regions_mod sourceΒΆ

  1module regions_mod
  2  ! MODULE regions_mod (prefix='reg' category='7. Low-level data objects')
  3  !
  4  !:Purpose:  This is a subset of the EnKF module that deals with 
  5  !           operations involving the generation of a set of regions. 
  6  !           Each region consists of a small number of observations 
  7  !           which is to be assimilated simultaneously in the 
  8  !           sequential algorithm. 
  9  !
 10  use mathPhysConstants_mod
 11  use midasMpi_mod
 12  implicit none
 14  private
 15  public :: struct_reg
 16  public :: reg_getlatitude, reg_getblock, reg_locatestn, reg_init_struct
 18  ! REG_MXOBS : maximum number of observations in a region
 19  ! REG_MXOBS must be at least as large as the number of observations
 20  ! in an individual radiosonde (121 currently)
 21  integer, parameter :: REG_MXOBS = 900
 23  type :: struct_reg
 24   ! horizontal radius in km of the area in which observations are selected
 25   real(8) :: r0_km
 26   ! horizontal radius in km of the area in which an observation can have an impact
 27   real(8) :: r1_km
 28   ! the vertical extend in log(P) of the area in which an observation can have an 
 29   ! impact
 30   real(8) :: rz_logp 
 31   ! as r0km but in radians and adjusted considering that we want an integer
 32   ! number of latitude bands
 33   real(8) :: r0_rad 
 34   real(8) :: r1_rad ! equivalent of r1 in radians
 35   ! the horizontal length scale for the hadamard product (0.5 r1)
 36   real(8) :: scale_hor
 37   ! the vertical length scale for the hadamard product (in log (p))
 38   real(8) :: scale_ver
 39   ! number of latitude bands
 40   integer :: nlatband
 41   ! estimated maximum number of regions that could possibly be formed
 42   integer :: mxreg
 43  end type struct_reg
 47  subroutine reg_getblock(nlatband, r0, latmin, latmax, nlonblock)
 48    !
 49    !:Purpose: We have nlatband latitude bands (bounded by latitudes
 50    !           latmin and latmax). For each band determine how many 
 51    !           longitidunal blocks of at most r0*root(2) radians it 
 52    !           contains. Output is in nlonblock.
 53    !
 54    implicit none
 56    ! Arguments:
 57    integer, intent(in)  :: nlatband
 58    real(8), intent(in)  :: latmin(nlatband)
 59    real(8), intent(in)  :: latmax(nlatband)
 60    real(8), intent(in)  :: r0
 61    integer, intent(out) :: nlonblock(nlatband)
 63    ! Locals:
 64    integer :: i
 65    real(8) :: bar, dpie, lat
 67    dpie=MPC_PI_R8
 69    nlonblock(1)=1
 70    nlonblock(nlatband)=1
 72    do i = 2, nlatband-1 
 73     if (latmin(i)*latmax(i).gt.0) then
 74      lat = min(abs(latmin(i)),abs(latmax(i)))
 75     else
 76       ! at the equator
 77       lat = 0
 78     end if
 79     bar = (2**0.5)*r0/cos(lat)
 80     nlonblock(i) = int((2.0D0*dpie)/bar)+1
 81   end do 
 83  end subroutine reg_getblock
 86  subroutine reg_getlatitude(r0, nlatband, latmin, latcenter, latmax)
 87    !
 88    !:Purpose: the circle is covered with nlatband latitude bands. 
 89    !           the polar caps (with radius r0 radians) form the first and 
 90    !           last band. Intermediate bands are of width r0*(2**0.5)
 91    !           For reach band we have the southern most latitude latmin,
 92    !           the central latitude latcenter (at the poles for the extreme 
 93    !           bands) and the northern most latitude latcenter
 94    !      
 95    implicit none
 97    ! Arguments:
 98    integer, intent(in)  :: nlatband
 99    real(8), intent(in)  :: r0
100    real(8), intent(out) :: latmin(nlatband)
101    real(8), intent(out) :: latcenter(nlatband)
102    real(8), intent(out) :: latmax(nlatband)
104    ! Locals:
105    integer :: i
106    real(8) :: dpie
108    dpie = MPC_PI_R8
110    latmin(1) = -0.5D0*dpie
111    latcenter(1) = -0.5D0*dpie
112    latmax(1) = -0.5D0*dpie+r0
114    if (mmpi_myid == 0) write(*,*) 'get latitude r0 and nlatband: ', r0, nlatband
115    if (mmpi_myid == 0) write(*,*) 'at ', 1, latmin(1), latcenter(1), latmax(1)
117    latmin(nlatband) = 0.5D0*dpie-r0
118    latcenter(nlatband) = 0.5D0*dpie
119    latmax(nlatband) = 0.5D0*dpie
121    if (mmpi_myid == 0) write(*,*) 'at ', nlatband, latmin(nlatband), latcenter(nlatband), latmax(nlatband)
122    do i = 2, nlatband-1
123      latmin(i) = latmax(i-1)
124      latmax(i) = latmin(i)+r0*(2**0.5)
125      latcenter(i) = latmin(i)+0.5D0*r0*(2**0.5)
126      if (mmpi_myid == 0) write(*,*) 'at ', i, latmin(i), latcenter(i), latmax(i)
127    end do
129  end subroutine reg_getlatitude
132  subroutine getr0(r0km, r0, nlatband)
133    !
134    !:Purpose: The user specifies a radius of r0km (in km) within which 
135    !           stations can be taken together for simultaneous analysis
136    !           in a single batch. For simplicity of the search procedures
137    !           we - instead - use somewhat smaller squares with sides of 
138    !           at most r0km*root(2). We do have circles at the two poles.
139    !           Here we compute the radius r0 in radians such that we arrive 
140    !           exactly at nlatband latitude bands. The equator separates 
141    !           two latitude bands.
142    !         
143    implicit none
145    ! Arguments:
146    real(8), intent(in)  :: r0km
147    real(8), intent(out) :: r0
148    integer, intent(out) :: nlatband
150    ! Locals:
151    real(8)              :: dpie, eps, difference, r0new, dminpole, nbandr
152    integer              :: nbandi
154    dpie = MPC_PI_R8
156    ! figure out if r0km*root(2) is a divisor of 10000-r0km
158    eps = 0.01
159    ! we put a circle with radius r0km around each pole.
160    dminpole = 10000.-r0km
161    ! potential fractional number of latitude bands.
162    nbandr = dminpole/(r0km*(2**0.5))
163    nbandi = nint(nbandr)
164    difference = abs(dble(nbandi)-nbandr)
165    if ( then
166      ! increasing number of bands to nbandi
167      nbandi = nbandi+1
168    end if
169    ! decrease r0km to r0new
170    r0new = 10000./(dble(nbandi)*2**0.5 + 1.)
171    ! compute the corresponding r0 in radians       
172    r0 = (r0new/20000.)*dpie
173    ! two hemispheres with a pole
174    nlatband = 2*(nbandi+1)
176  end subroutine getr0
178  subroutine reg_init_struct(lsc, r0_km, r1_km, rz_logp)
179    !
180    !:Purpose: store and derive parameters related to the localization
181    !           in a structure.
182    !
183    implicit none
185    ! Arguments:
186    type(struct_reg), intent(out) :: lsc
187    real(8), intent(in) :: r0_km
188    real(8), intent(in) :: r1_km
189    real(8), intent(in) :: rz_logp
191    ! Locals:
192    real(8)  :: dpie
193    integer :: ione
195    lsc%r0_km   = r0_km
196    lsc%r1_km   = r1_km
197    lsc%rz_logp = rz_logp
199    call getr0(lsc%r0_km, lsc%r0_rad, lsc%nlatband)
200    lsc%r1_rad = lsc%r1_km/6370.
201    lsc%scale_hor = 0.5*lsc%r1_rad
202    lsc%scale_ver = 0.5*lsc%rz_logp
204    dpie = MPC_PI_R8
205    lsc%mxreg = floor(dpie/(lsc%r1_rad+(2**0.5)*lsc%r0_rad)**2)
207    ione = 1
208    lsc%mxreg = max(lsc%mxreg, ione)
210  end subroutine reg_init_struct
213  subroutine reg_locatestn(r0, lat, lon, nlatband, nlonblock, &
214                           nblockoffset, iblock)
215    !
216    !:Purpose: locate the lat-lon block in which position (lat,lon) falls
217    !
218    !:Arguments:
219    !       r0:        radius of a region (in radians)
220    !       (lat,lon): latitude and longitude in radians
221    !       nlatband:  number of latitude bands
222    !       nlonblock: number of longitudinal blocks at each latitude band
223    !       nblockoffset: offset (the number of blocks south of each
224    !                  latitude band)
225    !       iblock:   block number
226    !
227    implicit none
229    ! Arguments:
230    integer, intent(out)   :: iblock
231    integer, intent(in)    :: nlatband
232    integer, intent(in)    :: nlonblock(nlatband)
233    integer, intent(in)    :: nblockoffset(nlatband)
234    real(4), intent(inout) :: lat
235    real(4), intent(in)    :: lon
236    real(8), intent(in)    :: r0
238    ! Locals:
239    integer :: ilat, ilon
240    real(8) :: dpie
242    dpie = MPC_PI_R8
244    if (lat.le.(-0.5D0*dpie+r0)) then
245      ilat = 1
246    else if (*dpie-r0)) then
247      ilat = nlatband
248    else
249      lat = lat+0.5D0*dpie-r0
250      ilat = 1+ceiling(lat/(r0*(2**0.5)))
251    end if
252    ilat = min(max(ilat,1),nlatband)
253    ilon = ceiling((lon/(2.0D0*dpie))*nlonblock(ilat))
254    ! added for points at the Greenwich meridian
255    ilon = min(max(ilon,1),nlonblock(ilat))
256    iblock = nblockoffset(ilat)+ilon
258  end subroutine reg_locatestn
260end module regions_mod