oMinusF_mod sourceΒΆ

  1module oMinusF_mod
  2  ! MODULE oMinusF_mod (prefix='omf' category='1. High-level functionality')
  3  !
  4  !:Purpose: Module for Observation minus Forecast (O-F) computation
  5  !
  6  use codePrecision_mod
  7  use ramDisk_mod
  8  use midasMpi_mod
  9  use mathPhysConstants_mod
 10  use horizontalCoord_mod
 11  use verticalCoord_mod
 12  use timeCoord_mod
 13  use obsSpaceData_mod
 14  use columnData_mod
 15  use gridStateVector_mod
 16  use gridStateVectorFileIO_mod
 17  use obsFiles_mod
 18  use innovation_mod
 19  use obsErrors_mod
 20  use biasCorrectionConv_mod
 21  use obsSpaceErrorStdDev_mod
 22  use ensembleObservations_mod
 23  use ensembleStateVector_mod
 24  use fileNames_mod
 25  use statetocolumn_mod
 26  implicit none
 27  private
 29  ! public subroutines and functions
 30  public :: omf_oMinusF, omf_oMinusFens
 32  contains
 34    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
 35    ! omf_oMinusF
 36    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
 37    subroutine omf_oMinusF(columnTrlOnAnlIncLev, columnTrlOnTrlLev, obsSpaceData, &
 38                           midasMode, addHBHT, addSigmaO)
 39      !
 40      !:Purpose: compute Observation-minus-Forecast (OmF)
 41      !
 42      implicit none
 44      ! Arguments:
 45      type(struct_columnData),target, intent(inout) :: columnTrlOnAnlIncLev
 46      type(struct_columnData),target, intent(inout) :: columnTrlOnTrlLev
 47      type(struct_obs),       target, intent(inout) :: obsSpaceData
 48      character(len=*),               intent(in)    :: midasMode
 49      logical,                        intent(in)    :: addHBHT
 50      logical,                        intent(in)    :: addSigmaO
 52      ! Locals:
 53      type(struct_gsv) :: stateVectorTrialHighRes
 54      type(struct_vco),       pointer :: vco_anl  => null()
 55      type(struct_hco),       pointer :: hco_anl  => null()
 56      type(struct_hco),       pointer :: hco_trl => null()
 57      type(struct_vco),       pointer :: vco_trl => null()
 58      type(struct_hco),       pointer :: hco_core => null()
 59      logical           :: allocHeightSfc
 60      character(len=48) :: obsMpiStrategy
 61      character(len=3)  :: obsColumnMode
 62      character(len=10) :: trialFileName
 63      integer :: dateStampFromObs, get_max_rss
 65      write(*,*) " ---------------------------------------"
 66      write(*,*) " ---  START OF SUBROUTINE oMinusF    ---"
 67      write(*,*) " ---  Computation of the innovation  ---"
 68      write(*,*) " ---------------------------------------"
 70      !
 71      !- 1.  Settings and module initializations
 72      !
 73      write(*,*)
 74      write(*,*) '> omf_oMinusF: setup - START'
 76      obsMpiStrategy = 'LIKESPLITFILES'
 77      obsColumnMode  = 'VAR'
 78      trialFileName  = './trlm_01'
 80      !- 1.3 RAM disk usage
 81      call ram_setup
 83      !- 1.4 Temporal grid and dateStamp from trial file
 84      call tim_setup(fileNameForDate_opt=trim(trialFileName))
 86      !- 1.5 Observation file names and get datestamp, but do not use it
 87      call obsf_setup(dateStampFromObs, trim(midasMode))
 89      !- 1.6 Constants
 90      if ( mmpi_myid == 0 ) then
 91        call mpc_printConstants(6)
 92        call pre_printPrecisions
 93      end if
 95      !- 1.7 Variables of the model states
 96      call gsv_setup
 98      !- 1.8 Set the horizontal domain
 99      if ( addHBHT ) then
100        call hco_SetupFromFile(hco_anl, './analysisgrid', 'ANALYSIS') ! IN
101        if ( hco_anl % global ) then
102          hco_core => hco_anl
103        else
104          !- Iniatilized the core (Non-Exteded) analysis grid
105          call hco_SetupFromFile( hco_core, './analysisgrid', 'COREGRID') ! IN
106        end if
107      else
108        call hco_SetupFromFile(hco_anl, trim(trialFileName), ' ') ! IN
109        hco_core => hco_anl
110      end if
112      ! 1.9 Setup a column vector following the analysis vertical grid
113      if ( addHBHT ) then
114        call vco_SetupFromFile(vco_anl,        & ! OUT
115                               './analysisgrid') ! IN
116        call col_setVco(columnTrlOnAnlIncLev,vco_anl)
117      end if
119      !- 1.10 Setup and read observations
120      call inn_setupObs(obsSpaceData, hco_anl, obsColumnMode, obsMpiStrategy,trim(midasMode))!IN
122      ! Apply optional bias corrections when namelist logicals {fam}BiasActive are TRUE
123      ! (Only reverse existing corrections when namelist logicals {fam}RevOnly are TRUE)
124      if (obs_famExist(obsSpaceData,'AI')) call bcc_applyAIBcor(obsSpaceData)    
125      if (obs_famExist(obsSpaceData,'GP')) call bcc_applyGPBcor(obsSpaceData)
126      if (obs_famExist(obsSpaceData,'UA')) call bcc_applyUABcor(obsSpaceData)
128      !- 1.11 Basic setup of columnData module
129      call col_setup
131      !- 1.12 Memory allocation for background column data
132      if ( addHBHT ) then
133        call col_allocate(columnTrlOnAnlIncLev, obs_numheader(obsSpaceData),mpiLocal_opt=.true.)
134      end if
136      if ( addSigmaO ) then
137        !- 1.13 Initialize the observation error covariances
138        write(*,*)
139        write(*,*) '> omf_oMinusF: Adding sigma_O'
140        call oer_setObsErrors(obsSpaceData, trim(midasMode))
141      end if
143      ! Reading trials
144      call inn_getHcoVcoFromTrlmFile( hco_trl, vco_trl )
145      allocHeightSfc = ( vco_trl%Vcode /= 0 )
147      call gsv_allocate( stateVectorTrialHighRes, tim_nstepobs, hco_trl, vco_trl,  &
148                         dateStamp_opt=tim_getDateStamp(), mpi_local_opt=.true., &
149                         mpi_distribution_opt='Tiles', dataKind_opt=4,  &
150                         allocHeightSfc_opt=allocHeightSfc, hInterpolateDegree_opt='LINEAR', &
151                         beSilent_opt=.false. )
152      call gsv_zero( stateVectorTrialHighRes )
153      call gio_readTrials( stateVectorTrialHighRes )
154      write(*,*) 'Memory Used: ',get_max_rss()/1024,'Mb'
156      ! Horizontally interpolate trials to trial columns
157      call inn_setupColumnsOnTrlLev( columnTrlOnTrlLev, obsSpaceData, hco_core, &
158                                       stateVectorTrialHighRes )
160      write(*,*)
161      write(*,*) '> omf_oMinusF: setup - END'
162      write(*,*) 'Memory Used: ',get_max_rss()/1024,'Mb'
164      !
165      !- 2.  O-F computation
166      !
168      !- 2.1 Compute observation innovations
169      write(*,*)
170      write(*,*) '> omf_oMinusF: compute innovation'
171      call inn_computeInnovation(columnTrlOnTrlLev, obsSpaceData, analysisMode_opt=.false.)
173      if ( addHBHT ) then
174        write(*,*)
175        write(*,*) '> omf_oMinusF: Adding HBH^T'
176        !- 2.2 Interpolate background columns to analysis levels and setup for linearized H
177        call inn_setupColumnsOnAnlIncLev( columnTrlOnTrlLev, columnTrlOnAnlIncLev )
178        !- 2.3 Compute the background errors in observation space
179        call ose_computeStddev(columnTrlOnAnlIncLev,hco_anl,obsSpaceData)
180      end if
182    end subroutine omf_oMinusF
184    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
185    ! omf_oMinusFens
186    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
187    subroutine omf_oMinusFens(ensObs, obsSpaceData, nEns, ensPathName, &
188                              midasMode, addHBHT, addSigmaO)
189      !
190      !:Purpose: compute Observation-minus-Forecast (OmF) for ensembles
191      !
192      implicit none
194      ! Arguments:
195      type(struct_eob), target, intent(inout) :: ensObs
196      type(struct_obs), target, intent(inout) :: obsSpaceData
197      integer,                  intent(in)    :: nEns
198      character(len=*),         intent(in)    :: ensPathName
199      character(len=*),         intent(in)    :: midasMode
200      logical,                  intent(in)    :: addHBHT
201      logical,                  intent(in)    :: addSigmaO
203      ! Locals:
204      type(struct_columnData)   :: columTrlOnTrlLev
205      type(struct_columnData)   :: columnTrlOnAnlIncLev
206      type(struct_ens)          :: ensembleTrl4D
207      type(struct_gsv)          :: stateVector4D
208      type(struct_gsv)          :: stateVectorWithZandP4D
209      type(struct_gsv)          :: stateVectorHeightSfc            
210      type(struct_vco), pointer :: vco_anl  => null()
211      type(struct_hco), pointer :: hco_anl  => null()
212      type(struct_hco), pointer :: hco_ens  => null()
213      type(struct_vco), pointer :: vco_ens  => null()
214      type(struct_hco), pointer :: hco_core => null()
215      character(len=256) :: ensFileName
216      character(len=48)  :: obsMpiStrategy
217      character(len=3)   :: obsColumnMode
218      integer, allocatable :: dateStampList(:)      
219      integer :: datestamp, get_max_rss, memberIndex
221      write(*,*) " -----------------------------------------"
222      write(*,*) " ---  START OF SUBROUTINE oMinusFens   ---"
223      write(*,*) " ---  Computation of the innovation    ---"
224      write(*,*) " -----------------------------------------"
226      !
227      !- 1.  Settings and module initializations
228      !
229      write(*,*)
230      write(*,*) '> omf_oMinusFens: setup - START'
232      obsMpiStrategy = 'LIKESPLITFILES'
233      obsColumnMode  = 'VAR'
235      !- 1.3 RAM disk usage
236      call ram_setup
238      !- 1.4 Horizontal, vertical and temporal dimensions
239      call fln_ensFileName(ensFileName, ensPathName, memberIndex_opt=1)
241      call tim_setup( fileNameForDate_opt=trim(ensFileName) )
242      allocate(dateStampList(tim_nstepobs))
243      call tim_getstamplist(dateStampList,tim_nstepobs,tim_getDatestamp())
245      call hco_setupFromFile(hco_ens, ensFileName, ' ', 'ENSFILEGRID')
246      call vco_setupFromFile(vco_ens, ensFileName)
248      !- 1.5 Observation file names and get datestamp, but do not use it
249      call obsf_setup(dateStamp, trim(midasMode))
251      !- 1.6 Constants
252      if ( mmpi_myid == 0 ) then
253        call mpc_printConstants(6)
254        call pre_printPrecisions
255      end if
257      !- 1.7 Variables of the model states
258      call gsv_setup
260      !- 1.8 Set the horizontal domain
261      if ( addHBHT ) then
262        call hco_SetupFromFile(hco_anl, './analysisgrid', 'ANALYSIS') ! IN
263        if ( hco_anl % global ) then
264          hco_core => hco_anl
265        else
266          !- Iniatilized the core (Non-Exteded) analysis grid
267          call hco_SetupFromFile( hco_core, './analysisgrid', 'COREGRID') ! IN
268        end if
269      else
270        hco_core => hco_ens
271      end if
273      ! 1.9 Setup a column vector following the analysis vertical grid
274      if ( addHBHT ) then
275        call vco_SetupFromFile(vco_anl,        & ! OUT
276                               './analysisgrid') ! IN
277        call col_setVco(columnTrlOnAnlIncLev,vco_anl)
278      end if
280      !- 1.10 Setup and read observations
281      call inn_setupObs(obsSpaceData, hco_core, obsColumnMode, obsMpiStrategy, trim(midasMode)) !IN
283      ! Apply optional bias corrections when namelist logicals {fam}BiasActive are TRUE
284      ! (Only reverse existing corrections when namelist logicals {fam}RevOnly are TRUE)
285      if (obs_famExist(obsSpaceData,'AI')) call bcc_applyAIBcor(obsSpaceData)    
286      if (obs_famExist(obsSpaceData,'GP')) call bcc_applyGPBcor(obsSpaceData)
287      if (obs_famExist(obsSpaceData,'UA')) call bcc_applyUABcor(obsSpaceData)
289      !- 1.11 Basic setup of columnData module
290      call col_setup
291      call col_setVco(columTrlOnTrlLev, vco_ens)
292      call col_allocate(columTrlOnTrlLev, obs_numheader(obsSpaceData))
293      write(*,*) 'Memory Used: ', get_max_rss()/1024, 'Mb'
295      !- 1.12 Memory allocation for background column data
296      if ( addHBHT ) then
297        call col_allocate(columnTrlOnAnlIncLev, obs_numheader(obsSpaceData),mpiLocal_opt=.true.)
298      end if
300      if ( addSigmaO ) then
301        !- 1.13 Initialize the observation error covariances
302        write(*,*)
303        write(*,*) '> omf_oMinusF: Adding sigma_O'
304        call oer_setObsErrors(obsSpaceData, trim(midasMode))
305      end if
307      !- 1.14 Allocate and initialize eob object for storing y-HX values
308      call eob_allocate(ensObs, nEns, obs_numBody(obsSpaceData), obsSpaceData)
309      call eob_zero(ensObs)
310      call eob_setLatLonObs(ensObs)
312      !- 1.15 Allocate statevector for storing state with heights and pressures allocated (for s2c_nl)
313      call gsv_allocate(stateVectorWithZandP4D, tim_nstepobs, hco_ens, vco_ens, &
314                        dateStamp_opt=tim_getDateStamp(),  &
315                        mpi_local_opt=.true., mpi_distribution_opt='Tiles', &
316                        dataKind_opt=4, allocHeightSfc_opt=.true.)
317      call gsv_zero(stateVectorWithZandP4D)
319      call gsv_allocate(stateVector4D, tim_nstepobs, hco_ens, vco_ens, &
320                        dateStamp_opt=tim_getDateStamp(),  &
321                        mpi_local_opt=.true., mpi_distribution_opt='Tiles', &
322                        dataKind_opt=4, allocHeightSfc_opt=.true., &
323                        allocHeight_opt=.false., allocPressure_opt=.false.)
324      call gsv_zero(stateVector4D)
326      !- 1.16 Read the sfc height from ensemble member 1
327      call gsv_allocate(stateVectorHeightSfc, 1, hco_ens, vco_ens, dateStamp_opt=tim_getDateStamp(),  &
328                        mpi_local_opt=.true., mpi_distribution_opt='Tiles', &
329                        dataKind_opt=4, allocHeightSfc_opt=.true., varNames_opt=(/'P0','TT'/))
330      call gio_readFromFile(stateVectorHeightSfc, ensFileName, ' ', ' ',  &
331                            containsFullField_opt=.true., readHeightSfc_opt=.true.)
333      !- 1.17 Reading ensemble
334      call ens_allocate(ensembleTrl4D, nEns, tim_nstepobs, hco_ens, vco_ens, dateStampList)
335      call ens_readEnsemble(ensembleTrl4D, ensPathName, biPeriodic=.false.)
337      write(*,*)
338      write(*,*) '> omf_oMinusFens: setup - END'
339      write(*,*) 'Memory Used: ',get_max_rss()/1024,'Mb'
341      !
342      !- 2.  O-F computation
343      !
344      do memberIndex = 1, nEns
345        write(*,*) ''
346        write(*,*) 'oMinusFens: compute O-P for ensemble member ', memberIndex
347        write(*,*) 'Memory Used: ', get_max_rss()/1024, 'Mb'
349        !- 2.1 Copy selected member to a stateVector
350        call ens_copyMember(ensembleTrl4D, stateVector4D, memberIndex)
351        call gsv_copy(stateVector4D, stateVectorWithZandP4D, allowVarMismatch_opt=.true., &
352                      beSilent_opt=.true.)
353        call gsv_copyHeightSfc(stateVectorHeightSfc, stateVectorWithZandP4D)
355        !- 2.2 Compute and set Yb in ensObs
356        call s2c_nl(stateVectorWithZandP4D, obsSpaceData, columTrlOnTrlLev, hco_ens, &
357                   timeInterpType='LINEAR', dealloc_opt=.false., &
358                   beSilent_opt=.true.)
360        !- 2.3 Compute innovation
361        call inn_computeInnovation(columTrlOnTrlLev, obsSpaceData, analysisMode_opt=.false., beSilent_opt=.true.)
363        !- 2.4 Copy to ensObs
364        call eob_setYb(ensObs, memberIndex)
366        !- 2.5 Add background errors in observation space
367        if (addHBHT .and. memberIndex == 1) then
368          write(*,*)
369          write(*,*) '> omf_oMinusFens: Adding HBH^T'
370          !  Interpolate background columns to analysis levels and setup for linearized H
371          call inn_setupColumnsOnAnlIncLev(columTrlOnTrlLev, columnTrlOnAnlIncLev)
372          !  Compute the background errors in observation space
373          call ose_computeStddev(columnTrlOnAnlIncLev,hco_anl,obsSpaceData)
374        end if
376      end do
378      !
379      !- 3.  Ending
380      !
381      call gsv_deallocate(stateVectorWithZandP4D)
382      call gsv_deallocate(stateVector4D)
383      call gsv_deallocate(stateVectorHeightSfc)
385    end subroutine omf_oMinusFens
387end module oMinusF_mod