tovsLin_mod sourceΒΆ

  1module tovsLin_mod
  2  ! MODULE tovsLin_mod (prefix='tvslin' category='5. Observation operators')
  3  !
  4  !:Purpose:  Derived types, public variables and procedures related to the 
  5  !           tangent-linear and adjoint versions of RTTOV
  6  !
  7  use rttovInterfaces_mod
  8  use rttov_types, only :   &
  9       rttov_profile       ,&
 10       rttov_profile_cloud ,&
 11       rttov_radiance      ,&
 12       rttov_transmission  ,&
 13       rttov_chanprof      ,&
 14       rttov_emissivity
 15  use rttov_const, only : &
 16      gas_unit_specconc  ,&
 17      sensor_id_mw       ,&
 18      surftype_sea       ,&
 19      errorStatus_success
 20  use parkind1, only : jpim, jprb
 21  use verticalCoord_mod
 22  use tovsNL_mod
 23  use utilities_mod
 24  use MathPhysConstants_mod
 25  use obsSpaceData_mod
 26  use columnData_mod
 28  implicit none
 29  save
 30  private
 32  public :: tvslin_rttov_tl, tvslin_rttov_ad
 37  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
 38  !  tvslin_rttov_tl
 39  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
 40  subroutine tvslin_rttov_tl(columnAnlInc, columnTrlOnAnlIncLev, obsSpaceData)
 41    !
 42    !:Purpose: Tangent linear of computation of radiance with rttov_tl
 43    !   
 44    implicit none
 46    ! Arguments:
 47    type(struct_obs),        intent(inout) :: obsSpaceData         ! obsSpaceData structure
 48    type(struct_columnData), intent(in)    :: columnAnlInc         ! column structure for pertubation profile
 49    type(struct_columnData), intent(in)    :: columnTrlOnAnlIncLev ! column structure for background profile
 51    ! Locals:
 52    type(struct_vco), pointer :: vco_anl
 53    integer, allocatable :: sensorTovsIndexes(:) 
 54    integer, allocatable :: sensorHeaderIndexes(:) 
 55    integer :: allocStatus(5)
 56    integer :: nobmax
 57    integer :: sensorIndex, tovsIndex
 58    integer :: ilowlvl_M,ilowlvl_T,profileCount,headerIndex,levelIndex,nlv_M,nlv_T
 59    integer :: profileIndex
 60    integer :: Vcode
 61    character(len=4) :: ozoneVarName
 62    logical, allocatable :: surfTypeIsWater(:)
 63    real(8), pointer :: delTT(:), delHU(:), delP(:)
 64    real(8), pointer :: delO3(:)
 65    real(8), pointer :: delCLW(:)
 66    real(8), pointer :: delCIW(:), delRF(:), delSF(:)
 67    integer :: btCount
 68    integer,external :: omp_get_num_threads
 69    integer :: nthreads, max_nthreads
 70    integer :: btIndex, bodyIndex
 71    integer :: instrum
 72    integer :: sensorType   !sensor type(1=infrared; 2=microwave; 3=high resolution, 4=polarimetric)
 73    integer :: errorStatus
 74    integer,allocatable :: sensorBodyIndexes(:)
 75    logical,allocatable :: lchannel_subset(:,:)
 76    real(8), allocatable :: surfem1(:)
 77    integer, allocatable  :: frequencies(:)
 78    type(rttov_emissivity), pointer :: emissivity_local(:)
 79    type(rttov_emissivity), pointer :: emissivity_tl(:)
 80    type(rttov_radiance) :: radiancedata_d   ! radiances full structure buffer used in rttov calls
 81    type(rttov_radiance) :: radiancedata_tl  ! tl radiances full structure buffer used in rttov calls
 82    type(rttov_transmission) :: transmission       ! transmission
 83    type(rttov_transmission) :: transmission_tl    ! transmission tl
 84    type(rttov_profile), pointer :: profilesdata_tl(:) ! tl profiles buffer used in rttov calls
 85    type(rttov_profile_cloud), pointer :: cld_profiles_tl(:) !tl profiles buffer used in RttovScatt calls
 86    type(rttov_chanprof), pointer :: chanprof(:)
 87    logical, pointer :: calcemis(:)
 88    logical :: runObsOperatorWithClw_tl
 89    logical :: runObsOperatorWithHydrometeors_tl
 90    integer :: asw
 91    real(8) :: obsOMP
 92    type (rttov_profile), pointer :: profiles(:)
 93    type(rttov_profile_cloud), pointer :: cld_profiles(:)
 95    if (tvs_nobtov == 0) return       ! exit if there are not tovs data
 97    write(*,*) 'tvslin_rttov_tl: Starting'
 99    call tvs_getProfile(profiles, 'tlad', cld_profiles)
101    if (.not. tvs_useO3Climatology .and. .not. col_varExist(columnTrlOnAnlIncLev,'TO3') .and. .not.  col_varExist(columnTrlOnAnlIncLev,'O3L') ) then
102      call utl_abort('tvslin_rttov_tl: if tvs_useO3Climatology is set to .true. the ozone variable must be included as an analysis variable in NAMSTATE.')
103    else if (.not.tvs_useO3Climatology) then 
104      if (col_varExist(columnTrlOnAnlIncLev,'TO3')) then
105        ozoneVarName = 'TO3'
106      else
107        ozoneVarName = 'O3L'
108      end if 
109    end if
111    !  1.  Set index for model's lowest level and model top
113    nlv_M = col_getNumLev(columnTrlOnAnlIncLev,'MM')
114    nlv_T = col_getNumLev(columnTrlOnAnlIncLev,'TH')
116    if ( col_getPressure(columnTrlOnAnlIncLev,1,1,'TH') < col_getPressure(columnTrlOnAnlIncLev,nlv_T,1,'TH') ) then
117      ilowlvl_M = nlv_M
118      ilowlvl_T = nlv_T
119    else
120      ilowlvl_M = 1
121      ilowlvl_T = 1
122    end if
124    vco_anl => col_getVco(columnTrlOnAnlIncLev)
125    Vcode = vco_anl%Vcode
128    !     1.  Get number of threads available and allocate memory for some variables
129    !     .   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
131    !$omp parallel 
132    max_nthreads = omp_get_num_threads()
133    !$omp end parallel
135    allocStatus(:) = 0
136    allocate ( sensorTovsIndexes(tvs_nobtov), stat = allocStatus(1) )
137    call utl_checkAllocationStatus(allocStatus(1:1), ' tvslin_rttov_tl sensorTovsIndexes')
139    ! 2.  Computation of hx for tovs data only
142    ! Loop over all sensors specified by user
144    sensor_loop:  do sensorIndex = 1, tvs_nsensors
146      runObsOperatorWithClw_tl = col_varExist(columnTrlOnAnlIncLev,'LWCR') .and. &
147                                 tvs_isInstrumUsingCLW(tvs_instruments(sensorIndex)) .and. &
148                                 tvs_mwInstrumUsingCLW_tl
149      runObsOperatorWithHydrometeors_tl = col_varExist(columnTrlOnAnlIncLev,'LWCR') .and. &
150                                          col_varExist(columnTrlOnAnlIncLev,'IWCR') .and. &
151                                          tvs_isInstrumUsingHydrometeors(tvs_instruments(sensorIndex)) .and. &
152                                          tvs_mwInstrumUsingHydrometeors_tl
154      sensorType = tvs_coefs(sensorIndex) % coef % id_sensor
155      instrum = tvs_coefs(sensorIndex) % coef % id_inst
156      !  loop over all obs.
157      profileCount = 0
158      do tovsIndex = 1, tvs_nobtov
159        !    Currently processed sensor?
160        if ( tvs_lsensor(tovsIndex) == sensorIndex ) then
161          profileCount = profileCount + 1
162          sensorTovsIndexes(profileCount) = tovsIndex
163        end if
164      end do
166      if (profileCount == 0) cycle sensor_loop
167      nobmax = sensorTovsIndexes(profileCount)
168      !     compute the number of calculated radiances for one call
169      btCount = tvs_countRadiances(sensorTovsIndexes(1:profileCount), obsSpaceData, &
170           assim_flag_val_opt=obs_assimilated)
171      if ( btCount == 0 ) cycle  sensor_loop
173      allocate (sensorHeaderIndexes (profileCount), stat= allocStatus(1))
174      allocate (profilesdata_tl(profileCount),      stat= allocStatus(2))
175      if (runObsOperatorWithClw_tl) write(*,*) 'tvslin_rttov_tl: using clw_data'
176      if (runObsOperatorWithHydrometeors_tl) write(*,*) 'tvslin_rttov_tl: using hydrometeor data'
177      allocate (surfTypeIsWater(profileCount),stat= allocStatus(3))
178      call utl_checkAllocationStatus(allocStatus, ' tvslin_rttov_tl')
180      sensorHeaderIndexes(:) = 0 
182      surfTypeIsWater(:) = .false.
184      ! allocate profiledata_tl structures
185      asw = 1 ! 1 to allocate
186      call rttov_alloc_tl(                     &
187              allocStatus(1),                  &
188              asw,                             &
189              nprofiles=profileCount,          &
190              nchanprof=btCount,               &
191              nlevels=nlv_T,                   &
192              chanprof=chanprof,               &
193              opts=tvs_opts(sensorIndex),      &
194              profiles_tl=profilesdata_tl,     &
195              coefs=tvs_coefs(sensorIndex),    &
196              transmission=transmission,       &
197              transmission_tl=transmission_tl, &
198              radiance=radiancedata_d,         &
199              radiance_tl=radiancedata_tl,     &
200              calcemis=calcemis,               &
201              emissivity=emissivity_local,     &
202              emissivity_tl=emissivity_tl,     &
203              init=.true.)
204      if (runObsOperatorWithHydrometeors_tl) then
205        allocate(cld_profiles_tl(profileCount))
206        call rttov_alloc_scatt_prof ( allocStatus(2),   &
207                                      profileCount,     &
208                                      cld_profiles_tl,  &
209                                      nlv_T,            &
210                                      nhydro=5,         &
211                                      nhydro_frac=1,    &
212                                      asw=asw,          &
213                                      init=.false.,     &  
214                                      flux_conversion=[1,2,0,0,0])
215      end if
217      call utl_checkAllocationStatus(allocStatus(1:2), ' tvslin_rtttov_tl rttov_alloc_tl 1')
219      profileCount = 0
221      obs_loop: do tovsIndex = 1, nobmax
222        if (tvs_lsensor(tovsIndex) /= sensorIndex) cycle obs_loop
223        headerIndex = tvs_headerIndex(tovsIndex)
224        profileCount = profileCount + 1
225        surfTypeIsWater(profileCount) = ( tvs_ChangedStypValue(obsSpaceData,headerIndex) == surftype_sea )
226        sensorHeaderIndexes(profileCount) = headerIndex
227      end do obs_loop
229      do  profileIndex = 1 , profileCount
230        profilesdata_tl(profileIndex) % gas_units       = gas_unit_specconc ! all gas profiles should be provided in kg/kg
231        profilesdata_tl(profileIndex) % nlevels         =  nlv_T
232        profilesdata_tl(profileIndex) % nlayers         =  nlv_T - 1
233        if (tvs_coefs(sensorIndex)%coef%nozone > 0) then
234          if (tvs_useO3Climatology) then
235            profilesdata_tl(profileIndex) % o3(:) =  0.0d0
236          else
237            delO3 => col_getColumn(columnAnlInc,sensorHeaderIndexes(profileIndex),trim(ozoneVarName))
238            profilesdata_tl(profileIndex) % o3(1:nlv_T) =  delO3(1:nlv_T) * 1.0d-9 ! Assumes model ozone in ug/kg
239            profilesdata_tl(profileIndex) % s2m % o  = col_getElem(columnAnlInc,ilowlvl_T,sensorHeaderIndexes(profileIndex),trim(ozoneVarName)) * 1.0d-9 ! Assumes model ozone in ug/kg
240          end if
241        end if
243        ! using the zero CLW value for land FOV
244        if (runObsOperatorWithClw_tl) then 
245          if (surfTypeIsWater(profileIndex)) then
246            delCLW => col_getColumn(columnAnlInc,sensorHeaderIndexes(profileIndex),'LWCR')
247            profilesdata_tl(profileIndex) % clw(1:nlv_T)  = delCLW(:)
248          else
249            profilesdata_tl(profileIndex) % clw(1:nlv_T)  = 0.d0
250          end if
251        end if
253        if (runObsOperatorWithHydrometeors_tl) then 
254          if (surfTypeIsWater(profileIndex)) then
255            ! rain flux
256            if (col_varExist(columnAnlInc,'RF')) then
257              delRF => col_getColumn(columnAnlInc,sensorHeaderIndexes(profileIndex),'RF')
258              cld_profiles_tl(profileIndex) % hydro(1:nlv_T,1) = delRF(:)
259            else
260              cld_profiles_tl(profileIndex) % hydro(1:nlv_T,1) = 0.0d0
261            end if
263            ! snow flux
264            if (col_varExist(columnAnlInc,'SF')) then
265              delSF => col_getColumn(columnAnlInc,sensorHeaderIndexes(profileIndex),'SF')
266              cld_profiles_tl(profileIndex) % hydro(1:nlv_T,2)  = delSF(:)
267            else
268              cld_profiles_tl(profileIndex) % hydro(1:nlv_T,2) = 0.0d0
269            end if
271            ! graupel
272            cld_profiles_tl(profileIndex) % hydro(1:nlv_T,3)  = 0.d0 ! no information for graupel
274            ! cloud liquid water content
275            delCLW => col_getColumn(columnAnlInc,sensorHeaderIndexes(profileIndex),'LWCR')
276            cld_profiles_tl(profileIndex) % hydro(1:nlv_T,4) = delCLW(:)
278            ! cloud ice water content
279            delCIW => col_getColumn(columnAnlInc,sensorHeaderIndexes(profileIndex),'IWCR')
280            cld_profiles_tl(profileIndex) % hydro(1:nlv_T,5)  = delCIW(:)
281          else
282            cld_profiles_tl(profileIndex) % hydro(1:nlv_T,1:5)  = 0.d0
283          end if ! surfTypeIsWater
285          cld_profiles_tl(profileIndex) % hydro_frac(1:nlv_T,1) = 0.d0   ! no perturbation on cloud fraction as it is a binary variable (or or 1.0) in this implementation
286        end if ! runObsOperatorWithHydrometeors_tl
288        profilesdata_tl(profileIndex) % ctp             = 0.0d0
289        profilesdata_tl(profileIndex) % cfraction       = 0.0d0
290        profilesdata_tl(profileIndex) % zenangle        = 0.0d0
291        profilesdata_tl(profileIndex) % azangle         = 0.0d0
292        profilesdata_tl(profileIndex) % skin % surftype = 0
293        profilesdata_tl(profileIndex) % skin % t        = col_getElem(columnAnlInc,1,sensorHeaderIndexes(profileIndex),'TG')
294        profilesdata_tl(profileIndex) % skin % fastem(:)= 0.0d0
295        profilesdata_tl(profileIndex) % skin % salinity = 0.0d0
296        profilesdata_tl(profileIndex) % s2m % t         = col_getElem(columnAnlInc,ilowlvl_T,sensorHeaderIndexes(profileIndex),'TT')        
297        profilesdata_tl(profileIndex) % s2m % q         = 0.d0
299        profilesdata_tl(profileIndex) % s2m % p         = col_getElem(columnAnlInc,1,sensorHeaderIndexes(profileIndex),'P0')*MPC_MBAR_PER_PA_R8
300        profilesdata_tl(profileIndex) % s2m % u         = col_getElem(columnAnlInc,ilowlvl_M,sensorHeaderIndexes(profileIndex),'UU')
301        profilesdata_tl(profileIndex) % s2m % v         = col_getElem(columnAnlInc,ilowlvl_M,sensorHeaderIndexes(profileIndex),'VV')
303        delP => col_getColumn(columnAnlInc,sensorHeaderIndexes(profileIndex),'P_T')
304        profilesdata_tl(profileIndex) % p(1:nlv_T)    = delP(:) * MPC_MBAR_PER_PA_R8
305        delTT => col_getColumn(columnAnlInc,sensorHeaderIndexes(profileIndex),'TT')
306        profilesdata_tl(profileIndex) % t(1:nlv_T)    = delTT(:)
307        delHU => col_getColumn(columnAnlInc,sensorHeaderIndexes(profileIndex),'HU')
308        profilesdata_tl(profileIndex) % q(1:nlv_T)    = delHU(:)
309        if (runObsOperatorWithHydrometeors_tl) then
310          cld_profiles_tl(profileIndex) % ph (1) = 0.d0
311          cld_profiles_tl(profileIndex) % cfrac = 0.d0
312          do levelIndex = 1, nlv_T - 1
313            cld_profiles_tl(profileIndex) % ph (levelIndex+1) = 0.5d0 * (profilesdata_tl(profileIndex) % p(levelIndex) + profilesdata_tl(profileIndex) % p(levelIndex+1) )
314          end do
315          cld_profiles_tl(profileIndex) % ph (nlv_T+1) = profilesdata_tl(profileIndex) % s2m % p
316        end if
317      end do
319      deallocate (sensorHeaderIndexes,  stat= allocStatus(1) )
320      deallocate (surfTypeIsWater,stat= allocStatus(2)) 
321      call utl_checkAllocationStatus(allocStatus, ' tvslin_rttov_tl', .false.)
323      !  set nthreads to actual number of threads which will be used.
325      nthreads = min(max_nthreads, profileCount)  
327      !   2.2  Prepare all input variables required by rttov.
329      allocate ( surfem1(btCount)           ,stat=allocStatus(1))
330      allocate ( sensorBodyIndexes(btCount) ,stat=allocStatus(2))
331      if (runObsOperatorWithHydrometeors_tl) then
332        allocate (frequencies(btCount), stat=allocStatus(3))
333      end if
334      call utl_checkAllocationStatus(allocStatus(1:3), ' tvslin_rtttov_tl')
336      !    get Hyperspecral IR emissivities
337      if ( tvs_isInstrumHyperSpectral(instrum) ) call tvs_getHIREmissivities(sensorTovsIndexes(1:profileCount), &
338           obsSpaceData, surfem1)      
339      allocate( lchannel_subset(profileCount,tvs_nchan(sensorIndex)) )
340      call tvs_getChanprof(sensorTovsIndexes(1:profileCount), obsSpaceData, chanprof, &
341           iptobs_cma_opt=sensorBodyIndexes, lchannel_subset_opt = lchannel_subset)
342      if (runObsOperatorWithHydrometeors_tl) then
343        call rttov_scatt_setupindex (       &
344              errorStatus,                  &
345              profileCount,                 & ! number of profiles
346              tvs_nchan(sensorIndex),       & ! number of channels 
347              tvs_coefs(sensorIndex),       & ! coef structure read in from rttov coef file
348              tvs_coef_scatt(sensorIndex),  & ! coef structure read in from rttov coef file
349              btcount,                      & ! number of calculated channels
350              chanprof,                     & ! channels and profile numbers
351              frequencies,                  & ! array, frequency number for each channel
352              lchannel_subset )               ! OPTIONAL array of logical flags to indicate a subset of channels
353        if (errorStatus /= errorStatus_success) then
354          write(*,*) 'tvslin_rttov_tl: fatal error in rttov_scatt_setupindex ', errorStatus
355          call utl_abort('tvslin_rttov_tl')
356        end if
357      end if
358      deallocate( lchannel_subset )
360      call tvs_getOtherEmissivities(chanprof, sensorTovsIndexes, sensorType, instrum, surfem1, calcemis)
362      if (sensorType == sensor_id_mw) then
363        call tvs_getMWemissivityFromAtlas(surfem1(1:btcount), emissivity_local, sensorIndex, chanprof, sensorTovsIndexes(1:profileCount))
364      else
365        emissivity_local(:)%emis_in = surfem1(:)
366      end if
368      !  2.3  Compute tl radiance with rttov_tl
370      errorStatus = errorStatus_success
371      emissivity_tl(:)%emis_in = 0.0d0
373      if (runObsOperatorWithHydrometeors_tl) then
374        call rttov_scatt_tl(                                &
375            errorStatus,                                    & ! out
376            tvs_opts_scatt(sensorIndex),                    & ! in
377            nlv_T,                                          & ! in
378            chanprof,                                       & ! in
379            frequencies,                                    & ! in
380            profiles(sensorTovsIndexes(1:profileCount)),    & ! in  
381            cld_profiles(sensorTovsIndexes(1:profileCount)),& ! in
382            tvs_coefs(sensorIndex),                         & ! in
383            tvs_coef_scatt(sensorIndex),                    & ! in
384            calcemis,                                       & ! in
385            emissivity_local,                               & ! inout
386            profilesdata_tl,                                & ! in
387            cld_profiles_tl,                                & ! in
388            emissivity_tl,                                  & ! inout
389            radiancedata_d,                                 & ! inout
390            radiancedata_tl)                                  ! inout 
391      else
392        call rttov_parallel_tl(                             &
393            errorStatus,                                    & ! out
394            chanprof,                                       & ! in
395            tvs_opts(sensorIndex),                          & ! in
396            profiles(sensorTovsIndexes(1:profileCount)),    & ! in
397            profilesdata_tl,                                & ! inout
398            tvs_coefs(sensorIndex),                         & ! in
399            transmission,                                   & ! inout
400            transmission_tl,                                & ! inout
401            radiancedata_d,                                 & ! inout
402            radiancedata_tl,                                & ! inout
403            calcemis=calcemis,                              & ! in
404            emissivity=emissivity_local,                    & ! in
405            emissivity_tl=emissivity_tl,                    & ! inout
406            nthreads=nthreads )                               ! in
407      end if
409      if (errorStatus /= errorStatus_success) then
410        write(*,*) 'Error in rttov_parallel_tl', errorStatus
411        write(*,*) 'temperature           profile=',profiles(sensorTovsIndexes(1)) % t(:)
412        write(*,*) 'temperature increment profile=',profilesdata_tl(1) % t(:)
413        call utl_abort('tvslin_rttov_tl')
414      end if
416      !  2.4  Store hx in obsSpaceData,OBS_WORK
418      do btIndex = 1, btCount
420        bodyIndex = sensorBodyIndexes(btIndex)
421        call obs_bodySet_r(obsSpaceData,OBS_WORK,bodyIndex, &
422             radiancedata_tl % bt(btIndex) )
423        if ( tvs_debug ) then
424          obsOMP = obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData,OBS_OMP,bodyIndex)
425          write(*,'(a,i4,2f8.2)') ' ichn,sim,obs= ', &
426               chanprof(btIndex)%chan, radiancedata_tl % bt(btIndex), obsOMP
427        end if
429      end do
431      ! de-allocate memory
433      asw = 0 ! 0 to deallocate
434      if (runObsOperatorWithHydrometeors_tl) then
435        call rttov_alloc_scatt_prof (allocStatus(1),              &
436                                     profileCount,                &
437                                     cld_profiles_tl,             &
438                                     nlv_T,                       &
439                                     nhydro=5,                    &
440                                     nhydro_frac=1,               &
441                                     asw=asw,                     &   
442                                     flux_conversion=[1,2,0,0,0])
443        deallocate(cld_profiles_tl)
444      end if
445      call rttov_alloc_tl(                   &
446           allocStatus(2),                   &
447           asw,                              &
448           nprofiles=profileCount,           &
449           nchanprof=btCount,                &
450           nlevels=nlv_T,                    &
451           chanprof=chanprof,                &
452           opts=tvs_opts(sensorIndex),       &
453           profiles_tl=profilesdata_tl,      &
454           coefs=tvs_coefs(sensorIndex),     &
455           transmission=transmission,        &
456           transmission_tl=transmission_tl,  &
457           radiance=radiancedata_d,          &
458           radiance_tl=radiancedata_tl,      &
459           calcemis=calcemis,                &
460           emissivity=emissivity_local,      &
461           emissivity_tl=emissivity_tl )
463      deallocate ( surfem1,          stat=allocStatus(3) )
464      if (allocated(frequencies)) deallocate(frequencies, stat=allocStatus(4))
465      deallocate ( sensorBodyIndexes,stat=allocStatus(5) )
466      call utl_checkAllocationStatus(allocStatus(1:5), ' tvslin_rtttov_tl', .false.)
468    end do sensor_loop
470    deallocate ( sensorTovsIndexes )
471    nullify( profiles )
472    write(*,*) 'tvslin_rttov_tl: Finished'
474  end subroutine tvslin_rttov_tl
476  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
477  !  tvslin_rttov_ad
478  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
479  subroutine tvslin_rttov_ad( columnAnlInc, columnTrlOnAnlIncLev, obsSpaceData )
480    !
481    !:Purpose: Adjoint of computation of radiance with rttov_ad
482    !
484    implicit none
486    ! Arguments:
487    type(struct_columnData), intent(inout) :: columnAnlInc
488    type(struct_columnData), intent(in)    :: columnTrlOnAnlIncLev
489    type(struct_obs),        intent(in)    :: obsSpaceData
491    ! Locals:
492    type(struct_vco), pointer :: vco_anl
493    integer, allocatable :: sensorTovsIndexes(:) 
494    integer, allocatable :: sensorHeaderIndexes(:) 
495    integer :: allocStatus(17)
496    integer :: omp_get_num_threads, nthreads
497    integer :: nobmax
498    integer :: sensorIndex, tovsIndex
499    integer :: ilowlvl_T,ilowlvl_M,profileCount,headerIndex,nlv_M,nlv_T
500    integer :: profileIndex, levelIndex
501    integer :: Vcode
502    real(8), allocatable :: tt_ad(:,:)
503    real(8), allocatable :: hu_ad(:,:)
504    real(8), allocatable :: pressure_ad(:,:)  
505    real(8), allocatable :: ozone_ad(:,:)
506    character(len=4) :: ozoneVarName
507    real(8), allocatable :: clw_ad(:,:)
508    real(8), allocatable :: ciw_ad(:,:), rf_ad(:,:), sf_ad(:,:)
509    logical, allocatable :: surfTypeIsWater(:), lchannel_subset(:,:)
510    real(8), pointer :: uu_column(:),vv_column(:),tt_column(:),hu_column(:),ps_column(:)
511    real(8), pointer :: tg_column(:),p_column(:),o3_column(:),clw_column(:)
512    real(8), pointer :: ciw_column(:), rf_column(:),sf_column(:)
513    integer :: btCount
514    integer :: max_nthreads
515    integer :: instrum
516    integer :: btIndex, bodyIndex
517    integer :: sensorType   ! sensor type (1=infrared; 2=microwave; 3=high resolution, 4=polarimetric)    
518    integer, allocatable :: sensorBodyIndexes(:)
519    integer :: errorStatus
520    real(8), allocatable :: surfem1(:)
521    integer, allocatable :: frequencies(:)
522    type(rttov_emissivity), pointer :: emissivity_local(:)
523    type(rttov_emissivity), pointer :: emissivity_ad(:)
524    type(rttov_transmission) :: transmission,transmission_ad
525    type(rttov_radiance) :: radiancedata_ad, radiancedata_d    
526    type(rttov_profile), pointer  :: profilesdata_ad(:) ! ad profiles buffer used in rttov calls
527    type(rttov_profile), pointer  :: profiles(:)
528    type(rttov_profile_cloud), pointer  :: cld_profiles(:)
529    type(rttov_profile_cloud), pointer  :: cld_profiles_ad(:)
530    type(rttov_chanprof), pointer :: chanprof(:)
531    integer :: asw
532    logical, pointer :: calcemis  (:)
533    logical :: runObsOperatorWithClw_ad
534    logical :: runObsOperatorWithHydrometeors_ad
536    if (tvs_nobtov == 0) return      ! exit if there are not tovs data
537    write(*,*) 'tvslin_rttov_ad: Starting'
539    call tvs_getProfile(profiles, 'tlad', cld_profiles)
541    if (.not. tvs_useO3Climatology .and. .not. col_varExist(columnTrlOnAnlIncLev,'TO3') .and. .not.  col_varExist(columnTrlOnAnlIncLev,'O3L') ) then
542      call utl_abort('tvslin_rttov_ad: if tvs_useO3Climatology is set to .true. the ozone variable must be included as an analysis variable in NAMSTATE.')
543    else if (.not.tvs_useO3Climatology) then 
544      if (col_varExist(columnTrlOnAnlIncLev,'TO3')) then
545        ozoneVarName = 'TO3'
546      else
547        ozoneVarName = 'O3L'
548      end if 
549    end if
551    !     1.    Set index for model's lowest level and model top
553    nlv_M = col_getNumLev(columnTrlOnAnlIncLev,'MM')
554    nlv_T = col_getNumLev(columnTrlOnAnlIncLev,'TH')
556    if (  col_getPressure(columnTrlOnAnlIncLev,1,1,'TH') < col_getPressure(columnTrlOnAnlIncLev,nlv_T,1,'TH') ) then
557      ilowlvl_M = nlv_M
558      ilowlvl_T = nlv_T
559    else
560      ilowlvl_M = 1
561      ilowlvl_T = 1
562    end if
564    vco_anl => col_getVco(columnTrlOnAnlIncLev)
565    Vcode = vco_anl%Vcode
567    !     1.  Get number of threads available and allocate memory for some variables
569    !$omp parallel 
570    max_nthreads = omp_get_num_threads()
571    !$omp end parallel
573    allocate ( sensorTovsIndexes(tvs_nobtov) )
575    !     2.  Computation of adjoint hx for tovs data only
577    ! Loop over all sensors specified by user
579    sensor_loop:do  sensorIndex = 1, tvs_nsensors
581      runObsOperatorWithClw_ad = col_varExist(columnTrlOnAnlIncLev,'LWCR') .and. &
582                                 tvs_isInstrumUsingCLW(tvs_instruments(sensorIndex)) .and. &
583                                 tvs_mwInstrumUsingCLW_tl
584      runObsOperatorWithHydrometeors_ad = col_varExist(columnTrlOnAnlIncLev,'LWCR') .and. &
585                                          col_varExist(columnTrlOnAnlIncLev,'IWCR') .and. &
586                                          tvs_isInstrumUsingHydrometeors(tvs_instruments(sensorIndex)) .and. &
587                                          tvs_mwInstrumUsingHydrometeors_tl
589      sensorType = tvs_coefs(sensorIndex) % coef% id_sensor
590      instrum = tvs_coefs(sensorIndex) % coef% id_inst
592      profileCount = 0
593      do tovsIndex = 1, tvs_nobtov
594        !    Currently processed sensor?
595        if ( tvs_lsensor(tovsIndex) == sensorIndex ) then
596          profileCount = profileCount + 1
597          sensorTovsIndexes(profileCount) = tovsIndex
598        end if
599      end do
601      if (profileCount == 0) cycle sensor_loop
603      nobmax = sensorTovsIndexes(profileCount)
605      !  compute the number of radiances/tbs to be calculated
606      btCount = tvs_countRadiances(sensorTovsIndexes(1:profileCount), obsSpaceData)
608      if (btCount == 0) cycle sensor_loop
610      allocStatus(:) = 0
611      allocate (sensorHeaderIndexes(profileCount),       stat= allocStatus(1))
612      allocate (tt_ad              (nlv_T,profileCount), stat= allocStatus(2))
613      allocate (hu_ad              (nlv_T,profileCount), stat= allocStatus(3))
614      allocate (pressure_ad        (nlv_T,profileCount), stat= allocStatus(4))
615      if (.not. tvs_useO3Climatology) then
616        if (tvs_coefs(sensorIndex) %coef %nozone > 0) then
617          allocate (ozone_ad(nlv_T,profileCount),   stat= allocStatus(5))
618        end if
619      end if
620      if (runObsOperatorWithClw_ad .or. runObsOperatorWithHydrometeors_ad) then
621        allocate (clw_ad(nlv_T,profileCount), stat= allocStatus(6))
622      end if
623      allocate (surfTypeIsWater(profileCount),stat= allocStatus(7))
624      surfTypeIsWater(:) = .false.
625      if (runObsOperatorWithHydrometeors_ad) then
626        allocate (ciw_ad(nlv_T,profileCount), stat= allocStatus(8))
627        allocate (rf_ad(nlv_T,profileCount),  stat= allocStatus(9))
628        allocate (sf_ad(nlv_T,profileCount), stat= allocStatus(10))
629      end if
631      call utl_checkAllocationStatus(allocStatus, ' tvslin_rttov_ad')
633      !  loop over all obs.
634      profileCount = 0 
636      ! loop over all obs.
637      obs_loop: do tovsIndex = 1, nobmax
638        if (tvs_lsensor(tovsIndex)/=sensorIndex) cycle obs_loop
639        headerIndex = tvs_headerIndex(tovsIndex)
640        profileCount = profileCount + 1
641        sensorHeaderIndexes(profileCount) = headerIndex
642      end do obs_loop
644      !  2.1  Calculate the actual number of threads which will be used.
646      nthreads = min(max_nthreads, profileCount )  
648      !  2.2  Prepare all input variables required by rttov_ad.
650      asw = 1 ! 1 for allocation, 0 for deallocation
652      call rttov_alloc_ad(                  &
653           allocStatus(1),                  &
654           asw,                             &
655           profileCount,                    &
656           btCount,                         &
657           nlv_T,                           &
658           chanprof,                        &
659           opts=tvs_opts(sensorIndex),      &
660           profiles_ad=profilesdata_ad,     &
661           coefs=tvs_coefs(sensorIndex),    &
662           transmission= transmission,      &
663           transmission_ad= transmission_ad,&
664           radiance=radiancedata_d,         &
665           radiance_ad=radiancedata_ad,     &
666           calcemis=calcemis,               &
667           emissivity=emissivity_local,     &
668           emissivity_ad=emissivity_ad,     &
669           init=.true.)
671      allocate (surfem1(btCount), stat=allocStatus(2))
672      if (runObsOperatorWithHydrometeors_ad) allocate ( frequencies(btCount), stat=allocStatus(3))
673      allocate (sensorBodyIndexes(btCount), stat=allocStatus(4))
674      if (runObsOperatorWithHydrometeors_ad) then
675        allocate(cld_profiles_ad(profileCount), stat=allocStatus(5))
676        call rttov_alloc_scatt_prof (allocStatus(6),   &
677                                     profileCount,     &
678                                     cld_profiles_ad,  &
679                                     nlv_T,            &
680                                     nhydro=5,         &
681                                     nhydro_frac=1,    &
682                                     asw=asw,          &     
683                                     flux_conversion=[1,2,0,0,0])
684      end if
685      call utl_checkAllocationStatus(allocStatus(1:6), ' tvslin_rttov_ad')
687      !  get Hyperspectral IR emissivities
689      if ( tvs_isInstrumHyperSpectral(instrum) ) call tvs_getHIREmissivities(sensorTovsIndexes(1:profileCount), obsSpaceData, surfem1)
691      ! Build the list of channels/profiles indices
692      allocate( lchannel_subset(profileCount,tvs_nchan(sensorIndex)) )
693      call tvs_getChanprof(sensorTovsIndexes(1:profileCount), obsSpaceData, chanprof, &
694         iptobs_cma_opt = sensorBodyIndexes, lchannel_subset_opt = lchannel_subset)
695      if (runObsOperatorWithHydrometeors_ad) then
696        call rttov_scatt_setupindex (       &
697              errorStatus,                  &
698              profileCount,                 &  ! number of profiles
699              tvs_nchan(sensorIndex),       &  ! number of channels 
700              tvs_coefs(sensorIndex),       &  ! coef structure read in from rttov coef file
701              tvs_coef_scatt(sensorIndex),  &  ! coef structure read in from rttov coef file
702              btcount,                      &  ! number of calculated channels
703              chanprof,                     &  ! channels and profile numbers
704              frequencies,                  &  ! array, frequency number for each channel
705              lchannel_subset )                ! OPTIONAL array of logical flags to indicate a subset of channels
706        if (errorStatus /= errorStatus_success) then
707          write(*,*) 'tvslin_rttov_ad: fatal error in rttov_scatt_setupindex ', errorStatus
708          call utl_abort('tvslin_rttov_ad')
709        end if
710      end if
711      deallocate( lchannel_subset )
712      !     get non Hyperspectral IR emissivities
713      call tvs_getOtherEmissivities(chanprof, sensorTovsIndexes, sensorType, instrum, surfem1, calcemis)
715      if (sensorType == sensor_id_mw) then
716        call tvs_getMWemissivityFromAtlas(surfem1(1:btcount), emissivity_local, sensorIndex, chanprof, sensorTovsIndexes(1:profileCount))
717      else
718        emissivity_local(:)%emis_in = surfem1(:)
719      end if
721      do btIndex = 1, btCount
722        bodyIndex = sensorBodyIndexes(btIndex)
723        radiancedata_ad % bt( btIndex ) = obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData,OBS_WORK,bodyIndex)
724      end do
726      !  2.3  Compute ad radiance with rttov_ad
728      errorStatus = errorStatus_success
729      emissivity_ad(:) % emis_in = 0.0d0
730      emissivity_ad(:) % emis_out = 0.0d0
732      if (runObsOperatorWithHydrometeors_ad) then
733        call rttov_scatt_ad(                                & 
734            errorStatus,                                    &! out
735            tvs_opts_scatt(sensorIndex),                    &! in
736            nlv_T,                                          &! in
737            chanprof,                                       &! in
738            frequencies,                                    &! in
739            profiles(sensorTovsIndexes(1:profileCount)),    &! in
740            cld_profiles(sensorTovsIndexes(1:profileCount)),&! in
741            tvs_coefs(sensorIndex),                         &! in
742            tvs_coef_scatt(sensorIndex),                    &! in
743            calcemis,                                       &! in
744            emissivity_local,                               &! inout
745            profilesdata_ad,                                &! inout
746            cld_profiles_ad,                                &! inout
747            emissivity_ad,                                  &! inout
748            radiancedata_d,                                 &! inout
749            radiancedata_ad)                                 ! inout
750      else
751        call rttov_parallel_ad(                             &
752            errorstatus,                                    &! out
753            chanprof,                                       &! in
754            tvs_opts(sensorIndex),                          &! in
755            profiles(sensorTovsIndexes(1:profileCount)),    &! in
756            profilesdata_ad,                                &! in
757            tvs_coefs(sensorIndex),                         &! in
758            transmission,                                   &! inout
759            transmission_ad,                                &! inout
760            radiancedata_d,                                 &! inout
761            radiancedata_ad,                                &! inout
762            calcemis=calcemis,                              &! in
763            emissivity=emissivity_local,                    &! inout
764            emissivity_ad=emissivity_ad,                    &! inout
765            nthreads = nthreads )
766      end if
767      if (errorStatus /= errorStatus_success) then
768        write(*,*) 'Error in rttov_parallel_ad', errorStatus
769        call utl_abort('tvslin_rttov_ad')
770      end if
772      !   2.0  Store adjoints in columnData object
773      tt_ad(:,:) = 0.d0
774      hu_ad(:,:) = 0.d0
775      pressure_ad(:,:) = 0.d0
776      if (.not. tvs_useO3Climatology) then
777        if (tvs_coefs(sensorIndex) %coef %nozone > 0) ozone_ad(:,:) = 0.d0
778      endif
779      if (runObsOperatorWithClw_ad .or. runObsOperatorWithHydrometeors_ad) clw_ad(:,:) = 0.d0
780      if (runObsOperatorWithHydrometeors_ad) then
781        ciw_ad(:,:) = 0.d0
782        rf_ad(:,:) = 0.d0
783        sf_ad(:,:) = 0.d0
784      end if
786      do btIndex = 1, btCount
787        profileIndex = chanprof(btIndex)%prof
788        headerIndex = sensorHeaderIndexes(profileIndex)
790        ps_column => col_getColumn(columnAnlInc,headerIndex,'P0')
791        p_column  => col_getColumn(columnAnlInc,headerIndex,'P_T')
792        tg_column => col_getColumn(columnAnlInc,headerIndex,'TG')
793        tt_column => col_getColumn(columnAnlInc,headerIndex,'TT')
794        hu_column => col_getColumn(columnAnlInc,headerIndex,'HU')
795        uu_column => col_getColumn(columnAnlInc,headerIndex,'UU')
796        vv_column => col_getColumn(columnAnlInc,headerIndex,'VV')
798        tt_ad(:,profileIndex) =  profilesdata_ad(profileIndex) % t(:)
799        hu_ad(:,profileIndex) = profilesdata_ad(profileIndex) % q(:)
800        pressure_ad(:,profileIndex)   =  profilesdata_ad(profileIndex) % p(:)
801        tg_column(1) = profilesdata_ad(profileIndex) % skin % t 
802        tt_column(ilowlvl_T) = profilesdata_ad(profileIndex) % s2m % t
803        ps_column(1) = profilesdata_ad(profileIndex) % s2m % p * MPC_MBAR_PER_PA_R8
804        hu_column(ilowlvl_T) = 0.d0 
805        uu_column(ilowlvl_M) = profilesdata_ad(profileIndex) % s2m % u
806        vv_column(ilowlvl_M) = profilesdata_ad(profileIndex) % s2m % v
808        if (.not. tvs_useO3Climatology) then
809          if (tvs_coefs(sensorIndex) %coef %nozone > 0) then
810            ! This step is just to transfer the value for ilowlvl_T to the memory space defined by 'col_getColumn(...trim(ozoneVarName))  
811            o3_column => col_getColumn(columnAnlInc,headerIndex,trim(ozoneVarName))
812            o3_column(ilowlvl_T) =  profilesdata_ad(profileIndex) % s2m % o * 1.0d-9
813            ozone_ad(:,profileIndex) = profilesdata_ad(profileIndex) % o3(:)
814          end if
815        end if
817        if (runObsOperatorWithClw_ad) then
818          clw_ad(:,profileIndex) = profilesdata_ad(profileIndex) % clw(:)
819        end if
821        if (runObsOperatorWithHydrometeors_ad) then
822          rf_ad(:,profileIndex)  = cld_profiles_ad(profileIndex) % hydro(:,1)
823          sf_ad(:,profileIndex)  = cld_profiles_ad(profileIndex) % hydro(:,2)
824          clw_ad(:,profileIndex) = cld_profiles_ad(profileIndex) % hydro(:,4)
825          ciw_ad(:,profileIndex) = cld_profiles_ad(profileIndex) % hydro(:,5)
826        end if
827      end do
829      !     .  2.1  Store adjoints in columnData object
830      !     .       -----------------------------------
832      do  profileIndex = 1 , profileCount 
833        ps_column => col_getColumn(columnAnlInc, sensorHeaderIndexes(profileIndex), 'P0')
834        p_column  => col_getColumn(columnAnlInc, sensorHeaderIndexes(profileIndex), 'P_T')
835        tt_column => col_getColumn(columnAnlInc, sensorHeaderIndexes(profileIndex), 'TT')
836        hu_column => col_getColumn(columnAnlInc, sensorHeaderIndexes(profileIndex), 'HU')
838        do levelIndex = 1, nlv_T
839          p_column(levelIndex) = p_column(levelIndex)  + pressure_ad  (levelIndex,profileIndex) * MPC_MBAR_PER_PA_R8
840          tt_column(levelIndex) = tt_column(levelIndex) + tt_ad  (levelIndex,profileIndex)
841          hu_column(levelIndex) = hu_column(levelIndex) + hu_ad (levelIndex,profileIndex)
842        end do
843      end do
845      if (.not. tvs_useO3Climatology) then
846        if (tvs_coefs(sensorIndex) %coef %nozone > 0) then
847          do  profileIndex = 1 , profileCount 
848            o3_column => col_getColumn(columnAnlInc, sensorHeaderIndexes(profileIndex),trim(ozoneVarName))
849            do levelIndex = 1, col_getNumLev(columnAnlInc,'TH')
850              o3_column(levelIndex) = o3_column(levelIndex) +  ozone_ad(levelIndex,profileIndex) * 1.0d-9
851            end do
852          end do
853        end if
854      end if
856      if (runObsOperatorWithClw_ad) then
857        do  profileIndex = 1 , profileCount 
858          surfTypeIsWater(profileIndex) = ( tvs_ChangedStypValue(obsSpaceData,sensorHeaderIndexes(profileIndex)) == surftype_sea )
859          if (surfTypeIsWater(profileIndex)) then
860            clw_column => col_getColumn(columnAnlInc, sensorHeaderIndexes(profileIndex),'LWCR')
861            do levelIndex = 1, col_getNumLev(columnAnlInc,'TH')
862              clw_column(levelIndex) = clw_column(levelIndex) + &
863                                       clw_ad(levelIndex,profileIndex)
864            end do
865          end if
866        end do
867      end if
869      if (runObsOperatorWithHydrometeors_ad) then
870        do  profileIndex = 1 , profileCount 
871          surfTypeIsWater(profileIndex) = (tvs_ChangedStypValue(obsSpaceData,sensorHeaderIndexes(profileIndex)) == surftype_sea)
872          if (surfTypeIsWater(profileIndex)) then
873            ! rain flux
874            if (col_varExist(columnAnlInc,'RF')) then
875              rf_column => col_getColumn(columnAnlInc, sensorHeaderIndexes(profileIndex),'RF')
876              do levelIndex = 1, col_getNumLev(columnAnlInc,'TH')
877                rf_column(levelIndex) = rf_column(levelIndex) + rf_ad(levelIndex,profileIndex)
878              end do
879            end if
881            ! snow flux
882            if (col_varExist(columnAnlInc,'SF')) then
883              sf_column => col_getColumn(columnAnlInc, sensorHeaderIndexes(profileIndex),'SF')
884              do levelIndex = 1, col_getNumLev(columnAnlInc,'TH')
885                sf_column(levelIndex) = sf_column(levelIndex) + sf_ad(levelIndex,profileIndex)
886              end do
887            end if
889            ! cloud liquid/ice water content
890            clw_column => col_getColumn(columnAnlInc, sensorHeaderIndexes(profileIndex),'LWCR')
891            ciw_column => col_getColumn(columnAnlInc, sensorHeaderIndexes(profileIndex),'IWCR')
892            do levelIndex = 1, col_getNumLev(columnAnlInc,'TH')
893              clw_column(levelIndex) = clw_column(levelIndex) + clw_ad(levelIndex,profileIndex)
894              ciw_column(levelIndex) = ciw_column(levelIndex) + ciw_ad(levelIndex,profileIndex)
895            end do
896          end if ! surfTypeIsWater
897        end do ! profileIndex
898      end if ! runObsOperatorWithHydrometeors_ad
900      deallocate (sensorHeaderIndexes, stat= allocStatus(1) )
901      deallocate (tt_ad,               stat= allocStatus(2) )
902      deallocate (hu_ad,               stat= allocStatus(3) )
903      deallocate (pressure_ad,         stat= allocStatus(4) )
904      if (.not. tvs_useO3Climatology) then
905        if (tvs_coefs(sensorIndex) %coef %nozone > 0) then
906          deallocate (ozone_ad,        stat= allocStatus(5) )
907        end if 
908      end if
909      if ( allocated(clw_ad) ) then
910        deallocate (clw_ad,stat=allocStatus(6))
911      end if
912      deallocate (surfTypeIsWater,stat=allocStatus(7))
913      if ( allocated(ciw_ad) ) then
914        deallocate (ciw_ad, stat= allocStatus(8))
915        deallocate (rf_ad,  stat= allocStatus(9))
916        deallocate (sf_ad,  stat= allocStatus(10))
917      end if
919      call utl_checkAllocationStatus(allocStatus, ' tvslin_fill_profiles_ad', .false.)
921      !     de-allocate memory
923      asw = 0 ! 0 to deallocate
924      if (runObsOperatorWithHydrometeors_ad) then
925        call rttov_alloc_scatt_prof (allocStatus(1),   &
926                                     profileCount,     &
927                                     cld_profiles_ad,  &
928                                     nlv_T,            &
929                                     nhydro=5,         &
930                                     nhydro_frac=1,    &
931                                     asw=asw,          &
932                                     flux_conversion= [1,2,0,0,0])
933        deallocate(cld_profiles_ad, stat=allocStatus(2))
934      end if
935      call rttov_alloc_ad(                  &
936           allocStatus(3),                  &
937           asw,                             &
938           profileCount,                    &
939           btCount,                         &
940           nlv_T,                           &
941           chanprof,                        &
942           opts=tvs_opts(sensorIndex),      &
943           profiles_ad=profilesdata_ad,     &
944           coefs=tvs_coefs(sensorIndex),    &
945           transmission= transmission,      &
946           transmission_ad= transmission_ad,&
947           radiance=radiancedata_d,         &
948           radiance_ad=radiancedata_ad,     &
949           calcemis=calcemis,               &
950           emissivity=emissivity_local,     &
951           emissivity_ad=emissivity_ad )
954      deallocate ( surfem1,           stat=allocStatus(4))
955      deallocate ( sensorBodyIndexes, stat=allocStatus(5))
956      if (allocated(frequencies)) deallocate ( frequencies, stat=allocStatus(6))
957      call utl_checkAllocationStatus(allocStatus(1:6), ' tvslin_rttov_ad', .false.)
959    end do sensor_loop
961    ! 3.  Close up
963    deallocate ( sensorTovsIndexes )
964    nullify( profiles )
965    write(*,*) 'tvslin_rttov_ad: Finished'
967  end subroutine tvslin_rttov_ad
969end module tovsLin_mod