timeCoord_mod sourceΒΆ

  1module timeCoord_mod
  2  ! MODULE timeCoord_mod (prefix='tim' category='7. Low-level data objects')
  3  !
  4  !:Purpose:  To store public variables and procedures related to the time
  5  !           coordinate.
  6  !
  7  use midasMpi_mod
  8  use varNameList_mod
  9  use utilities_mod
 10  implicit none
 11  save
 12  private
 14  ! public variables
 15  public :: tim_dstepobs, tim_dstepobsinc, tim_windowsize
 16  public :: tim_nstepobs, tim_nstepobsinc, tim_referencetime
 17  public :: tim_fullyUseExtremeTimeBins
 18  ! public procedures
 19  public :: tim_setup, tim_initialized
 20  public :: tim_getDateStamp, tim_setDateStamp, tim_getStampList, tim_getStepObsIndex
 21  public :: tim_getDateStampFromFile, tim_dateStampToYYYYMMDDHH, tim_getValidDateTimeFromList
 23  character(len=4) :: varNameForDate
 24  character(len=6) :: tim_referencetime
 25  real(8)   :: tim_dstepobs
 26  real(8)   :: tim_dstepobsinc
 27  real(8)   :: tim_windowsize
 28  integer   :: tim_nstepobs
 29  integer   :: tim_nstepobsinc
 30  logical   :: tim_fullyUseExtremeTimeBins
 31  integer   :: datestamp = 0  ! datestamp is usually the centre of time window
 32  logical   :: initialized = .false.
 34  integer, external :: get_max_rss
 38  subroutine tim_readNml()
 39    !
 40    !:Purpose: Read the namelist block NAMTIME.
 41    !
 42    !:Namelist parameters:
 43    !         :dstepobs:    time step (hrs) between successive trial fields 
 44    !                       for use in OmP determation. Set to dwindowsize for
 45    !                       single trial field, i.e. use of 3dvar instead of 3dvar-FGAT.
 46    !                       nstepobs = number of trial fields 
 47    !         :dstepobsinc: time step (hrs) between obs groupings in time. Set to
 48    !                       dwindowsize for use of a single obs group.
 49    !                       nstepobsinc = number of obs time intervals 
 50    !         :dwindowsize: Time window size (hrs).
 51    !
 52    !:Comment:
 53    !
 54    !   Provided dates and number of provided trial field files must be
 55    !   consistent with nstepobs, dstepobs and dwindowsize with reference datestamp
 56    !   corresponding to the date of the middle trial field file.
 57    !
 58    implicit none
 60    ! Locals:
 61    integer :: nulnam, ierr, fnom, fclos
 62    logical, save :: firstCall = .true.
 64    ! Namelist variables:
 65    real(8) :: dstepobs      ! time step length for background state (in hours)
 66    real(8) :: dstepobsinc   ! time step length for increment and/or B matrix (in hours)
 67    real(8) :: dwindowsize   ! length of assimilation window (in hours)
 68    character(len=6) :: referencetime  ! location of 'date' within the window: 'middle' or 'start'
 69    logical :: fullyUseExtremeTimeBins ! choose to use full-size bins at both ends of window (usually only half size)
 71    NAMELIST /NAMTIME/dstepobs, dstepobsinc, dwindowsize, referencetime, fullyUseExtremeTimeBins
 73    if (.not.firstCall) then
 74      write(*,*) 'tim_readNml: already initialized, just return'
 75      return
 76    else
 77      firstCall = .false.
 78    end if
 80    ! Set default values for namelist variables
 81    dstepobs       = 6.0d0
 82    dstepobsinc    = 6.0d0      
 83    dwindowsize    = 6.0d0     
 84    referenceTime = 'middle'
 85    fullyUseExtremeTimeBins = .false.
 87    ! Read the namelist
 88    nulnam = 0
 89    ierr = fnom(nulnam, './flnml', 'FTN+SEQ+R/O', 0)
 90    read(nulnam, nml=namtime, iostat=ierr)
 91    if (ierr /= 0) call utl_abort('tim_readNml: Error reading namelist')
 92    if (mmpi_myid == 0) write(*,nml=namtime)
 93    ierr = fclos(nulnam)
 95    ! Set the module variables for timestep length, number of timesteps and window length
 96    tim_dstepobs      = dstepobs
 97    tim_dstepobsinc   = dstepobsinc
 98    tim_windowsize    = dwindowsize
 99    tim_referencetime = referenceTime
100    tim_fullyUseExtremeTimeBins = fullyUseExtremeTimeBins
102    if (tim_fullyUseExtremeTimeBins .and. tim_referencetime=="middle") then
103      write(*,*) "Warning: tim_fullyUseExtremeTimeBins==.true. and tim_referencetime=='middle' is a non-standard combination"
104      write(*,*) "Is it really what you want ?"
105    end if
107    if (dstepobs > dwindowsize) then
108      if (mmpi_myid == 0) write(*,*) 'tim_readNml: dstepobs>dwindowsize. Reset to dwindowsize value.'
109      tim_dstepobs = tim_windowsize 
110    end if
111    if (dstepobsinc > dwindowsize) then
112      if (mmpi_myid == 0) write(*,*) 'tim_readNml: dstepobsinc>dwindowsize. Reset to dwindowsize value.'
113      tim_dstepobsinc = tim_windowsize 
114    end if 
115    if (tim_referencetime == "middle") then
116      tim_nstepobs    = 2*nint(((tim_windowsize - tim_dstepobs)/2.d0)/tim_dstepobs) + 1
117      tim_nstepobsinc = 2*nint(((tim_windowsize - tim_dstepobsinc)/2.d0)/tim_dstepobsinc) + 1
118    end if
120    if (trim(tim_referencetime) == "start") then
121      tim_nstepobs = max(nint(tim_windowsize/tim_dstepobs), 1)
122      tim_nstepobsinc = max(nint(tim_windowsize/tim_dstepobsinc), 1)
123    end if
125  end subroutine tim_readNml
128  subroutine tim_getDateStampFromEnvVar(dateStamp)
129    !
130    !:Purpose: Determine the date from the environment variable MIDAS_DATE.
131    !
132    implicit none
134    ! Arguments:
135    integer, intent(inout) :: dateStamp
137    ! Locals:
138    integer    :: lengthValidDateStr, status, datePrint, timePrint, imode, ierr
139    integer(8) :: dateTimePrint
140    character(len=256) :: validDateStr
141    integer    :: newdate
143    status = 0
144    call get_environment_variable('MIDAS_DATE',validDateStr,lengthValidDateStr,status,.true.)
146    if (status > 1) then
147      call utl_abort('tim_getDateStampFromEnvVar: Problem when getting the environment variable MIDAS_DATE')
148    end if
149    if (status == 1) then
150      write(*,*) 'tim_getDateStampFromEnvVar: WARNING: The environment variable MIDAS_DATE has not been detected!'
151      !call utl_abort('tim_getDateStampFromEnvVar: The environment variable MIDAS_DATE has not been detected!')
152      return
153    end if
155    write(*,*)
156    write(*,*) 'tim_getDateStampFromEnvVar: The environment variable MIDAS_DATE has correctly been detected'
158    ! convert string to long integer
159    read (validDateStr,*) dateTimePrint
161    ! split dateTime long integer into separate date and time values
162    if (lengthValidDateStr == 10) then
163      datePrint = dateTimePrint/100
164      timePrint = (dateTimePrint - datePrint*100) * 1000000
165    else if (lengthValidDateStr == 12) then
166      datePrint = dateTimePrint/10000
167      timePrint = (dateTimePrint - datePrint*10000) * 10000
168    else if (lengthValidDateStr == 14) then
169      datePrint = dateTimePrint/1000000
170      timePrint = (dateTimePrint - datePrint*1000000) * 100
171    else if (lengthValidDateStr == 16) then
172      datePrint = dateTimePrint/100000000
173      timePrint = (dateTimePrint - datePrint*100000000)
174    else
175      write(*,*) 'length of MIDAS_DATE = ', lengthValidDateStr
176      call utl_abort('tim_getDateStampFromEnvVar: Unexpected length of variable MIDAS_DATE')
177    end if
179    ! convert to CMC dateStamp
180    imode = 3 ! printable to stamp
181    ierr = newdate(datestamp, datePrint, timePrint, imode)
183    write(*,*) 'tim_getDateStampFromEnvVar: envVar, validDate, dateStamp = ', trim(validDateStr), dateTimePrint, dateStamp
185  end subroutine tim_getDateStampFromEnvVar
188  subroutine tim_setup(fileNameForDate_opt)
189    !
190    !:Purpose: Setup of obs time window size and related trial field 
191    !           time step for OmP determination. 
192    !
193    implicit none
195    ! Arguments:
196    character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: fileNameForDate_opt
198    ! Locals:
199    integer :: ierr, newdate, imode, prntdate, prnttime
200    integer :: dateStampEnvVar
202    call tim_readNml()
204    if (initialized) then
205      write(*,*) 'tim_setup: already initialized, just return'
206      return
207    end if
209    ! First try to set dateStamp from MIDAS_DATE
210    dateStampEnvVar = 0
211    call tim_getDateStampFromEnvVar(dateStampEnvVar)
213    ! Possibly set the datestamp (except when set later from burp files)
214    if (dateStampEnvVar /= 0) then
215      write(*,*) 'tim_setup: ====================================================='
216      write(*,*) 'tim_setup: DATESTAMP set by value in supplied MIDAS_DATE'
217      write(*,*) 'tim_setup: ====================================================='
218      dateStamp = dateStampEnvVar
219      imode = -3 ! stamp to printable
220      ierr = newdate(datestamp, prntdate, prnttime, imode)
221      write(*,*) 'tim_setup: printdate = ',prntdate
222      write(*,*) 'tim_setup: printtime = ',prnttime
223      write(*,*) 'tim_setup: datestamp = ',datestamp      
224    else if (present(fileNameForDate_opt)) then
225      write(*,*) 'tim_setup: ====================================================='
226      write(*,*) 'tim_setup: DATESTAMP set by value in supplied file'
227      write(*,*) 'tim_setup: ====================================================='
228      datestamp = tim_getDatestampFromFile(fileNameForDate_opt)
229      imode = -3 ! stamp to printable
230      ierr = newdate(datestamp, prntdate, prnttime, imode)
231      write(*,*) 'tim_setup: printdate = ',prntdate
232      write(*,*) 'tim_setup: printtime = ',prnttime
233      write(*,*) 'tim_setup: datestamp = ',datestamp
234    else
235      write(*,*) 'tim_setup: =========================================================='
236      write(*,*) 'tim_setup: DATESTAMP not set in this subroutine, use tim_setDateStamp'
237      write(*,*) 'tim_setup: =========================================================='      
238    end if
240    if (mmpi_myid == 0) write(*,*) 'tim_setup: dobs_windowsize=',tim_windowsize
241    if (mmpi_myid == 0) write(*,*) 'tim_setup: dstepobs       =',tim_dstepobs
242    if (mmpi_myid == 0) write(*,*) 'tim_setup: nstepobs       =',tim_nstepobs
243    if (mmpi_myid == 0) write(*,*) 'tim_setup: dstepobsinc    =',tim_dstepobsinc
244    if (mmpi_myid == 0) write(*,*) 'tim_setup: nstepobsinc    =',tim_nstepobsinc
245    if (mmpi_myid == 0) write(*,*) 'tim_setup: tim_referencetime   =',tim_referencetime
247    initialized = .true.
249  end subroutine tim_setup
252  function tim_initialized() result(initialized_out)
253    implicit none
255    ! Result:
256    logical initialized_out
258    initialized_out = initialized
260  end function tim_initialized
263  function tim_getDatestampFromFile(fileName, varNameForDate_opt) result(dateStamp_out)
264    !
265    !:Purpose: to extract the dateStamp from the supplied file.
266    !
267    implicit none
269    ! Arguments:
270    character(len=*),           intent(in) :: fileName
271    character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: varNameForDate_opt
272    ! Result:
273    integer :: dateStamp_out
275    ! Locals:
276    integer :: nulFile, ierr
277    integer, parameter :: maxNumDates = 2000
278    integer :: numDates, ikeys(maxNumDates), varIndex
279    integer :: fnom, fstouv, fstinl, fstprm, fstfrm, fclos, newdate
280    integer :: prntdate, prnttime, imode, windowIndex, windowsPerDay, dateStamp_tmp
281    logical :: fileExists, foundWindow, foundVarNameInFile
282    real(8) :: leadTimeInHours, windowBegHour, windowEndHour, fileHour, middleHour
283    integer :: ideet, inpas, dateStamp_origin, ini, inj, ink, inbits, idatyp
284    integer :: ip1, ip2, ip3, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4, iswa, ilng, idltf, iubc
285    integer :: iextra1, iextra2, iextra3
286    character(len=2)  :: typvar
287    character(len=4)  :: nomvar
288    character(len=12) :: etiket
289    character(len=1)  :: grtyp
291    if (mmpi_myid == 0) then
293      ! Check if file for any date within the analysis window (except the last) exists
294      inquire(file=trim(fileName), exist=fileExists)
295      if (.not.fileExists) then
296        call utl_abort('tim_getDateStampFromFile: file not found '//trim(fileName))
297      end if
299      ! Determine variable to use for the date (default is P0)
300      varNameForDate = 'P0'
301      if (present(varNameForDate_opt)) then
303	varNameForDate = trim(varNameForDate_opt)
304        write(*,*) 'tim_getDateStampFromFile: defining dateStamp from the variable = ', varNameForDate
306      ! If P0 not present, look for another suitable variable in the file
307      else if (.not. utl_varNamePresentInFile(varNameForDate,fileName_opt=trim(fileName))) then
309        foundVarNameInFile = .false.
310        do varIndex = 1, vnl_numvarmax
311          varNameForDate = vnl_varNameList(varIndex)
312          ! check if variable is in the file
313          if (.not. utl_varNamePresentInFile(varNameForDate,fileName_opt=trim(fileName))) cycle
314          foundVarNameInFile = .true.
315          exit      
316        end do
318        if (.not. foundVarNameInFile) then
319          call utl_abort('tim_getDateStampFromFile: NO variables found in the file!!!')
320        end if
322      end if
324      ! Extract the datestamp from the file
325      nulFile = 0
326      ierr = fnom(nulFile,trim(fileName),'RND+OLD+R/O',0)
327      ierr = fstouv(nulFile,'RND+OLD')
328      ierr = fstinl(nulFile,ini,inj,ink,-1,' ',-1,-1,-1,' ', &
329                    trim(varNameForDate),ikeys,numdates,maxnumdates)
330      if (ikeys(1) <= 0) then
331        call utl_abort('tim_getDateStampFromFile: Could not find variable ' //  &
332                       trim(varNameForDate) // ' in the supplied file')
333      end if
334      write(*,*) 'tim_getDateStampFromFile: number of dates found = ', numDates
335      ierr = fstprm(ikeys(1), dateStamp_origin, ideet, inpas, ini, inj, &
336                    ink, inbits, idatyp, ip1, ip2, ip3, &
337                    typvar, nomvar, etiket, grtyp, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4, &
338                    iswa, ilng, idltf, iubc, iextra1, iextra2, iextra3)
339      leadTimeInHours = real(ideet*inpas,8)/3600.0d0
340      call incdatr(dateStamp_out, dateStamp_origin, leadTimeInHours)
342      ierr = fstfrm(nulFile)
343      ierr = fclos(nulFile)
345    end if
347    call rpn_comm_bcast(dateStamp_out, 1, 'MPI_INTEGER', 0, 'GRID', ierr)
349    if (tim_referenceTime == 'middle') then
350      ! Modify date to ensure that it corresponds to the middle of the window
351      ! Note: For this, we have to assume that the date in the file
352      !       does NOT correspond to the final time of the window
353      imode = -3 ! stamp to printable, time is HHMMSShh
354      ierr = newdate(datestamp_out, prntdate, prnttime, imode)
355      fileHour = real(prnttime,8)/1000000.0d0
356      windowsPerDay = nint(24.0d0 / tim_windowsize)
357      foundWindow = .false.
358      window_loop: do windowIndex = 0, windowsPerDay
359        windowBegHour = (real(windowIndex,8) * tim_windowsize) - (tim_windowsize/2.0d0)
360        windowEndHour = (real(windowIndex,8) * tim_windowsize) + (tim_windowsize/2.0d0)
361        if (fileHour >= windowBegHour .and. fileHour < windowEndHour) then
362          foundWindow = .true.
363          middleHour = real(windowIndex,8) * tim_windowsize
364          exit window_loop
365        end if
366      end do window_loop
368      if (.not. foundWindow) then
369        write(*,*) 'windowsPerDay, fileHour=', windowsPerDay, fileHour
370        call utl_abort('tim_getDateStampFromFile: could not determine assimilation window position')
371      end if
373      ! handle special case when window centered on hour 24
374      if (nint(middleHour) == 24) then
375        ! add 24h to dateStamp and recompute prntdate
376        dateStamp_tmp = dateStamp_out
377        call incdatr(dateStamp_out, dateStamp_tmp, 24.0d0)
378        imode = -3 ! stamp to printable, only prntdate will be used
379        ierr = newdate(datestamp_out, prntdate, prnttime, imode)
381        ! subtract 24h from middleHour
382        middleHour = 0.0d0
383      end if
385      prnttime = nint(middleHour) * 1000000
386      imode = 3 ! printable to stamp
387      ierr = newdate(datestamp_out, prntdate, prnttime, imode)
389    end if
391  end function tim_getDateStampFromFile
394  subroutine tim_setDatestamp(datestamp_in)
395    !
396    !:Purpose: to control access to the minimization object.  Sets the date
397    !           of the window centre of analysis validity to the indicated value.
398    !
399    implicit none
401    ! Arguments:
402    integer, intent(in) :: datestamp_in
404    if (.not.initialized) call utl_abort('tim_setDateStamp: module not initialized')
406    datestamp = datestamp_in
408  end subroutine tim_setDatestamp
411  function tim_getDatestamp() result(datestamp_out)
412    !
413    !:Purpose: to control access to the minimization object.  Returns the date
414    !           of the window centre of analysis validity.
415    !
416    implicit none
418    ! Result:
419    integer :: datestamp_out
421    if (.not.initialized) call utl_abort('tim_getDateStamp: module not initialized')
423    datestamp_out = datestamp
425  end function tim_getDatestamp
428  subroutine tim_getStampList(datestamplist, numStep, referenceDateStamp)
429    !
430    !:Purpose: Compute a list of STAMPS corresponding to stepobs time
431    !
432    implicit none
434    ! Arguments:
435    integer, intent(in)  :: numStep ! number of step obs
436    integer, intent(in)  :: referenceDateStamp ! Synoptic time
437    integer, intent(out) :: datestamplist(numStep) 
439    ! Locals:
440    integer :: stepIndex
441    real(8) :: dldelt ! delta time in hours between middle time and each step
442    real(8) :: dtstep ! delta time in hours between step obs
444    if (.not. initialized) call utl_abort('tim_getStampList: module not initialized')
446    if (referenceDateStamp == -1) then
448      if (mmpi_myid == 0) write(*,*) 'tim_getStampList: datestamp is not specified, keep as -1'
449      datestamplist(:) = -1
451    else
453      if (tim_referencetime == "middle") then
454        if (numStep > 1) then
455          dtstep = tim_windowsize/(real(numStep-1,8))
456        else
457          dtstep = tim_windowsize
458        end if
460        do stepIndex = 1, numStep
461          dldelt = (stepIndex - ((numStep-1)/2 + 1)) * dtstep
462          call incdatr(datestamplist(stepIndex), referenceDateStamp, dldelt)
463        end do
464      end if
466      if (trim(tim_referencetime) == "start") then
468        dtstep = tim_windowsize/(real(numStep,8))
470        do stepIndex = 1, numStep
471          dldelt = (stepIndex - 1) * dtstep
472          call incdatr(datestamplist(stepIndex), referenceDateStamp, dldelt)
473        end do
475      end if
477    end if
479  end subroutine tim_getStampList
482  subroutine tim_getStepObsIndex(dnstepobs, referenceDateStamp, obsYYYMMDD, obsHHMM, numStep)
483    !
484    !:Purpose: Return the stepobs index as a real number (-1.0 if out of range)
485    !
486    implicit none
488    ! Arguments:
489    real(8), intent(out) :: dnstepobs          ! number of stepobs from reference time
490    integer, intent(in)  :: referenceDateStamp ! Synop CMC date-time stamp
491    integer, intent(in)  :: obsYYYMMDD         ! Obs date YYYYMMDD
492    integer, intent(in)  :: obsHHMM            ! Obs time HHMM
493    integer, intent(in)  :: numStep            ! number of stepobs in assimilation window
495    ! Locals:
496    integer :: newdate, istat, imode
497    real(8) :: dddt      ! delta time in hours
498    integer :: istobs    ! obs CMC date-time stamp
499    integer :: itobs     ! obs time HHMMSShh
500    real(8) :: dlhours   ! delta time from synop time
502    if (.not. initialized) call utl_abort('tim_getStepObsIndex: module not initialized')
504    ! Building observation stamp
505    imode = 3 ! printable to stamp
506    itobs = obsHHMM * 10000
507    istat = newdate(istobs, obsYYYMMDD, itobs, imode)
509    ! Difference (in hours) between obs time and reference time
510    call difdatr(istobs, referenceDateStamp, dlhours)
512    if (numStep > 1) then
513      ! FGAT: more than 1 trial field in time window
514      if (tim_referencetime == "middle") then
515        dddt = tim_windowsize / (real(numStep-1,8))
516      else
517        dddt = tim_windowsize / (real(numStep,8))
518      end if
519      dnstepobs = dlhours / dddt ! number of step obs from reference (e.g. synoptic)
520      if (tim_referencetime == "middle") then
521        dnstepobs = dnstepobs + real((numStep+1)/2,8)
522      end if
523      if (trim(tim_referencetime) == "start") then
524        dnstepobs = dnstepobs + 1.d0
525      end if
526      if (dnstepobs < 0.5d0.or.dnstepobs > (0.5d0+real(numStep,8))) dnstepobs = -1.0d0
528    else
529      ! 3D: only 1 trial field in time window
530      if (tim_referencetime == "middle") then
531        if (dlhours < -tim_windowsize/2.0D0 .or. dlhours > tim_windowsize/2.0D0) then
532          ! outside time window
533          dnstepobs = -1.0d0
534        else
535          ! inside time window
536          dnstepobs = 1.0d0
537        end if
538      else
539        dddt = tim_windowsize
540        if (dlhours < -dddt/2.0d0 .or. dlhours > tim_windowsize + dddt/2.d0) then
541          ! outside time window
542          dnstepobs = -1.0d0
543        else
544          ! inside time window
545          dnstepobs = 1.0d0
546        end if
547      endif
549    end if
551  end subroutine tim_getStepObsIndex
553  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
554  ! tim_dateStampToDDMMYYYY
555  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
556  subroutine tim_dateStampToYYYYMMDDHH(dateStamp, prnttime, dd, mm, ndays, yyyy, verbose_opt)
557    !
558    !:Purpose: to get day (DD), month (MM), number of days in this month 
559    !           and year (YYYY) from dateStamp
560    !
561    implicit none
563    ! Arguments:
564    integer,           intent(in)    :: dateStamp
565    integer,           intent(inout) :: prnttime, dd, mm, ndays, yyyy
566    logical, optional, intent(in)    :: verbose_opt
568    ! Locals:
569    character(len=8)            :: yyyymmdd
570    character(len=3), parameter :: months(12) = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
571    integer                     :: ndaysM(12)    
572    integer                     :: imode, ierr, newdate, prntdate
573    logical                     :: verbose = .True.
575    ndaysM(:) = [   31,    28,    31,    30,    31,    30,    31,    31,    30,    31,    30,    31]
577    imode = -3 ! stamp to printable
578    ierr = newdate(dateStamp, prntdate, prnttime, imode)
579    write(yyyymmdd,'(i8)') prntdate
580    read (yyyymmdd(7:8), '(i)') dd
581    read (yyyymmdd(5:6), '(i)') mm
582    read (yyyymmdd(1:4), '(i)') yyyy
584    ! leap year    
585    if (mm == 2 .and. mod(yyyy,4)==0) ndaysM(mm) = 29
586    ndays = ndaysM(mm)
588    if (present(verbose_opt)) verbose = verbose_opt
590    if(verbose) then
591      write(*,*) 'tim_dateStampToYYYYMMDDHH:  date = ', prntdate
592      write(*,*) 'tim_dateStampToYYYYMMDDHH:  year = ', yyyy
593      write(*,'(a,i5,a,i5,a)') 'tim_dateStampToYYYYMMDDHH: month = ', mm, ' ( '// months(mm)//' where there are ', ndays, ' days)' 
594      write(*,*) 'tim_dateStampToYYYYMMDDHH:   day = ', dd
595      write(*,*) 'tim_dateStampToYYYYMMDDHH:  time = ', prnttime
596    end if     
598  end subroutine tim_dateStampToYYYYMMDDHH
600  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
601  ! tim_getValidDateTimeFromList
602  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
603  subroutine tim_getValidDateTimeFromList(headDateValues, headTimeValues, validDate, validtime)
604    implicit none
606    ! Arguments:
607    integer, intent(in)  :: headDateValues(:)
608    integer, intent(in)  :: headTimeValues(:)
609    integer, intent(out) :: validDate
610    integer, intent(out) :: validTime
612    ! Locals:
613    integer                 :: numDates, numWindowsPerDay, windowIndex, timeMin, timeMax, dateMin, dateMax
614    integer                 :: windowBoundaryMin, windowBoundaryMax, validTimeMin, validTimeMax, validDateMin, validDateMax 
615    integer(8)              :: dateTimeMin, dateTimeMax
616    integer(8), allocatable :: dateTimeValues(:), windowBoundaries(:)
617    integer                 :: ier, imode
618    integer                 :: newdate, dateStampIn, dateStampOut
620    call tim_readNml()
622    numDates = size(headDateValues)
623    checkNumDates: if (numDates > 0) then
624      write(*,*) 'tim_getValidDateTimeFromList: check inputs: time min/max = ', minval(headTimeValues), maxval(headTimeValues)
625      write(*,*) 'tim_getValidDateTimeFromList: check inputs: date min/max = ', minval(headDateValues), maxval(headDateValues)
626      allocate(dateTimeValues(size(headDateValues)))
627      dateTimeValues(:) = headDateValues(:)
628      dateTimeValues(:) = 10000*dateTimeValues(:) + headTimeValues(:)
630      dateTimeMin = minval(dateTimeValues(:))
631      dateTimeMax = maxval(dateTimeValues(:))
632      deallocate(dateTimeValues)
633      dateMin = dateTimeMin/10000
634      dateMax = dateTimeMax/10000
635      timeMin = dateTimeMin - 10000*(dateTimeMin/10000)
636      timeMax = dateTimeMax - 10000*(dateTimeMax/10000)
637      ! convert from hhmm to just minutes: hhmm - 100*(hhmm/100) + 60*(hhmm/100)
638      timeMin = timeMin - 100*(timeMin/100) + 60*(timeMin/100)
639      timeMax = timeMax - 100*(timeMax/100) + 60*(timeMax/100)
640      write(*,*) 'tim_getValidDateTimeFromList: min/max DateTime             = ', dateTimeMin, dateTimeMax
641      write(*,*) 'tim_getValidDateTimeFromList: min/max time (in minutes)    = ', timeMin, timeMax
642      if (tim_windowSize < 24.0d0) then
643        numWindowsPerDay = nint(24.0/tim_windowSize)
645        ! define boundaries between assimilation windows in minutes relative to 0UTC
646        allocate(windowBoundaries(0:numWindowsPerDay))
647        do windowIndex = 0, numWindowsPerDay
648          ! example for windowSize=6h, boundaries = -3h,+3h,+9h,+15h,+21h
649          windowBoundaries(windowIndex) = nint(windowIndex*60.0*tim_windowSize - 60.0*tim_windowSize/2.0)
650        end do
651        write(*,*) 'tim_getValidDateTimeFromList: boundaries (in minutes) = ', windowBoundaries(:)
653        ! find left boundary of window where timeMin/Max are located
654        windowBoundaryMin = -1
655        windowBoundaryMax = -1
656        do windowIndex = 0, numWindowsPerDay
657          if (timeMin >= windowBoundaries(windowIndex)) then
658            windowBoundaryMin = windowIndex
659          end if
660          if (timeMax >= windowBoundaries(windowIndex)) then
661            windowBoundaryMax = windowIndex
662          end if
663        end do
665        ! find validTimeMin/Max from left boundary
666        validTimeMin = nint((windowBoundaries(windowBoundaryMin) + 60.0*tim_windowSize/2.0)/60.0)
667        if (validTimeMin >= 24) then
668          validTimeMin = 0
669          imode = 3
670          ier = newdate(dateStampIn, dateMin, validTimeMin, imode)
671          call incdat(dateStampOut, dateStampIn, 24) ! add 1 day to get validDate
672          imode = -3
673          ier = newdate(dateStampOut, validDateMin, validTimeMin, imode)
674          validTimeMin = 0
675        else
676          validDateMin = dateMin
677        end if
678        validTimeMax = nint((windowBoundaries(windowBoundaryMax) + 60.0*tim_windowSize/2.0)/60.0)
679        if (validTimeMax >= 24) then
680          validTimeMax = 0
681          imode = 3
682          ier = newdate(dateStampIn, dateMax, validTimeMax, imode)
683          call incdat(dateStampOut, dateStampIn, 24) ! add 1 day to get validDate
684          imode = -3
685          ier = newdate(dateStampOut, validDateMax, validTimeMax, imode)
686          validTimeMax = 0
687        else
688          validDateMax = dateMax
689        end if
690        write(*,*) 'tim_getValidDateTimeFromList: date from Min/Max = ', validDateMin, validDateMax
691        write(*,*) 'tim_getValidDateTimeFromList: hour from Min/Max = ', validTimeMin, validTimeMax
692        if (validTimeMin /= validTimeMax) call utl_abort('validTimeMin/Max not equal')
693        validTime = validTimeMin
694        validDate = validDateMin
695        deallocate(windowBoundaries)
696      else
697        write(*,*) 'tim_getValidDateTimeFromList: WARNING: window size equal or greater than 1 day, cannot get dateStamp'
698        validTime = 0
699        validDate = 0
700      end if
701    end if checkNumDates
703  end subroutine tim_getValidDateTimeFromList
705end module timeCoord_mod