sstBias_mod sourceΒΆ

  1module sstBias_mod
  2  ! MODULE sstBias_mod (prefix='sstb' category='1. High-level functionality')
  3  !
  4  !:Purpose: Compute SST satellite data bias estimation and correction.
  5  !
  6  use obsSpaceData_mod  
  7  use horizontalCoord_mod
  8  use verticalCoord_mod
  9  use timeCoord_mod
 10  use kdTree2_mod
 11  use codePrecision_mod
 12  use mathPhysConstants_mod
 13  use utilities_mod
 14  use midasMpi_mod
 15  use codtyp_mod
 16  use gridStateVector_mod
 17  use gridStateVectorFileIO_mod
 18  use oceanMask_mod
 19  use localizationFunction_mod
 20  use columnData_mod
 21  use statetocolumn_mod 
 23  implicit none
 24  save
 25  private
 27  ! public subroutines
 28  public :: sstb_computeBias, sstb_applySatelliteSSTBiasCorrection
 30  ! external 
 31  integer, external  :: fnom, fclos
 33  ! mpi topology
 34  integer            :: myLatBeg, myLatEnd
 35  integer            :: myLonBeg, myLonEnd
 36  integer            :: latPerPE, latPerPEmax, lonPerPE, lonPerPEmax
 38  integer, parameter :: maxNumberSensors = 10
 40  ! namelist variables
 41  real(8)            :: searchRadius                 ! horizontal search radius, in km, for obs gridding
 42  real(4)            :: maxBias                      ! max acceptable difference (insitu - satellite)
 43  real(4)            :: iceFractionThreshold         ! consider no ice condition below this threshold
 44  integer            :: numberPointsBG               ! parameter, number of matchups of the background bias estimation
 45  character(len=20)  :: timeInterpType_nl            ! 'NEAREST' or 'LINEAR'
 46  integer            :: numObsBatches                ! number of batches for calling interp setup
 47  integer            :: numberSensors                ! MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN NAMELIST!
 48  character(len=10)  :: sensorList(maxNumberSensors) ! list of sensors
 49  logical            :: saveAuxFields                ! to store or not auxiliary fields: nobs and weight        
 50  real(4)            :: weightMin                    ! minimum value of weight for the current day bias
 51  real(4)            :: weightMax                    ! maximum value of weight for the current day bias
 52  real(4)            :: bgTermZeroBias               ! background term of zero bias estimate
 54  contains
 56  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
 57  ! sstb_computeBias
 58  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
 59  subroutine sstb_computeBias(obsData, hco, vco)
 60    !
 61    !:Purpose: compute bias for SST satellite data with respect to insitu data 
 62    !  
 63    implicit none
 65    ! Arguments: 
 66    type(struct_obs), intent(inout)          :: obsData              ! obsSpaceData
 67    type(struct_hco), intent(inout), pointer :: hco                  ! horizontal grid structure
 68    type(struct_vco), intent(in)   , pointer :: vco                  ! vertical grid structure
 70    ! Locals:
 71    integer                     :: sensorIndex, productIndex
 72    real(8)                     :: insituGrid   (hco%ni, hco%nj)
 73    real(8)                     :: satelliteGrid(hco%ni, hco%nj)
 74    logical                     :: mask(hco%ni, hco%nj), openWater(hco%ni, hco%nj) 
 75    type(struct_ocm)            :: oceanMask
 76    integer                     :: numberOpenWaterPoints, lonIndex, latIndex
 77    integer                     :: nobsFoundInsituGlob, nobsFoundInsituLoc
 78    integer                     :: nobsFoundSatGlob, nobsFoundSatLoc
 79    type(struct_gsv)            :: stateVector_ice
 80    real(4), pointer            :: seaice_ptr(:,:,:)
 81    integer         , parameter :: numberProducts = 2  ! day and night
 82    character(len=*), parameter :: listProducts(numberProducts)= (/'day', 'night'/)
 84    write(*,*) 'sstb_computeBias: Starting...'
 85    write(*,*) 'sstb_computeBias: Sea-ice Fraction threshold: ', iceFractionThreshold
 87    ! read the namelist
 88    call readNml()
 90    ! get mpi topology
 91    call mmpi_setup_lonbands(hco%ni, lonPerPE, lonPerPEmax, myLonBeg, myLonEnd)
 92    call mmpi_setup_latbands(hco%nj, latPerPE, latPerPEmax, myLatBeg, myLatEnd)
 94    ! get latest sea-ice analysis
 95    call gsv_allocate(stateVector_ice, 1, hco, vco, dataKind_opt = 4, &
 96                      datestamp_opt = -1, mpi_local_opt = .false.,    &
 97                      varNames_opt = (/'LG'/), hInterpolateDegree_opt ='LINEAR')
 98    call gio_readFromFile(stateVector_ice, './seaice_analysis', ' ','A', &
 99                           unitConversion_opt=.false., containsFullField_opt=.true.)
100    call gsv_getField(stateVector_ice, seaice_ptr)
102    ! Get land mask from analysisgrid file (1=water, 0=land) 
103    ! and the number of open water points
104    call ocm_readMaskFromFile(oceanMask, hco, vco, './analysisgrid')
106    numberOpenWaterPoints = 0
107    mask(:, :) = .false.
108    openWater(:, :) = .false.
109    do latIndex = 1, hco%nj
110      do lonIndex = 1, hco%ni
111        if (oceanMask%mask(lonIndex, latIndex, 1)) then
112          mask(lonIndex, latIndex) = .true.
113          if (seaice_ptr(lonIndex, latIndex, 1) <= iceFractionThreshold) then
114            openWater(lonIndex, latIndex) = .true.
115            numberOpenWaterPoints = numberOpenWaterPoints + 1
116          end if
117        end if
118      end do
119    end do
120    call ocm_deallocate(oceanMask)
121    call gsv_deallocate(stateVector_ice)
122    write(*,*) 'sstb_computeBias: computing bias for ', numberOpenWaterPoints, ' open water points'
124    insituGrid(:, :) = MPC_missingValue_R8
126    call sstb_getGriddedObs(obsData, insituGrid, nobsFoundInsituGlob, &
127                            nobsFoundInsituLoc, hco, openWater, 'insitu')
129    do sensorIndex = 1, numberSensors 
130      do productIndex = 1, numberProducts
131        if (nobsFoundInsituGlob > 0) then
132          satelliteGrid(:, :) = MPC_missingValue_R8
133          call sstb_getGriddedObs(obsData, satelliteGrid(:, :), nobsFoundSatGlob, &
134                                  nobsFoundSatLoc, hco, openWater, sensorList(sensorIndex), &
135                                  dayOrNight_opt = listProducts(productIndex))
136          if (nobsFoundSatGlob > 0) then
137            call sstb_getGriddedBias(satelliteGrid(:, :), insituGrid, nobsFoundSatGlob, &
138                                     nobsFoundSatLoc, hco, vco, mask, openWater, &
139                                     sensorList(sensorIndex), numberOpenWaterPoints, &
140                                     listProducts(productIndex))
141          else
142            write(*,*) 'sstb_computeBias: WARNING: missing ', trim(sensorList(sensorIndex)), ' ', &
143                       trim(listProducts(productIndex)),' data.' 
144            write(*,*) 'Bias estimate will be read from the previous state...'
145            call sstb_getBiasFromPreviousState(hco, vco, &
146                                               sensorList(sensorIndex), &
147                                               listProducts(productIndex)) 
148          end if
149        else
150          write(*,*) 'sstb_computeBias: WARNING: missing insitu data.'
151          write(*,*) 'sstb_computeBias: bias estimates for all sensors will be read from the previous state...'
152          call sstb_getBiasFromPreviousState(hco, vco, &
153                                             sensorList(sensorIndex), &
154                                             listProducts(productIndex)) 
155        end if
156      end do
157    end do
159    write(*,*) 'sstb_computeBias: done.'
161  end subroutine sstb_computeBias
163  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
164  ! sstb_getGriddedObs
165  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
166  subroutine sstb_getGriddedObs(obsData, obsGrid, countObsGlob, countObsLoc, &
167                                hco, openWater, instrument, dayOrNight_opt)
168    !
169    !:Purpose: put observations of a given family on the grid
170    !           
171    implicit none
173    ! Arguments: 
174    type(struct_obs), intent(inout)          :: obsData        ! obsSpaceData
175    real(8)         , intent(inout)          :: obsGrid(:,:)   ! observations on the grid
176    integer         , intent(out)            :: countObsGlob   ! global number of data found (all procs)
177    integer         , intent(out)            :: countObsLoc    ! number of data found (current MPI proc)
178    type(struct_hco), intent(in)   , pointer :: hco            ! horizontal grid structure
179    logical         , intent(in)             :: openWater(:,:) ! open water points (.true.)
180    character(len=*), intent(in)             :: instrument     ! name of instrument
181    character(len=*), intent(in), optional   :: dayOrNight_opt ! look for daytime or nighttime obs
183    ! Locals:
184    integer, parameter        :: maxPointsSearch = 200000
185    real(4), parameter        :: solarZenithThreshold = 90.0 ! to distinguish day and night
186    type(kdtree2), pointer    :: tree => null() 
187    real(kdkind), allocatable :: positionArray(:,:)
188    type(kdtree2_result)      :: searchResults(maxPointsSearch)
189    real(kdkind)              :: refPosition(3)
190    real(kdkind)              :: lon_grd, lat_grd
191    real(pre_obsReal)         :: lon_obs, lat_obs
192    integer                   :: lonIndex, latIndex
193    integer                   :: bodyIndex, headerIndex, ierr, headerCounter, codtyp
194    integer                   :: localObsIndex
195    integer                   :: ndataFoundGridLoc(hco%ni, hco%nj)  ! kd-tree output: number of data found within the search radius for every grid point
196    integer                   :: ndataFoundGridGlob(hco%ni, hco%nj) ! to compute mpi_allreduce of ndataFoundGridLoc 
197    real(kdkind)              :: searchRadiusSquared
198    integer, allocatable      :: headerIndexes(:)
199    real(8)                   :: currentObs
200    character(len=50)         :: instrumentString 
202    countObsLoc = 0
204    ! count local observations for the given instrument
205    if (trim(instrument) == 'insitu') then
206      instrumentString = trim(instrument)
207      do headerIndex = 1, obs_numheader(obsData)
208        codtyp = obs_headElem_i(obsData, obs_ity, headerIndex)
209        if (codtyp == codtyp_get_codtyp('shipnonauto') .or. &
210             codtyp == codtyp_get_codtyp('drifter')     .or. &
211             codtyp == codtyp_get_codtyp('ashipauto')) then
212          countObsLoc = countObsLoc + 1
213        end if
214      end do
215    else
216      instrumentString = trim(instrument)//' '//dayOrNight_opt
217      do headerIndex = 1, obs_numheader(obsData)
218        if (obs_elem_c(obsData, 'STID' , headerIndex) == trim(instrument)) then
219          if (trim(dayOrNight_opt) == 'day') then
220            if (obs_headElem_r(obsData, obs_sun, headerIndex) <  solarZenithThreshold) &
221              countObsLoc = countObsLoc + 1
222          else if (trim(dayOrNight_opt) == 'night') then
223            if (obs_headElem_r(obsData, obs_sun, headerIndex) >= solarZenithThreshold) &
224              countObsLoc = countObsLoc + 1
225          end if
226        end if
227      end do 
228    end if  
229    write(*,*) ''
230    write(*,"(a, i10, a)") 'sstb_getGriddedObs: found ', countObsLoc, ' '//trim(instrumentString)//' data'
232    call rpn_comm_allreduce(countObsLoc, countObsGlob, 1, "mpi_integer", "mpi_sum", "grid", ierr)
234    obsGrid(:, :) = 0.0d0
235    ndataFoundGridLoc(:,:) = 0
236    ndataFoundGridGlob(:,:) = 0
238    POSITIVECOUNTOBSLOC: if (countObsLoc > 0) then
240      write(*,*)'sstb_getGriddedObs: define kd-tree using data positions...'    
241      allocate(positionArray(3, countObsLoc))
242      allocate(headerIndexes(countObsLoc))
244      headerCounter = 0
245      do headerIndex = 1, obs_numheader(obsData)
246        if (trim(instrument) == 'insitu') then
247          codtyp = obs_headElem_i(obsData, obs_ity, headerIndex)
248	  if (codtyp == codtyp_get_codtyp('shipnonauto') .or. &
249              codtyp == codtyp_get_codtyp('drifter')     .or. &
250              codtyp == codtyp_get_codtyp('ashipauto')) then
251            lon_obs = obs_headElem_r(obsData, obs_lon, headerIndex)
252            lat_obs = obs_headElem_r(obsData, obs_lat, headerIndex)
253            headerCounter = headerCounter + 1
254            positionArray(:, headerCounter) = kdtree2_3dPosition(lon_obs, lat_obs)
255            headerIndexes(headerCounter) = headerIndex
256          end if
257        else
258          if (obs_elem_c(obsData, 'STID' , headerIndex) == trim(instrument)) then
259            if (trim(dayOrNight_opt) == 'day') then
260              if (obs_headElem_r(obsData, obs_sun, headerIndex) <  solarZenithThreshold) then
261                lon_obs = obs_headElem_r(obsData, obs_lon, headerIndex)
262                lat_obs = obs_headElem_r(obsData, obs_lat, headerIndex)
263                headerCounter = headerCounter + 1
264                positionArray(:, headerCounter) = kdtree2_3dPosition(lon_obs, lat_obs)
265                headerIndexes(headerCounter) = headerIndex
266              end if
267            else if (trim(dayOrNight_opt) == 'night') then 
268              if (obs_headElem_r(obsData, obs_sun, headerIndex) >= solarZenithThreshold) then
269                lon_obs = obs_headElem_r(obsData, obs_lon, headerIndex)
270                lat_obs = obs_headElem_r(obsData, obs_lat, headerIndex)
271                headerCounter = headerCounter + 1
272                positionArray(:, headerCounter) = kdtree2_3dPosition(lon_obs, lat_obs)
273                headerIndexes(headerCounter) = headerIndex
274              end if
275            end if  
276          end if
277        end if 
278      end do
280      nullify(tree)
281      tree => kdtree2_create(positionArray, sort=.true., rearrange=.true.)
283      ! do the search
284      write(*, '(a,f5.1,a)') 'sstb_getGriddedObs: Collocation radius: ', searchRadius, ' km'
285      searchRadiusSquared = (1.1d0 * searchRadius * 1000.d0)**2 ! convert from km to m2
287      write(*,*) 'sstb_getGriddedObs: computing the sum of data values and '//&
288                 'their number within the collocation radius for every grid point...'
289      do latIndex = 1, hco%nj
290        do lonIndex = 1, hco%ni 
292          ! compute gridded obs for every open water point
293          OPENWATERPTS: if (openWater(lonIndex, latIndex)) then 
295            lon_grd = real(hco % lon2d_4 (lonIndex, latIndex), 8)
296            lat_grd = real(hco % lat2d_4 (lonIndex, latIndex), 8)
297            refPosition(:) = kdtree2_3dPosition(lon_grd, lat_grd)
298            call kdtree2_r_nearest(tp = tree, qv = refPosition, r2 = searchRadiusSquared, &
299                                   nfound = ndataFoundGridLoc(lonIndex, latIndex), & 
300                                   nalloc = maxPointsSearch, results = searchResults)
301            if (ndataFoundGridLoc(lonIndex, latIndex) > maxPointsSearch) &
302            call utl_abort('sstb_getGriddedObs: the parameter maxPointsSearch must be increased')
304            if (ndataFoundGridLoc(lonIndex, latIndex) > 0) then
305              do localObsIndex = 1, ndataFoundGridLoc(lonIndex, latIndex)
306                bodyIndex  = obs_headElem_i(obsData, obs_rln, headerIndexes(searchResults(localObsIndex)%idx))
307                currentObs = obs_bodyElem_r(obsData, obs_var, bodyIndex)
308                obsGrid(lonIndex, latIndex) = obsGrid(lonIndex, latIndex) + currentObs 
309              end do
310	    end if
312	  end if OPENWATERPTS
313        end do
314      end do
316      deallocate(headerIndexes)
317      deallocate(positionArray)
321    POSITIVECOUNTOBSGLOB: if (countObsGlob > 0) then
322      write(*,*) 'sstb_getGriddedObs: computing average values for every grid point...'
323      do latIndex = 1, hco%nj
324        do lonIndex = 1, hco%ni 
325          ! summing the values over all mpi tasks and sending them back to all tasks preserving the order of summation
326          call mmpi_allreduce_sumreal8scalar(obsGrid(lonIndex, latIndex), "grid")
327          call rpn_comm_allreduce(ndataFoundGridLoc(lonIndex, latIndex), &
328                                  ndataFoundGridGlob(lonIndex, latIndex), 1, &
329                                  'mpi_integer', 'mpi_sum', 'grid', ierr)
330	  if (ndataFoundGridGlob(lonIndex, latIndex) > 0) then
331	    obsGrid(lonIndex, latIndex) = obsGrid(lonIndex, latIndex) / &
332                                          real(ndataFoundGridGlob(lonIndex, latIndex))
333	  else
334	    obsGrid(lonIndex, latIndex) = MPC_missingValue_R8
335	  end if
336          if (.not.openWater(lonIndex, latIndex)) obsGrid(lonIndex, latIndex) = MPC_missingValue_R8
337        end do
338      end do
339      call rpn_comm_barrier('GRID', ierr)
340      write(*,*) 'sstb_getGriddedObs: gridding for '//trim(instrumentString)//' data completed'
343  end subroutine sstb_getGriddedObs
345  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
346  ! sstb_getGriddedBias
347  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
348  subroutine sstb_getGriddedBias(satelliteGrid, insituGrid, nobsGlob, nobsLoc, &
349                                 hco, vco,  mask, openWater, sensor, &
350                                 numberOpenWaterPoints, dayOrNight)
351    !
352    !:Purpose: compute the satellite SST data bias estimation field on a grid
353    !           
354    implicit none
356    ! Arguments: 
357    real(8)         , intent(inout)          :: satelliteGrid(:,:)   ! gridded satellite data
358    real(8)         , intent(inout)          :: insituGrid(:,:)      ! gridded insitu data
359    integer         , intent(in)             :: nobsGlob             ! number of data on all procs 
360    integer         , intent(in)             :: nobsLoc              ! number of data on the current MPI proc 
361    type(struct_hco), intent(in)   , pointer :: hco                  ! horizontal grid structure
362    type(struct_vco), intent(in)   , pointer :: vco                  ! vertical grid structure
363    logical         , intent(in)             :: mask(:,:)            ! land-ocean mask
364    logical         , intent(in)             :: openWater(:,:)       ! open water points (.true.)
365    character(len=*), intent(in)             :: sensor               ! current sensor name
366    integer         , intent(in)             :: numberOpenWaterPoints! number of open water points to allocate kd-tree work arrays 
367    character(len=*), intent(in)             :: dayOrNight           ! look for daytime or nighttime obs
369    ! Locals:
370    real(4), parameter          :: solarZenithThreshold = 90.0       ! to distinguish day and night
371    type(kdtree2), pointer      :: tree => null() 
372    real(kdkind), allocatable   :: positionArray(:,:)
373    integer, parameter          :: maxPointsSearch = 200000    
374    type(kdtree2_result)        :: searchResults(maxPointsSearch)
375    real(kdkind)                :: refPosition(3)
376    real(kdkind)                :: lon_grd, lat_grd
377    integer                     :: lonIndex, latIndex
378    integer                     :: ierr
379    integer                     :: localIndex, indexCounter, localLonIndex, localLatIndex
380    integer                     :: numPointsFound
381    real(kdkind)                :: searchRadiusSquared
382    type(struct_gsv)            :: stateVector                      ! state vector containing bias estimation field
383    type(struct_gsv)            :: stateVector_searchRadius, stateVector_previous
384    type(struct_gsv)            :: stateVectorNobs, stateVectorWeight    
385    real(4), pointer            :: griddedBias_r4_ptr(:,:,:), searchRadius_ptr(:,:,:)
386    real(4), pointer            :: nobsField_r4_ptr(:,:,:), weightField_r4_ptr(:,:,:)
387    real(4), pointer            :: griddedBias_r4_previous_ptr(:,:,:)
388    integer, allocatable        :: gridPointIndexes(:,:)
389    real(8)                     :: weight, distance, correlation, lengthscale, difference, numberPoints
390    character(len=1)            :: extension
391    character(len=*), parameter :: outputFileName = './satellite_bias.fst'
392    character(len=*), parameter :: outputAuxFileName = './auxOutput.fst' ! auxiliary file name to store nobs^a and weight
394    write(*,*) ''
395    write(*,*) 'sstb_getGriddedBias: computing bias for: '//trim(sensor)//' '//trim(dayOrNight)
396    write(*,*) 'sstb_getGriddedBias: the current processor contains ', nobsLoc, ' data out of ', nobsGlob  
398    if (dayOrNight == 'day') then
399      extension = 'D'
400    else if (dayOrNight == 'night') then
401      extension = 'N'	  
402    else  
403      call utl_abort('sstb_getGriddedBias: wrong extension: '//trim(extension)) 
404    end if  
406    POSITIVEOBSNUMBER: if (nobsLoc > 0) then
408      write(*,*) 'sstb_getGriddedBias: compute kd-tree with all the grid points...'
409      allocate(positionArray(3, numberOpenWaterPoints))
410      allocate(gridPointIndexes(2, numberOpenWaterPoints))
412      call lfn_setup('FifthOrder')
414      indexCounter = 0
415      do latIndex = 1, hco%nj
416        do lonIndex = 1, hco%ni 
417          if (openWater(lonIndex, latIndex)) then
418            indexCounter = indexCounter + 1
419            lon_grd = real(hco%lon2d_4(lonIndex, latIndex), 8)
420            lat_grd = real(hco%lat2d_4(lonIndex, latIndex), 8)
421            positionArray(:, indexCounter) = kdtree2_3dPosition(lon_grd, lat_grd)
422            gridPointIndexes(1, indexCounter) = lonIndex
423            gridPointIndexes(2, indexCounter) = latIndex
424          end if  
425        end do
426      end do
428      nullify(tree)
429      tree => kdtree2_create(positionArray, sort=.true., rearrange=.true.)
433    ! get search radius field
434    call gsv_allocate(stateVector_searchRadius, 1, hco, vco, dataKind_opt = 4, &
435                      datestamp_opt = -1, mpi_local_opt = .true., varNames_opt = (/'TM'/))
436    call gio_readFromFile(stateVector_searchRadius, './searchRadius', 'RADIUS','A', &
437                          unitConversion_opt=.false., containsFullField_opt=.true.)
438    call gsv_getField(stateVector_searchRadius, searchRadius_ptr)
440    if (saveAuxFields) then
441      ! output nobs state vector
442      call gsv_allocate(stateVectorNobs, 1, hco, vco, dataKind_opt = 4, &
443                        datestamp_opt = tim_getDateStamp(), mpi_local_opt = .true., &
444                        varNames_opt = (/'TM'/))
445      ! pointer for nobs stateVector
446      call gsv_getField(stateVectorNobs, nobsField_r4_ptr)
447      ! output weight state vector
448      call gsv_allocate(stateVectorWeight, 1, hco, vco, dataKind_opt = 4, &
449                        datestamp_opt = tim_getDateStamp(), mpi_local_opt = .true., &
450                        varNames_opt = (/'TM'/))
451      ! pointer for weight stateVector
452      call gsv_getField(stateVectorWeight, weightField_r4_ptr)
453      nobsField_r4_ptr(:,:,1) = 0.0d0
454      weightField_r4_ptr(:,:,1) = 0.0d0
455    end if
457    ! previous bias estimation
458    call gsv_allocate(stateVector_previous, 1, hco, vco, dataKind_opt = 4, &
459                      datestamp_opt = -1, mpi_local_opt = .true., varNames_opt = (/'TM'/))
460    call gio_readFromFile(stateVector_previous, './trlm_01', 'B_'//trim(sensor)//'_'//trim(extension), &
461                          ' ', unitConversion_opt=.false., containsFullField_opt=.true.)
462    call gsv_getField(stateVector_previous, griddedBias_r4_previous_ptr) 
464    ! resulting bias estimation state vector
465    call gsv_allocate(stateVector, 1, hco, vco, dataKind_opt = 4, &
466                      datestamp_opt = tim_getDateStamp(), mpi_local_opt = .true., varNames_opt = (/'TM'/))
467    ! pointer for bias estimation stateVector
468    call gsv_getField(stateVector, griddedBias_r4_ptr)
470    griddedBias_r4_ptr(:,:,1) = 0.0d0
472    if (nobsLoc > 0) then
473      write(*,*) 'sstb_getGriddedBias: do the search for '//trim(sensor)//' '//trim(dayOrNight)//'...'
474    else
475      write(*,*) 'sstb_getGriddedBias: no '//trim(sensor)//' '&
476                 //trim(dayOrNight)//' data on the current processor' 
477      write(*,*) 'sstb_getGriddedBias: previous estimation state will be used.'
478    end if
480    do latIndex = myLatBeg, myLatEnd
481      do lonIndex = myLonBeg, myLonEnd 
483        POSITIVEOBSNUMBER2: if (nobsLoc > 0) then
485	  numberPoints = 0.0d0
486          LANDSEAMASK: if (mask(lonIndex, latIndex)) then
487            lon_grd = real(hco%lon2d_4(lonIndex, latIndex), 8)
488            lat_grd = real(hco%lat2d_4(lonIndex, latIndex), 8)
489            refPosition(:) = kdtree2_3dPosition(lon_grd, lat_grd)
490            ! convert from km to m2
491            searchRadiusSquared = (1.1d0 * searchRadius_ptr(lonIndex, latIndex, 1) * 1000.d0)**2
492            call kdtree2_r_nearest(tp = tree, qv = refPosition, &
493                                   r2 = searchRadiusSquared, &
494                                   nfound = numPointsFound, &
495                                   nalloc = maxPointsSearch, &
496                                   results = searchResults)
497            POSITIVENPTSFOUND: if (numPointsFound > 0) then
498              do localIndex = 1, numPointsFound
499                localLonIndex = gridPointIndexes(1, searchResults(localIndex)%idx)
500                localLatIndex = gridPointIndexes(2, searchResults(localIndex)%idx)
501                difference = satelliteGrid(localLonIndex, localLatIndex) - &
502                             insituGrid(localLonIndex, localLatIndex)
503                if (insituGrid   (localLonIndex, localLatIndex) /= MPC_missingValue_R8 .and. &
504                    satelliteGrid(localLonIndex, localLatIndex) /= MPC_missingValue_R8 .and. &
505                    abs(difference) < maxBias) then
506                  distance = sqrt(searchResults(localIndex)%dis)
507                  lengthscale = 1000.d0 * searchRadius_ptr(lonIndex, latIndex, 1)
508                  correlation = lfn_response(distance, lengthscale)
509                  griddedBias_r4_ptr(lonIndex, latIndex, 1) = griddedBias_r4_ptr(lonIndex, latIndex, 1) + &
510                                                              correlation * difference 
511                  numberPoints = numberPoints + correlation
512                end if
513              end do
515              if (numberPoints > 0.0d0) &
516              griddedBias_r4_ptr(lonIndex, latIndex, 1) = griddedBias_r4_ptr(lonIndex, latIndex, 1) / numberPoints
517            end if POSITIVENPTSFOUND   
518          end if LANDSEAMASK
520          weight = numberPoints / (numberPoints + numberPointsBG)
521          if (weight < weightMin) weight = weightMin
522          if (weight > weightMax) weight = weightMax
524	  if (saveAuxFields) then
525            weightField_r4_ptr(lonIndex, latIndex, 1) = weight
526	    nobsField_r4_ptr(lonIndex, latIndex, 1) = numberPoints
527	  end if
529	  ! computation of the bias:
530          griddedBias_r4_ptr(lonIndex, latIndex, 1) = (1.0d0 - weight) * bgTermZeroBias * &
531                                                      griddedBias_r4_previous_ptr(lonIndex, latIndex, 1) + &
532                                                      weight * griddedBias_r4_ptr(lonIndex, latIndex, 1)
533        else ! no data on the current processor   
535	  ! the bias estimation on the current processor is the estimation from previous state:
536          griddedBias_r4_ptr(lonIndex, latIndex, 1) = griddedBias_r4_previous_ptr(lonIndex, latIndex, 1)
538        end if POSITIVEOBSNUMBER2
539      end do
540    end do
542    call rpn_comm_barrier('GRID', ierr)
543    call gio_writeToFile(stateVector, outputFileName, 'B_'//trim(sensor)//'_'//trim(extension))
545    if (nobsLoc > 0) then
546      deallocate(gridPointIndexes)
547      deallocate(positionArray)
548    end if
550    call gsv_deallocate(stateVector_searchRadius)
551    call gsv_deallocate(stateVector_previous)
552    call gsv_deallocate(stateVector)
553    if (saveAuxFields) then
554      call gio_writeToFile(stateVectorNobs, outputAuxFileName, 'N_'//trim(sensor)//'_'//trim(extension))
555      call gio_writeToFile(stateVectorWeight, outputAuxFileName, 'W_'//trim(sensor)//'_'//trim(extension))
556      call gsv_deallocate(stateVectorNobs)
557      call gsv_deallocate(stateVectorWeight)
558    end if
560    write(*,*) 'sstb_getGriddedBias: completed for: '//trim(sensor)//' '//trim(dayOrNight)
562  end subroutine sstb_getGriddedBias
564  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
565  ! sstb_getBiasCorrection
566  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
567  subroutine sstb_getBiasCorrection(stateVector, column, obsData, hco, sensor, dayOrNight)
568    !
569    !:Purpose: To compute bias correction and put it into obsSpace data. 
570    !          Columns from input field are interpolated to obs location
571    !     
572    implicit none
574    ! Arguments:
575    type(struct_gsv)       , intent(inout)       :: stateVector       ! state vector containing bias estimation field    
576    type(struct_columnData), intent(inout)       :: column            ! column data
577    type(struct_obs)       , intent(inout)       :: obsData           ! obsSpaceData
578    type(struct_hco)       , intent(in), pointer :: hco               ! horizontal grid
579    character(len=*)       , intent(in)          :: sensor            ! current sensor name
580    character(len=*)       , intent(in)          :: dayOrNight        ! look for daytime or nighttime obs
582    ! Locals:
583    real(4), parameter :: solarZenithThreshold = 90.0 ! to distinguish day and night
584    integer            :: bodyIndex, headerIndex
585    real(8)            :: currentObs
587    write(*,*)
588    write(*,*) 'sstb_getBiasCorrection: computing bias correction for ', trim(sensor), ' ', trim(dayOrNight), 'time ************'
590    call s2c_nl(stateVector, obsData, column, hco, timeInterpType = timeInterpType_nl, &
591                moveObsAtPole_opt = .true., numObsBatches_opt = numObsBatches, dealloc_opt = .false.)
593    do headerIndex = 1, obs_numheader(obsData)
595      if (obs_elem_c(obsData, 'STID' , headerIndex) == trim(sensor)) then
597        bodyIndex  = obs_headElem_i(obsData, obs_rln, headerIndex)
598	currentObs = obs_bodyElem_r(obsData, obs_var, bodyIndex)
600	if (trim(dayOrNight) == 'day') then
601          if (obs_headElem_r(obsData, obs_sun, headerIndex) <  solarZenithThreshold) then
602            call obs_bodySet_r(obsData, obs_bcor, bodyIndex, col_getElem(column, 1, headerIndex, 'TM'))
603            call obs_bodySet_r(obsData, obs_var , bodyIndex, currentObs - col_getElem(column, 1, headerIndex, 'TM'))
604	  end if  
605	else if (trim(dayOrNight) == 'night') then
606          if (obs_headElem_r(obsData, obs_sun, headerIndex) >= solarZenithThreshold) then
607            call obs_bodySet_r(obsData, obs_bcor, bodyIndex, col_getElem(column, 1, headerIndex, 'TM'))
608            call obs_bodySet_r(obsData, obs_var , bodyIndex, currentObs - col_getElem(column, 1, headerIndex, 'TM'))
609          end if
610	end if
611      end if
613    end do 
615    write(*,*) 'sstb_getBiasCorrection: END'
617  end subroutine sstb_getBiasCorrection
619  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
620  ! readNml (private subroutine)
621  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
622  subroutine readNml()
623    !
624    !:Purpose: Read the namelist `namSSTbiasEstimate`
625    !
626    implicit none
628    ! Locals:
629    integer :: ierr, nulnam, sensorIndex
631    namelist /namSSTbiasEstimate/ searchRadius, maxBias, iceFractionThreshold, numberPointsBG, &
632                                  timeInterpType_nl, numObsBatches, numberSensors, sensorList, &
633                                  weightMin, weightMax, saveAuxFields, bgTermZeroBias
635    ! Setting default namelist variable values
636    searchRadius = 10.            
637    maxBias = 1.                  
638    iceFractionThreshold   = 0.6 
639    numberSensors = MPC_missingValue_INT
640    numberPointsBG = 0            
641    timeInterpType_nl = 'NEAREST'
642    numObsBatches = 20
643    sensorList(:) = ''
644    weightMin = 0.0
645    weightMax = 1.0
646    saveAuxFields = .False.
647    bgTermZeroBias = 1.0
649    ! Read the namelist
650    nulnam = 0
651    ierr = fnom( nulnam, './flnml', 'FTN+SEQ+R/O', 0 )
652    read(nulnam, nml = namSSTbiasEstimate, iostat = ierr )
653    if (ierr /= 0) call utl_abort('readNml (sstb): Error reading namelist')
654    if (mmpi_myid == 0) write(*, nml = namSSTbiasEstimate )
655    ierr = fclos( nulnam )
657    if (numberSensors /= MPC_missingValue_INT) then
658      call utl_abort('readNml (sstb): check namSSTbiasEstimate namelist section: numberSensors should be removed')
659    end if
661    numberSensors = 0
662    do sensorIndex = 1, maxNumberSensors
663      if (trim(sensorList(sensorIndex))=='') exit
664      numberSensors = numberSensors + 1
665    end do
666    if (numberSensors == 0) call utl_abort('readNml (sstb): check namSSTbiasEstimate namelist section: empty sensorList')
668    if (mmpi_myid == 0) then
669      write(*,*)
670      write(*,*) 'readNml (sstb): sensors to treat: '
671      do sensorIndex = 1, numberSensors
672        write(*,*) 'readNml (sstb): sensor index: ', sensorIndex, ', sensor: ', sensorList( sensorIndex )
673      end do
674      write(*,*) 'readNml (sstb): interpolation type: ', timeInterpType_nl
675      write(*,*) 'readNml (sstb): number obs batches: ', numObsBatches
676      write(*,*) 'readNml (sstb): weight limits for current bias estimate: ', weightMin, weightMax
677    end if
679  end subroutine readNml
681  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
682  ! sstb_applySatelliteSSTBiasCorrection
683  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
684  subroutine sstb_applySatelliteSSTBiasCorrection(obsData, hco, vco, column)
685    !
686    !:Purpose: To apply bias satellite SST data bias correction and put it into obsSpace data. 
687    !          Columns from input field are interpolated to obs location
688    !     
689    implicit none
691    ! Arguments:
692    type(struct_obs)       , intent(inout)          :: obsData ! obsSpaceData
693    type(struct_hco)       , intent(inout), pointer :: hco     ! horizontal grid structure
694    type(struct_vco)       , intent(in)   , pointer :: vco     ! vertical grid structure
695    type(struct_columnData), intent(inout)          :: column  ! column data 
697    ! Locals:
698    type(struct_gsv)            :: stateVector
699    integer         , parameter :: numberProducts = 2            ! day and night
700    character(len=*), parameter :: listProducts(numberProducts)= (/'day', 'night'/) ! day and night biases
701    integer                     :: sensorIndex, productIndex
702    character(len=1)            :: extension
703    character(len=*), parameter :: biasFileName = './satellite_bias.fst'
705    ! read the namelist
706    call readNml()
708    ! allocate state vector for bias estimation field
709    call gsv_allocate(stateVector, 1, hco, vco, dataKind_opt = 4, hInterpolateDegree_opt = 'LINEAR', &
710                      datestamp_opt = -1, mpi_local_opt = .true., varNames_opt = (/'TM'/))
712    do sensorIndex = 1, numberSensors 
713      do productIndex = 1, numberProducts
715        if (trim(listProducts(productIndex)) == 'day') then
716          extension = 'D'
717        else if (trim(listProducts(productIndex)) == 'night') then
718          extension = 'N'
719        else
720          call utl_abort('sstb_applySatelliteSSTBiasCorrection: wrong extension: '//trim(extension)) 
721        end if
723        call gio_readFromFile(stateVector, biasFileName, 'B_'//trim(sensorList(sensorIndex))//'_'//trim(extension), &
724                              ' ', unitConversion_opt = .false., containsFullField_opt = .true.)
725        call sstb_getBiasCorrection(stateVector, column, obsData, hco, trim(sensorList(sensorIndex)), &
726                                    trim(listProducts(productIndex)))
727      end do
728    end do
730    call gsv_deallocate(stateVector)
732  end subroutine sstb_applySatelliteSSTBiasCorrection
734  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
735  ! sstb_getBiasFromPreviousState
736  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
737  subroutine sstb_getBiasFromPreviousState(hco, vco, sensor, dayOrNight)
738    !
739    !:Purpose: to get a satellite SST data bias estimate from the previous state if data is missing.
740    !          or there are no insitu data for the current dateStamp,
741    !          hence, unable to compute bias estimates for the satellite data.
742    !
743    implicit none
745    ! Arguments:
746    type(struct_hco), intent(inout), pointer :: hco        ! horizontal grid structure
747    type(struct_vco), intent(in)   , pointer :: vco        ! vertical grid structure
748    character(len=*), intent(in)             :: sensor     ! sensor name
749    character(len=*), intent(in)             :: dayOrNight ! look for daytime or nighttime bias estimation
751    ! Locals:
752    type(struct_gsv)            :: stateVector                  ! state vector containing current  bias estimation field
753    type(struct_gsv)            :: stateVector_previous         ! state vector containing previous bias estimation field
754    real(4), pointer            :: griddedBias_r4_ptr(:, :, :)
755    real(4), pointer            :: griddedBias_r4_previous_ptr(:, :, :)
756    character(len=1)            :: extension
757    character(len=*), parameter :: outputFileName = './satellite_bias.fst'
759    write(*,*) ''
760    write(*,*) 'sstb_getBiasFromPreviousState: for ', trim(sensor), ' ', trim(dayOrNight), ' data...'
762    if (trim(dayOrNight) == 'day') then
763      extension = 'D'
764    else if (trim(dayOrNight) == 'night') then
765      extension = 'N'	  
766    else  
767      call utl_abort('sstb_getBiasFromPreviousState: wrong extension: '//trim(extension))
768    end if
770    ! read previous bias estimation
771    call gsv_allocate(stateVector_previous, 1, hco, vco, dataKind_opt = 4, &
772                       datestamp_opt = -1, mpi_local_opt = .true., varNames_opt = (/'TM'/))
773    call gio_readFromFile(stateVector_previous, './trlm_01', 'B_'//trim(sensor)//'_'//trim(extension), &
774                          ' ', unitConversion_opt=.false., containsFullField_opt=.true.)
775    call gsv_getField(stateVector_previous, griddedBias_r4_previous_ptr) 
777    ! resulting bias estimation state vector
778    call gsv_allocate(stateVector, 1, hco, vco, dataKind_opt = 4, &
779                      datestamp_opt = tim_getDateStamp(), mpi_local_opt = .true., varNames_opt = (/'TM'/))
780    ! pointer for bias estimation stateVector
781    call gsv_getField(stateVector, griddedBias_r4_ptr)
783    griddedBias_r4_ptr(:, :, :) = griddedBias_r4_previous_ptr(:, :, :)
784    call gio_writeToFile(stateVector, outputFileName, 'B_'//trim(sensor)//'_'//trim(extension))
786    call gsv_deallocate(stateVector)
787    call gsv_deallocate(stateVector_previous)
789    write(*,*) 'sstb_getBiasFromPreviousState: done ', trim(sensor), ' ', trim(dayOrNight), ' data.'
791  end subroutine sstb_getBiasFromPreviousState
793end module SSTbias_mod