, hco_mask, &
2622                   'NEAREST', varName_opt="WT", moveObsAtPole_opt=.true.)
2624      call obs_set_current_header_list(obsSpaceData, 'TO')
2625      iobs = 0
2626      HEADER: do
2627        headerIndex = obs_getHeaderIndex(obsSpaceData)
2628        if (headerIndex < 0) exit HEADER
2630        ! process only radiance data to be assimilated?
2631        idatyp = obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ITY, headerIndex)
2632        if (.not. tvs_isIdBurpTovs(idatyp)) then
2633          write(*,*) 'bcs_getRadiosondeWeight: warning unknown radiance codtyp present check NAMTOVSINST', idatyp
2634          cycle HEADER
2635        end if
2636        iobs = iobs + 1
2638        RadiosondeWeight(iobs) = col_getElem(column_mask, 1, headerIndex) 
2640        if (lmodify_obserror) then
2641          call obs_set_current_body_list(obsSpaceData, headerIndex)
2642          BODY: do
2643            bodyIndex = obs_getBodyIndex(obsSpaceData)
2644            if (bodyIndex < 0) exit BODY
2646            if (obs_bodyElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ASS, bodyIndex) /= obs_assimilated) cycle BODY
2648            sigmaObs = obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_OER, bodyIndex)
2650            sigmaObs = sigmaObs / sqrt(RadiosondeWeight(iobs))
2651            call obs_bodySet_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_OER, bodyIndex, sigmaObs) 
2653          end do BODY
2655        end if
2657      end do HEADER
2658      call gsv_deallocate(stateVector_mask_4d)
2659    else
2660      RadiosondeWeight(:) = 1.d0
2661    end if
2663  end subroutine bcs_getRadiosondeWeight
2665  !-----------------------------------------
2666  ! bcs_do_regression
2667  !-----------------------------------------
2668  subroutine bcs_do_regression(columnTrlOnTrlLev, obsSpaceData)
2669    !
2670    !:Purpose: compute the bias correction coefficients by linear regresion
2671    !
2672    implicit none
2674    ! Arguments:
2675    type(struct_obs),        intent(inout) :: obsSpaceData
2676    type(struct_columnData), intent(inout) :: columnTrlOnTrlLev
2678    ! Locals:
2679    integer    :: iSensor, iChannel, npred, nchans, nscan, ndim, ndimmax
2680    integer    :: sensorIndex, iPred1, jPred1, iobs
2681    integer    :: headerIndex, idatyp, nPredMax, ierr, iFov, iScan, idim
2682    integer    :: indxtovs, bodyIndex, chanIndx, predstart, ntot
2683    real(8)    :: OmF, sigmaObs, lambda, norm
2684    real(8)    :: predictor(NumPredictors)
2685    real(8), allocatable :: Matrix(:,:,:), Vector(:,:)
2686    real(8), allocatable :: matrixMpiGlobal(:,:,:), vectorMpiGlobal(:,:)
2687    real(8), allocatable :: pIMatrix(:,:), OmFBias(:,:), omfBiasMpiGlobal(:,:)
2688    real(8), allocatable :: BMatrixMinusOne(:,:), LineVec(:,:)
2689    integer, allocatable :: OmFCount(:,:), omfCountMpiGlobal(:,:)
2690    character(len=80)    :: errorMessage
2692    write(*,*) "bcs_do_regression: start"
2693    if (.not. allocated(trialHeight300m1000)) then
2694      call bcs_getTrialPredictors(obsSpaceData, columnTrlOnTrlLev)
2695      call bcs_computePredictorBiases(obsSpaceData)
2696    end if
2698    call  bcs_getRadiosondeWeight(obsSpaceData)
2700    if (outOmFPredCov) call bcs_outputCvOmPPred(obsSpaceData)
2702    SENSORS:do sensorIndex = 1, tvs_nsensors
2704      if  (.not. tvs_isReallyPresentMpiGLobal(sensorIndex)) cycle SENSORS
2706      nchans = bias(sensorIndex)%numChannels
2707      nscan = bias(sensorIndex)%numscan
2708      npredMax = maxval(bias(sensorIndex)%chans(:)%numActivePredictors)
2710      if (mimicSatbcor) then
2711        ndimmax = npredMax
2712        allocate(OmFBias(nchans,nscan))
2713        OmFBias(:,:) = 0.d0
2714      else
2715        ndimmax = npredMax + nscan - 1
2716      end if
2718      allocate(OmFCount(nchans,nscan))
2719      OmFCount(:,:) = 0
2721      allocate(Matrix(nchans,ndimmax,ndimmax))
2722      Matrix(:,:,:) = 0.d0
2724      allocate(Vector(nchans,ndimmax))
2725      Vector(:,:) = 0.d0
2727      allocate(LineVec(1,ndimmax))
2729      allocate(pIMatrix(ndimmax,ndimmax))
2732      ! First pass throught ObsSpaceData to estimate scan biases and count data
2734      call obs_set_current_header_list(obsSpaceData, 'TO')
2735      HEADER1: do
2736        headerIndex = obs_getHeaderIndex(obsSpaceData)
2737        if (headerIndex < 0) exit HEADER1
2739        ! process only radiance data to be assimilated?
2740        idatyp = obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ITY, headerIndex)
2741        if (.not. tvs_isIdBurpTovs(idatyp)) then
2742          write(*,*) 'bcs_do_regression: warning unknown radiance codtyp present check NAMTOVSINST', idatyp
2743          cycle HEADER1
2744        end if
2745        indxtovs = tvs_tovsIndex(headerIndex)
2746        if (indxtovs < 0) cycle HEADER1
2748        iSensor = tvs_lsensor(indxTovs)
2749        if (iSensor /= sensorIndex) cycle HEADER1
2750        iFov = obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_FOV, headerIndex)
2751        if (nscan > 1) then
2752          iScan = iFov
2753        else
2754          iScan = 1
2755        end if
2757        call obs_set_current_body_list(obsSpaceData, headerIndex)
2758        BODY1: do
2759          bodyIndex = obs_getBodyIndex(obsSpaceData)
2760          if (bodyIndex < 0) exit BODY1
2762          if (obs_bodyElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ASS, bodyIndex) /= obs_assimilated) cycle BODY1 
2763          call bcs_getChannelIndex(obsSpaceData, iSensor, chanIndx, bodyIndex)
2764          if (chanindx > 0) then
2765            if  (mimicSatBcor) then
2766              OmF = obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_OMP, bodyIndex)
2767              OmFBias(chanIndx,iScan) = OmFBias(chanIndx,iScan) + OmF
2768            end if
2769            OmFCount(chanIndx,iScan) =  OmFCount(chanIndx,iScan) + 1
2770          end if
2771        end do BODY1
2772      end do HEADER1
2774      if (mimicSatbcor) allocate(omfBiasMpiGlobal(nchans,nscan))
2776      allocate(omfCountMpiGlobal(nchans,nscan))
2778      if (mimicSatbcor) then
2779        call mmpi_reduce_sumR8_2d( OmFBias, omfBiasMpiGlobal, 0, "GRID" )
2780      end if
2781      call rpn_comm_reduce(OmFCount, omfCountMpiGlobal, size(omfCountMpiGlobal), "mpi_integer", "MPI_SUM", 0, "GRID", ierr)
2783      if (ierr /= 0) then
2784        write(errorMessage,*) "bcs_do_regression: MPI communication error 2", ierr 
2785        call utl_abort(errorMessage)
2786      end if
2787      if (mimicSatbcor)  then
2788        if (mmpi_myId == 0) then
2789          where(omfCountMpiGlobal == 0) omfBiasMpiGlobal = 0.d0
2790          where(omfCountMpiGlobal > 0) omfBiasMpiGlobal = omfBiasMpiGlobal / omfCountMpiGlobal
2791        end if
2792        call rpn_comm_bcast(omfBiasMpiGlobal, size(omfBiasMpiGlobal), "mpi_double_precision", 0, "GRID", ierr)
2793        if (ierr /= 0) then
2794          write(errorMessage,*) "bcs_do_regression: MPI communication error 3", ierr 
2795          call utl_abort(errorMessage)
2796        end if
2797        do iChannel = 1, nchans
2798          bias(sensorIndex)%chans(iChannel)%coeff_fov(:) = omfBiasMpiGlobal(iChannel, :)
2799        end do
2800        deallocate(omfBiasMpiGlobal)
2801      end if
2803      ! Second pass to fill matrices and vectors
2804      call obs_set_current_header_list(obsSpaceData, 'TO')
2805      iobs = 0
2806      HEADER2: do
2807        headerIndex = obs_getHeaderIndex(obsSpaceData)
2808        if (headerIndex < 0) exit HEADER2
2810        ! process only radiance data to be assimilated?
2811        idatyp = obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ITY, headerIndex)
2812        if (.not. tvs_isIdBurpTovs(idatyp)) then
2813          write(*,*) 'bcs_do_regression: warning unknown radiance codtyp present check NAMTOVSINST', idatyp
2814          cycle HEADER2
2815        end if
2816        iobs = iobs + 1
2817        indxtovs = tvs_tovsIndex(headerIndex)
2818        if (indxtovs < 0) cycle HEADER2
2820        iSensor = tvs_lsensor(indxTovs)
2821        if (iSensor /= sensorIndex) cycle HEADER2
2823        call obs_set_current_body_list(obsSpaceData, headerIndex)
2824        iFov = obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_FOV, headerIndex)
2825        if (nscan > 1) then
2826          iScan = iFov
2827        else
2828          iScan = 1
2829        end if
2830        BODY2: do
2831          bodyIndex = obs_getBodyIndex(obsSpaceData)
2832          if (bodyIndex < 0) exit BODY2
2833          if (obs_bodyElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ASS, bodyIndex) /= obs_assimilated) cycle BODY2 
2834          call bcs_getChannelIndex(obsSpaceData, iSensor, chanIndx, bodyIndex)
2835          if (chanIndx > 0) then
2836            call bcs_getPredictors(predictor, headerIndex, iobs, chanIndx, obsSpaceData)
2837            OmF = obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_OMP, bodyIndex)
2839            if (mimicSatbcor) OmF = OmF - bias(sensorIndex)%chans(chanIndx)%coeff_fov(iScan)
2841            LineVec(:,:) = 0.d0
2843            if (mimicSatbcor) then
2844              idim = 0
2845              predstart = 1
2846              lambda = 1.d0
2847            else
2848              LineVec(1,iScan) = 1.d0
2849              idim = nscan
2850              predstart = 2
2851              sigmaObs = obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_OER, bodyIndex)
2852              lambda = 1.d0 / (sigmaObs ** 2)
2853            end if
2855            lambda = lambda * RadiosondeWeight(iobs)
2857            do iPred1 = predstart, bias(iSensor)%chans(chanIndx)%NumActivePredictors
2858              jPred1 = bias(iSensor)%chans(chanIndx)%PredictorIndex(iPred1)
2859              idim = idim + 1
2860              LineVec(1,idim) = predictor(jPred1)
2861            end do
2862            Matrix(chanindx,:,:) = Matrix(chanindx,:,:) + matmul(transpose(LineVec),LineVec) * lambda
2863            Vector(chanIndx,:) =  Vector(chanIndx,:) + LineVec(1,:) * OmF  * lambda
2864          end if
2865        end do BODY2
2866      end do HEADER2
2868      if (mmpi_myId == 0) then
2869        allocate(matrixMpiGlobal(nchans,ndimmax,ndimmax))
2870        allocate(vectorMpiGlobal(nchans,ndimmax))
2871      else
2872        allocate(matrixMpiGlobal(1,1,1))
2873        allocate(vectorMpiGlobal(1,1))
2874      end if
2876      ! communication MPI pour tout avoir sur tache 0
2877      call mmpi_reduce_sumR8_3d( Matrix, matrixMpiGlobal, 0, "GRID" )
2878      call mmpi_reduce_sumR8_2d( Vector, vectorMpiGlobal, 0, "GRID" )
2880      do iChannel = 1, nchans
2882        if (mmpi_myId == 0) then
2883          ntot = sum(omfCountMpiGlobal(iChannel, :))
2884          bias(sensorIndex)%chans(iChannel)%coeff_nobs = ntot
2885          if (ntot > 0 .and. .not. mimicSatbcor) then
2886            norm = 1.d0 / (ntot) 
2887            matrixMpiGlobal(iChannel,:,:) =  matrixMpiGlobal(iChannel,:,:) * norm
2888            vectorMpiGlobal(iChannel,:) = vectorMpiGlobal(iChannel,:) * norm
2889          end if
2891          nPred =  bias(sensorIndex)%chans(iChannel)%numActivePredictors
2892          if (mimicSatbcor) then
2893            ndim = npred
2894          else
2895            ndim = npred + nscan -1 
2896            allocate(BMatrixMinusOne(ndim,ndim))
2897            BMatrixMinusOne(:,:) = 0.d0 
2898            BMatrixMinusOne(1:nscan,1:nscan) = matmul(bias(sensorIndex)%BMinusHalfScanBias, bias(sensorIndex)%BMinusHalfScanBias)
2899            do iPred1 = 2, bias(sensorIndex)%chans(iChannel)%numActivePredictors
2900              BMatrixMinusOne(nscan - 1 + iPred1,nscan - 1 + iPred1) = (1.d0 / (bias(sensorIndex)%chans(iChannel)%stddev(iPred1)) ** 2)
2901            end do
2902            matrixMpiGlobal(iChannel,1:ndim,1:ndim) = matrixMpiGlobal(iChannel,1:ndim,1:ndim) + BMatrixMinusOne(:,:)
2903            deallocate(BMatrixMinusOne)
2904          end if
2906          pIMatrix(:,:) = 0.d0
2907          call utl_pseudo_inverse(matrixMpiGlobal(iChannel, 1:ndim, 1:ndim), pIMatrix(1:ndim, 1:ndim))
2908          LineVec(1,1:ndim) = matmul(pIMatrix(1:ndim,1:ndim), vectorMpiGlobal(iChannel,1:ndim))
2909          !call dsymv("L", ndim, 1.d0, pIMatrix, ndim,vectorMpiGlobal(iChannel,:), 1, 0.d0, LineVec(1,1:ndim), 1)
2910        end if
2912        call rpn_comm_bcast(ndim, 1, "mpi_integer", 0, "GRID", ierr)
2913        call rpn_comm_bcast(npred, 1, "mpi_integer", 0, "GRID", ierr)
2915        call rpn_comm_bcast(LineVec(1,1:ndim), ndim, "mpi_double_precision", 0, "GRID", ierr)
2916        if (ierr /= 0) then
2917          write(errorMessage,*) "bcs_do_regression: MPI communication error 6", ierr 
2918          call utl_abort(errorMessage)
2919        end if
2921        if (outCoeffCov) then
2922          allocate (bias(sensorIndex)%chans(iChannel)%coeffCov(ndim,ndim)) 
2923          call rpn_comm_bcast(pIMatrix(1:ndim, 1:ndim), ndim * ndim, "mpi_double_precision", 0, "GRID", ierr)
2924          bias(sensorIndex)%chans(iChannel)%coeffCov(:,:) = pIMatrix(1:ndim,1:ndim)
2925        end if
2927        if (mimicSatbcor) then
2928          bias(sensorIndex)%chans(iChannel)%coeff(:) = LineVec(1,1:npred)
2929        else
2930          bias(sensorIndex)%chans(iChannel)%coeff_fov(:) = LineVec(1,1:nscan)
2931          bias(sensorIndex)%chans(iChannel)%coeff(1) = 0.d0
2932          bias(sensorIndex)%chans(iChannel)%coeff(2:) = LineVec(1,nscan+1:ndim)
2933        end if
2935      end do
2937      deallocate(LineVec)
2938      deallocate(Matrix)
2939      deallocate(Vector  )
2940      deallocate(omfCountMpiGlobal)
2941      deallocate(matrixMpiGlobal)
2942      deallocate(vectorMpiGlobal)
2943      deallocate(pIMatrix)
2944      if (allocated(OmFBias)) deallocate(OmFBias)
2945      deallocate(OmFCount)
2947    end do SENSORS
2949  end subroutine bcs_do_regression
2951  !-----------------------------------------
2952  ! bcs_outputCvOmPPred
2953  !-----------------------------------------
2954  subroutine bcs_outputCvOmPPred(obsSpaceData)
2955    !
2956    !:Purpose: compute and output OmF-predictors covariance and correlation matrices
2957    !
2958    implicit none
2960    ! Arguments:
2961    type(struct_obs), intent(inout)        :: obsSpaceData
2963    ! Locals:
2964    integer :: sensorIndex, headerIndex, bodyIndex, channelIndex, predictorIndex,predictorIndex2,nchans
2965    integer :: idatyp, indxtovs, iSensor, chanIndx, Iobs, ierr
2966    Real(8):: OmF
2967    real(8), allocatable :: OmFBias(:), Matrix(:,:,:), PredBias(:,:)
2968    integer, allocatable :: Count(:), CountMpiGlobal(:)
2969    real(8), allocatable :: OmFBiasMpiGlobal(:), predBiasMpiGlobal(:,:), MatrixMpiGLobal(:,:,:)
2970    character(len=128)   :: errorMessage
2971    real(8) :: vector(1,numPredictors), predictor(numPredictors),correlation(numPredictors,numPredictors)
2972    real(8) :: sigma(numPredictors)
2973    integer :: iuncov, iuncorr
2975    write(*,*) "bcs_outputCvOmPPred: Starting"
2977    SENSORS:do sensorIndex = 1, tvs_nsensors
2979      if  (.not. tvs_isReallyPresentMpiGLobal(sensorIndex)) cycle SENSORS
2980      write(*,*) "sensor ", sensorIndex
2982      nchans = bias(sensorIndex)%numChannels ! from bcif
2984      allocate(OmFBias(nchans))
2985      OmFBias(:) = 0.d0
2987      allocate(predBias(nchans,numPredictors))
2988      predBias(:,:) = 0.d0
2990      allocate(Count(nchans))
2991      Count(:) = 0
2993      iobs = 0
2994      ! First pass throught ObsSpaceData to estimate biases and count data
2995      call obs_set_current_header_list(obsSpaceData, 'TO')
2996      HEADER1: do
2997        headerIndex = obs_getHeaderIndex(obsSpaceData)
2998        if (headerIndex < 0) exit HEADER1
2999        ! process only radiance data to be assimilated?
3000        idatyp = obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ITY, headerIndex)
3001        if (.not. tvs_isIdBurpTovs(idatyp)) then
3002          write(*,*) 'bcs_outputCvOmPPred: warning unknown radiance codtyp present check NAMTOVSINST', idatyp
3003          cycle HEADER1
3004        end if
3005        iobs = iobs + 1
3006        indxtovs = tvs_tovsIndex(headerIndex)
3007        if (indxtovs < 0) cycle HEADER1
3008        iSensor = tvs_lsensor(indxTovs)
3009        if (iSensor /= sensorIndex) cycle HEADER1
3011        call obs_set_current_body_list(obsSpaceData, headerIndex)
3012        BODY1: do
3013          bodyIndex = obs_getBodyIndex(obsSpaceData)
3014          if (bodyIndex < 0) exit BODY1
3015          if (obs_bodyElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ASS, bodyIndex) /= obs_assimilated) cycle BODY1 
3016          call bcs_getChannelIndex(obsSpaceData, iSensor, chanIndx, bodyIndex)
3017          if (chanindx > 0) then
3018            OmF = obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_OMP, bodyIndex)
3019            OmFBias(chanIndx) = OmFBias(chanIndx) + OmF
3020            count(chanIndx) = count(chanIndx) + 1
3021            call bcs_getPredictors(predictor, headerIndex, iobs, chanIndx, obsSpaceData)
3022            predBias(chanIndx,:) = predBias(chanIndx,:) + predictor(:)
3023          end if
3024        end do BODY1
3025      end do HEADER1
3027      allocate(omfBiasMpiGlobal(nchans))
3028      allocate(countMpiGlobal(nchans))
3029      allocate(predBiasMpiGlobal(nchans,numPredictors))
3031      call mmpi_reduce_sumR8_1d(OmFBias, omfBiasMpiGlobal, 0, "GRID" )
3032      call mmpi_reduce_sumR8_2d(predBias, predBiasMpiGlobal, 0, "GRID" )
3034      call rpn_comm_reduce(count, countMpiGlobal, size(countMpiGlobal), "mpi_integer", "MPI_SUM", 0, "GRID", ierr)
3035      if (ierr /= 0) then
3036        write(errorMessage,*) "bcs_outputCvOmPPred: MPI communication error 1", ierr 
3037        call utl_abort(errorMessage)
3038      end if
3040      if (mmpi_myId == 0) then
3041        where(countMpiGlobal == 0) omfBiasMpiGlobal = 0.d0
3042        where(countMpiGlobal > 0) omfBiasMpiGlobal = omfBiasMpiGlobal / countMpiGlobal
3043        do channelIndex =1, nchans
3044          if (countMpiGlobal(channelIndex) == 0) predBiasMpiGlobal(channelIndex,:) = 0.d0
3045          if (countMpiGlobal(channelIndex) > 0) predBiasMpiGlobal(channelIndex,:) = predBiasMpiGlobal(channelIndex,:) / countMpiGlobal(channelIndex)
3046        end do
3047      end if
3048      call rpn_comm_bcast(omfBiasMpiGlobal, size(omfBiasMpiGlobal), "mpi_double_precision", 0, "GRID", ierr)
3049      if (ierr /= 0) then
3050        write(errorMessage,*) "bcs_outputCvOmPPred: MPI communication error 4", ierr 
3051        call utl_abort(errorMessage)
3052      end if
3053      call rpn_comm_bcast(predBiasMpiGlobal, size(predBiasMpiGlobal), "mpi_double_precision", 0, "GRID", ierr)
3054      if (ierr /= 0) then
3055        write(errorMessage,*) "bcs_outputCvOmPPred: MPI communication error 3", ierr 
3056        call utl_abort(errorMessage)
3057      end if
3058      call rpn_comm_bcast(countMpiGlobal, size(countMpiGlobal), "mpi_integer", 0, "GRID", ierr)
3059      if (ierr /= 0) then
3060        write(errorMessage,*) "bcs_outputCvOmPPred: MPI communication error 4", ierr 
3061        call utl_abort(errorMessage)
3062      end if
3064      deallocate(OmFBias)
3065      deallocate(predBias)
3066      deallocate(Count)
3067      allocate(matrix(nchans,numPredictors,numPredictors))
3068      matrix(:,:,:) = 0.d0
3070      ! Second pass to fill covariance Matrix
3071      call obs_set_current_header_list(obsSpaceData, 'TO')
3072      iobs = 0
3073      HEADER2: do
3074        headerIndex = obs_getHeaderIndex(obsSpaceData)
3075        if (headerIndex < 0) exit HEADER2
3077        ! process only radiance data to be assimilated?
3078        idatyp = obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ITY, headerIndex)
3079        if (.not. tvs_isIdBurpTovs(idatyp)) then
3080          write(*,*) 'bcs_outputCvOmPPred: warning unknown radiance codtyp present check NAMTOVSINST', idatyp
3081          cycle HEADER2
3082        end if
3083        iobs = iobs + 1
3084        indxtovs = tvs_tovsIndex(headerIndex)
3085        if (indxtovs < 0) cycle HEADER2
3087        iSensor = tvs_lsensor(indxTovs)
3088        if (iSensor /= sensorIndex) cycle HEADER2
3090        call obs_set_current_body_list(obsSpaceData, headerIndex)
3091        BODY2: do
3092          bodyIndex = obs_getBodyIndex(obsSpaceData)
3093          if (bodyIndex < 0) exit BODY2
3094          if (obs_bodyElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ASS, bodyIndex) /= obs_assimilated) cycle BODY2 
3095          call bcs_getChannelIndex(obsSpaceData, iSensor, chanIndx, bodyIndex)
3096          if (chanIndx > 0) then
3097            call bcs_getPredictors(predictor, headerIndex, iobs, chanIndx, obsSpaceData)
3098            predictor(:) = predictor(:) - predBiasMpiGLobal(chanIndx,:)
3099            OmF = obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_OMP, bodyIndex)
3100            OmF = OmF - omfBiasMpiGlobal(chanIndx)
3101            vector(1,1) = OmF
3102            vector(1,2:numPredictors) = predictor(2:numPredictors)
3103            Matrix(chanindx,:,:) = Matrix(chanindx,:,:) + matmul(transpose(vector),vector)
3104          end if
3105        end do BODY2
3106      end do HEADER2
3108      if (mmpi_myId == 0) then
3109        allocate(matrixMpiGlobal(nchans,numPredictors,numPredictors))
3110      else
3111        allocate(matrixMpiGlobal(1,1,1))
3112      end if
3114      ! communication MPI pour tout avoir sur tache 0
3115      call mmpi_reduce_sumR8_3d(matrix, matrixMpiGlobal, 0, "GRID" )
3116      deallocate(matrix)
3117      deallocate(OmFBiasMpiGLobal)
3118      deallocate(predBiasMpiGLobal)
3119      if (mmpi_myId == 0) then
3120        call utl_open_asciifile("covarianceMatrix_" // trim(tvs_instrumentName(sensorIndex)) //  &
3121             "_" // trim(tvs_satelliteName(sensorIndex)) // ".dat", iuncov)
3122        call utl_open_asciifile("correlationMatrix_" // trim(tvs_instrumentName(sensorIndex)) //  &
3123             "_" // trim(tvs_satelliteName(sensorIndex)) // ".dat", iuncorr)
3124        do channelIndex = 1, nchans
3125          if (countMpiGlobal(channelIndex) > 1) then
3126            matrixMpiGlobal(channelIndex,:,:) = matrixMpiGlobal(channelIndex,:,:) / countMpiGlobal(channelIndex)
3128            write(iuncov,*) "OmF Pred covariance Matrix for channel ", &
3129                 bias(sensorIndex)%chans(channelIndex)%channelNum, "instrument ", &
3130                 trim(tvs_instrumentName(sensorIndex))," ", &
3131                 trim(tvs_satelliteName(sensorIndex))
3132            write(iuncov,'(10x,A6)',advance="no") "OmF"
3133            do predictorIndex = 2, numPredictors
3134              write(iuncov,'(T6,A6,1x)',advance="no") predTab(predictorIndex) 
3135            end do
3136            write(iuncov,*)
3137            write(iuncov,'(A6)',advance="no") "Omf"
3138            write(iuncov,'(100f12.6)') matrixMpiGlobal(channelIndex,1,:)
3139            do predictorIndex = 2, numPredictors
3140              write(iuncov,'(A6)',advance="no") predTab(predictorIndex)
3141              write(iuncov,'(100f12.6)') matrixMpiGlobal(channelIndex,predictorIndex,:)
3142            end do
3143            sigma(:) = 0
3144            do predictorIndex = 1,numPredictors
3145              if ( matrixMpiGlobal(channelIndex,predictorIndex,predictorIndex) >0.d0) &
3146                   sigma(predictorIndex) = sqrt(matrixMpiGlobal(channelIndex,predictorIndex,predictorIndex))
3147            end do
3148            do predictorIndex = 1, numPredictors
3149              do predictorIndex2 =1, numPredictors
3150                correlation(predictorIndex, predictorIndex2) =  &
3151                     matrixMpiGlobal(channelIndex,predictorIndex,predictorIndex2) / &
3152                     (sigma(predictorIndex) * sigma(predictorIndex2) )
3153              end do
3154            end do
3155            write(iuncorr,*) "OmF Pred correlation Matrix for channel ", &
3156                 bias(sensorIndex)%chans(channelIndex)%channelNum,"instrument ", &
3157                 trim(tvs_instrumentName(sensorIndex))," ", &
3158                 trim(tvs_satelliteName(sensorIndex))
3159            write(iuncorr,'(10x,A6)',advance="no") "OmF"
3160            do predictorIndex = 2, numPredictors
3161              write(iuncorr,'(T6,A6,1x)',advance="no") predTab(predictorIndex) 
3162            end do
3163            write(iuncorr,*)
3164            write(iuncorr,'(A6)',advance="no") "Omf"
3165            write(iuncorr,'(100f12.6)') correlation(1,:)
3166            do predictorIndex = 2, numPredictors
3167              write(iuncorr,'(A6)',advance="no") predTab(predictorIndex)
3168              write(iuncorr,'(100f12.6)') correlation(predictorIndex,:)
3169            end do
3170          end if
3171        end do
3172        ierr = fclos(iuncov)
3173        ierr = fclos(iuncorr)
3174      end if
3176      deallocate(countMpiGlobal)
3177      deallocate(matrixMpiGlobal)
3179    end do SENSORS
3181  end subroutine bcs_outputCvOmPPred
3183  !----------------------
3184  ! bcs_Finalize
3185  !----------------------
3186  subroutine bcs_Finalize
3187    !
3188    !:Purpose: release allocated memory for the module
3189    !
3190    implicit none
3192    ! Locals:
3193    integer    :: iSensor, iChannel
3195    if (.not. biasActive) return
3197    if (allocated(trialHeight300m1000)) deallocate(trialHeight300m1000)
3198    if (allocated(trialHeight50m200)) deallocate(trialHeight50m200)
3199    if (allocated(trialHeight1m10)) deallocate(trialHeight1m10)
3200    if (allocated(trialHeight5m50)) deallocate(trialHeight5m50)
3201    if (allocated(trialTG)) deallocate(trialTG)
3202    if (allocated(RadiosondeWeight)) deallocate(RadiosondeWeight)
3204    do iSensor = 1, tvs_nSensors
3205      if (allocated(bias(iSensor)%BHalfScanBias)) &
3206           deallocate(bias(iSensor)%BHalfScanBias)
3207      if (allocated(bias(iSensor)%BMinusHalfScanBias)) &
3208           deallocate(bias(iSensor)%BMinusHalfScanBias)
3209      do iChannel =1, bias(iSensor)%numChannels
3210        deallocate(bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%stddev)
3211        deallocate(bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%coeffIncr)
3212        deallocate(bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%predictorIndex)
3213        if (allocated(bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%coeffIncr_fov)) deallocate(bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%coeffIncr_fov)
3214        deallocate(bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%coeff_offset)
3215        if (allocated(bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%coeff)) deallocate(bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%coeff)
3216        if (allocated(bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%coeff_fov))  deallocate(bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%coeff_fov)
3217        if (allocated(bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%coeffCov)) deallocate(bias(iSensor)%chans(iChannel)%coeffCov)
3218      end do
3219      deallocate(bias(iSensor)%chans)
3220    end do
3222  end subroutine bcs_Finalize 
3224  !-----------------------------
3225  ! InstrNametoCoeffFileName 
3226  !-----------------------------
3227  function InstrNametoCoeffFileName(nameIn) result(nameOut)
3228    implicit none
3230    ! Arguments:
3231    character(len=10), intent(in) :: nameIn
3232    ! Result:
3233    character(len=10)             :: nameOut
3235    ! Locals:
3236    character(len=10)  :: temp_instrName
3237    integer            :: ierr
3239    temp_instrName = nameIn
3240    ierr = clib_tolower(temp_instrName) 
3241    if (trim(temp_instrName) == 'mhs') then
3242      nameOut = 'amsub'
3243    else if (trim(temp_instrName) == 'goesimager') then
3244      nameOut = 'cgoes'
3245    else if (trim(temp_instrName) == 'gmsmtsat') then
3246      nameOut = 'mtsat'
3247    else if (trim(temp_instrName) == 'mviri') then
3248      nameOut = 'mets7'
3249    else
3250      nameOut = temp_instrName
3251    end if
3253  end function InstrNametoCoeffFileName 
3255  !-----------------------------
3256  ! InstrNameinCoeffFile
3257  !-----------------------------
3258  function InstrNameinCoeffFile(nameIn) result(nameOut)
3259    implicit none
3261    ! Arguments:
3262    character(len=10), intent(in) :: nameIn
3263    ! Result:
3264    character(len=10)             :: nameOut
3266    if (trim(nameIn) == 'MHS') then
3267      nameOut = 'AMSUB'
3268    else if (trim(nameIn) == 'GOESIMAGER') then
3269      nameOut = 'CGOES' 
3270    else if (trim(nameIn) == 'GMSMTSAT') then
3271      nameOut = 'MTSAT' 
3272    else if (trim(nameIn) == 'MVIRI') then
3273      nameOut = 'METS7' 
3274    else 
3275      nameOut = nameIn
3276    end if
3278  end function InstrNameinCoeffFile
3280  !-----------------------------
3281  ! SatNameinCoeffFile
3282  !-----------------------------
3283  function SatNameinCoeffFile(nameIn) result(nameOut)
3284    implicit none
3286    ! Arguments:
3287    character(len=10), intent(in) :: nameIn
3288    ! Result:
3289    character(len=10)             :: nameOut
3291    if (trim(nameIn) == 'MSG1') then
3292      nameOut = 'METSAT8'
3293    else if (trim(nameIn) == 'MSG2') then
3294      nameOut = 'METSAT9'
3295    else if (trim(nameIn) == 'MSG3') then
3296      nameOut = 'METSAT10'
3297    else if (trim(nameIn) == 'MSG4') then
3298      nameOut = 'METSAT11'
3299    else if (trim(nameIn) == 'METEOSAT7') then
3300      nameOut = 'METSAT7' 
3301    else 
3302      nameOut = nameIn
3303    end if
3305  end function SatNameinCoeffFile
3307  !-----------------------------------------
3308  ! read_bcif
3309  !-----------------------------------------
3310  subroutine read_bcif(bcifFile, hspec, ncan, can, bcmode, bctype, npred, pred, global_opt, exitcode)
3311    !
3312    !:Purpose: to read channel-specific bias correction (BC) information (predictors) for instrument from BCIF.
3313    !
3314    implicit none
3316    ! Arguments:
3317    character(len=*), intent(in)  :: bcifFile
3318    logical,          intent(in)  :: hspec
3319    integer,          intent(out) :: exitcode
3320    integer,          intent(out) :: ncan
3321    integer,          intent(out) :: can(tvs_maxchannelnumber)
3322    integer,          intent(out) :: npred(tvs_maxchannelnumber)
3323    character(len=3), intent(in)  :: global_opt
3324    character(len=1), intent(out) :: bcmode(tvs_maxchannelnumber)
3325    character(len=1), intent(out) :: bctype(tvs_maxchannelnumber)
3326    character(len=2), intent(out) :: pred(tvs_maxchannelnumber,numpredictorsBCIF)
3328    ! Locals:
3329    character(len=7)             :: instrum
3330    integer                      :: i, j, ier, ii, iun
3331    character(len=64)            :: line
3332    integer                      :: xcan, xnpred, chknp
3333    character(len=1)             :: xbcmode, xbctype
3334    character(len=2)             :: xpred(numpredictors)
3336    ! Reads channel-specific bias correction (BC) information (predictors) for instrument from BCIF.
3337    ! Channel 0 values are global or default values (optionally applied to all channels).
3338    ! Returns BC information for all channels to calling routine.
3339    !
3340    !              Sample BCIF
3341    ! AMSUA  15                                                   <--- instrument and number of channels
3343    !   0     D     C      4    T1    T2    T3    T4    XX    XX  <--- channel "0" global or default values
3344    !   1     D     C      2    T1    T2    XX    XX    XX    XX
3345    !   2     D     C      3    BT    T1    T2    XX    XX    XX
3346    !   3     S     C      2    T3    T4    XX    XX    XX    XX
3347    ! ....
3348    ! ....
3349    ! ===================  24 APRIL 2014    LIST-DIRECTED I/O VERSION ==============================================
3350    !   CALL read_bcif(iunbc, bc_instrum, bc_ncan, bc_can, bc_mode, bc_type, bc_npred, bc_pred, global_opt, exitcode)
3351    !
3352    !  global_opt = NON    Read channel-specific data for ALL ncan channels from BCIF (channel 0 ignored)
3353    !               OUI    Read channel 0 data and apply to all ncan channels (global values)
3354    !               DEF    Read channel 0 data and apply as default values for all ncan channels;
3355    !                      then scan the rest of the BCIF for any channel-specific data that will
3356    !                      override the default values.
3357    !
3358    !  NOTE: For hyperspectral instruments (e.g. AIRS, IASI, CrIS) the BCIF must always contain records for ALL ncan channels.
3359    !          If global_opt = OUI, only the channel numbers are needed in column 1 (CHAN) to get the list
3360    !            of channel numbers.
3361    !          If global_opt = DEF, other column data (MODE, TYPE, NPRED, PRED1,...) are entered only for
3362    !            those channels for which the default (channel 0) values are to be overridden.
3363    !
3364    !        For standard instruments (AMSU, SSM/I, SSMIS), with consecutive channels 1,2,3,...,ncan:
3365    !           If global_opt = OUI, only the channel 0 record is needed in the BCIF (any other records after
3366    !             channel 0 are ignored (not read).
3367    !           If global_opt = DEF, the channel 0 record (default values) and only records for those channels
3368    !             for which values are different from defaults are needed in the BCIF.
3370    exitcode = -1
3372    iun = 0
3373    ier = fnom(iun, bcifFile, 'FMT', 0)
3374    if (ier /= 0) then
3375      call utl_abort('read_bcif: ERROR - Problem opening the bcif file!' // trim(bcifFile)) 
3376    end if
3378    read(iun,*) instrum, ncan
3379    read(iun,'(A64)') line
3381    ! For GLOBAL option, read global values from first line (channel 0) and clone to all channels
3382    if (global_opt == 'OUI' .or. global_opt == 'DEF') then 
3383      ! Read channel 0 information
3384      read(iun, *, iostat=ier) can(1), bcmode(1), bctype(1), npred(1), (pred(1,j), j = 1, numpredictorsbcif)
3385      if (ier /= 0) then
3386        write(*,*) 'read_BCIF: Error reading channel 0 data!'
3387        exitcode = ier
3388        return
3389      end if
3390      if (can(1) /= 0) then
3391        write(*,*) 'read_BCIF: Channel 0 global values not found!'
3392        exitcode = -1
3393        return
3394      end if
3395      ! Clone channel 0 information to all ncan channels
3396      if (.not. hspec) then
3397        ! For instruments with consecutive channels 1,2,3,...ncan (e.g. AMSU, SSM/I)
3398        !  -- no need to read the channel numbers from the BCIF
3399        do i = 2, ncan+1
3400          can(i) = i - 1
3401          bcmode(i) = bcmode(1)
3402          bctype(i) = bctype(1)
3403          npred(i) = npred(1)
3404          do j = 1, numpredictorsbcif
3405            pred(i,j) = pred(1,j)
3406          end do
3407        end do
3408      else
3409        ! For hyperspectral instruments (channel subsets), read the channel numbers from the BCIF
3410        do i = 2, ncan + 1
3411          read(iun, *, iostat=ier) xcan
3412          if (ier /= 0) then
3413            write(*,*) 'read_BCIF: Error reading channel numbers!'
3414            exitcode = ier
3415            return
3416          end if
3417          can(i) = xcan
3418          bcmode(i) = bcmode(1)
3419          bctype(i) = bctype(1)
3420          npred(i) = npred(1)
3421          do j = 1, numpredictorsbcif
3422            pred(i,j) = pred(1,j)
3423          end do
3424        end do
3425        ! Reposition the file to just after channel 0 record
3426        rewind (iun)
3427        read(iun,*) instrum, ncan
3428        read(iun,'(A64)') line
3429        read(iun,*,iostat=ier) xcan, xbcmode, xbctype, xnpred, (xpred(j), j = 1, numpredictorsbcif)
3430      end if
3431      ! For global_opt == 'DEF' check for channel-specific information and overwrite the default (channel 0) values
3432      ! for the channel with the values from the file
3433      if (global_opt == 'DEF') then
3434        if (.not. hspec) then
3435          do
3436            read(iun,*,iostat=ier) xcan, xbcmode, xbctype, xnpred, (xpred(j), j = 1, numpredictorsbcif)
3437            if (ier < 0) exit  
3438            if (ier > 0) then
3439              write(*,*) 'read_BCIF: Error reading file!'
3440              exitcode = ier
3441              return
3442            end if
3443            ii = xcan + 1
3444            if (ii > ncan + 1) then
3445              write(*,*) 'read_BCIF: Channel number in BCIF exceeds number of channels!'
3446              write(*,'(A,1X,I4,1X,I4)') '           Channel, ncan = ', xcan, ncan
3447              exitcode = -1
3448              return
3449            end if
3450            bcmode(ii) = xbcmode
3451            bctype(ii) = xbctype
3452            npred(ii) = xnpred
3453            do j = 1, numpredictorsbcif
3454              pred(ii,j) = xpred(j)
3455            end do
3456          end do
3457        else
3458          ! For hyperspectral instruments
3459          do i = 2, ncan + 1
3460            read(iun, *,iostat=ier) xcan, xbcmode, xbctype, xnpred, (xpred(j), j = 1, numpredictorsbcif)
3461            if (ier /= 0) cycle  
3462            bcmode(i) = xbcmode
3463            bctype(i) = xbctype
3464            npred(i) = xnpred
3465            do j = 1, numpredictorsbcif
3466              pred(i,j) = xpred(j)
3467            end do
3468          end do
3469        end if
3470      end if
3471    end if
3472    ! Non-GLOBAL: Read the entire file for channel specific values (all channels)
3473    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3474    if (global_opt == 'NON') then
3475      ii = 1
3476      do
3477        read(iun,*,iostat=ier) can(ii), bcmode(ii), bctype(ii), npred(ii), (pred(ii,j), j = 1, numpredictorsbcif)
3478        if (ier < 0) exit  
3479        if (ier > 0) then
3480          write(*,*) 'read_BCIF: Error reading file!'
3481          exitcode = ier
3482          return
3483        end if
3484        if (ii == 1) then
3485          if (can(ii) /= 0) then
3486            write(*,*) 'read_BCIF: Channel 0 global/default values not found!'
3487            exitcode = -1
3488            return
3489          end if
3490        end if
3491        ii = ii + 1
3492      end do
3493      if (ii - 2 < ncan) then
3494        write(*,*) 'read_BCIF: Number of channels in file is less than specified value (NCAN). Changing value of NCAN.'
3495        ncan = ii - 2
3496      end if
3497      if (ii > ncan + 2) then
3498        write(*,*) 'read_BCIF: ERROR -- Number of channels in file is greater than specified value (NCAN)!'
3499        exitcode = -1
3500        return
3501      end if
3502    end if
3503    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3504    write(*,*) ' '
3505    write(*,*) 'read_BCIF: Bias correction information for each channel (from BCIF):'
3506    write(*,'(1X,A7,1X,I4)') instrum, ncan
3507    write(*,*) line
3508    do i = 1, ncan + 1
3509      chknp = count(pred(i,:) /= 'XX')
3510      if (chknp /= npred(i)) npred(i) = chknp
3511      if (npred(i) == 0 .and. bctype(i) == 'C') bctype(i) = 'F'
3512      write(*,'(I4,2(5X,A1),5X,I2,6(4X,A2))') can(i), bcmode(i), bctype(i), npred(i), (pred(i,j), j = 1, numpredictorsbcif)
3513    end do
3514    write(*,*) 'read_BCIF: exit '
3516    ier = fclos(iun)
3517    exitcode = 0
3519  end subroutine read_bcif
3521  !-----------------------------------------
3522  ! read_coeff
3523  !-----------------------------------------
3524  subroutine read_coeff(sats, chans, fovbias, coeff, nsat, nchan, nfov, npred, cinstrum, coeff_file, ptypes, ndata)
3525    !
3526    !:Purpose: to read radiance bias correction coefficients file
3527    !
3528    implicit none
3530    ! Arguments:
3531    character(len=10), intent(out) :: sats(:)       ! dim(maxsat), satellite names 1
3532    integer,           intent(out) :: chans(:,:)    ! dim(maxsat, maxchan), channel numbers 2
3533    real(8),           intent(out) :: fovbias(:,:,:)! dim(maxsat,maxchan,maxfov), bias as F(fov) 3
3534    real(8),           intent(out) :: coeff(:,:,:)  ! dim(maxsat,maxchan,maxpred+1) 4
3535    integer,           intent(out) :: nsat          !5
3536    integer,           intent(out) :: nchan(:)      ! dim(maxsat), number of channels 6
3537    integer,           intent(out) :: nfov          !7
3538    integer,           intent(out) :: npred(:,:)    ! dim(maxsat, maxchan), number of predictors !8
3539    character(len=7),  intent(out) :: cinstrum      ! string: instrument (e.g. AMSUB) 9
3540    character(len=*),  intent(in)  :: coeff_file    ! 10
3541    character(len=2),  intent(out) :: ptypes(:,:,:) ! dim(maxsat,maxchan,maxpred) 11
3542    integer,           intent(out) :: ndata(:,:)    ! dim(maxsat, maxchan), number of channels 12
3544    ! Locals:
3545    character(len=8)               :: sat
3546    character(len=120)             :: line
3547    integer                        :: chan
3548    integer                        :: nbfov, nbpred, i, j, k, ier, istat, ii, nobs
3549    logical                        :: newsat, fileExists
3550    real                           :: dummy
3551    integer                        :: iun
3552    integer                        :: maxsat    
3553    integer                        :: maxpred 
3555    !   sats(nsat)            = satellite names
3556    !   chans(nsat,nchan(i))  = channel numbers of each channel of each satellite i
3557    !   npred(nsat,nchan(i))  = number of predictors for each channel of each satellite i
3558    !   fovbias(i,j,k)        = bias for satellite i, channel j, FOV k   k=1,nfov
3559    !     if FOV not considered for instrument, nfov = 1 and fovbias is global bias for channel
3560    !   coeff(i,j,1)          = regression constant
3561    !   coeff(i,j,2), ..., coeff(i,j,npred(i,j)) = predictor coefficients
3562    !   nsat, nchan, nfov, cinstrum (output) are determined from file
3563    !   if returned nsat = 0, coeff_file was empty
3565    inquire(file=trim(coeff_file), exist=fileExists)
3566    if (fileExists) then
3567      iun = 0
3568      ier = fnom(iun, coeff_file, 'FMT', 0)
3569      if (ier /= 0) then
3570        call utl_abort('read_coeff: ERROR - Problem opening the coefficient file! ' // trim(coeff_file))
3571      end if
3573      write(*,*)
3574      write(*,*) 'read_coeff: Bias correction coefficient file open = ', coeff_file
3576    end if
3578    maxsat =  size(sats)
3579    maxpred = size(ptypes, dim = 3)
3581    coeff(:,:,:) = 0.0
3582    fovbias(:,:,:) = 0.0
3583    sats(:) = 'XXXXXXXX'
3584    cinstrum = 'XXXXXXX'
3585    chans(:,:) = 0
3586    npred(:,:) = 0
3587    nsat = 0
3588    nchan(:) = 0
3589    nfov = 0
3590    ptypes(:,:,:) = 'XX'
3592    if (.not. fileExists) then
3593      write(*,*) 'read_coeff: Warning- File ' // trim(coeff_file) //'not there.'
3594      return
3595    end if
3597    read(iun,*,iostat=istat)
3599    if (istat /= 0) then
3600      write(*,*) 'read_coeff: Warning- File appears empty.'
3601      ier = fclos(iun)
3602      return
3603    end if
3605    rewind(iun)
3607    ii = 0
3609    ! Loop over the satellites/channels in the file
3611    do
3612      read(iun,'(A)',iostat=istat) line
3613      if (istat < 0) exit
3614      if (line(1:3) == 'SAT') then
3615        newsat = .true.
3616        read(line,'(T53,A8,1X,A7,1X,I6,1X,I8,1X,I2,1X,I3)',iostat=istat) sat, cinstrum, chan, nobs, nbpred, nbfov
3617        if (istat /= 0) then
3618          call utl_abort('read_coeff: ERROR - reading data from SATELLITE line in coeff file!')
3619        end if
3620        do i = 1, maxsat
3621          if (trim(sats(i)) == trim(sat)) then
3622            newsat = .false.
3623            ii = i
3624          end if
3625        end do
3626        if (newsat) then
3627          ii = ii + 1
3628          if (ii > maxsat) then
3629            call utl_abort('read_coeff: ERROR - max number of satellites exceeded in coeff file!')
3630          end if
3631          sats(ii) = sat
3632          if (ii > 1) nchan(ii - 1) = j
3633          j = 1
3634        else
3635          j = j + 1
3636        end if
3637        chans(ii,j) = chan
3638        npred(ii,j) = nbpred
3639        ndata(ii,j) = nobs
3640        if (nbpred > maxpred) then
3641          call utl_abort('read_coeff: ERROR - max number of predictors exceeded in coeff file!')
3642        end if
3643        read(iun,'(A)',iostat=istat) line
3644        if (line(1:3) /= 'PTY') then
3645          call utl_abort('read_coeff: ERROR - list of predictors is missing in coeff file!')
3646        end if
3647        if (nbpred > 0) then
3648          read(line,'(T8,6(1X,A2))', iostat = istat) (ptypes(ii,j,k), k = 1, nbpred)
3649          if (istat /= 0) then
3650            call utl_abort('read_coeff: ERROR - reading predictor types from PTYPES line in coeff file!')
3651          end if
3652        end if
3653        read(iun,*,iostat=istat) (fovbias(ii,j,k), k= 1, nbfov)
3654        if (istat /= 0) then
3655          call utl_abort('read_coeff: ERROR - reading fovbias in coeff file!')
3656        end if
3657        if (nbpred > 0) then
3658          read(iun,*,iostat=istat) (coeff(ii,j,k), k = 1, nbpred + 1)
3659        else
3660          read(iun,*,iostat=istat) dummy
3661        end if
3662        if (istat /= 0) then
3663          call utl_abort('read_coeff: ERROR - reading coeff in coeff file!')
3664        end if
3665      else
3666        exit
3667      end if
3669    end do
3671    if (ii == 0) then
3672      call utl_abort('read_coeff: ERROR - No data read from coeff file!')
3673    end if
3675    nsat = ii
3676    nfov = nbfov
3677    nchan(ii) = j
3679    write(*,*) ' '
3680    write(*,*) 'read_coeff: ------------- BIAS CORRECTION COEFFICIENT FILE ------------------ '
3681    write(*,*) ' '
3682    write(*,*) 'read_coeff: Number of satellites =     ', nsat
3683    write(*,*) 'read_coeff: Number of FOV =            ', nfov
3684    write(*,*) 'read_coeff: Max number of predictors = ', maxval(npred)
3685    write(*,*) ' '
3686    do i = 1, nsat
3687      write(*,*) 'read_coeff:  Satellite = ' // sats(i)
3688      write(*,*) 'read_coeff:     Number of channels = ', nchan(i)
3689      write(*,*) 'read_coeff:     predictors, fovbias, coeff for each channel: '
3690      do j = 1, nchan(i)
3691        write(*,*) i, chans(i, j)
3692        if (npred(i, j) > 0) then
3693          write(*,'(6(1X,A2))') (ptypes(i,j,k), k = 1, npred(i,j))
3694        else
3695          write(*,'(A)') 'read_coeff: No predictors'
3696        end if
3697        write(*,*) (fovbias(i,j,k), k = 1, nfov)
3698        write(*,*) (coeff(i,j,k), k = 1, npred(i,j) + 1)
3699      end do
3700    end do
3701    write(*,*) 'read_coeff: exit'
3703    ier = fclos(iun)
3705  end subroutine read_coeff
3707  !-----------------------------------------
3708  ! bcs_getChannelIndex
3709  !-----------------------------------------
3710  subroutine bcs_getChannelIndex(obsSpaceData, idsat, chanIndx,indexBody)
3711    !
3712    !:Purpose: to get the channel index (wrt bcif channels)
3713    !
3714    implicit none
3716    ! Arguments:
3717    integer,          intent(in)    :: idsat
3718    integer,          intent(in)    :: indexBody
3719    integer,          intent(out)   :: chanIndx
3720    type(struct_obs), intent(inout) :: obsSpaceData
3722    ! Locals:
3723    logical, save :: first =.true.
3724    integer :: ichan, isensor, indx 
3725    integer, allocatable, save :: Index(:,:)
3727    if (first) then
3728      allocate(Index(tvs_nsensors,tvs_maxChannelNumber))
3729      Index(:,:) = -1
3730      do isensor = 1, tvs_nsensors
3731        channels:do ichan = 1,  tvs_maxChannelNumber
3732          indexes: do indx =1, bias(isensor)%numChannels
3733            if (ichan == bias(isensor)%chans(indx)%channelNum) then
3734              Index(isensor,ichan) = indx
3735              exit indexes
3736            end if
3737          end do indexes
3738        end do channels
3739      end do
3740      first = .false.
3741    end if
3743    ichan = nint(obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_PPP, indexBody))
3744    ichan = max(0, min(ichan, tvs_maxChannelNumber + 1))
3745    ichan = ichan - tvs_channelOffset(idsat)
3747    chanIndx = Index(idsat,ichan)
3749  end subroutine bcs_getChannelIndex
3751  !-----------------------------------------
3752  ! getObsFileName
3753  !-----------------------------------------
3754  function getObsFileName(codetype) result(fileName)
3755    !
3756    !:Purpose: Return the part of the observation file name associated
3757    !           with the type of observation it contains.
3758    !
3759    implicit none
3761    ! Arguments:
3762    integer, intent(in) :: codeType
3763    ! Result:
3764    character(len=20)   :: fileName
3766    if (codtyp_get_name(codeType) == 'radianceclear') then
3767      fileName  = 'csr'
3768    else if (codtyp_get_name(codeType) == 'mhs' .or. codtyp_get_name(codeType) == 'amsub') then
3769      fileName = 'to_amsub'
3770    else if (codtyp_get_name(codeType) == 'amsua') then
3771      fileName = 'to_amsua'
3772    else if (codtyp_get_name(codeType) == 'ssmi') then
3773      fileName = 'ssmis'
3774    else if (codtyp_get_name(codeType) == 'crisfsr') then
3775      fileName = 'cris'
3776    else
3777      fileName = codtyp_get_name(codeType)
3778    end if
3780  end function getObsFileName
3782  !-----------------------------------------
3783  ! getInitialIdObsData
3784  !-----------------------------------------
3785  subroutine getInitialIdObsData(obsSpaceData, obsFamily, idObs, idData, codeTypeList_opt)
3786    !
3787    !:Purpose: Compute initial value for idObs and idData that will ensure
3788    !           unique values over all mpi tasks
3789    !
3790    implicit none
3792    ! Arguments:
3793    type(struct_obs),  intent(inout) :: obsSpaceData
3794    character(len=*),  intent(in)    :: obsFamily    
3795    integer,           intent(out)   :: idObs
3796    integer,           intent(out)   :: idData
3797    integer, optional, intent(in)    :: codeTypeList_opt(:)
3799    ! Locals:
3800    integer                :: headerIndex, numHeader, numBody, codeType, ierr
3801    integer, allocatable   :: allNumHeader(:), allNumBody(:)
3803    numHeader = 0
3804    numBody = 0
3805    call obs_set_current_header_list(obsSpaceData, obsFamily)
3806    HEADERCOUNT: do
3807      headerIndex = obs_getHeaderIndex(obsSpaceData)
3808      if (headerIndex < 0) exit HEADERCOUNT
3809      if (present(codeTypeList_opt)) then
3810        codeType  = obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_ITY, headerIndex)
3811        if (all(codeTypeList_opt(:) /= codeType)) cycle HEADERCOUNT
3812      end if
3813      numHeader = numHeader + 1
3814      numBody = numBody + obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData, OBS_NLV, headerIndex)
3815    end do HEADERCOUNT
3816    allocate(allNumHeader(mmpi_nprocs))
3817    allocate(allNumBody(mmpi_nprocs))
3818    call rpn_comm_allgather(numHeader, 1, 'mpi_integer',       &
3819                            allNumHeader, 1, 'mpi_integer', 'GRID', ierr)
3820    call rpn_comm_allgather(numBody, 1, 'mpi_integer',       &
3821                            allNumBody, 1, 'mpi_integer', 'GRID', ierr)
3822    if (mmpi_myid > 0) then
3823      idObs = sum(allNumHeader(1:mmpi_myid))
3824      idData = sum(allNumBody(1:mmpi_myid))
3825    else
3826      idObs = 0
3827      idData = 0
3828    end if
3829    deallocate(allNumHeader)
3830    deallocate(allNumBody)
3832  end subroutine getInitialIdObsData
3834end module biasCorrectionSat_mod