increment_mod sourceΒΆ

  1module increment_mod
  2  ! MODULE increment_mod (prefix='inc' category='1. High-level functionality')
  3  !
  4  !:Purpose:  To add a 4D increment to a given 4D background/reference state and
  5  !           to output the results
  6  !
  7  use codePrecision_mod
  8  use midasMpi_mod
  9  use timeCoord_mod
 10  use gridStateVector_mod
 11  use gridStateVectorFileIO_mod
 12  use interpolation_mod
 13  use horizontalCoord_mod
 14  use verticalCoord_mod
 15  use humidityLimits_mod
 16  use utilities_mod
 17  use message_mod
 18  use gridVariableTransforms_mod
 19  use BMatrix_mod
 20  use varNamelist_mod
 21  implicit none
 22  save
 23  private
 25  ! public procedures
 26  public :: inc_computeHighResAnalysis, inc_writeIncAndAnalHighRes, inc_getIncrement, inc_writeIncrement
 27  public :: inc_writeAnalysis, inc_analPostProcessing
 29  ! namelist variables
 30  integer           :: writeNumBits          ! number of bits to use when writing analysis and high-res increment
 31  logical           :: writeHiresIncrement   ! choose to write the high-res increment to a file
 32  logical           :: imposeRttovHuLimits   ! choose to impose "rttov" humidity limits to analysis
 33  logical           :: useAnalIncMask        ! for LAM only, choose to apply scale factor from a mask file to the increment  
 34  character(len=12) :: etiket_anlm           ! 'etiket' used when writing the analysis
 35  character(len=12) :: etiket_rehm           ! 'etiket' used when writing the high-res increment
 36  character(len=12) :: etiket_rebm           ! 'etiket' used when writing the low-res increment
 37  character(len=12) :: hInterpolationDegree  ! type of interpolation to use: 'LINEAR' or 'CUBIC'
 38  logical           :: applyLiebmann         ! choose to apply Liebmann extrapolation to SST and/or sea ice
 39  logical           :: SSTSpread             ! choose to apply spatial spreading of the SST increment onto land
 40  integer           :: SSTSpreadMaxBoxSize   ! control the amount of SST increment spreading
 41  character(len=10) :: SSTSubgrid            ! select subgrid on which to apply spreading: 'Yin' or 'Yan'
 45  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
 46  ! readNameList
 47  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
 48  subroutine readNameList
 49    !
 50    !:Purpose: Reading NAMINC namelist by any subroutines in increment_mod module.
 51    !
 52    implicit none
 54    ! Locals:
 55    integer :: nulnam, ierr
 56    integer, external :: fnom, fclos
 57    logical, save :: nmlAlreadyRead = .false.
 59    NAMELIST /NAMINC/ writeHiresIncrement, etiket_rehm, etiket_anlm, &
 60         etiket_rebm, writeNumBits, imposeRttovHuLimits, hInterpolationDegree, &
 61         useAnalIncMask, applyLiebmann, SSTSpread, SSTSpreadMaxBoxSize, SSTSubgrid
 63    if ( .not. nmlAlreadyRead ) then
 64      nmlAlreadyRead = .true.
 66      !- Setting default values
 67      writeHiresIncrement = .true.
 68      imposeRttovHuLimits = .true.
 69      useAnalIncMask      = .false.
 70      etiket_rehm = 'INCREMENT'
 71      etiket_rebm = 'INCREMENT'
 72      etiket_anlm = 'ANALYSIS'
 73      writeNumBits = 16
 74      hInterpolationDegree = 'LINEAR'
 75      applyLiebmann = .false.
 76      SSTSpread  = .false.
 77      SSTSpreadMaxBoxSize = 0
 78      SSTsubgrid = '   '
 80      if ( .not. utl_isNamelistPresent('NAMINC','./flnml') ) then
 81        call msg('readNameList (inc)', &
 82             'NAMINC is missing in the namelist. The default values will be taken.', &
 83             mpiAll_opt=.false.)
 84      else
 85        ! Reading the namelist
 86        nulnam = 0
 87        ierr = fnom(nulnam, './flnml', 'FTN+SEQ+R/O', 0)
 88        read(nulnam, nml=naminc, iostat=ierr)
 89        if ( ierr /= 0) call utl_abort('readNameList: Error reading namelist')
 90        ierr = fclos(nulnam)
 91      end if
 92      if ( mmpi_myid == 0 ) write(*,nml=naminc)
 93    end if
 95  end subroutine readNameList
 97  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
 98  ! inc_computeHighResAnalysis
 99  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
100  subroutine inc_computeHighResAnalysis( statevectorIncLowRes,                            & ! IN
101                                         stateVectorUpdateHighRes, stateVectorPsfcHighRes)  ! OUT
102    !
103    !:Purpose: Computing high-resolution analysis on the trial grid.
104    !
105    implicit none
107    ! Arguments:
108    type(struct_gsv), intent(in)    :: statevectorIncLowRes
109    type(struct_gsv), intent(inout) :: stateVectorUpdateHighRes
110    type(struct_gsv), intent(out)   :: stateVectorPsfcHighRes
112    ! Locals:
113    type(struct_gsv) :: statevectorRef, statevectorRefPsfc
114    type(struct_gsv) :: statevectorIncRefLowRes
115    type(struct_gsv) :: statevectorTrlRefVars
116    type(struct_gsv) :: statevectorTrlLowResTime
117    type(struct_gsv) :: statevectorTrlLowResVert
118    type(struct_gsv) :: statevector_mask
119    type(struct_gsv) :: stateVectorHighRes
121    type(struct_vco), pointer :: vco_trl, vco_inc
122    type(struct_hco), pointer :: hco_trl, hco_inc
124    real(pre_incrReal), pointer :: PsfcIncPrior(:,:,:,:), PsfcIncMasked(:,:,:,:)
125    real(pre_incrReal), pointer :: analIncMask(:,:,:)
127    integer              :: stepIndex, numStep_inc, numStep_trl
128    integer, allocatable :: dateStampList(:)
130    character(len=4), allocatable :: varNamesRef(:), varNamesPsfc(:)
131    logical  :: allocHeightSfc, refStateNeeded
133    call msg('inc_computeHighResAnalysis', 'START', verb_opt=2)
134    call msg_memUsage('inc_computeHighResAnalysis')
136    call utl_tmg_start(80,'--Increment')
137    call utl_tmg_start(81,'----ComputeHighResAnalysis')
139    ! Set/Read values for the namelist NAMINC
140    call readNameList
142    if ( gsv_isAllocated(stateVectorPsfcHighRes) ) then
143      call utl_abort('inc_computeHighResAnalysis: '&
144                      //'stateVectorPsfcHighRes should not be allocated yet')
145    end if
147    ! If P0 present it is infered the statevector is a 3D atmospheric state
148    refStateNeeded =  gsv_varExist(varName='P0')
150    ! Setup timeCoord module (date read from trial file)
151    numStep_inc = tim_nstepobsinc ! low-res time
152    numStep_trl = tim_nstepobs    ! high-res time
153    allocate(dateStampList(numStep_inc))
154    call tim_getstamplist(dateStampList,numStep_inc,tim_getDatestamp())
156    hco_trl => gsv_getHco(stateVectorUpdateHighRes)
157    vco_trl => gsv_getVco(stateVectorUpdateHighRes)
158    hco_inc => gsv_getHco(statevectorIncLowRes)
159    vco_inc => gsv_getVco(statevectorIncLowRes)
161    if (vco_trl%Vcode == 0 .or. .not. gsv_varExist(varName='P0')) then
162      allocHeightSfc = .false.
163    else
164      allocHeightSfc = stateVectorUpdateHighRes%heightSfcPresent
165    end if
167    ! Read the analysis mask (in LAM mode only) - N.B. different from land/sea mask!!!
168    if (.not. hco_trl%global .and. useAnalIncMask) then
169      call gio_getMaskLAM(statevector_mask, hco_trl, vco_trl, hInterpolationDegree)
170    end if
172    ref_building: if ( refStateNeeded ) then
173      ! Build a reference variables
174      !
175      ! - Allocate the target reference statevector for vertical interpolation
176      ! that will be done in inc_interpolateAndAdd.
177      ! The reference needs to have the vertical structure of the input which is the
178      ! increment, but since horizontal interpolation is done first, it needs the
179      ! trial horizontal structure.
180      if (vco_trl%Vcode == 5100) then
181        allocate(varNamesRef(4))
182        varNamesRef = (/'P0', 'P0LS', 'TT', 'HU'/)
183        allocate(varNamesPsfc(2))
184        varNamesPsfc = (/'P0','P0LS'/)
185      else
186        allocate(varNamesRef(3))
187        varNamesRef = (/'P0', 'TT', 'HU'/)
188        allocate(varNamesPsfc(1))
189        varNamesPsfc = (/'P0'/)
190      end if
191      call gsv_allocate( statevectorRef, numStep_inc, hco_trl, vco_inc, &
192                         dataKind_opt=pre_incrReal, &
193                         dateStamp_opt=tim_getDateStamp(), mpi_local_opt=.true.,  &
194                         varNames_opt=varNamesRef, allocHeightSfc_opt=allocHeightSfc, &
195                         hInterpolateDegree_opt=hInterpolationDegree )
197      ! - Restriction of increment to only reference state variables
198      call gsv_allocate( statevectorIncRefLowRes, numStep_inc, hco_inc, vco_inc,  &
199                         dateStamp_opt=tim_getDateStamp(), mpi_local_opt=.true.,  &
200                         dataKind_opt=pre_incrReal, varNames_opt=varNamesRef, &
201                         allocHeightSfc_opt=allocHeightSfc)
202      call gsv_copy(statevectorIncLowRes, statevectorIncRefLowRes, &
203                    allowVarMismatch_opt=.true.)
205      ! - Horizontal *only* interpolation of analysis increment (ref state variables)
206      !   using int_interp_gsv since it also does needed mpi transpositions
207      call msg('inc_computeHighResAnalysis', &
208               'horizontal interpolation of the Psfc increment', mpiAll_opt=.false.)
209      call int_interp_gsv(statevectorIncRefLowRes,statevectorRef)
210      call gsv_deallocate(statevectorIncRefLowRes)
211      !- Apply mask to increment in LAM
212      if (.not. hco_trl%global .and. useAnalIncMask) then
213        call gsv_getField(statevectorRef,PsfcIncPrior,'P0')
214        call gsv_getField(statevectorRef,PsfcIncMasked,'P0')
215        call gsv_getField(statevector_mask,analIncMask)
216        do stepIndex = 1, statevectorRef%numStep
217          PsfcIncMasked(:,:,1,stepIndex) = PsfcIncPrior(:,:,1,stepIndex) * analIncMask(:,:,1)
218        end do
219        if (gsv_varExist(statevectorRef,'P0LS')) then
220          call gsv_getField(statevectorRef,PsfcIncPrior,'P0LS')
221          call gsv_getField(statevectorRef,PsfcIncMasked,'P0LS')
222          do stepIndex = 1, statevectorRef%numStep
223            PsfcIncMasked(:,:,1,stepIndex) = PsfcIncPrior(:,:,1,stepIndex) * analIncMask(:,:,1)
224          end do
225        end if
226      end if
228      ! - Compute analysis of reference state variables to use for vertical interpolation
229      !   of increment
230      call msg('inc_computeHighResAnalysis', &
231           'Computing reference variables analysis to use for interpolation of increment', &
232           mpiAll_opt=.false.)
234      !   - build a restriction to reference state variables of trial
235      call gsv_allocate(statevectorTrlRefVars, numStep_trl, &
236                        hco_trl, vco_trl, dateStamp_opt=tim_getDateStamp(), &
237                        mpi_local_opt=.true., dataKind_opt=pre_incrReal, &
238                        varNames_opt=varNamesRef, allocHeightSfc_opt=allocHeightSfc )
239      call gsv_copy(stateVectorUpdateHighRes, statevectorTrlRefVars,&
240                    allowVarMismatch_opt=.true.)
241      !   - bring trial to low time res
242      call gsv_allocate(statevectorTrlLowResTime, numStep_inc, hco_trl, vco_trl,  &
243                        dateStamp_opt=tim_getDateStamp(), mpi_local_opt=.true.,  &
244                        dataKind_opt=pre_incrReal, varNames_opt=varNamesRef, &
245                        allocHeightSfc_opt=allocHeightSfc)
246      call gsv_copy(statevectorTrlRefVars, statevectorTrlLowResTime, &
247                    allowTimeMismatch_opt=.true.)
248      !   - bring trial to low res (increment) vertical structure
249      !     (no vertical interpolation reference needed as it is a full state,
250      !     not a incremental state)
251      call gsv_allocate(statevectorTrlLowResVert, numStep_inc, hco_trl, vco_inc,  &
252                        dateStamp_opt=tim_getDateStamp(), mpi_local_opt=.true.,  &
253                        dataKind_opt=pre_incrReal, varNames_opt=varNamesRef, &
254                        allocHeightSfc_opt=allocHeightSfc)
255      call int_vInterp_gsv(statevectorTrlLowResTime, statevectorTrlLowResVert)
256      call gsv_deallocate(statevectorTrlLowResTime)
257      call gsv_deallocate(statevectorTrlRefVars)
258      !   - build the analysis reference state for the increment vertical interpolation.
259      !     At that stage, statevectorRef contains the increment on the trial
260      !     horizontal grid, but analysis vertical structure; consistent for addition.
261      call gsv_add(statevectorTrlLowResVert, statevectorRef)
262      call gsv_deallocate(statevectorTrlLowResVert)
264      ! - Time interpolation to get high-res Psfc analysis increment to output
265      call msg('inc_computeHighResAnalysis', &
266               'Time interpolation to get high-res Psfc analysis increment', &
267               mpiAll_opt=.false.)
269      !   - Restriction to P0 only + vco set on vco_trl for later consistency
270      call gsv_allocate(statevectorRefPsfc, numStep_inc, hco_trl, vco_trl, &
271                        dataKind_opt=pre_incrReal, &
272                        dateStamp_opt=tim_getDateStamp(), mpi_local_opt=.true.,  &
273                        varNames_opt=varNamesPsfc, allocHeightSfc_opt=allocHeightSfc, &
274                        hInterpolateDegree_opt=hInterpolationDegree )
275      call gsv_copy(statevectorRef, statevectorRefPsfc, allowVarMismatch_opt=.true., &
276                    allowVcoMismatch_opt=.true.)
277      !   - high res time interpolation
278      call gsv_allocate(stateVectorPsfcHighRes, numStep_trl, hco_trl, vco_trl, &
279                        dataKind_opt=pre_incrReal, &
280                        dateStamp_opt=tim_getDateStamp(), mpi_local_opt=.true.,  &
281                        varNames_opt=varNamesPsfc, allocHeightSfc_opt=allocHeightSfc, &
282                        hInterpolateDegree_opt=hInterpolationDegree)
283      call int_tInterp_gsv(statevectorRefPsfc, stateVectorPsfcHighRes)
284    else ref_building
285      call msg('inc_computeHighResAnalysis','P0 not present, not computing reference', &
286               verb_opt=3)
287    end if ref_building
289    ! Compute the analysis
290    call msg('inc_computeHighResAnalysis', 'compute the analysis', mpiAll_opt=.false.)
292    ! Copy of trial to be passed to inc_interpolateAndAdd
293    call gsv_allocate( stateVectorHighRes, numStep_trl, hco_trl, vco_trl, &
294                       dataKind_opt=stateVectorUpdateHighRes%dataKind, &
295                       dateStamp_opt=tim_getDateStamp(), &
296                       mpi_local_opt=stateVectorUpdateHighRes%mpi_local, &
297                       allocHeightSfc_opt=stateVectorUpdateHighRes%heightSfcPresent, &
298                       hInterpolateDegree_opt=hInterpolationDegree, &
299                       allocHeight_opt=.false., allocPressure_opt=.false. )
300    call gsv_copy( stateVectorUpdateHighRes,stateVectorHighRes, &
301                   allowVarMismatch_opt=.true.)
303    ! Interpolate low-res increments to high-res and add to the initial state
304    if (.not. hco_trl%global .and. useAnalIncMask) then
305      if ( refStateNeeded ) then
306        call inc_interpolateAndAdd(statevectorIncLowRes, stateVectorHighRes, &
307                                   statevectorRef_opt=statevectorRef, &
308                                   statevectorMaskLAM_opt=statevector_mask)
309      else
310        call inc_interpolateAndAdd(statevectorIncLowRes, stateVectorHighRes, &
311                                   statevectorMaskLAM_opt=statevector_mask)
312      end if
313    else
314      if ( refStateNeeded ) then
315        call inc_interpolateAndAdd(statevectorIncLowRes, stateVectorHighRes, &
316                                   statevectorRef_opt=statevectorRef)
317      else
318        call inc_interpolateAndAdd(statevectorIncLowRes, stateVectorHighRes)
319      end if
320    end if
322    call gsv_copy( stateVectorHighRes, stateVectorUpdateHighRes, &
323                   allowVarMismatch_opt=.true.)
324    call gsv_deallocate(stateVectorHighRes)
326    if ( gsv_isAllocated(statevectorRef) ) call gsv_deallocate(statevectorRef)
327    if ( gsv_isAllocated(statevector_mask) ) call gsv_deallocate(statevector_mask)
329    call utl_tmg_stop(81)
330    call utl_tmg_stop(80)
332    call msg('inc_computeHighResAnalysis', 'END', verb_opt=2)
334  end subroutine inc_computeHighResAnalysis
336  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
337  ! inc_analPostProcessing
338  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
339  subroutine inc_analPostProcessing (stateVectorPsfcHighRes, stateVectorUpdateHighRes, & ! IN
340                                     stateVectorTrial, stateVectorPsfc, stateVectorAnal) ! OUT
341    !
342    !:Purpose: Post processing of the high resolution analysis including degrading
343    !           temporal resolution, variable transform, and humidity clipping.
344    !
345    implicit none
347    ! Arguments:
348    type(struct_gsv), intent(inout)  :: stateVectorPsfcHighRes
349    type(struct_gsv), intent(in)     :: stateVectorUpdateHighRes
350    type(struct_gsv), intent(out)    :: stateVectorTrial
351    type(struct_gsv), intent(out)    :: stateVectorPsfc
352    type(struct_gsv), intent(out)    :: stateVectorAnal
354    ! Locals:
355    type(struct_vco), pointer :: vco_trl => null()
356    type(struct_hco), pointer :: hco_trl => null()
357    character(len=4), allocatable :: varNamesPsfc(:)
359    real(pre_incrReal), pointer :: oceanIce_ptr(:,:,:,:)
361    logical  :: allocHeightSfc
363    call msg('inc_analPostProcessing', 'START', verb_opt=2)
364    call msg_memUsage('inc_analPostProcessing')
366    call utl_tmg_start(80,'--Increment')
367    call utl_tmg_start(82,'----AnalPostProcessing')
369    ! Re-read trials to make stateVectorTrial with degraded timesteps available
370    hco_trl => gsv_getHco(stateVectorUpdateHighRes)
371    vco_trl => gsv_getVco(stateVectorUpdateHighRes)
372    allocHeightSfc = ( vco_trl%Vcode /= 0 )
374    call gsv_allocate(stateVectorTrial, tim_nstepobsinc, hco_trl, vco_trl,  &
375                      dataKind_opt = pre_incrReal, &
376                      dateStamp_opt = tim_getDateStamp(), mpi_local_opt = .true., &
377                      allocHeightSfc_opt = allocHeightSfc, hInterpolateDegree_opt = 'LINEAR', &
378                      allocHeight_opt = .false., allocPressure_opt = .false.)
379    call gsv_zero(stateVectorTrial)
380    call gio_readTrials(stateVectorTrial)
381    call msg_memUsage('inc_analPostProcessing')
383    if (vco_trl%Vcode == 0 .or. .not. gsv_varExist(varName='P0')) then
384      allocHeightSfc = .false.
385    else
386      allocHeightSfc = stateVectorTrial%heightSfcPresent
387    end if
389    if (vco_trl%Vcode == 5100) then
390      allocate(varNamesPsfc(2))
391      varNamesPsfc = (/'P0','P0LS'/)
392    else
393      allocate(varNamesPsfc(1))
394      varNamesPsfc = (/'P0'/)
395    end if
397    ! Degrade timesteps stateVector high-res Psfc, and high-res analysis
398    if (gsv_varExist(varName='P0')) then
399      call gsv_allocate(stateVectorPsfc, tim_nstepobsinc, hco_trl, vco_trl, &
400                        dataKind_opt = pre_incrReal, &
401                        dateStamp_opt = tim_getDateStamp(), mpi_local_opt = .true.,  &
402                        varNames_opt = varNamesPsfc, allocHeightSfc_opt = allocHeightSfc, &
403                        hInterpolateDegree_opt = hInterpolationDegree)
404      call gsv_copy(stateVectorPsfcHighRes, stateVectorPsfc, &
405                    allowTimeMismatch_opt = .true., allowVarMismatch_opt=.true.)
406      call gsv_deallocate(stateVectorPsfcHighRes)
407    end if
409    call gsv_allocate(stateVectorAnal, tim_nstepobsinc, hco_trl, vco_trl,  &
410                      dataKind_opt = pre_incrReal, &
411                      dateStamp_opt = tim_getDateStamp(), mpi_local_opt = .true., &
412                      allocHeightSfc_opt = allocHeightSfc, hInterpolateDegree_opt = 'LINEAR', &
413                      allocHeight_opt = .false., allocPressure_opt = .false.)
414    call gsv_copy(stateVectorUpdateHighRes, stateVectorAnal, &
415                  allowVarMismatch_opt = .true., allowTimeMismatch_opt = .true.)
417    if (gsv_varExist(stateVectorAnal, 'GL')) then
418      ! Impose limits [0,1] on sea ice concentration analysis
419      call gsv_getField(stateVectorAnal, oceanIce_ptr, 'GL')
420      oceanIce_ptr(:,:,:,:) = min(oceanIce_ptr(:,:,:,:), 1.0d0)
421      oceanIce_ptr(:,:,:,:) = max(oceanIce_ptr(:,:,:,:), 0.0d0)
422    end if
424    if (applyLiebmann) then
426      ! Start the variable transformations
427      if (gsv_varExist(stateVectorAnal, 'GL')) then
428        if (gsv_varExist(stateVectorAnal, 'LG')) then
429          ! Compute the continuous sea ice concentration field (LG)
430          call gvt_transform(stateVectorAnal, 'oceanIceContinuous', stateVectorRef_opt = stateVectorTrial, varName_opt = 'LG')
431        end if
432      end if
434      ! Start the variable transformations
435      if(gsv_varExist(stateVectorAnal,'TM')) then
436        ! Compute the continuous SST field (TM)
437        call gvt_transform(stateVectorAnal, 'oceanIceContinuous', stateVectorRef_opt = stateVectorTrial, varName_opt = 'TM')
438      end if
440    end if
442    if (SSTSpread) then
443      if(gsv_varExist(stateVectorAnal,'TM')) then
444        ! Compute SST spreading (TM) on neigbouring land points
445        call gvt_transform(stateVectorAnal, 'SSTSpread', varName_opt = 'TM', maxBoxSize_opt = SSTSpreadMaxBoxSize, subgrid_opt = SSTSubgrid)
446      end if
447    end if
449    ! Convert all transformed variables into model variables (e.g. LVIS->VIS, LPR->PR) for analysis
450    call gvt_transform(stateVectorAnal, 'AllTransformedToModel', allowOverWrite_opt = .true.)
452    ! Impose limits on humidity analysis
453    call msg('inc_analPostProcessing', 'calling qlim_saturationLimit')
454    call qlim_saturationLimit(stateVectorAnal)
455    if (imposeRttovHuLimits) call qlim_rttovLimit(stateVectorAnal)
457    if (gsv_varKindExist('CH')) then
458      ! Apply boundaries to analysis of CH kind variables as needed.
459      call msg('inc_analPostProcessing', &
460           'applying minimum values to analysis for variables of CH kind')
461      call gvt_transform(stateVectorAnal, 'CH_bounds')
462    end if
464    call utl_tmg_stop(82)
465    call utl_tmg_stop(80)
467    call msg('inc_analPostProcessing', 'END', verb_opt=2)
469  end subroutine inc_analPostProcessing
471  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
472  ! inc_writeIncAndAnalHighRes
473  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
474  subroutine inc_writeIncAndAnalHighRes( stateVectorTrial, stateVectorPsfc, &
475                                         stateVectorAnal )
476    !
477    !:Purpose: Write the high-resolution analysis increments to the rehm file.
478    !
479    implicit none
481    ! Arguments:
482    type(struct_gsv), target, intent(inout) :: stateVectorTrial
483    type(struct_gsv),         intent(inout) :: stateVectorPsfc
484    type(struct_gsv),         intent(inout) :: stateVectorAnal
486    ! Locals:
487    type(struct_gsv) :: stateVectorIncHighRes
488    type(struct_gsv) :: stateVector_1step_r4, stateVectorPsfc_1step_r4
489    character(len=4), allocatable :: varNamesPsfc(:)
491    type(struct_vco), pointer :: vco_trl => null()
492    type(struct_hco), pointer :: hco_trl => null()
494    integer              :: stepIndex, stepIndexBeg, stepIndexEnd, stepIndexToWrite, numStep
495    integer              :: dateStamp, numBatch, batchIndex, procToWrite
496    integer, allocatable :: dateStampList(:)
498    character(len=256)  :: incFileName, anlFileName
499    character(len=4)    :: coffset
500    character(len=4), pointer :: varNames(:)
502    real(8)             :: deltaHours
503    real(8), pointer    :: HeightSfc_increment(:,:), HeightSfc_trial(:,:)
505    logical  :: allocHeightSfc, writeHeightSfc
507    call msg('inc_writeIncAndAnalHighRes', 'START', verb_opt=2)
508    call msg_memUsage('inc_writeIncAndAnalHighRes')
510    call utl_tmg_start(80,'--Increment')
511    call utl_tmg_start(83,'----WriteIncAndAnalHighRes')
513    ! Setup timeCoord module (date read from trial file)
514    numStep = tim_nstepobsinc
515    allocate(dateStampList(numStep))
516    call tim_getstamplist(dateStampList,numStep,tim_getDatestamp())
518    hco_trl => gsv_getHco(stateVectorTrial)
519    vco_trl => gsv_getVco(stateVectorTrial)
520    if (vco_trl%Vcode == 0 .or. .not. gsv_varExist(varName='P0')) then
521      allocHeightSfc = .false.
522    else
523      allocHeightSfc = stateVectorTrial%heightSfcPresent
524    end if
525    writeHeightSfc = allocHeightSfc
527    if (vco_trl%Vcode == 5100) then
528      allocate(varNamesPsfc(2))
529      varNamesPsfc = (/'P0','P0LS'/)
530    else
531      allocate(varNamesPsfc(1))
532      varNamesPsfc = (/'P0'/)
533    end if
535    ! Convert all transformed variables into model variables (e.g. LVIS->VIS, LPR->PR) for original trial
536    call gvt_transform(stateVectorTrial,   'AllTransformedToModel',allowOverWrite_opt=.true.)
538    ! Copy the surface height from trial into stateVectorPsfc and stateVectorAnal
539    if ( allocHeightSfc ) then
540      HeightSfc_trial     => gsv_getHeightSfc(stateVectorTrial)
541      HeightSfc_increment => gsv_getHeightSfc(stateVectorPsfc)
542      HeightSfc_increment(:,:) = HeightSfc_trial(:,:)
544      nullify(HeightSfc_increment)
545      HeightSfc_increment => gsv_getHeightSfc(stateVectorAnal)
546      HeightSfc_increment(:,:) = HeightSfc_trial(:,:)
547    end if
549    ! reAllocate incHighRes with the names of the model variables (e.g. VIS, PR)
550    nullify(varNames)
551    call gsv_varNamesList(varNames, stateVectorAnal)
552    call gsv_allocate(stateVectorIncHighRes, numStep, hco_trl, vco_trl, &
553                      dataKind_opt=pre_incrReal,  &
554                      dateStamp_opt=tim_getDateStamp(), mpi_local_opt=.true., &
555                      allocHeightSfc_opt=allocHeightSfc, hInterpolateDegree_opt=hInterpolationDegree, &
556                      varNames_opt=varNames )
558    ! Recompute increments and write out the files in parallel with respect to time steps
559    call gsv_copy(stateVectorAnal, stateVectorIncHighRes)
560    call gsv_add(stateVectorTrial, stateVectorIncHighRes, -1.0d0)
562    ! figure out number of batches of time steps for writing
563    numBatch = ceiling(real(stateVectorAnal%numStep) / real(mmpi_nprocs))
564    call msg('inc_writeIncAndAnalHighRes', &
565         'writing will be done by number of batches = '//str(numBatch))
567    batch_loop: do batchIndex = 1, numBatch
569      stepIndexBeg = 1 + (batchIndex - 1) * mmpi_nprocs
570      stepIndexEnd = min(stateVectorAnal%numStep, stepIndexBeg + mmpi_nprocs - 1)
571      call msg('inc_writeIncAndAnalHighRes', 'batchIndex = '//str(batchIndex) &
572           //', stepIndexBeg = '//str(stepIndexBeg) &
573           //', stepIndexEnd = '//str(stepIndexEnd))
575      ! figure out which time step I will write, if any (-1 if none)
576      stepIndexToWrite = -1
577      do stepIndex = stepIndexBeg, stepIndexEnd
578        procToWrite = nint( real(stepIndex - stepIndexBeg) * real(mmpi_nprocs) / real(stepIndexEnd - stepIndexBeg + 1) )
579        if ( procToWrite == mmpi_myid ) stepIndexToWrite = stepIndex
580        call msg('inc_writeIncAndAnalHighRes', ' stepIndex = '//str(stepIndex) &
581             //', procToWrite = '//str(procToWrite), mpiAll_opt=.false.)
582      end do
584      ! determine date and allocate stateVector for storing just 1 time step, if I do writing
585      if ( stepIndexToWrite /= -1 ) then
587        dateStamp = stateVectorAnal%dateStampList(stepIndexToWrite)
588        call difdatr(dateStamp,tim_getDatestamp(),deltaHours)
589        if(nint(deltaHours*60.0d0).lt.0) then
590          write(coffset,'(I4.3)') nint(deltaHours*60.0d0)
591        else
592          write(coffset,'(I3.3)') nint(deltaHours*60.0d0)
593        endif
595        call gsv_allocate( stateVector_1step_r4, 1, stateVectorAnal%hco, stateVectorAnal%vco, &
596                           dateStamp_opt=dateStamp, mpi_local_opt=.false., dataKind_opt=4,        &
597                           allocHeightSfc_opt=allocHeightSfc, &
598                           varNames_opt=varNames )
599        call gsv_allocate( stateVectorPsfc_1step_r4, 1, stateVectorAnal%hco, stateVectorAnal%vco, &
600                           dateStamp_opt=dateStamp, mpi_local_opt=.false., dataKind_opt=4,        &
601                           varNames_opt=varNamesPsfc, allocHeightSfc_opt=allocHeightSfc )
602        call gsv_zero(stateVectorPsfc_1step_r4)
603      end if
605      ! transpose ANALYSIS data from Tiles to Steps
606      call gsv_transposeTilesToStep(stateVector_1step_r4, stateVectorAnal, stepIndexBeg)
608      ! write the ANALYSIS file for one timestep on all tasks with data
609      if ( stepIndexToWrite /= -1 ) then
610        call msg_memUsage('inc_writeIncAndAnalHighRes')
611        anlFileName = './anlm_' // trim(coffset) // 'm'
612        call gio_writeToFile( stateVector_1step_r4, trim(anlFileName), etiket_anlm,  &
613                              typvar_opt='A', writeHeightSfc_opt=writeHeightSfc, &
614                              numBits_opt=writeNumBits, containsFullField_opt=.true. )
615      end if
617      if (writeHiresIncrement) then
619        ! transpose INCREMENT data from Tiles to Steps
620        call gsv_transposeTilesToStep(stateVector_1step_r4, stateVectorIncHighRes, stepIndexBeg)
622        ! write the INCREMENT file for one timestep on all tasks with data
623        if ( stepIndexToWrite /= -1 ) then
624          call msg_memUsage('inc_writeIncAndAnalHighRes')
625          incFileName = './rehm_' // trim(coffset) // 'm'
626          call gio_writeToFile( stateVector_1step_r4, trim(incFileName), etiket_rehm,  &
627                                typvar_opt='R', &
628                                numBits_opt=writeNumBits, containsFullField_opt=.false. )
629        end if
631        if (gsv_varExist(varName='P0')) then
633          ! transpose ANALYSIS PSFC AND height_SFC ONLY data from Tiles to Steps
634          call gsv_transposeTilesToStep(stateVectorPsfc_1step_r4, stateVectorPsfc, stepIndexBeg)
636          ! Also write analysis value of Psfc and surface height to increment file
637          if ( stepIndexToWrite /= -1 ) then
638            call msg_memUsage('inc_writeIncAndAnalHighRes')
639            incFileName = './rehm_' // trim(coffset) // 'm'
640            call gio_writeToFile( stateVectorPsfc_1step_r4, trim(incFileName), etiket_rehm,  &
641                                  typvar_opt='A', writeHeightSfc_opt=writeHeightSfc, &
642                                  numBits_opt=writeNumBits, containsFullField_opt=.true. )
643          end if
645        end if
647      end if ! writeHiresIncrement
649      if ( stepIndexToWrite /= -1 ) then
650        call gsv_deallocate(stateVector_1step_r4)
651        call gsv_deallocate(stateVectorPsfc_1step_r4)
652      end if
654    end do batch_loop
656    call gsv_deallocate(stateVectorAnal)
657    if (gsv_varExist(varName='P0')) then
658      call gsv_deallocate(stateVectorPsfc)
659    end if
660    call gsv_deallocate(stateVectorIncHighRes)
661    call gsv_deallocate(stateVectorTrial)
663    call utl_tmg_stop(83)
664    call utl_tmg_stop(80)
666    call msg('inc_writeIncAndAnalHighRes', 'END', verb_opt=2)
668  end subroutine inc_writeIncAndAnalHighRes
670  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
671  ! inc_getIncrement
672  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
673  subroutine inc_getIncrement(incr_cv,statevector_incr,nvadim_mpilocal)
674    !
675    !:Purpose: Get true analysis increment from control vector.
676    !
677    implicit none
679    ! Arguments:
680    real(8),          intent(in)    :: incr_cv(:)
681    type(struct_gsv), intent(inout) :: statevector_incr
682    integer,          intent(in)    :: nvadim_mpilocal
684    call utl_tmg_start(80,'--Increment')
685    call utl_tmg_start(84,'----GetIncrement')
687    ! compute increment from control vector (multiply by B^1/2)
688    call bmat_sqrtB( incr_cv, nvadim_mpilocal, statevector_incr )
690    ! Compute new diagnotics based on NAMSTATE
691    if ( gsv_varExist(statevector_incr,'QR') .and. gsv_varExist(statevector_incr,'DD') ) then
692       call msg('inc_getIncrement', 'User is asking for Vort-Div analysis increment')
693       call gvt_transform( statevector_incr, & ! INOUT
694                           'UVtoVortDiv' )     ! IN
695       if ( gsv_varExist(statevector_incr,'PP') .and. gsv_varExist(statevector_incr,'CC') ) then
696          call msg('inc_getIncrement', 'User is asking for Psi-Chi analysis increment')
697          call gvt_transform( statevector_incr, & ! INOUT
698                              'VortDivToPsiChi')  ! IN
699       end if
700    end if
702    call utl_tmg_stop(84)
703    call utl_tmg_stop(80)
705  end subroutine inc_getIncrement
707  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
708  ! inc_writeIncrement
709  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
710  subroutine inc_writeIncrement( stateVector_incr, &
711                                 ip3ForWriteToFile_opt )
712    !
713    !:Purpose: Write the low-resolution analysis increments to the rebm file.
714    !
715    implicit none
717    ! Arguments:
718    type(struct_gsv),          intent(in) :: stateVector_incr
719    integer,         optional, intent(in) :: ip3ForWriteToFile_opt
721    ! Locals:
722    integer              :: stepIndex, dateStamp
723    real(8)              :: deltaHours
724    character(len=4)     :: coffset
725    character(len=30)    :: fileName
727    call msg('inc_writeIncrement', 'START', verb_opt=2)
729    call utl_tmg_start(80,'--Increment')
730    call utl_tmg_start(85,'----WriteIncrement')
732    ! loop over times for which increment is computed
733    do stepIndex = 1, tim_nstepobsinc
734      if (gsv_isAllocated(statevector_incr)) then
735        dateStamp = gsv_getDateStamp(stateVector_incr,stepIndex)
736        call msg('inc_writeIncrement', 'writing increment for time step: ' &
737             //str(stepIndex)//', dateStamp = '//str(dateStamp), mpiAll_opt=.false.)
739        ! write the increment file for this time step
740        call difdatr(dateStamp,tim_getDatestamp(),deltaHours)
741        if(nint(deltaHours*60.0d0).lt.0) then
742          write(coffset,'(I4.3)') nint(deltaHours*60.0d0)
743        else
744          write(coffset,'(I3.3)') nint(deltaHours*60.0d0)
745        end if
746        fileName = './rebm_' // trim(coffset) // 'm'
747        call gio_writeToFile( stateVector_incr, fileName, etiket_rebm, scaleFactor_opt=1.0d0, &
748                              ip3_opt=ip3ForWriteToFile_opt, stepIndex_opt=stepIndex, &
749                              containsFullField_opt=.false. )
750      end if
751    end do
753    call utl_tmg_stop(85)
754    call utl_tmg_stop(80)
756    call msg('inc_writeIncrement', 'END', verb_opt=2)
759  end subroutine inc_writeIncrement
761  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
762  ! inc_writeAnalysis
763  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
764  subroutine inc_writeAnalysis(statevector_anal)
765    !:Purpose: To write to output standard file the analysid from statevector strucure (1Dvar case)
766    !           to output the results
767    !
768    implicit none
770    ! Arguments:
771    type(struct_gsv), intent(in) :: statevector_anal
773    ! Locals:
774    integer              :: stepIndex, dateStamp
775    real(8)              :: deltaHours
776    character(len=4)     :: coffset
777    character(len=30)    :: fileName
779    call msg('inc_writeAnalysis', 'START', verb_opt=2)
781    call utl_tmg_start(80,'--Increment')
782    call utl_tmg_start(86,'----WriteAnalysis')
784    !
785    !- Set/Read values for the namelist NAMINC
786    !
787    call readNameList()
789    ! loop over times for which increment is computed
790    do stepIndex = 1, tim_nstepobsinc
791      if (gsv_isAllocated(statevector_anal)) then
792        dateStamp = gsv_getDateStamp(statevector_anal,stepIndex)
793        call msg('inc_writeAnalysis', 'writing analysis for time step: ' &
794             //str(stepIndex)//', dateStamp = '//str(dateStamp), mpiAll_opt=.false.)
796        ! write the increment file for this time step
797        call difdatr(dateStamp,tim_getDatestamp(),deltaHours)
798        if(nint(deltaHours*60.0d0).lt.0) then
799          write(coffset,'(I4.3)') nint(deltaHours*60.0d0)
800        else
801          write(coffset,'(I3.3)') nint(deltaHours*60.0d0)
802        end if
803        fileName = './anlm_' // trim(coffset) // 'm'
804        call gio_writeToFile( statevector_anal, fileName, etiket_anlm, scaleFactor_opt = 1.0d0, &
805             ip3_opt = 0, stepIndex_opt = stepIndex, containsFullField_opt=.true. )
806      end if
807    end do
809    call utl_tmg_stop(86)
810    call utl_tmg_stop(80)
812    call msg('inc_writeAnalysis', 'END', verb_opt=2)
813  end subroutine inc_writeAnalysis
815  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
816  ! inc_interpolateAndAdd
817  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
818  subroutine inc_interpolateAndAdd(statevector_in,statevector_inout, &
819                                   statevectorRef_opt, statevectorMaskLAM_opt, &
820                                   scaleFactor_opt)
821    !
822    !:Purpose: Interpolate the low-resolution increments to trial grid and add to
823    !           get the high-resolution analysis.
824    !
825    implicit none
827    ! Arguments:
828    type(struct_gsv), target,   intent(in)    :: statevector_in
829    type(struct_gsv),           intent(inout) :: statevector_inout
830    type(struct_gsv), optional, intent(in)    :: statevectorRef_opt         ! Reference statevector providing optional fields (P0, TT, HU)
831    type(struct_gsv), optional, intent(in)    :: statevectorMaskLAM_opt
832    real(8),          optional, intent(in)    :: scaleFactor_opt
834    ! Locals:
835    type(struct_gsv)          :: statevector_in_hvInterp
836    type(struct_gsv)          :: statevector_in_hvtInterp
837    type(struct_gsv), target  :: statevector_in_withP0LS
838    type(struct_gsv), pointer :: statevector_in_ptr
840    character(len=4), pointer :: varNamesToInterpolate(:), varNamesToInterpolate_withP0LS(:)
842    call msg('inc_interpolateAndAdd', 'START', verb_opt=2)
844    ! Error traps
845    if ( .not. gsv_isAllocated(statevector_in) ) then
846      call utl_abort('inc_interpolateAndAdd: gridStateVector_in not yet allocated! Aborting.')
847    end if
848    if ( .not. gsv_isAllocated(statevector_inout) ) then
849      call utl_abort('inc_interpolateAndAdd: gridStateVector_inout not yet allocated! Aborting.')
850    end if
851    if ( present(statevectorRef_opt) ) then
852      if ( statevector_in%numstep /= statevectorRef_opt%numstep) then
853        call utl_abort('inc_interpolateAndAdd: statevector_in and statevectorRef_opt numstep inconsistent')
854      end if
855    end if
857    nullify(varNamesToInterpolate)
858    call vnl_varNamesFromExistList(varNamesToInterpolate, statevector_in%varExistlist(:))
860    ! Check if P0LS needs to be added to the increment
861    if (statevector_inout%vco%vcode == 5100 .and. &
862         .not.gsv_varExist(statevector_in, 'P0LS')) then
863      varNamesToInterpolate_withP0LS => vnl_addToVarNames(varNamesToInterpolate,'P0LS')
864      call gsv_allocate(statevector_in_withP0LS, statevector_in%numstep,                       &
865                        statevector_in%hco, statevector_in%vco,                                &
866                        dateStamp_opt=tim_getDateStamp(),                                      &
867                        mpi_local_opt=statevector_in%mpi_local, mpi_distribution_opt='Tiles',  &
868                        dataKind_opt=statevector_in%dataKind,                                  &
869                        allocHeightSfc_opt=statevector_in%heightSfcPresent,                    &
870                        varNames_opt=varNamesToInterpolate_withP0LS,                           &
871                        hInterpolateDegree_opt=statevector_in%hInterpolateDegree)
872      call gsv_zero(statevector_in_withP0LS)
873      call gsv_copy(statevector_in, statevector_in_withP0LS, &
874                    allowVarMismatch_opt=.true.)
875      statevector_in_ptr => statevector_in_withP0LS
876      deallocate(varNamesToInterpolate)
877      varNamesToInterpolate => varNamesToInterpolate_withP0LS
878    else
879      statevector_in_ptr => statevector_in
880    end if
881    ! Do the spatial interpolation of statevector_in onto the grid of statevector_inout
882    call gsv_allocate(statevector_in_hvInterp, statevector_in%numstep,                          &
883                      statevector_inout%hco, statevector_inout%vco,                             &
884                      dateStamp_opt=tim_getDateStamp(),                                         &
885                      mpi_local_opt=statevector_inout%mpi_local, mpi_distribution_opt='Tiles',  &
886                      dataKind_opt=statevector_inout%dataKind,                                  &
887                      allocHeightSfc_opt=statevector_inout%heightSfcPresent,                    &
888                      varNames_opt=varNamesToInterpolate,                                       &
889                      hInterpolateDegree_opt=statevector_inout%hInterpolateDegree,              &
890                      hExtrapolateDegree_opt='VALUE' )
892    call int_interp_gsv(statevector_in, statevector_in_hvInterp, &
893                        statevectorRef_opt=statevectorRef_opt)
895    ! Do the time interpolation
896    call gsv_allocate(statevector_in_hvtInterp, statevector_inout%numstep,                      &
897                      statevector_inout%hco, statevector_inout%vco,                             &
898                      dateStamp_opt=tim_getDateStamp(),                                         &
899                      mpi_local_opt=statevector_inout%mpi_local, mpi_distribution_opt='Tiles',  &
900                      dataKind_opt=statevector_inout%dataKind,                                  &
901                      allocHeightSfc_opt=statevector_inout%heightSfcPresent,                    &
902                      varNames_opt=varNamesToInterpolate,                                       &
903                      hInterpolateDegree_opt=statevector_inout%hInterpolateDegree,              &
904                      hExtrapolateDegree_opt='VALUE' )
905    call int_tInterp_gsv(statevector_in_hvInterp, statevector_in_hvtInterp)
906    call gsv_deallocate(statevector_in_hvInterp)
908    ! Masking
909    if (present(statevectorMaskLAM_opt)) then
910      call gsv_applyMaskLAM(statevector_in_hvtInterp,statevectorMaskLAM_opt)
911    end if
913    ! Do the summation
914    call gsv_add(statevector_in_hvtInterp,statevector_inout,scaleFactor_opt=scaleFactor_opt)
916    call gsv_deallocate(statevector_in_hvtInterp)
917    deallocate(varNamesToInterpolate)
919    call msg('inc_interpolateAndAdd', 'END', verb_opt=2)
921  end subroutine inc_interpolateAndAdd
923END MODULE increment_mod