horizontalCoord_mod sourceΒΆ

   1module horizontalCoord_mod
   2  ! MODULE horizontalCoord_mod (prefix='hco' category='7. Low-level data objects')
   3  !
   4  !:Purpose:  Derived type and procedures related to the horizontal grid
   5  !           coordinate for various grids (global and limited area).
   6  !
   7  use midasMpi_mod
   8  use earthConstants_mod
   9  use mathPhysConstants_mod
  10  use utilities_mod
  11  use varNameList_mod
  12  use physicsFunctions_mod
  14  implicit none
  15  save
  16  private
  18  ! Public derived type
  19  public :: struct_hco
  21  ! Public Subroutines
  22  public :: hco_SetupFromFile, hco_equal, hco_deallocate, hco_mpiBcast, hco_weight, hco_setupYgrid
  24  integer, parameter :: maxNumSubGrid = 2
  26  type :: struct_hco
  27    character(len=32)    :: gridname
  28    logical              :: initialized = .false.
  29    integer              :: ni
  30    integer              :: nj
  31    character(len=1)     :: grtyp
  32    character(len=1)     :: grtypTicTac
  33    integer              :: ig1
  34    integer              :: ig2
  35    integer              :: ig3
  36    integer              :: ig4
  37    integer              :: EZscintID = -1
  38    integer              :: numSubGrid
  39    integer              :: EZscintIDsubGrids(maxNumSubGrid)
  40    real(8), allocatable :: lat(:) ! in radians
  41    real(8), allocatable :: lon(:) ! in radians
  42    real(4), allocatable :: lat2d_4(:,:) ! in radians
  43    real(4), allocatable :: lon2d_4(:,:) ! in radians
  44    real(8)              :: dlat   ! in radians
  45    real(8)              :: dlon   ! in radians
  46    real(8)              :: maxGridSpacing ! in meter
  47    real(8)              :: minGridSpacing ! in meter
  48    logical              :: global
  49    logical              :: rotated
  50    real(8)              :: xlat1, xlat1_yan
  51    real(8)              :: xlon1, xlon1_yan
  52    real(8)              :: xlat2, xlat2_yan
  53    real(8)              :: xlon2, xlon2_yan
  54    real(4), allocatable :: tictacU(:)
  55  end type struct_hco
  59  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  60  ! hco_SetupFromFile
  61  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  62  subroutine hco_SetupFromFile(hco, TemplateFile, EtiketName, GridName_opt, &
  63                               varName_opt)
  64    !
  65    !:Purpose: to initialize hco structure from a template file
  66    !           
  67    implicit none
  69    ! Arguments:
  70    type(struct_hco), pointer,  intent(out) :: hco
  71    character(len=*),           intent(in)  :: TemplateFile
  72    character(len=*),           intent(in)  :: EtiketName
  73    character(len=*), optional, intent(in)  :: GridName_opt
  74    character(len=*), optional, intent(in)  :: varName_opt
  76    ! Locals:
  77    real(8), allocatable :: lat_8(:)
  78    real(8), allocatable :: lon_8(:)
  79    real(8) :: maxDeltaLat, maxDeltaLon, maxGridSpacing, deltaLon, deltaLat 
  80    real(8) :: minDeltaLat, minDeltaLon, minGridSpacing 
  81    real(8) :: deltaLon1, deltaLon2, deltaLon3
  82    real(8) :: deltaLat1, deltaLat2, deltaLat3
  83    real(8), save :: maxGridSpacingPrevious = -1.0d0
  84    real(8), save :: minGridSpacingPrevious = -1.0d0
  85    real(4) :: xlat1_4, xlon1_4, xlat2_4, xlon2_4
  86    real(4) :: xlat1_yan_4, xlon1_yan_4, xlat2_yan_4, xlon2_yan_4    
  87    integer :: iu_template, numSubGrid, varIndex
  88    integer :: fnom, fstlir, fstouv, fstfrm, fclos
  89    integer :: ezqkdef, ezget_nsubgrids, ezget_subgridids, ezgprm
  90    integer :: key, fstinf, fstprm, ier, EZscintID, EZscintIDsubGrids(maxNumSubGrid)
  91    integer :: ni, nj, ni_tictacU, ni_t, nj_t, nlev_t, gdll
  92    integer :: dateo, deet, npas, nk, nbits, datyp
  93    integer :: ip1, ip2, ip3, swa, lng, dltf, ubc
  94    integer :: extra1, extra2, extra3
  95    integer :: ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4
  96    integer :: ig1_tictac, ig2_tictac, ig3_tictac, ig4_tictac
  97    integer :: ni_yy, nj_yy,  ig1_yy, ig2_yy, ig3_yy, ig4_yy
  98    integer :: latIndex, lonIndex, latIndexBeg, latIndexEnd
  99    real(4), parameter :: absMaxLat = 85. ! abs of latitude threshold where to compute minGridSpacing in 3.2 
 100    logical :: FileExist, global, rotated, foundVarNameInFile
 101    character(len=4 ) :: nomvar
 102    character(len=2 ) :: typvar
 103    character(len=1 ) :: grtyp, grtypTicTac
 104    character(len=12) :: etiket
 106    if(.not.associated(hco)) then
 107      allocate(hco)
 108    else
 109      call utl_abort('hco_setupFromFile: supplied hco must be null')
 110    end if
 112    !
 113    !- 1.1  Determine which variable to use for defining the grid
 114    !
 115    if (present(varName_opt)) then
 117      ! User specified variable name
 118      nomvar = varName_opt
 120    else
 122      ! First try to use P0
 123      nomvar = 'P0'
 125      if (.not. utl_varNamePresentInFile(nomvar,fileName_opt=trim(TemplateFile))) then
 126        ! P0 not present, look for another suitable variable in the file
 128        foundVarNameInFile = .false.
 129        do varIndex = 1, vnl_numvarmax
 130          nomvar = vnl_varNameList(varIndex)
 132          ! check if variable is in the file
 133          if (.not. utl_varNamePresentInFile(nomvar,fileName_opt=trim(TemplateFile))) cycle
 135          foundVarNameInFile = .true.
 136          exit
 138        end do
 140        if (.not. foundVarNameInFile) call utl_abort('hco_SetupFromFile: NO variables found in the file!!!')
 142      end if
 144    end if
 146    write(*,*) 'hco_SetupFromFile: defining hco by varname= ', nomvar
 149    !
 150    !- 1.2  Open/Check template file
 151    !
 152    inquire(file=trim(TemplateFile), exist=FileExist)
 154    if (FileExist) then
 155      iu_template = 0
 156      ier = fnom(iu_template,trim(TemplateFile),'RND+OLD+R/O',0)
 157      if (ier == 0) then
 158        write(*,*)
 159        write(*,*) 'hco_setupFromFile: Template File =', trim(TemplateFile)
 160        ier = fstouv(iu_template,'RND+OLD')
 161      else
 162        write(*,*)
 163        write(*,*) 'hco_SetupFromFile: Error in opening the template grid file'
 164        write(*,*) trim(TemplateFile)
 165        call utl_abort('hco_SetupFromFile')
 166      end if
 167    else
 168      write(*,*)
 169      write(*,*) 'hco_SetupFromFile: template grid file DOES NOT EXIST'
 170      write(*,*) trim(TemplateFile)
 171      call utl_abort('hco_SetupFromFile')
 172    end if
 174    !
 175    !- 2.  Get Horizontal grid info
 176    !
 178    !- 2.1 Grid size and grid projection info
 179    dateo  = -1
 180    etiket = EtiketName
 181    ip1    = -1
 182    ip2    = -1
 183    ip3    = -1
 184    typvar = ' '
 186    key = fstinf(iu_template,                               & ! IN
 187                 ni, nj, nk,                                & ! OUT
 188                 dateo, etiket, ip1, ip2, ip3, typvar, nomvar)! IN
 190    if (key < 0) then
 191      write(*,*)
 192      write(*,*) 'hco_SetupFromFile: Unable to find output horiz grid info using = ',nomvar
 193      write(*,*) '                   with etiket = ',trim(EtiketName)
 194      call utl_abort('hco_setupFromFile: unable to setup the structure')
 195    end if
 197    ier = fstprm(key,                                            & ! IN
 198                 dateo, deet, npas, ni, nj, nk, nbits,           & ! OUT
 199                 datyp, ip1, ip2, ip3, typvar, nomvar, etiket,   & ! OUT
 200                 grtyp, ig1, ig2, ig3,                           & ! OUT
 201                 ig4, swa, lng, dltf, ubc, extra1, extra2, extra3) ! OUT
 203    if (trim(grtyp) == 'G' .and. ig2 == 1) then
 204      call utl_abort('hco_setupFromFile: ERROR: due to bug in ezsint, Gaussian grid with ig2=1 no longer supported')
 205    end if
 207    EZscintID  = ezqkdef(ni, nj, grtyp, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4, iu_template)   ! IN
 208    numSubGrid = 1
 209    EZscintIDsubGrids(:) = MPC_missingValue_INT
 211    allocate(lat_8(1:nj))
 212    allocate(lon_8(1:ni))
 214    allocate(hco%lat2d_4(1:ni,1:nj))
 215    allocate(hco%lon2d_4(1:ni,1:nj))
 217    ier = gdll(EZscintID,               & ! IN
 218               hco%lat2d_4, hco%lon2d_4) ! OUT
 220    xlat1_yan_4 = MPC_missingValue_R4
 221    xlon1_yan_4 = MPC_missingValue_R4
 222    xlat2_yan_4 = MPC_missingValue_R4
 223    xlon2_yan_4 = MPC_missingValue_R4
 225    grtypTicTac = 'X'
 227    if (mmpi_myid == 0) write(*,*) 'hco_setupFromFile: grtyp, ni, nj, EZscintID = ', grtyp, ni, nj, EZscintID
 229    !- 2.2 Rotated lat-lon grid
 230    if (trim(grtyp) == 'Z') then
 232      !-  2.2.1 Read the Longitudes
 233      dateo  = -1
 234      etiket = ''
 235      ip1    = ig1
 236      ip2    = ig2
 237      ip3    = ig3
 238      typvar = ''
 239      nomvar = '>>'
 241      ier = utl_fstlir(lon_8,                                     & ! OUT 
 242                       iu_template,                               & ! IN
 243                       ni_t, nj_t, nlev_t,                        & ! OUT
 244                       dateo, etiket, ip1, ip2, ip3, typvar,nomvar)  ! IN
 246      if (ier < 0) then
 247        write(*,*)
 248        write(*,*) 'hco_SetupFromFile: Unable to find >> grid descriptors'
 249        call utl_abort('hco_setupFromFile')
 250      end if
 252      !  Test if the dimensions are compatible with the grid
 253      if (ni_t /= ni .or. nj_t /= 1) then
 254        write(*,*)
 255        write(*,*) 'hco_SetupFromFile: Incompatible >> grid descriptors !'
 256        write(*,*) 'Found     :', ni_t, nj_t
 257        write(*,*) 'Should be :', ni, 1
 258        call utl_abort('hco_setupFromFile')
 259      end if
 261      !-  2.2.2 Read the latitudes
 262      dateo  = -1
 263      etiket = ''
 264      ip1    = ig1
 265      ip2    = ig2
 266      ip3    = ig3
 267      typvar = ''
 268      nomvar = '^^'
 270      ier = utl_fstlir(lat_8,                                     & ! OUT 
 271                       iu_template,                               & ! IN
 272                       ni_t, nj_t, nlev_t,                        & ! OUT
 273                       dateo, etiket, ip1, ip2, ip3, typvar,nomvar)  ! IN
 275      if (ier < 0) then
 276        write(*,*)
 277        write(*,*) 'hco_SetupFromFile: Unable to find ^^ grid descriptors'
 278        call utl_abort('hco_setupFromFile')
 279      end if
 281      !  Test if the dimensions are compatible with the grid
 282      if (ni_t /= 1 .or. nj_t /= nj) then
 283        write(*,*)
 284        write(*,*) 'hco_SetupFromFile: Incompatible ^^ grid descriptors !'
 285        write(*,*) 'Found     :', ni_t, nj_t
 286        write(*,*) 'Should be :', 1, nj
 287        call utl_abort('hco_setupFromFile')
 288      end if
 290      !- 2.2.3 Do we have a rotated grid ?
 291      dateo  = -1
 292      etiket = ''
 293      ip1    = ig1
 294      ip2    = ig2
 295      ip3    = ig3
 296      typvar = ''
 297      nomvar = '^^'
 299      key = fstinf(iu_template,                                & ! IN
 300                   ni_t, nj_t, nk,                             & ! OUT
 301                   dateo, etiket, ip1, ip2, ip3, typvar, nomvar)   ! IN
 303      ier = fstprm(key,                                          & ! IN
 304                   dateo, deet, npas, ni_t, nj_t, nk, nbits,     & ! OUT
 305                   datyp, ip1, ip2, ip3, typvar, nomvar, etiket, & ! OUT
 306                   grtypTicTac, ig1_tictac, ig2_tictac,          & ! OUT
 307                   ig3_tictac, ig4_tictac, swa, lng, dltf,       & ! OUT
 308                   ubc, extra1, extra2, extra3)                    ! OUT
 310      call cigaxg (grtypTicTac,                                  & ! IN
 311                   xlat1_4, xlon1_4, xlat2_4, xlon2_4,           & ! OUT
 312                   ig1_tictac, ig2_tictac, ig3_tictac, ig4_tictac) ! IN
 314      if (xlat1_4 == 0.0 .and. xlat2_4 == 0.0) then
 315        rotated = .false.
 316      else
 317        rotated = .true.
 318      end if
 319      if (mmpi_myid == 0) then
 320        write(*,*) 'hco_setupFromFile: xlat1/2, xlon1/2, rotated = ',  &
 321             xlat1_4, xlat2_4, xlon1_4, xlon2_4, rotated
 322      end if
 324      !- 2.2.4 Is this a global or a LAM domain ?
 325      call global_or_lam(global,  & ! OUT
 326                         lon_8, ni) ! IN
 328      !- 2.3 B Grid
 329    else if (trim(grtyp) == 'B') then
 331      !-  2.3.1 Find the latitudes and longitudes
 332      lon_8(:) = real(hco%lon2d_4(:,nj/2),8)
 333      lat_8(:) = real(hco%lat2d_4(1,:),8)
 335      !- 2.3.2 This grid type is not rotated
 336      rotated = .false.
 337      xlat1_4 =   0.0
 338      xlon1_4 = 180.0
 339      xlat2_4 =   0.0
 340      xlon2_4 = 180.0
 342      !- 2.3.3 We know this is a global grid
 343      global = .true.
 345      !- 2.4 Gaussian Grid
 346    else if (trim(grtyp) == 'G') then
 348      !-  2.4.1 Find the latitudes and longitudes
 349      lon_8(:) = real(hco%lon2d_4(:,nj/2),8)
 350      lat_8(:) = real(hco%lat2d_4(1,:),8)
 352      !- 2.4.2 This grid type is not rotated
 353      rotated = .false.
 354      xlat1_4 =   0.0
 355      xlon1_4 = 180.0
 356      xlat2_4 =   0.0
 357      xlon2_4 = 180.0
 359      !- 2.4.3 We know this is a global grid
 360      global = .true.
 362      !- 2.5 Universal Grid (Yin-Yang) - not fully supported: use at own risk!
 363    else if (trim(grtyp) == 'U') then
 365      !-  2.5.1 Read the tic-tac vector
 366      dateo  = -1
 367      etiket = ' '
 368      ip1    = ig1
 369      ip2    = ig2
 370      ip3    = ig3
 371      typvar = 'X'
 372      nomvar = '^>'
 374      ni_tictacU = 5 + 2 * (10 + ni + nj/2)
 375      allocate(hco%tictacU(ni_tictacU))
 376      ier = fstlir(hco%tictacU,                                & ! OUT 
 377                   iu_template,                                & ! IN
 378                   ni_t, nj_t, nlev_t,                         & ! OUT
 379                   dateo, etiket, ip1, ip2, ip3, typvar, nomvar) ! IN
 381      if (ier < 0) then
 382        write(*,*)
 383        write(*,*) 'hco_SetupFromFile: Unable to find ^> grid descriptors'
 384        call utl_abort('hco_setupFromFile')
 385      end if
 387      !  Test if the dimensions are compatible with the grid
 388      if (ni_t /= ni_tictacU .or. nj_t /= 1) then
 389        write(*,*)
 390        write(*,*) 'hco_SetupFromFile: Incompatible ^> grid descriptors !'
 391        write(*,*) 'Found     :', ni_t, nj_t
 392        write(*,*) 'Should be :', ni_tictacU, 1
 393        call utl_abort('hco_setupFromFile')
 394      end if
 396      !-  2.5.1 Initialize latitudes and longitudes to dummy values - should not be used!
 397      lon_8(:) = MPC_missingValue_R8
 398      lat_8(:) = MPC_missingValue_R8
 400      !-  2.5.2 Yin-Yan subgrid IDs
 401      numSubGrid = ezget_nsubgrids(EZscintID)
 402      if (numSubGrid /= 2) then
 403        call utl_abort('hco_setupFromFile: CONFUSED! number of sub grids must be 2')
 404      end if
 405      ier = ezget_subgridids(EZscintID, EZscintIDsubGrids)
 407      !-  2.5.3 Determine parameters related to Yin and Yan grid rotations
 408      rotated = .true.  ! since Yin-Yan is made up of 2 grids with different rotations
 410      ier = ezgprm(EZscintIDsubGrids(1), grtypTicTac, ni_yy, nj_yy, ig1_yy, ig2_yy, ig3_yy, ig4_yy)
 411      grtypTicTac = 'E' ! needed since ezgprm returns 'Z', but grtyp for tictac should be 'E'
 412      call cigaxg (grtypTicTac,                        & ! IN
 413                   xlat1_4, xlon1_4, xlat2_4, xlon2_4, & ! OUT
 414                   ig1_yy, ig2_yy, ig3_yy, ig4_yy)       ! IN
 416      ier = ezgprm(EZscintIDsubGrids(2), grtypTicTac, ni_yy, nj_yy, ig1_yy, ig2_yy, ig3_yy, ig4_yy)
 417      grtypTicTac = 'E' ! needed since ezgprm returns 'Z', but grtyp for tictac should be 'E'
 418      call cigaxg (grtypTicTac,                                        & ! IN
 419                   xlat1_yan_4, xlon1_yan_4, xlat2_yan_4, xlon2_yan_4, & ! OUT
 420                   ig1_yy, ig2_yy, ig3_yy, ig4_yy)                       ! IN
 422      rotated = .true.  ! since Yin-Yan is made up of 2 grids with different rotations
 424      !-  2.5.3 We know this is a global grid
 425      global = .true.
 427      !- 2.5 Irregular structure
 428    else if (trim(grtyp) == 'Y') then
 430      !- 2.6.1 This grid type is not rotated
 431      rotated = .false.
 432      xlat1_4 = 0.0
 433      xlon1_4 = 0.0
 434      xlat2_4 = 1.0
 435      xlon2_4 = 1.0
 437      grtypTicTac = 'L'
 439      !- 2.6.2 Test using first row of longitudes (should work for ORCA grids)
 440      lon_8(:) = hco%lon2d_4(:,1)
 441      call global_or_lam(global,  & ! OUT
 442                         lon_8, ni) ! IN
 444      !-  2.6.3 Initialize latitudes and longitudes to dummy values - should not be used!
 445      lon_8(:) = MPC_missingValue_R8
 446      lat_8(:) = MPC_missingValue_R8
 448    else
 449      write(*,*)
 450      write(*,*) 'hco_SetupFromFile: Only grtyp = Z or G or B or U or Y are supported !, grtyp = ', trim(grtyp)
 451      call utl_abort('hco_setupFromFile')
 452    end if
 454    !
 455    !- 3.  Initialized Horizontal Grid Structure
 456    !
 457    allocate(hco%lat(1:nj))
 458    allocate(hco%lon(1:ni))
 460    if (present(gridName_opt)) then
 461      hco%gridname     = trim(gridName_opt)
 462    else
 463      hco%gridname     = 'UNDEFINED'
 464    end if
 465    hco%ni                   = ni
 466    hco%nj                   = nj
 467    hco%grtyp                = trim(grtyp) 
 468    hco%grtypTicTac          = trim(grtypTicTac)
 469    hco%ig1                  = ig1
 470    hco%ig2                  = ig2
 471    hco%ig3                  = ig3
 472    hco%ig4                  = ig4
 473    hco%EZscintID            = EZscintID
 474    hco%numSubGrid           = numSubGrid
 475    hco%EZscintIDsubGrids(:) = EZscintIDsubGrids(:)
 476    hco%lon(:)               = lon_8(:) * MPC_RADIANS_PER_DEGREE_R8
 477    hco%lat(:)               = lat_8(:) * MPC_RADIANS_PER_DEGREE_R8
 478    hco%dlon                 = (lon_8(2) - lon_8(1)) * MPC_RADIANS_PER_DEGREE_R8
 479    hco%dlat                 = (lat_8(2) - lat_8(1)) * MPC_RADIANS_PER_DEGREE_R8
 480    hco%global               = global
 481    hco%rotated              = rotated
 482    hco%xlat1                = real(xlat1_4,8)
 483    hco%xlon1                = real(xlon1_4,8)
 484    hco%xlat2                = real(xlat2_4,8)
 485    hco%xlon2                = real(xlon2_4,8)
 486    hco%xlat1_yan            = real(xlat1_yan_4,8)
 487    hco%xlon1_yan            = real(xlon1_yan_4,8)
 488    hco%xlat2_yan            = real(xlat2_yan_4,8)
 489    hco%xlon2_yan            = real(xlon2_yan_4,8)
 490    hco%initialized          = .true.
 492    hco%lat2d_4(:,:) = hco%lat2d_4(:,:) * MPC_RADIANS_PER_DEGREE_R8
 493    hco%lon2d_4(:,:) = hco%lon2d_4(:,:) * MPC_RADIANS_PER_DEGREE_R8
 495    deallocate(lat_8)
 496    deallocate(lon_8)
 498    !- 3.1 Compute maxGridSpacing 
 500    latIndexBeg = 1
 501    if (trim(grtyp) == 'U') then
 502      latIndexEnd = nj / 2
 503    else
 504      latIndexEnd = nj
 505    end if
 507    maxDeltaLat = 0.0d0
 508    do lonIndex = 1, ni - 1
 509      do latIndex = latIndexBeg, latIndexEnd - 1
 511        deltaLat1 = abs(hco%lat2d_4(lonIndex, latIndex) - hco%lat2d_4(lonIndex    , latIndex + 1))
 512        deltaLat2 = abs(hco%lat2d_4(lonIndex, latIndex) - hco%lat2d_4(lonIndex + 1, latIndex    ))
 513        deltaLat3 = abs(hco%lat2d_4(lonIndex, latIndex) - hco%lat2d_4(lonIndex + 1, latIndex + 1))
 515        deltaLat = max(deltaLat1, deltaLat2, deltaLat3)
 516        if (deltaLat > maxDeltaLat) maxDeltaLat = deltaLat
 518      end do      
 519    end do
 521    maxDeltaLon = 0.0d0
 522    do lonIndex = 1, ni - 1
 523      do latIndex = latIndexBeg, latIndexEnd - 1
 525        deltaLon1 = abs(hco%lon2d_4(lonIndex, latIndex) - hco%lon2d_4(lonIndex    , latIndex + 1))
 526        deltaLon2 = abs(hco%lon2d_4(lonIndex, latIndex) - hco%lon2d_4(lonIndex + 1, latIndex    ))
 527        deltaLon3 = abs(hco%lon2d_4(lonIndex, latIndex) - hco%lon2d_4(lonIndex + 1, latIndex + 1))
 529        if (deltaLon1 > MPC_PI_R8) deltaLon1 = deltaLon1 - 2.0d0 * MPC_PI_R8 
 530        deltaLon1 = abs(deltaLon1 * cos(hco%lat2d_4(lonIndex,latIndex)))
 531        if (deltaLon2 > MPC_PI_R8) deltaLon2 = deltaLon2 - 2.0d0 * MPC_PI_R8 
 532        deltaLon2 = abs(deltaLon2 * cos(hco%lat2d_4(lonIndex,latIndex)))
 533        if (deltaLon3 > MPC_PI_R8) deltaLon3 = deltaLon3 - 2.0d0 * MPC_PI_R8 
 534        deltaLon3 = abs(deltaLon3 * cos(hco%lat2d_4(lonIndex,latIndex)))
 536        deltaLon = max(deltaLon1, deltaLon2, deltaLon3)
 537        if (deltaLon > maxDeltaLon) maxDeltaLon = deltaLon
 539      end do
 540    end do
 542    maxGridSpacing = ec_ra * sqrt(2.0d0) * max(maxDeltaLon, maxDeltaLat)
 544    if (mmpi_myid == 0 .and. maxGridSpacing /= maxGridSpacingPrevious) then
 545      maxGridSpacingPrevious = maxGridSpacing
 546      write(*,*) 'hco_setupFromFile: maxDeltaLat=', maxDeltaLat * MPC_DEGREES_PER_RADIAN_R8, ' deg'
 547      write(*,*) 'hco_setupFromFile: maxDeltaLon=', maxDeltaLon * MPC_DEGREES_PER_RADIAN_R8, ' deg'
 548      write(*,*) 'hco_setupFromFile: maxGridSpacing=', maxGridSpacing, ' m'
 549    end if
 551    if (maxGridSpacing > 1.0d6) then
 552      call utl_abort('hco_setupFromFile: maxGridSpacing is greater than 1000 km.')
 553    end if
 555    hco%maxGridSpacing = maxGridSpacing
 557    !- 3.2 Compute minGridSpacing 
 559    minDeltaLat = 1.0d6
 560    do lonIndex = 1, ni - 1
 561      do latIndex = latIndexBeg, latIndexEnd - 1
 563        deltaLat1 = abs(hco%lat2d_4(lonIndex, latIndex) - hco%lat2d_4(lonIndex    , latIndex + 1))
 564        deltaLat2 = abs(hco%lat2d_4(lonIndex, latIndex) - hco%lat2d_4(lonIndex + 1, latIndex    ))
 565        deltaLat3 = abs(hco%lat2d_4(lonIndex, latIndex) - hco%lat2d_4(lonIndex + 1, latIndex + 1))
 567        deltaLat = max(deltaLat1, deltaLat2, deltaLat3)
 568        if (deltaLat < minDeltaLat) minDeltaLat = deltaLat
 570      end do      
 571    end do
 573    minDeltaLon = 1.0d6
 574    do lonIndex = 1, ni - 1
 575      do latIndex = latIndexBeg, latIndexEnd - 1
 577        if(abs(hco%lat2d_4(lonIndex, latIndex)) * MPC_DEGREES_PER_RADIAN_R8 < absMaxLat) then
 579          deltaLon1 = abs(hco%lon2d_4(lonIndex, latIndex) - hco%lon2d_4(lonIndex    , latIndex + 1))
 580          deltaLon2 = abs(hco%lon2d_4(lonIndex, latIndex) - hco%lon2d_4(lonIndex + 1, latIndex    ))
 581          deltaLon3 = abs(hco%lon2d_4(lonIndex, latIndex) - hco%lon2d_4(lonIndex + 1, latIndex + 1))
 583          if (deltaLon1 > MPC_PI_R8) deltaLon1 = deltaLon1 - 2.0d0 * MPC_PI_R8 
 584          deltaLon1 = abs(deltaLon1 * cos(hco%lat2d_4(lonIndex,latIndex)))
 585          if (deltaLon2 > MPC_PI_R8) deltaLon2 = deltaLon2 - 2.0d0 * MPC_PI_R8 
 586          deltaLon2 = abs(deltaLon2 * cos(hco%lat2d_4(lonIndex,latIndex)))
 587          if (deltaLon3 > MPC_PI_R8) deltaLon3 = deltaLon3 - 2.0d0 * MPC_PI_R8 
 588          deltaLon3 = abs(deltaLon3 * cos(hco%lat2d_4(lonIndex,latIndex)))
 590          deltaLon = max(deltaLon1, deltaLon2, deltaLon3)
 591          if (deltaLon < minDeltaLon) minDeltaLon = deltaLon
 593        end if
 595      end do
 596    end do
 598    minGridSpacing = ec_ra * sqrt(2.0d0) * min(minDeltaLon, minDeltaLat)
 600    if (mmpi_myid == 0 .and. minGridSpacing /= minGridSpacingPrevious) then
 601      minGridSpacingPrevious = minGridSpacing
 602      write(*,*) 'hco_setupFromFile: minDeltaLat=', minDeltaLat * MPC_DEGREES_PER_RADIAN_R8, ' deg'
 603      write(*,*) 'hco_setupFromFile: minDeltaLon=', minDeltaLon * MPC_DEGREES_PER_RADIAN_R8, ' deg'
 604      write(*,*) 'hco_setupFromFile: minGridSpacing=', minGridSpacing, ' m'
 605    end if
 607    if (minGridSpacing > 1.0d6) then
 608      call utl_abort('hco_setupFromFile: minGridSpacing is greater than 1000 km.')
 609    end if
 611    hco%minGridSpacing = minGridSpacing
 613    !
 614    !- 4.  Close the input file
 615    !
 616    ier = fstfrm(iu_template)
 617    ier = fclos (iu_template)
 619  end subroutine hco_SetupFromFile
 621  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
 622  ! Global_or_lam
 623  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
 624  subroutine global_or_lam(global, lon, ni)
 625    !
 626    !:Purpose: to decide if a given grid is global or lam from input longitude array
 627    !           
 628    implicit none
 630    ! Arguments:
 631    integer, intent(in)  :: ni
 632    real(8), intent(in)  :: lon(ni)
 633    logical, intent(out) :: global
 635    ! Locals:
 636    real(8) :: dx, next_lon
 638    dx       = lon(2) - lon(1)
 639    next_lon = lon(ni) + 1.5d0 * dx
 641    write(*,*)
 642    write(*,*) 'dx       = ',dx
 643    write(*,*) 'lon(ni)  = ',lon(ni)
 644    write(*,*) 'next_lon = ',next_lon
 645    write(*,*) 'lon(1)   = ',lon(1)
 647    if (next_lon - lon(1) > 360.0d0 .or. &
 648         next_lon - lon(1) < 3.0*dx) then
 650      global = .true.
 651      if (lon(1) == lon(ni)) then
 652        write(*,*)
 653        write(*,*) ' *** Global Grid where i = ni (repetition) '
 654      else  
 655        write(*,*)
 656        write(*,*) ' *** Global Grid where i /= ni '
 657      end if
 659    else
 661      global = .false.
 662      write(*,*)
 663      write(*,*) ' *** Limited-Area Grid '
 665    end if
 667  end subroutine global_or_lam
 669  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
 670  ! mpiBcast
 671  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
 672  subroutine hco_mpiBcast(hco)
 673    !
 674    !:Purpose: to broadcast hco strucure from MPI task 0 to other tasks 
 675    !        
 676    implicit none
 678    ! Arguments:
 679    type(struct_hco), pointer, intent(inout) :: hco
 681    ! Locals:
 682    integer :: ierr
 683    integer, external :: ezqkdef
 685    write(*,*) 'hco_mpiBcast: starting'
 687    if (mmpi_myid > 0) then
 688      if(.not.associated(hco)) then
 689        allocate(hco)
 690      else
 691        call utl_abort('hco_mpiBcast: hco must be nullified for mpi task id > 0')
 692      end if
 693    end if
 695    call rpn_comm_bcastc(hco%gridname, len(hco%gridname), 'MPI_CHARACTER', 0, 'GRID', ierr)
 696    call rpn_comm_bcast(hco%initialized, 1, 'MPI_LOGICAL', 0, 'GRID', ierr)
 697    call rpn_comm_bcast(hco%ni, 1, 'MPI_INTEGER', 0, 'GRID', ierr)
 698    call rpn_comm_bcast(hco%nj, 1, 'MPI_INTEGER', 0, 'GRID', ierr)
 699    call rpn_comm_bcastc(hco%grtyp, len(hco%grtyp), 'MPI_CHARACTER', 0, 'GRID', ierr)
 700    call rpn_comm_bcastc(hco%grtypTicTac, len(hco%grtypTicTac), 'MPI_CHARACTER', 0, 'GRID', ierr)
 701    call rpn_comm_bcast(hco%ig1, 1, 'MPI_INTEGER', 0, 'GRID', ierr)
 702    call rpn_comm_bcast(hco%ig2, 1, 'MPI_INTEGER', 0, 'GRID', ierr)
 703    call rpn_comm_bcast(hco%ig3, 1, 'MPI_INTEGER', 0, 'GRID', ierr)
 704    call rpn_comm_bcast(hco%ig4, 1, 'MPI_INTEGER', 0, 'GRID', ierr)
 705    if (mmpi_myid > 0) then
 706      allocate(hco%lat(hco%nj))
 707      allocate(hco%lon(hco%ni))
 708      allocate(hco%lat2d_4(hco%ni,hco%nj))
 709      allocate(hco%lon2d_4(hco%ni,hco%nj))
 710    end if
 711    call rpn_comm_bcast(hco%lat, size(hco%lat), 'MPI_REAL8', 0, 'GRID', ierr)
 712    call rpn_comm_bcast(hco%lon, size(hco%lon), 'MPI_REAL8', 0, 'GRID', ierr)
 713    call rpn_comm_bcast(hco%lat2d_4, size(hco%lat2d_4), 'MPI_REAL4', 0, 'GRID', ierr)
 714    call rpn_comm_bcast(hco%lon2d_4, size(hco%lon2d_4), 'MPI_REAL4', 0, 'GRID', ierr)
 715    call rpn_comm_bcast(hco%dlat, 1, 'MPI_REAL8', 0, 'GRID', ierr)
 716    call rpn_comm_bcast(hco%dlon, 1, 'MPI_REAL8', 0, 'GRID', ierr)
 717    call rpn_comm_bcast(hco%global, 1, 'MPI_LOGICAL', 0, 'GRID', ierr)
 718    call rpn_comm_bcast(hco%rotated, 1, 'MPI_LOGICAL', 0, 'GRID', ierr)
 719    call rpn_comm_bcast(hco%xlat1, 1, 'MPI_REAL8', 0, 'GRID', ierr)
 720    call rpn_comm_bcast(hco%xlon1, 1, 'MPI_REAL8', 0, 'GRID', ierr)
 721    call rpn_comm_bcast(hco%xlat2, 1, 'MPI_REAL8', 0, 'GRID', ierr)
 722    call rpn_comm_bcast(hco%xlon2, 1, 'MPI_REAL8', 0, 'GRID', ierr)
 723    call rpn_comm_bcast(hco%xlat1_yan, 1, 'MPI_REAL8', 0, 'GRID', ierr)
 724    call rpn_comm_bcast(hco%xlon1_yan, 1, 'MPI_REAL8', 0, 'GRID', ierr)
 725    call rpn_comm_bcast(hco%xlat2_yan, 1, 'MPI_REAL8', 0, 'GRID', ierr)
 726    call rpn_comm_bcast(hco%xlon2_yan, 1, 'MPI_REAL8', 0, 'GRID', ierr)
 727    if (hco%grtyp == 'U') then
 728      if (mmpi_myid > 0) then
 729        allocate(hco%tictacU(5 + 2 * (10 + hco%ni + hco%nj/2)))
 730      end if
 731      call rpn_comm_bcast(hco%tictacU, size(hco%tictacU), 'MPI_REAL4', 0, 'GRID', ierr)
 732    end if
 734    if (mmpi_myid > 0) then
 735      if (hco%grtyp == 'G' .or. hco%grtyp == 'B') then
 736        hco%EZscintID  = ezqkdef(hco%ni, hco%nj, hco%grtyp, hco%ig1, hco%ig2, hco%ig3, hco%ig4, 0)
 737      else
 738        ! special treatment since EZscintID not properly communicated: keep as is
 739        write(*,*) 'hco_mpiBcast: Warning! Grid ID for EZSCINT not communicated for grtyp = ', hco%grtyp
 740        write(*,*) 'hco_mpiBcast: Warning! Grid ID for EZSCINT equals = ', hco%EZscintID
 741      end if
 742    end if
 744    write(*,*) 'hco_mpiBcast: done'
 746  end subroutine hco_mpiBcast
 748  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
 749  ! Equal ?
 750  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
 751  function hco_equal(hco1, hco2) result(equal)
 752    !
 753    !:Purpose: to check if two given hco strucures are equal or not
 754    !        
 755    implicit none
 757    ! Arguments:
 758    type(struct_hco), pointer, intent(in) :: hco1
 759    type(struct_hco), pointer, intent(in) :: hco2
 760    ! Result:
 761    logical                   :: equal
 763    equal = .true.
 764    equal = equal .and. (hco1%ni == hco2%ni)
 765    equal = equal .and. (hco1%nj == hco2%nj)
 766    if (.not. equal) then
 767      write(*,*) 'hco_equal: dimensions not equal ', hco1%ni, hco1%nj, hco2%ni, hco2%nj
 768      return
 769    end if
 771    equal = equal .and. (hco1%grtyp   ==    hco2%grtyp)
 772    if (.not. equal) then
 773      write(*,*) 'hco_equal: grid type not equal'
 774      return
 775    end if
 777    equal = equal .and. (hco1%dlat == hco2%dlat)
 778    equal = equal .and. (hco1%dlon == hco2%dlon)
 779    if (.not. equal) then
 780      write(*,*) 'hco_equal: grid spacing not equal'
 781      return
 782    end if
 784    if(hco1%grtyp == 'G' .or. hco1%grtyp == 'B') then
 785      equal = equal .and. (hco1%ig2 == hco2%ig2)
 786      if (.not. equal) then
 787        write(*,*) 'hco_equal: Gaussian grid ig2 not equal'
 788        return
 789      end if
 790    end if
 792    equal = equal .and. (hco1%rotated .eqv. hco2%rotated)
 793    equal = equal .and. (hco1%xlat1   ==    hco2%xlat1)
 794    equal = equal .and. (hco1%xlon1   ==    hco2%xlon1)
 795    equal = equal .and. (hco1%xlat2   ==    hco2%xlat2)
 796    equal = equal .and. (hco1%xlon2   ==    hco2%xlon2)
 797    equal = equal .and. (hco1%xlat1_yan ==  hco2%xlat1_yan)
 798    equal = equal .and. (hco1%xlon1_yan ==  hco2%xlon1_yan)
 799    equal = equal .and. (hco1%xlat2_yan ==  hco2%xlat2_yan)
 800    equal = equal .and. (hco1%xlon2_yan ==  hco2%xlon2_yan)
 801    if (.not. equal) then
 802      write(*,*) 'hco_equal: rotation not equal: ', hco1%rotated, hco2%rotated
 803      write(*,*) 'hco_equal: xlat1: ', hco1%xlat1, hco2%xlat1
 804      write(*,*) 'hco_equal: xlat2: ', hco1%xlat2, hco2%xlat2
 805      write(*,*) 'hco_equal: xlon1: ', hco1%xlon1, hco2%xlon1
 806      write(*,*) 'hco_equal: xlon2: ', hco1%xlon2, hco2%xlon2
 807      write(*,*) 'hco_equal: xlat1_yan: ', hco1%xlat1_yan, hco2%xlat1_yan
 808      write(*,*) 'hco_equal: xlat2_yan: ', hco1%xlat2_yan, hco2%xlat2_yan
 809      write(*,*) 'hco_equal: xlon1_yan: ', hco1%xlon1_yan, hco2%xlon1_yan
 810      write(*,*) 'hco_equal: xlon2_yan: ', hco1%xlon2_yan, hco2%xlon2_yan
 811      return
 812    end if
 814    equal = equal .and. all(hco1%lat(:) == hco2%lat(:))
 815    equal = equal .and. all(hco1%lon(:) == hco2%lon(:))
 816    if (.not. equal) then
 817      write(*,*) 'hco_equal: lat/lon not equal'
 818      return
 819    end if
 821  end function hco_equal
 823  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
 824  ! hco_deallocate
 825  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
 826  subroutine hco_deallocate(hco)
 827    implicit none
 829    ! Arguments:
 830    type(struct_hco), pointer, intent(inout) :: hco
 832    if (allocated(hco % lat)) deallocate(hco % lat)
 833    if (allocated(hco % lon)) deallocate(hco % lon)
 834    if (allocated(hco % lat2d_4)) deallocate(hco % lat2d_4)
 835    if (allocated(hco % lon2d_4)) deallocate(hco % lon2d_4)
 836    if (allocated(hco % tictacU)) deallocate(hco % tictacU)
 838    if (associated(hco)) deallocate(hco)
 839    nullify(hco)
 841  end subroutine hco_deallocate
 843  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
 844  ! grid_mask
 845  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
 846  subroutine grid_mask(F_mask_8,dx,dy,xg,yg,ni,nj)
 847    !
 848    !:Purpose: 1) Find out where YIN lat lon points are in (YAN) grid with call to smat.
 849    !           2) If they are not outside of Yin grid, put area to zero for those points.
 850    !
 851    ! Author Qaddouri
 852    !
 853    implicit none
 855    ! Arguments:
 856    integer,  intent(in)  :: Ni
 857    integer,  intent(in)  :: Nj   
 858    real(8) , intent(out) :: F_mask_8(Ni,Nj)
 859    real(8),  intent(in)  :: dx
 860    real(8),  intent(in)  :: dy
 861    real(4),  intent(in)  :: xg(ni)
 862    real(4),  intent(in)  :: yg(nj)
 864    ! Locals: 
 865    integer :: lonIndex,latIndex,np_subd
 866    real(8) :: poids(ni,nj),x_a_4,y_a_4,sp,sf,sp1,sf1
 867    real(4) :: area_4(ni,nj)
 869    np_subd = 4*ni
 871    sp    = 0.d0
 872    sf    = 0.d0
 874    do latIndex = 1, nj
 875      y_a_4 = yg(latIndex)
 876      do lonIndex = 1, ni
 878        x_a_4 = xg(lonIndex)-acos(-1.d0)
 880        area_4(lonIndex,latIndex) = dx*dy*cos(yg(latIndex))
 881        poids (lonIndex,latIndex) = yyg_weight (x_a_4,y_a_4,dx,dy,np_subd)
 883        !Check if poids <0
 884        if (poids(lonIndex,latIndex)*(1.d0-poids(lonIndex,latIndex)) > 0.d0) then
 885          sp = sp + poids(lonIndex,latIndex)*area_4(lonIndex,latIndex)
 886        else if (abs(poids(lonIndex,latIndex)-1.d0) < 1.d-14) then
 887          sf = sf + poids(lonIndex,latIndex)*area_4(lonIndex,latIndex)
 888        end if
 890      end do
 891    end do
 893    !Correct and scale poids
 894    !-----------------------
 895    sp1 = 0.d0
 896    sf1 = 0.d0
 898    do latIndex = 1, nj
 899      do lonIndex = 1, ni
 901        x_a_4 = poids(lonIndex,latIndex)*(2.d0*acos(-1.d0) - sf)/sp
 903        if (poids(lonIndex,latIndex)*(1.d0-poids(lonIndex,latIndex)) > 0.d0) then
 904          poids(lonIndex,latIndex) = min(1.0d0, x_a_4)
 905        end if
 906        if (poids(lonIndex,latIndex)*(1.0-poids(lonIndex,latIndex)) > 0.d0) then
 907          sp1 = sp1 + poids(lonIndex,latIndex)*area_4(lonIndex,latIndex)
 908        else if (abs(poids(lonIndex,latIndex)-1.d0) < 1.d-14) then
 909          sf1 = sf1 + poids(lonIndex,latIndex)*area_4(lonIndex,latIndex)
 910        end if
 912      end do
 913    end do
 915    !Correct
 916    !-------
 917    do latIndex = 1, nj
 918      do lonIndex = 1, ni
 919        x_a_4 = poids(lonIndex,latIndex)*(2.d0*acos(-1.d0) - sf1)/sp1
 921        if (poids(lonIndex,latIndex)*(1.d0-poids(lonIndex,latIndex)) > 0.d0) then
 922          poids(lonIndex,latIndex) = min(1.d0, x_a_4)
 923        end if
 925      end do
 926    end do
 928    F_mask_8 = 0.d0
 929    do latIndex=1,nj
 930      do lonIndex = 1,ni
 931        F_mask_8(lonIndex,latIndex) = poids(lonIndex,latIndex)
 932      end do
 933    end do
 935  end subroutine grid_mask
 937  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
 938  ! inter_curve_boundary_yy
 939  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
 940  subroutine inter_curve_boundary_yy (x,y,xi,yi,np)
 941    ! 
 942    !:Purpose: compute the intersections between a line and the panel
 943    !         (yin or yang) boundary. The line passes through the panel
 944    !         center point (0, 0) and the cell center point (x, y).
 945    !
 946    ! Author A. Qaddouri. October 2016
 947    !
 948    ! Note: this routine has been taken and adjusted from a routine
 949    !       with the same name in the GEM model.
 950    !
 951    !:Arguments: input:  (x, y):   longitude, latitude of the cell 
 952    !                              center point,
 953    !                     np:      workspace,
 954    !            output: (xi, yi): longitude, latitude of the 
 955    !                              intersection point.
 956    implicit none
 958    ! Arguments:
 959    real(8), intent(in)  :: x
 960    real(8), intent(in)  :: y
 961    real(8), intent(out) :: xi
 962    real(8), intent(out) :: yi
 963    integer, intent(in)  :: np
 965    ! Locals:
 966    real(8) :: tol, pi, xmin, ymin, xb
 967    real(8) :: xc, yc, s1, s2, x1, test, dxs
 968    real(8) :: xp1, xp2, xr1, yr1, xr2, yr2
 969    integer :: i
 971    tol = 1.0d-16
 972    pi  = MPC_PI_R8 
 973    xmin = -3.d0*pi/4.d0
 974    ymin = -pi/4.d0
 975    xb  = -0.5d0*pi
 977    xc = x
 978    yc = y
 980    if (x > 0.d0) xc = - x
 981    if (y > 0.d0) yc = - y
 983    if (abs(xc) < tol) then
 984      xi = xc
 985      yi = ymin
 986    else
 988      s1 = yc / xc
 989      s2 = ymin/(xb-xmin)
 991      x1 = s2*xmin/(s2-s1)
 992      if (x1 > xb) then
 993        xi = ymin/s1
 994        yi = ymin
 995      else
 996        test = -1.d0
 997        dxs  = -xb/(np-1)
 998        i = 1
 999        do while (test < 0.d0)
1000          xp1 = (i-1)*dxs + xb
1001          xp2 =   (i)*dxs + xb
1002          xr1 = atan2(sin(ymin),-cos(ymin)*cos(xp1))
1003          yr1 = asin(cos(ymin)*sin(xp1))
1004          xr2 = atan2(sin(ymin),-cos(ymin)*cos(xp2))
1005          yr2 = asin(cos(ymin)*sin(xp2))
1006          s2 = (yr1-yr2)/(xr1-xr2)
1007          xi = (s2*xr2-yr2)/(s2-s1)
1008          yi = s1*xi
1009          test=(xi-xr1)*(xr2-xi)
1010          i = i+1
1011        end do
1012      end if
1013    end if
1015    if (x > 0.d0) xi = - xi
1016    if (y > 0.d0) yi = - yi
1018  end subroutine inter_curve_boundary_yy
1020  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1021  ! hco_weight
1022  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1023  subroutine hco_weight(hco, weight)
1024    ! 
1025    !:Purpose: given the horizontal grid definition of the grid,
1026    !          return appropriate weights for individual points (avoiding 
1027    !          double counting in the overlap regions in the case of a Yin-Yang grid). 
1028    !
1029    !:Author: Abdessamad Qaddouri and Peter Houtekamer
1030    !         October 2016
1031    !
1032    !:Revision: imported code for the Yin-Yang grid on May 2021 from the EnKF library and 
1033    !           combined with code for other grid types from the MIDAS library.
1034    !
1035    implicit none
1037    ! Arguments:
1038    type(struct_hco), intent(in)  :: hco         ! structure with the specification of the horizontal grid
1039    real(8),          intent(out) :: weight(:,:) ! weight to be given when computing a horizontal average
1041    ! Locals:
1042    integer :: sindx
1043    integer :: ni,nj
1044    integer :: lonIndex,latIndex,lonIndexP1,latIndexP1
1045    real(8),  allocatable :: F_mask_8(:,:), F_mask(:,:)
1046    real(8)  :: deg2rad,dx,dy,sum_weight
1047    real(8)  :: lon1,lon2,lon3,lat1,lat2,lat3
1048    real(4), allocatable :: xg(:),yg(:)
1050    deg2rad= MPC_RADIANS_PER_DEGREE_R8 
1051    sindx  = 6
1053    if (trim(hco%grtyp) == 'U') then ! case of a Yin-Yang grid
1054      write(*,*) 'compute weights for Yin_Yang grid'      
1055      ni = nint(hco%tictacU(sindx))
1056      nj = nint(hco%tictacU(sindx+1))
1057      allocate (F_mask_8 (ni,nj))
1058      allocate (F_mask(ni,2*nj))
1059      allocate (xg(ni))
1060      allocate (yg(nj))
1062      dx = hco%tictacU(sindx+10+1) -hco%tictacU(sindx+10)
1063      dy=  hco%tictacU(sindx+10+ni+1)-hco%tictacU(sindx+10+ni)
1064      dx=  deg2rad* dx
1065      dy=  deg2rad* dy
1066      do lonIndex=1,ni
1067        xg(lonIndex)=deg2rad* hco%tictacU(sindx+10+lonIndex-1)
1068      end do
1069      do latIndex=1,nj
1070        yg(latIndex)=  deg2rad*hco%tictacU(sindx+10+ni+latIndex-1)
1071        weight (:,latIndex) = cos(deg2rad* hco%tictacU(sindx+10+ni+latIndex-1))
1072        weight (:,nj+latIndex)= weight (:,latIndex)
1073      end do
1074      call  grid_mask (F_mask_8,dx,dy,xg,yg,ni,nj)
1075      do latIndex=1,nj
1076        F_mask (:,latIndex) = F_mask_8(:,latIndex)
1077        F_mask (:,nj+latIndex)= F_mask (:,latIndex)
1078      end do
1079      do latIndex=1,nj*2
1080        weight(:,latIndex) = weight(:, latIndex) * F_mask(:, latIndex)
1081      end do
1082      sum_weight=sum(weight)
1083      weight = weight/sum_weight
1084      deallocate(F_mask_8)
1085      deallocate(F_mask)
1086      deallocate(xg)
1087      deallocate(yg)
1088    else
1089      write(*,*) 'compute weights for grid type: ',hco%grtyp
1090      do latIndex=1,hco%nj
1091        latIndexP1 = min(hco%nj,latIndex+1)
1092        do lonIndex=1,hco%ni
1093          lonIndexP1 = min(hco%ni,lonIndex+1)
1094          lon1 = hco%lon2d_4(lonIndex,latIndex)
1095          lon2 = hco%lon2d_4(lonIndexP1,latIndex)
1096          lon3 = hco%lon2d_4(lonIndex,latIndexP1)
1097          lat1 = hco%lat2d_4(lonIndex,latIndex)
1098          lat2 = hco%lat2d_4(lonIndexP1,latIndex)
1099          lat3 = hco%lat2d_4(lonIndex,latIndexP1)
1100          dx = phf_calcDistance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2)/1000.0D0
1101          dy = phf_calcDistance(lat1, lon1, lat3, lon3)/1000.0D0
1102          weight(lonIndex,latIndex) = dx * dy
1103        end do
1104      end do
1105      sum_weight=sum(weight)
1106      weight = weight/sum_weight      
1107    end if
1109  end subroutine hco_weight
1111  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1112  ! yyg_weight
1113  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1114  real(8) function yyg_weight (x,y,dx,dy,np)
1115    !
1116    !:Purpose: Based on a Draft from Zerroukat (2013) - Evaluates weight
1117    !          for each cell, so that the overlap is computed once.
1118    !    
1119    !:Author: Author Abdessamad Qaddouri -- Summer 2014
1120    !
1121    !:Note: this routine has been taken and adjusted from a routine
1122    !       with the same name in the GEM model.
1123    !
1124    implicit none
1126    ! Arguments:
1127    real(8), intent(in) :: x  ! x,y: (lon, lat) in radians of the cell center point.
1128    real(8), intent(in) :: y
1129    real(8), intent(in) :: dx ! horizontal grid resolution in radians
1130    real(8), intent(in) :: dy
1131    integer, intent(in) :: np ! working dimension
1133    ! Locals:
1134    real(8) :: pi, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xb1, xb2
1135    real(8) :: t1x, t2x, t1y, dcell, xi, yi, di, dp, df, d
1137    pi   = MPC_PI_R8 
1138    xmin = -3.d0*pi/4.d0 ;  xmax = 3.d0*pi/4.d0
1139    ymin = -pi/4.d0       ;  ymax = pi/4.d0
1140    xb1  = -0.5d0*pi       ;  xb2  = 0.5d0*pi
1142    t1x = (x-xmin)*(xmax-x)
1143    t2x = (x-xb1)*(xb2-x)
1144    t1y = (y-ymin)*(ymax-y)
1146    if (t1x < 0.d0 .or. t1y < 0.d0) then
1147      yyg_weight = 0.0
1148    else if (t2x > 0.d0 .and. t1y > 0.d0) then
1149      yyg_weight = 1.d0
1150    else
1151      dcell = 0.5d0*dsqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)
1153      call inter_curve_boundary_yy (x, y, xi, yi, np)
1155      di = sqrt(xi**2 + yi**2)
1156      dp = sqrt(x**2 +  y**2)
1157      df = dp - di
1158      d  = min(max(-dcell,df),dcell)
1159      yyg_weight = 0.5d0*(1.d0 - (d/dcell))
1160    end if
1162  end function yyg_weight
1164  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1165  ! hco_setupYgrid
1166  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1167  subroutine hco_setupYgrid(hco, ni, nj)
1168    !
1169    !:Purpose: to initialize hco structure for a Y grid
1170    !           
1171    implicit none
1173    ! Arguments:
1174    type(struct_hco), pointer, intent(inout) :: hco
1175    integer,                   intent(in)    :: ni
1176    integer,                   intent(in)    :: nj
1178    allocate(hco)
1179    if (mmpi_myid == 0) then
1180      hco%initialized = .true.
1181      hco%ni = ni
1182      hco%nj = nj
1183      hco%grtyp = 'Y'
1184      hco%grtypTicTac = 'L'
1185      if (allocated(hco%lat2d_4)) then
1186        deallocate(hco%lat2d_4)
1187        deallocate(hco%lon2d_4) 
1188      end if
1189      allocate(hco%lat2d_4(ni, nj))
1190      allocate(hco%lon2d_4(ni, nj)) 
1191      hco%xlat1 = 0.d0
1192      hco%xlon1 = 0.d0
1193      hco%xlat2 = 1.d0 
1194      hco%xlon2 = 1.d0
1195    end if
1197  end subroutine hco_setupYgrid
1199end module horizontalCoord_mod