Dependency Diagrams:
No Direct Dependency
MODULE indexListDepot_mod (prefix=’ild’ category=’7. Low-level data objects and utilities’)
- Purpose
The raison d’etre of this module is to support ObsSpaceData_mod in facilitating the traversal of a selection of the rows in its table. The selection of rows could be from either the header table or the body table. ObsSpaceData_mod currently populates the list with one of:
all header members of a given family
all body members of a given family
all body members of a given header row index
- Usage
An ObsSpaceData_mod client must first call either obs_set_current_body_list or obs_set_current_header_list, specifying either the family of interest or the header row index of interest. This does not return the list directly to the caller, but rather writes the list, as a struct_index_list, to the private contents of the obs oject that is returned to the caller but which cannot be examined by the caller. Two lists can be active simultaneously: one header list and one body list.
In order to access the indices that are in the list, the ObsSpaceData_mod client must call either obs_getHeaderIndex or obs_getBodyIndex, giving the ObsSpaceData object as the only argument. On each call, one index is returned. On calls after the last index in the list, a value of -1 is returned.
This is not a fully fledged module. It is better described as a structure definition with a couple of helpful methods. It is intended that the client, ObsSpaceData_mod, read/write directly from/to instances of these structures.
Quick access
- Types
- Variables
- Routines
- type indexlistdepot_mod/struct_index_list¶
a list of integers, not to say indices into a struct_obs
- Type fields
% current_element [integer ] :: the element that has just been returned
% family [character ] :: current_element’s belong to this family
% header [integer ] :: current_element’s belong to this header
% indices (*) [integer ,allocatable]
- type indexlistdepot_mod/struct_index_list_depot¶
A collection of lists, either empty or populated the collection of lists
- Type fields
% current_list [struct_index_list ,pointer]
% index_lists (number_of_lists) [struct_index_list ]
% list_last_attributed [integer ] :: list that was populated most recently
- indexlistdepot_mod/ild_get_next_index [public]¶
return the next element in the list
- indexlistdepot_mod/number_of_lists [integer,public/parameter]¶
Subroutines and functions
- subroutine indexlistdepot_mod/ild_finalize(depot)¶
- Purpose
Finalize the indicated list depot
- Arguments
depot [struct_index_list_depot ,inout] :: the depot to be finalized
- Called from
- function indexlistdepot_mod/ild_get_empty_index_list(depot[, private_list_opt])¶
- Purpose
From the given depot, return an index-list structure that contains no data, as a pointer. In other words, clear data from the (cyclicly) next (i.e. oldest) list and return a pointer to it.
If the list is being used within an OMP block, the ObsSpaceData client is responsible for holding a pointer to its own list. This is supplied as the parameter, private_list_opt.
- Arguments
depot [struct_index_list_depot ,inout,target] :: the depot containing the list
- Options
private_list_opt [struct_index_list ,inout,pointer] :: used instead of depot (for OMP blocks)
- Return
empty_index_list [struct_index_list ,pointer] :: the returned list
- Called from
- function indexlistdepot_mod/ild_get_next_index_depot(depot[, no_advance_opt])¶
- Purpose
From the given depot, increment the index to the current element, and return the element itself, the new current element.
- Arguments
depot [struct_index_list_depot ,inout,target] :: the depot containing the list
- Options
no_advance_opt [logical ,in,] :: current_element, just return next one
- Return
next_index [integer ] :: the returned index
- function indexlistdepot_mod/ild_get_next_index_private(private_list[, no_advance_opt])¶
- Purpose
From the given list, increment the index to the current element, and return the element itself, the new current element.
- Arguments
private_list [struct_index_list ,inout,pointer] :: the list of interest
- Options
no_advance_opt [logical ,in,] :: current_element, just return next one
- Return
next_index [integer ] :: the returned index
- subroutine indexlistdepot_mod/ild_initialize(depot, numheaderbody_max)¶
- Purpose
Initialize the indicated list depot
- Note
indices is allocated with 2 extra elements to make room for the end-of-list flag that is set in obs_set_current_header/body_list
- Arguments
depot [struct_index_list_depot ,inout] :: the depot to be initialized
numheaderbody_max [integer ,in]
- Called from