slantProfileLatLon_mod sourceΒΆ

  1module slantProfileLatLon_mod
  2  ! MODULE slantProfileLatLon_mod (prefix='slp' category='5. Observation operators')
  3  !
  4  !:Purpose:  To calculate latitudes/longitudes on slant-path based on
  5  !           ColumnData.
  6  !
  7  use midasMpi_mod
  8  use earthConstants_mod
  9  use mathPhysConstants_mod
 10  use utilities_mod
 11  use obsSpaceData_mod
 12  use horizontalCoord_mod
 13  use tovsNL_mod
 14  use codtyp_mod
 15  use getGridPosition_mod
 16  use radialVelocity_mod
 18  implicit none
 19  save
 20  private
 22  ! public procedures
 23  public :: slp_calcLatLonTovs, slp_calcLatLonRO, slp_calcLatLonRadar
 25  ! private module variables and derived types
 26  logical :: nmlAlreadyRead = .false.
 28  ! namelist variables
 29  real(4) :: toleranceHeightDiff  ! threshold of height diff (in m) for convergence of slant path
 30  integer :: maxNumIteration      ! maximum number of iterations for determining slant path
 35  subroutine slp_calcLatLonTovs(obsSpaceData, hco, headerIndex, height3D_T_r4, height3D_M_r4, &
 36       latSlantLev_T, lonSlantLev_T, latSlantLev_M, lonSlantLev_M, latSlantLev_S, lonSlantLev_S)
 37    !
 38    !:Purpose: call the computation of lat/lon on the slant path for radiance 
 39    !           observations, iteratively. To replace the vertical columns with 
 40    !           line-of-sight slanted columns.
 41    !
 42    implicit none
 44    ! Arguments:
 45    type(struct_obs), intent(in)  :: obsSpaceData
 46    type(struct_hco), intent(in)  :: hco
 47    integer,          intent(in)  :: headerIndex
 48    real(4),          intent(in)  :: height3D_T_r4(:,:,:)
 49    real(4),          intent(in)  :: height3D_M_r4(:,:,:)
 50    real(8),          intent(out) :: latSlantLev_T(:)
 51    real(8),          intent(out) :: lonSlantLev_T(:)
 52    real(8),          intent(out) :: latSlantLev_M(:)
 53    real(8),          intent(out) :: lonSlantLev_M(:)
 54    real(8),          intent(out) :: latSlantLev_S
 55    real(8),          intent(out) :: lonSlantLev_S
 57    ! Locals:
 58    real(8) :: lat, lon, azimuthAngle
 59    integer :: idatyp
 60    integer :: ierr, fnom, fclos, nulnam
 61    integer :: nlev_T, lev_T, nlev_M, lev_M
 63    namelist /namSlantPath/ toleranceHeightDiff, maxNumIteration
 65    if ( .not. nmlAlreadyRead ) then
 66      nmlAlreadyRead = .true.
 68      ! default values
 69      toleranceHeightDiff = 10.0
 70      maxNumIteration = 1
 72      ! reading namelist variables
 73      nulnam = 0
 74      ierr = fnom(nulnam,'./flnml','FTN+SEQ+R/O',0)
 75      read(nulnam, nml = namSlantPath, iostat = ierr)
 76      if (ierr /= 0) write(*,*) 'slp_calcLatLonTovs: namSlantPath is missing in the namelist. The default value will be taken.'
 77      if (mmpi_myid == 0) write(*, nml = namSlantPath)
 78      ierr = fclos(nulnam)
 79    end if
 81    nlev_M = size(height3D_M_r4,3)
 82    nlev_T = size(height3D_T_r4,3)
 84    lat = obs_headElem_r(obsSpaceData,OBS_LAT,headerIndex)
 85    lon = obs_headElem_r(obsSpaceData,OBS_LON,headerIndex)
 86    if (lon <  0.0d0          ) lon = lon + 2.0d0*MPC_PI_R8
 87    if (lon >= 2.0d0*MPC_PI_R8) lon = lon - 2.0d0*MPC_PI_R8
 88    azimuthAngle = tvs_getCorrectedSatelliteAzimuth(obsSpaceData, headerIndex)
 90    !SSMIS special case
 91    idatyp = obs_headElem_i(obsSpaceData,OBS_ITY,headerIndex)
 92    if ( idatyp == codtyp_get_codtyp('ssmis') ) then
 93      azimuthAngle = obs_missingValue_R
 94    end if
 96    ! loop through all thermo levels
 97    do lev_T = 1, nlev_T
 98      call solveIterativelyForLatLon(height3D_T_r4(:,:,lev_T), latSlantLev_T(lev_T), lonSlantLev_T(lev_T))
 99    end do
101    ! loop through all momentum levels
102    do lev_M = 1, nlev_M
103      call solveIterativelyForLatLon(height3D_M_r4(:,:,lev_M), latSlantLev_M(lev_M), lonSlantLev_M(lev_M))
104    end do
106    ! then surface level (geoid in the case of radiances)
107    latSlantLev_S = latSlantLev_T(nlev_T)
108    lonSlantLev_S = lonSlantLev_T(nlev_T)
110  contains
112    subroutine solveIterativelyForLatLon(heightField2D, latSlant, lonSlant)
113      implicit none
115      ! Arguments:
116      real(4), intent(in)  :: heightField2D(:,:)
117      real(8), intent(out) :: latSlant
118      real(8), intent(out) :: lonSlant
120      ! Locals:
121      logical :: doIteration
122      integer :: numIteration
123      real(4) :: heightInterp_r4, heightIntersect_r4, heightDiff_r4
125      ! find the interpolated height 
126      call heightBilinearInterp(lat, lon, hco, heightField2D, heightInterp_r4)
128      doIteration = .true.
129      numIteration = 0
130      while_doIteration: do while (doIteration)
132        numIteration = numIteration + 1
134        call findIntersectLatlon(obsSpaceData, headerIndex, heightInterp_r4, azimuthAngle, latSlant, lonSlant)
136        ! find the interpolated height 
137        call heightBilinearInterp(latSlant, lonSlant, hco, heightField2D, heightIntersect_r4)
139        heightDiff_r4 = abs(heightInterp_r4-heightIntersect_r4)
140        if ( heightDiff_r4 < toleranceHeightDiff .or. &
141             numIteration >= maxNumIteration ) doIteration = .false.
143      end do while_doIteration
145    end subroutine solveIterativelyForLatLon
148  end subroutine slp_calcLatLonTovs
151  subroutine findIntersectLatlon(obsSpaceData, headerIndex, height_r4, azimuthAngle, latSlant, lonSlant)
152    !
153    !:Purpose: Computation of lat/lon of the intersection between model level 
154    !          and the slant line-of-sight for radiance observations.
155    !
156    implicit none
158    ! Arguments:
159    type(struct_obs), intent(in)  :: obsSpaceData
160    real(4),          intent(in)  :: height_r4
161    integer,          intent(in)  :: headerIndex
162    real(8),          intent(in)  :: azimuthAngle
163    real(8),          intent(out) :: latSlant
164    real(8),          intent(out) :: lonSlant 
166    ! Locals:
167    real(8) :: lat, lon, geometricHeight
168    real(8) :: zenithAngle, zenithAngle_rad, azimuthAngle_rad, elevationAngle_rad, distAlongPath
169    real(8) :: obsCordGlb(3), slantPathCordGlb(3), unitx(3), unity(3), unitz(3), unitSatLoc(3), unitSatGlb(3)
171    ! read lat/lon/angles from obsSpaceData
172    lat = obs_headElem_r(obsSpaceData,OBS_LAT,headerIndex)
173    lon = obs_headElem_r(obsSpaceData,OBS_LON,headerIndex)
174    if (lon <  0.0d0          ) lon = lon + 2.0d0*MPC_PI_R8
175    if (lon >= 2.0d0*MPC_PI_R8) lon = lon - 2.0d0*MPC_PI_R8
177    if ( azimuthAngle /= obs_missingValue_R) then
179      zenithAngle = obs_headElem_r(obsSpaceData,OBS_SZA,headerIndex)
181      ! convert angles to radian unit
182      azimuthAngle_rad = azimuthAngle * MPC_RADIANS_PER_DEGREE_R8
183      zenithAngle_rad = zenithAngle * MPC_RADIANS_PER_DEGREE_R8
184      elevationAngle_rad = 0.5d0 * MPC_PI_R8 - zenithAngle_rad
186      obsCordGlb  = ec_ra * (/ cos(lat)*cos(lon), cos(lat)*sin(lon), sin(lat) /)
187      unitz = (/  cos(lat)*cos(lon), cos(lat)*sin(lon) , sin(lat) /)
188      unitx = (/ -sin(lon)         , cos(lon)          , 0.d0     /)
189      unity = (/ -sin(lat)*cos(lon), -sin(lat)*sin(lon), cos(lat) /)
191      ! unit vector towards satellite in local coordinate
192      unitSatLoc = (/ cos(elevationAngle_rad)*sin(azimuthAngle_rad) , &
193                      cos(elevationAngle_rad)*cos(azimuthAngle_rad) , &
194                      sin(elevationAngle_rad) /)
195      ! unit vector towards satellite in global coordinate
196      unitSatGlb = unitSatLoc(1) * unitx + unitSatLoc(2) * unity + unitSatLoc(3) * unitz
198      ! Geometric altitude
199      geometricHeight = real(height_r4,8)
201      ! distance along line of sight
202      distAlongPath = geometricHeight / cos(zenithAngle_rad)
204      slantPathCordGlb(:) = obsCordGlb(:) + distAlongPath * unitSatGlb(:) 
206      latSlant = atan(slantPathCordGlb(3)/sqrt(slantPathCordGlb(1)**2+slantPathCordGlb(2)**2))
207      lonSlant = atan2(slantPathCordGlb(2),slantPathCordGlb(1))
208      if (lonSlant <  0.0d0          ) lonSlant = lonSlant + 2.0d0*MPC_PI_R8
209      if (lonSlant >= 2.0d0*MPC_PI_R8) lonSlant = lonSlant - 2.0d0*MPC_PI_R8
211    else
213      latSlant = lat
214      lonSlant = lon
216    end if
218  end subroutine findIntersectLatlon
221  subroutine heightBilinearInterp(lat, lon, hco, height_r4, heightInterp_r4)
222    !
223    !:Purpose: To interpolate the 2D height field to the obs location
224    !
225    implicit none
227    ! Arguments:
228    real(8),          intent(in)  :: lat
229    real(8),          intent(in)  :: lon
230    type(struct_hco), intent(in)  :: hco
231    real(4),          intent(in)  :: height_r4(:,:)
232    real(4),          intent(out) :: heightInterp_r4
234    ! Locals:
235    integer :: ierr, niP1
236    integer :: latIndex, lonIndex, latIndex2, lonIndex2, lonIndexP1
237    integer :: subGridIndex, subGridForInterp, numSubGridsForInterp
238    integer :: ipoint, gridptCount
239    integer :: latIndexVec(8), lonIndexVec(8)
240    real(8) :: WeightVec(8)
241    real(8) :: dldx, dldy
242    real(8) :: weightsSum
243    real(4) :: lon_deg_r4, lat_deg_r4
244    real(4) :: xpos_r4, ypos_r4, xpos2_r4, ypos2_r4
245    logical :: latlonOutsideGrid
247    lat_deg_r4 = real(lat * MPC_DEGREES_PER_RADIAN_R8)
248    lon_deg_r4 = real(lon * MPC_DEGREES_PER_RADIAN_R8)
249    ierr = gpos_getPositionXY( hco%EZscintID,   &
250                              xpos_r4, ypos_r4, xpos2_r4, ypos2_r4, &
251                              lat_deg_r4, lon_deg_r4, subGridIndex )
253    ! Allow for periodicity in Longitude for global Gaussian grid
254    if ( hco%grtyp == 'G' .or. (hco%grtyp == 'Z' .and. hco%global) ) then
255      niP1 = hco%ni + 1
256    else
257      niP1 = hco%ni
258    end if
260    ! Check if the interpolated lat/lon is outside the hco domain
261    latlonOutsideGrid = ( xpos_r4 < 1.0 .or. &
262                          xpos_r4 > real(niP1) .or. &
263                          ypos_r4 < 1.0 .or. &
264                          ypos_r4 > real(hco%nj) )
266    if ( latlonOutsideGrid ) then
267      write(*,*) 'heightBilinearInterp: interpolated lat/lon outside the hco domain.'
268      write(*,*) '  position   lon,       lat = ', lon_deg_r4, lat_deg_r4
269      write(*,*) '  position     x,       y   = ', xpos_r4, ypos_r4
271      ! if above or below domain
272      if( ypos_r4 < 1.0 ) ypos_r4 = 1.0
273      if( ypos_r4 > real(hco%nj) ) ypos_r4 = real(hco%nj)
275      ! if on the left or right longitude band, move it to the edge of this longitude band
276      if( xpos_r4 < 1.0 ) xpos_r4 = 1.0
277      if( xpos_r4 > real(niP1) ) xpos_r4 = real(niP1)
278      write(*,*) '  new position x,       y   = ', xpos_r4, ypos_r4
280    end if
282    ! Find the lower-left grid point next to the observation
283    if ( xpos_r4 == real(niP1) ) then
284      lonIndex = floor(xpos_r4) - 1
285    else
286      lonIndex = floor(xpos_r4)
287    end if
288    if ( xpos2_r4 == real(niP1) ) then
289      lonIndex2 = floor(xpos2_r4) - 1
290    else
291      lonIndex2 = floor(xpos2_r4)
292    end if
294    if ( ypos_r4 == real(hco%nj) ) then
295      latIndex = floor(ypos_r4) - 1
296    else
297      latIndex = floor(ypos_r4)
298    end if
299    if ( ypos2_r4 == real(hco%nj) ) then
300      latIndex2 = floor(ypos2_r4) - 1
301    else
302      latIndex2 = floor(ypos2_r4)
303    end if
305    if ( hco%grtyp == 'U' ) then
306      if ( ypos_r4 == real(hco%nj/2) ) then
307        latIndex = floor(ypos_r4) - 1
308      else
309        latIndex = floor(ypos_r4)
310      end if
311      if ( ypos2_r4 == real(hco%nj/2) ) then
312        latIndex2 = floor(ypos2_r4) - 1
313      else
314        latIndex2 = floor(ypos2_r4)
315      end if
316    end if
318    ! Handle periodicity in longitude
319    lonIndexP1 = lonIndex + 1
320    if ( lonIndexP1 == hco%ni + 1 ) lonIndexP1 = 1
322    ! Check if location is in between Yin and Yang (should not happen)
323    if ( hco%grtyp == 'U' ) then
324      if ( ypos_r4 > real(hco%nj/2) .and.  &
325           ypos_r4 < real((hco%nj/2)+1) ) then
326        write(*,*) 'heightBilinearInterp: WARNING, obs position in between Yin and Yang!!!'
327        write(*,*) '   xpos, ypos = ', xpos_r4, ypos_r4
328      end if
329      if ( ypos2_r4 > real(hco%nj/2) .and.  &
330           ypos2_r4 < real((hco%nj/2)+1) ) then
331        write(*,*) 'heightBilinearInterp: WARNING, obs position in between Yin and Yang!!!'
332        write(*,*) '   xpos2, ypos2 = ', xpos2_r4, ypos2_r4
333      end if
334    end if
336    if ( subGridIndex == 3 ) then
337      ! both subGrids involved in interpolation, so first treat subGrid 1
338      numSubGridsForInterp = 2
339      subGridIndex = 1
340    else
341      ! only 1 subGrid involved in interpolation
342      numSubGridsForInterp = 1
343    end if
345    gridptCount = 0
347    do subGridForInterp = 1, numSubGridsForInterp
349      ! Compute the 4 weights of the bilinear interpolation
350      if ( subGridForInterp == 1 ) then
351        ! when only 1 subGrid involved, subGridIndex can be 1 or 2
352        dldx = real(xpos_r4,8) - real(lonIndex,8)
353        dldy = real(ypos_r4,8) - real(latIndex,8)
354      else
355        ! when 2 subGrids, subGridIndex is set to 1 for 1st iteration, 2 for second
356        subGridIndex = 2
357        lonIndex = lonIndex2
358        latIndex = latIndex2
359        lonIndexP1 = lonIndex2 + 1
360        dldx = real(xpos2_r4,8) - real(lonIndex,8)
361        dldy = real(ypos2_r4,8) - real(latIndex,8)
362      end if
364      gridptCount = gridptCount + 1
365      latIndexVec(gridptCount) = latIndex
366      lonIndexVec(gridptCount) = lonIndex
367      WeightVec(gridptCount) = (1.d0-dldx) * (1.d0-dldy)
369      gridptCount = gridptCount + 1
370      latIndexVec(gridptCount) = latIndex
371      lonIndexVec(gridptCount) = lonIndexP1
372      WeightVec(gridptCount) =       dldx  * (1.d0-dldy)
374      gridptCount = gridptCount + 1
375      latIndexVec(gridptCount) = latIndex + 1
376      lonIndexVec(gridptCount) = lonIndex
377      WeightVec(gridptCount) = (1.d0-dldx) *       dldy
379      gridptCount = gridptCount + 1
380      latIndexVec(gridptCount) = latIndex + 1
381      lonIndexVec(gridptCount) = lonIndexP1
382      WeightVec(gridptCount) =       dldx  *       dldy
384    end do ! subGrid
386    weightsSum = sum(WeightVec(1:gridptCount))
387    if ( weightsSum > 0.d0 ) then
389      WeightVec(1:gridptCount) = WeightVec(1:gridptCount) / weightsSum
391    else
393      call utl_abort('heightBilinearInterp: weightsSum smaller than 0.')
395    end if
397    ! perform the bi-linear interpolation
398    heightInterp_r4 = 0.0
399    do ipoint = 1, gridptCount
401      if ( latIndexVec(ipoint) > hco%nj ) then
402        write(*,*) 'heightBilinearInterp: latIndexVec(ipoint) > hco%nj: latIndex=',latIndexVec(ipoint),', lonIndex=',lonIndexVec(ipoint)
403        write(*,*) 'lat_deg_r4=',lat_deg_r4,', lon_deg_r4=',lon_deg_r4
404        write(*,*) 'ypos_r4=',ypos_r4,', xpos_r4=',xpos_r4
405      end if
406      if ( latIndexVec(ipoint) < 1 ) then
407        write(*,*) 'heightBilinearInterp: latIndexVec(ipoint) < 1: latIndex=',latIndexVec(ipoint),', lonIndex=',lonIndexVec(ipoint)
408        write(*,*) 'lat_deg_r4=',lat_deg_r4,', lon_deg_r4=',lon_deg_r4
409        write(*,*) 'ypos_r4=',ypos_r4,', xpos_r4=',xpos_r4
410      end if
412      if ( lonIndexVec(ipoint) > hco%ni ) then
413        write(*,*) 'heightBilinearInterp: lonIndexVec(ipoint) > hco%ni: latIndex=',latIndexVec(ipoint),', lonIndex=',lonIndexVec(ipoint)
414        write(*,*) 'lat_deg_r4=',lat_deg_r4,', lon_deg_r4=',lon_deg_r4
415        write(*,*) 'ypos_r4=',ypos_r4,', xpos_r4=',xpos_r4
416      end if
417      if ( lonIndexVec(ipoint) < 1 ) then
418        write(*,*) 'heightBilinearInterp: lonIndexVec(ipoint) < 1: latIndex=',latIndexVec(ipoint),', lonIndex=',lonIndexVec(ipoint)
419        write(*,*) 'lat_deg_r4=',lat_deg_r4,', lon_deg_r4=',lon_deg_r4
420        write(*,*) 'ypos_r4=',ypos_r4,', xpos_r4=',xpos_r4
421      end if
423      latlonOutsideGrid = ( latIndexVec(ipoint) < 1 .or. &
424                            latIndexVec(ipoint) > hco%nj .or. &
425                            lonIndexVec(ipoint) < 1 .or. &
426                            lonIndexVec(ipoint) > hco%ni )
428      if ( latlonOutsideGrid ) &
429        call utl_abort('heightBilinearInterp: lat/lon outside the domain.')
431      heightInterp_r4 = heightInterp_r4 + &
432                    real(WeightVec(ipoint),4) * &
433                    height_r4(lonIndexVec(ipoint), latIndexVec(ipoint))
434    end do
436  end subroutine heightBilinearInterp
438  subroutine slp_calcLatLonRO(obsSpaceData, hco, headerIndex, &
439                              height3D_T_r4, height3D_M_r4, &
440                              latSlantLev_T, lonSlantLev_T, latSlantLev_M, lonSlantLev_M, latSlantLev_S, lonSlantLev_S )
441    !
442    !:Purpose: call the computation of lat/lon on the slant path for GPSRO
443    !           observations, iteratively. To replace the vertical columns with 
444    !           slanted columns.
445    !
446    implicit none
448    ! Arguments:
449    type(struct_obs), intent(inout) :: obsSpaceData
450    type(struct_hco), intent(in)    :: hco 
451    integer,          intent(in)    :: headerIndex
452    real(4),          intent(in)    :: height3D_T_r4(:,:,:)
453    real(4),          intent(in)    :: height3D_M_r4(:,:,:)
454    real(8),          intent(out)   :: latSlantLev_T(:)
455    real(8),          intent(out)   :: lonSlantLev_T(:)
456    real(8),          intent(out)   :: latSlantLev_M(:)
457    real(8),          intent(out)   :: lonSlantLev_M(:)
458    real(8),          intent(out)   :: latSlantLev_S
459    real(8),          intent(out)   :: lonSlantLev_S
461    ! Locals:
462    real(8) :: latr, lonr, height, rad, dH, hmin
463    integer :: bodyIndex, imin
464    real(8), allocatable :: Lat_Obs(:), Lon_Obs(:), Hgt_Obs(:)
465    real(4), allocatable :: H_M(:,:), H_T(:,:)
466    integer :: nObs, iObs
467    integer :: levIndex, nlev_M, nlev_T
469    nlev_M = size(height3D_M_r4,3)
470    nlev_T = size(height3D_T_r4,3)
472    ! Header, and Obs counting:
473    call obs_set_current_header_list(obsSpaceData,'RO')
474    call obs_set_current_body_list(obsSpaceData, headerIndex)
475    Rad = obs_headElem_r(obsSpaceData,OBS_TRAD,headerIndex)
476    nObs = 0
477    BODY: do
478      bodyIndex = obs_getBodyIndex(obsSpaceData)
479      if (bodyIndex < 0) exit BODY
480      nObs = nObs + 1
481    end do BODY
483    call obs_set_current_body_list(obsSpaceData, headerIndex)
485    allocate(Hgt_Obs(nObs), Lat_Obs(nObs), Lon_Obs(nObs))
486    allocate(H_M(nObs,nlev_M), H_T(nObs,nlev_T))
488    do iObs = 1,nObs
489      bodyIndex = obs_getBodyIndex(obsSpaceData)
490      if (bodyIndex < 0) exit
492      height = obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData,OBS_PPP,bodyIndex)
493      ! If the vertical coordinate is an impact parameter (6e6<himp<7e6), subtract radius:
494      if (6.e6 < height .and. height < 7.e6) height = height-rad
495      Hgt_Obs(iObs) = height
496      latr = obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData,OBS_LATD,bodyIndex)
497      lonr = obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData,OBS_LOND,bodyIndex)
498      if (lonr <  0.d0          ) lonr = lonr + 2.d0*MPC_PI_R8
499      if (lonr >= 2.d0*MPC_PI_R8) lonr = lonr - 2.d0*MPC_PI_R8
500      Lat_Obs(iObs) = latr
501      Lon_Obs(iObs) = lonr
502      do levIndex = 1, nlev_M
503        call heightBilinearInterp(latr, lonr, hco, height3D_M_r4(:,:,levIndex), &
504                                  H_M(iObs,levIndex))
505      end do
506      do levIndex = 1, nlev_T
507        call heightBilinearInterp(latr, lonr, hco, height3D_T_r4(:,:,levIndex), &
508                                  H_T(iObs,levIndex))
509      end do
510    end do
512    do levIndex = 1, nlev_M
513      hmin = 1.e30
514      imin = -1
515      do iObs = 1, nObs
516        dH = abs(H_M(iObs,levIndex)-Hgt_Obs(iObs))
517        if (dH < hmin) then
518          hmin = dH
519          imin = iObs
520        end if
521      end do
522      latSlantLev_M(levIndex) = Lat_Obs(imin)
523      lonSlantLev_M(levIndex) = Lon_Obs(imin)
524    end do
526    do levIndex = 1, nlev_T
527      hmin = 1.e30
528      imin = -1
529      do iObs = 1, nObs
530        dH = abs(H_T(iObs,levIndex)-Hgt_Obs(iObs))
531        if (dH < hmin) then
532          hmin = dH
533          imin = iObs
534        end if
535      end do
536      latSlantLev_T(levIndex) = Lat_Obs(imin)
537      lonSlantLev_T(levIndex) = Lon_Obs(imin)
538    end do
539    latSlantLev_S = latSlantLev_T(nlev_T)
540    lonSlantLev_S = lonSlantLev_T(nlev_T)
542    deallocate(H_T, H_M)
543    deallocate(Lon_Obs, Lat_Obs, Hgt_Obs)
545  end subroutine slp_calcLatLonRO
547  subroutine slp_calcLatLonRadar(obsSpaceData, hco, headerIndex, height3D_T_r4, height3D_M_r4, &
548       latSlantLev_T, lonSlantLev_T, latSlantLev_M, lonSlantLev_M, latSlantLev_S, lonSlantLev_S)
549    !
550    !:Purpose: call the computation of lat/lon on the slant path for radar 
551    !           observations, iteratively. To replace the vertical columns with 
552    !           radar beam columns .
553    !
554    implicit none
556    ! Arguments:
557    type(struct_obs), intent(in)  :: obsSpaceData
558    type(struct_hco), intent(in)  :: hco 
559    integer,          intent(in)  :: headerIndex
560    real(4),          intent(in)  :: height3D_T_r4(:,:,:)
561    real(4),          intent(in)  :: height3D_M_r4(:,:,:)
562    real(8),          intent(out) :: latSlantLev_T(:)
563    real(8),          intent(out) :: lonSlantLev_T(:)
564    real(8),          intent(out) :: latSlantLev_M(:)
565    real(8),          intent(out) :: lonSlantLev_M(:)
566    real(8),          intent(out) :: latSlantLev_S
567    real(8),          intent(out) :: lonSlantLev_S
569    ! Locals:
570    real(8) :: antennaLat, antennaLon, latSlant, lonSlant, beamElevation, beamAzimuth
571    real(8) :: radarAltitude, beamRangeStart, beamRangeEnd
572    integer :: nlev_M,lev_M, nlev_T,lev_T
574    nlev_M = size(height3D_M_r4,3)
575    nlev_T = size(height3D_T_r4,3)
577    antennaLat  = obs_headElem_r(obsSpaceData,OBS_LAT,headerIndex)
578    antennaLon  = obs_headElem_r(obsSpaceData,OBS_LON,headerIndex)
579    if (antennaLon <  0.0d0          ) antennaLon = antennaLon + 2.0d0*MPC_PI_R8
580    if (antennaLon >= 2.0d0*MPC_PI_R8) antennaLon = antennaLon - 2.0d0*MPC_PI_R8
582    beamElevation  = obs_headElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_RELE, headerIndex)
583    beamAzimuth    = obs_headElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_RZAM, headerIndex)
584    radarAltitude  = obs_headElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_ALT,  headerIndex)
585    beamRangeStart = obs_headElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_RANS, headerIndex)
586    beamRangeEnd   = obs_headElem_r(obsSpaceData, OBS_RANE, headerIndex)
588    ! put the last antennaLat/antennaLon at the surface of thermo level
589    latSlantLev_T(nlev_T) = antennaLat
590    lonSlantLev_T(nlev_T) = antennaLon 
591    ! Loop through rest of thermo level
592    do lev_T = 1, nlev_T-1
593      call findIntersectLatlonRadar(antennaLat, antennaLon, beamElevation, beamAzimuth, radarAltitude, & !in
594                                    beamRangeStart, beamRangeEnd, hco, height3D_T_r4(:,:,lev_T),       & !in
595                                    latSlant, lonSlant)                                                  !out
596      latSlantLev_T(lev_T) = latSlant
597      lonSlantLev_T(lev_T) = lonSlant
598    end do
600    ! put the last antennaLat/beamlon at the surface of momentum levels
601    latSlantLev_M(nlev_M) = antennaLat
602    lonSlantLev_M(nlev_M) = antennaLon 
603    ! loop through rest of momentum levels
604    do lev_M = 1, nlev_M-1
605      ! find the intersection 
606      call findIntersectLatlonRadar(antennaLat, antennaLon , beamElevation, beamAzimuth, radarAltitude, & !in
607                                    beamRangeStart, beamRangeEnd, hco, height3D_M_r4(:,:,lev_M),        & !in
608                                    latSlant, lonSlant)                                                   !out
609      latSlantLev_M(lev_M) = latSlant
610      lonSlantLev_M(lev_M) = lonSlant
611    end do
613    latSlantLev_S = antennaLat
614    lonSlantLev_S = antennaLon 
616  end subroutine slp_calcLatLonRadar
618  subroutine findIntersectLatlonRadar(antennaLat, antennaLon, beamElevation, beamAzimuth, radarAltitude, & !in
619                                      beamRangeStart, beamRangeEnd, hco, field2d_height,                 & !in
620                                      latSlant, lonSlant)                                                  !out
621    !
622    !:Purpose: Computation of lat lon  of the intersection 
623    !             of radar beam with the levels model
624    !
625    !:NOTE: Bisection method  
626    !
627    implicit none
629    ! Arguments:
630    type(struct_hco), intent(in)  :: hco
631    real(8),          intent(in)  :: antennaLat
632    real(8),          intent(in)  :: antennaLon
633    real(8),          intent(in)  :: beamElevation
634    real(8),          intent(in)  :: beamAzimuth
635    real(8),          intent(in)  :: radarAltitude
636    real(8),          intent(in)  :: beamRangeStart
637    real(8),          intent(in)  :: beamRangeEnd
638    real(4),          intent(in)  :: field2d_height(hco%ni,hco%nj)
639    real(8),          intent(out) :: latSlant
640    real(8),          intent(out) :: lonSlant
642    ! Locals:
643    real(8)                      :: upper_bound, lower_bound, tolerance
644    real(8)                      :: beamHeight, mid, difference_heights, beamDistance
645    integer                      :: iteration,maximum_iteration
646    real(4)                      :: heightInterp_r4
648    lower_bound = beamRangeStart ! m max useable range for weather radars
649    upper_bound = beamRangeEnd   ! m minimum range
650    tolerance = 1       ! tolerance of the bisection method 
651    iteration = 0
652    maximum_iteration = 30
653    ! bisection method 
654    mid=0.
655    do while ((abs((upper_bound - lower_bound)/2.)>tolerance).or.(iteration>maximum_iteration))
656      mid = (upper_bound + lower_bound)/2
657      call rdv_getlatlonHRfromRange(antennaLat, antennaLon, beamElevation, beamAzimuth, & !in
658                                    radarAltitude, mid,                                 & !in
659                                    latSlant, lonSlant, beamHeight, beamDistance)         !out
660      call heightBilinearInterp(latSlant, lonSlant, hco, field2d_height, heightInterp_r4)
661      difference_heights = beamHeight - heightInterp_r4
662      if (difference_heights>0.) then 
663        upper_bound = mid
664      else
665        lower_bound = mid
666      end if 
667      iteration = iteration+1
668    end do
670    if (lonSlant <  0.0d0          ) lonSlant = lonSlant + 2.0d0*MPC_PI_R8
671    if (lonSlant >= 2.0d0*MPC_PI_R8) lonSlant = lonSlant - 2.0d0*MPC_PI_R8
673  end subroutine findIntersectLatlonRadar
675end module slantProfileLatLon_mod