test | character(len=20) :: test ! adjoint test type ('Bhi','Bens','advEns','advGSV','loc') |
mode | character(len=60) :: mode ! can be 'BHI', 'TOOLBOX', 'STDDEV or 'POWERSPEC' |
ip2 | integer :: ip2 ! Ensemble lead time (hour) selected within the file |
nens | integer :: nens ! Ensemble size |
nrandseed | integer :: nrandseed ! initial random seed value |
numperturbations | integer :: numperturbations ! number of perturbations for randomization estimate of stddev |
oneobs_levs | integer :: oneobs_levs(100) ! list of level indexes where B matrix columns are computed |
oneobs_lonlat | integer :: oneobs_lonlat(100,2) ! list of lon,lat index pairs where B matrix columns are computed |
oneobs_timeStep | character(len=128) :: oneobs_timeStep ! can be 'first', 'last' or 'middle' |
oneobs_varName | character(len=4) :: oneobs_varName ! can be 'all' or a specific variable name (default='all') |
writeEnsAmplitude | logical :: writeEnsAmplitude ! choose to write ensemble amplitude fields (for ensemble B) |
writePsiChiStddev | logical :: writePsiChiStddev ! choose to also write stddev of Psi/Chi in addition to UU/VV |
writeTextStddev | logical :: writeTextStddev ! choose to write stddev to text file in addition to standard file |
ensPathName | character(len=256) :: ensPathName ! path of ensemble member files |
fileMemberIndex1 | integer :: fileMemberIndex1 ! first member index in ensemble set to be read |
nEns | integer :: nEns ! ensemble size |
numFullEns | integer :: numFullEns ! number of full ensemble set (needed only for modulated ensemble) |
numRetainedEigen | integer :: numRetainedEigen ! number of retained eigen modes used for modulated ensemble |
obsTimeInterpType | character(len=20) :: obsTimeInterpType ! type of time interpolation to obs time |
readEnsMeanFromFile | logical :: readEnsMeanFromFile ! choose to read ens mean from file (when reading subset of members) |
vLocalize | real(8) :: vLocalize ! vertical localization lengthscale (needed only for modulated ensemble) |
hInterpolationDegree | character(len=12) :: hInterpolationDegree ! select degree of horizontal interpolation (if needed) |
nEns | integer :: nEns ! ensemble size |
readAnlEnsemble | logical :: readAnlEnsemble ! activate reading of analysis ensemble |
readTrlEnsemble | logical :: readTrlEnsemble ! activate reading of trial ensemble |
writeTrlEnsemble | logical :: writeTrlEnsemble ! activate writing of the trial ensemble (useful when it's interpolated) |
extractdate | integer :: extractdate ! date for the B matrix extracted |
lonlatExtract | integer :: lonlatExtract(nmaxLevs,2) ! lon lat pairs definining the locations where the B matrix is to be extracted |
stepBinExtract | character(len=128) :: stepBinExtract ! number of step bins to extract (1 typically for B NMC) |
varNameExtract | character(len=4) :: varNameExtract ! variable to extract (all to extract everything in namstate) |
algorithm | character(len=20) :: algorithm ! name of the chosen LETKF algorithm: 'LETKF', 'CVLETKF' |
backgroundCheck | logical :: backgroundCheck ! apply additional background check using ensemble spread |
debug | logical :: debug ! debug option to print values to the listings. |
ensPathName | character(len=256) :: ensPathName ! absolute or relative path to ensemble directory |
ensPostProcessing | logical :: ensPostProcessing ! do all post-processing of analysis ensemble |
etiket_anl | character(len=12) :: etiket_anl ! etiket for output files |
hLocalize | real(8) :: hLocalize(4) ! horizontal localization radius (in km) |
hLocalizePressure | real(8) :: hLocalizePressure(3) ! pressures where horizontal localization changes (in hPa) |
huberize | logical :: huberize ! apply huber norm quality control procedure |
ignoreEnsDate | logical :: ignoreEnsDate ! when reading ensemble, ignore the date |
maxNumLocalObs | integer :: maxNumLocalObs ! maximum number of obs in each local volume to assimilate |
minDistanceToLand | real(8) :: minDistanceToLand ! for ice/ocean DA: minimum distance to land for assimilating obs |
modifyAmsubObsError | logical :: modifyAmsubObsError ! reduce AMSU-B obs error stddev in tropics |
mpiDistribution | character(len=20) :: mpiDistribution ! type of mpiDistribution for weight calculation ('ROUNDROBIN' or 'TILES') |
nEns | integer :: nEns ! ensemble size |
numRetainedEigen | integer :: numRetainedEigen ! number of retained eigenValues/Vectors of vertical localization matrix |
numSubEns | integer :: numSubEns ! number of sub-ensembles to split the full ensemble |
obsTimeInterpType | character(len=20) :: obsTimeInterpType ! type of time interpolation to obs time |
outputEnsObs | logical :: outputEnsObs ! to write trial and analysis ensemble members in observation space to sqlite |
outputOnlyEnsMean | logical :: outputOnlyEnsMean ! when writing ensemble, can choose to only write member zero |
randomShuffleSubEns | logical :: randomShuffleSubEns ! choose to randomly shuffle members into subensembles |
readEnsObsFromFile | logical :: readEnsObsFromFile ! instead of computing innovations, read ensObs%Yb from file. |
recenterInputEns | logical :: recenterInputEns ! read a deterministic state to recenter ensemble |
rejectHighLatIR | logical :: rejectHighLatIR ! reject all IR observations at high latitudes |
rejectRadNearSfc | logical :: rejectRadNearSfc ! reject radiance observations near the surface |
vLocalize | real(8) :: vLocalize ! vertical localization radius (units: ln(Pressure in Pa) or meters) |
weightLatLonStep | integer :: weightLatLonStep ! separation of lat-lon grid points for weight calculation |
writeLocalEnsObsToFile | logical :: writeLocalEnsObsToFile ! Controls writing the ensObs to file. |
doThinning | logical :: doThinning ! Control whether or not thinning is done |
addHBHT | logical :: addHBHT ! choose to add the value of HBHT to obsSpaceData so it can be output |
addSigmaO | logical :: addSigmaO ! choose to add the value of sigma_obs to obsSpaceData so it can be output |
nEns | integer :: nEns ! ensemble size |
applySatUtil | logical :: applySatUtil ! choose to reject satellite obs based on 'util' column of stats_tovs |
brpform | character(len=256) :: brpform ! should not be used anymore |
cmabdy | character(len=256) :: cmabdy ! should not be used anymore |
cmadim | character(len=256) :: cmadim ! should not be used anymore |
cmahdr | character(len=256) :: cmahdr ! should not be used anymore |
modifyAmsubObsError | logical :: modifyAmsubObsError ! choose to modify the obs error stddev for AMSUB/MHS in the tropics |
obsClean | logical :: obsClean ! choose to remove rejected observations from files |
obsout | character(len=256) :: obsout ! file name for ascii output |
rejectHighLatIR | logical :: rejectHighLatIR ! choose to reject IR data in high latitudes |
rejectOutsideTimeWindow | logical :: rejectOutsideTimeWindow ! choose to reject obs outside time window |
suprep | logical :: suprep ! choose to execute 'suprep' obs filtering |
thinning | logical :: thinning ! choose to apply 'extra' thinning of some obs types |
writeAsciiCmaFiles | logical :: writeAsciiCmaFiles ! choose to write ascii output |
writeObsFiles | logical :: writeObsFiles ! choose to update the (burp or sqlite) observation files |
iceFractionThreshold | real(4) :: iceFractionThreshold ! consider no ice condition below this threshold |
outputFileName | character(len=100) :: outputFileName ! name of the file containing the generated observations |
outputFreshWaterST | real(4) :: outputFreshWaterST ! output fresh water surface temperature for pseudo obs. |
outputSST | real(4) :: outputSST ! output SST value for pseudo observations |
seaiceThinning | integer :: seaiceThinning ! generate pseudo obs in every 'seaiceThinning' points |
seaWaterThreshold | real(4) :: seaWaterThreshold ! to distinguish inland water from sea water |
iceFractionThreshold | real(4) :: iceFractionThreshold ! ice fraction threshold to use in combination with 'setPertZeroUnderIce' |
mpiTopoIndependent | logical :: mpiTopoIndependent ! choose to compute random numbers with mpi-topology-independent method |
nens | integer :: nens ! number of perturbations to compute |
numBits | integer :: numBits ! number of bits to use when writing to standard files |
out_etiket | character(len=12) :: out_etiket ! the 'etiket' to write to standard files |
previousDateFraction | real(4) :: previousDateFraction ! relative amount of previous date perturbations to include in current perturbations |
readEnsMean | logical :: readEnsMean ! choose to read ens mean and add this to the perturbations |
remove_mean | logical :: remove_mean ! choose to remove mean from perturbations |
seed | integer :: seed ! initial value of the random seed |
setPertZeroUnderIce | logical :: setPertZeroUnderIce ! choose to set perturbation to zero under sea ice (for SST) |
smoothVariances | logical :: smoothVariances ! choose to impose horizontally constant perturbation variances |
alphaClim | real(4) :: alphaClim ! scaling factor to relax towards climatology |
datestampClim | integer :: datestampClim(12) ! datestamps of input climatology fields |
etiketAnalysis | character(len=10) :: etiketAnalysis ! etiket in the analysis file for grid setup |
computeFinalNlJo | logical :: computeFinalNlJo ! compute final cost function using non-linear H() |
limitHuInOuterLoop | logical :: limitHuInOuterLoop ! impose humidity limits on each outer loop iteration |
numIterMaxInnerLoop | integer :: numIterMaxInnerLoop(maxNumOuterLoopIter) ! number of each inner loop iterations |
numOuterLoopIterations | integer :: numOuterLoopIterations ! number of outer loop iterations (default=1) |
analysisEtiket | character(len=12) :: analysisEtiket ! analysis field etiket in a standard file |
anlErrorStdEtiket | character(len=12) :: anlErrorStdEtiket ! analysis error standard deviation field etiket in the input/output standard files |
errorGrowth | real(4) :: errorGrowth ! seaice: fraction of ice per hour, SST: estimated growth |
hoursSinceLastAnalysis | integer :: hoursSinceLastAnalysis ! number of hours since the last analysis |
inputTypeVar | character(len=2) :: inputTypeVar ! typvar of the analysis error field in the input file |
maxAnalysisErrorStdDev | real(8) :: maxAnalysisErrorStdDev ! maximum limit imposed on analysis error stddev |
multFactorLcorr | real(4) :: multFactorLcorr ! multiplication scaling factor to increase the correlation length scale field |
outputTypeVar | character(len=2) :: outputTypeVar ! typvar of the analysis error field for the output file |
propagateAnalysisError | logical :: propagateAnalysisError ! choose to propagate analysis error |
propagateDSLO | logical :: propagateDSLO ! choose to propagate Days Since Last Obs field |
saveTrlStdField | logical :: saveTrlStdField ! choose to save trial standard deviation field |
trlErrorStdEtiket | character(len=12) :: trlErrorStdEtiket ! background error standard deviation field etiket in the input/output standard files |
new_bgck_sw | logical :: new_bgck_sw ! choose to use the 'new' background check for SW obs |
CrossCornsVarKindCH | character(len=4) :: CrossCornsVarKindCH(vnl_numvarmax) ! not sure what this is for... |
getPhysSpaceHCorrel | logical :: getPhysSpaceHCorrel ! calculate correlation lengths from spectral cov (needed for some CH obs operator settings) |
getPhysSpaceStats | logical :: getPhysSpaceStats ! choose to calculate/save physical space cov (stddev, corverti) |
IncludeAnlVarKindCH | character(len=4) :: IncludeAnlVarKindCH(vnl_numvarmax) ! list of CH variable names to consider |
ntrunc | integer :: ntrunc ! spectral truncation |
numModeZero | integer :: numModeZero ! number of eigenmodes to set to zero |
ReadWrite_sqrt | logical :: ReadWrite_sqrt ! choose to read and/or write sqrt of correlations |
rpor | real(8) :: rpor(vnl_numvarmax) ! horizontal localization distance (Gaussian) |
rvloc | real(8) :: rvloc(vnl_numvarmax) ! vertical localization distance (GC) |
scaleFactor | real(8) :: scaleFactor(vnl_numvarmax,vco_maxNumLevels) ! variable and level dependent scale factor applied to variances |
stddevMode | character(len=4) :: stddevMode ! can be 'GD2D', 'GD3D' or 'SP2D' |
TransformVarKindCH | character(len=20) :: TransformVarKindCH ! name of variable transform to apply to chemistry variables |
WritePhysSpaceStats | logical :: WritePhysSpaceStats ! choose to output physical space stats in 'bCovarSetupChem_out.fst' |
burpSatName | character (len=9) :: burpSatName(maxNumSat) ! list of platform names to treat (BURP file station id) |
satCloudCoverLimit | integer :: satCloudCoverLimit(maxNumSat,maxNumchan) ! maximum limit of cloud cover (careful this is an integer!) |
checkWinds | logical :: checkWinds = .false. ! check winds for last 4 days to amplify error in zone of max wind speed |
globalSelectCriteria | real(8) :: globalSelectCriteria(3) = (/5.d0, 25.d0, 30.d0/) ! global selection criteria |
inlandWaterSelectCriteriaInsitu | real(8) :: inlandWaterSelectCriteriaInsitu(3) = (/5.d0, 25.d0, 30.d0/) ! inland water, insitu selection criteria |
inlandWaterSelectCriteriaSatData | real(8) :: inlandWaterSelectCriteriaSatData(3) = (/5.d0, 25.d0, 30.d0/) ! inland water, satellite selection criteria |
maxLatExceptionNH | real(4) :: maxLatExceptionNH = 45. ! max lat of N. hemisphere lat band allows TS to penetrate further North in some months |
maxLatNH | real(4) :: maxLatNH = 40. ! max lat of N. hemisphere lat band where TS is detected |
maxLatSH | real(4) :: maxLatSH = -10. ! max lat of Southern hemisphere latutude band where TS is detected |
minLatNH | real(4) :: minLatNH = 10. ! min lat of N. hemisphere lat band where TS is detected |
minLatSH | real(4) :: minLatSH = -35. ! min lat of Southern hemisphere latutude band where TS is detected |
monthExceptionNH | character(len=3) :: monthExceptionNH(12) = ' ' ! exceptional months where TS allowed to penetrated further North |
ndaysWinds | integer :: ndaysWinds = 4 ! number of days in the 'winds' file to detect tropical storm (TS) |
nmonthsExceptionNH | integer :: nmonthsExceptionNH = 0 ! MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN NAMELIST! |
numObsBatches | integer :: numObsBatches = 20 ! number of batches for calling interp setup |
seaWaterSelectCriteriaInsitu | real(8) :: seaWaterSelectCriteriaInsitu(3) = (/5.d0, 25.d0, 30.d0/) ! sea water, insitu selection criteria |
seaWaterSelectCriteriaSatData | real(8) :: seaWaterSelectCriteriaSatData(3) = (/5.d0, 25.d0, 30.d0/) ! sea water, satellite selection criteria |
seaWaterThreshold | real(4) :: seaWaterThreshold = 0.1 ! threshold to distinguish inland water from sea water |
separateSelectCriteria | logical :: separateSelectCriteria = .false. ! apply separate selection criteria: sea/inland waters; insitu/satellite |
smoothLenghtScale | real(8) :: smoothLenghtScale = 50000. ! length scale. in m, to smooth the amplification error field |
timeInterpType_nl | character(len=20) :: timeInterpType_nl = 'NEAREST' ! 'NEAREST' or 'LINEAR' |
timeStepWinds | integer :: timeStepWinds = 6 ! in hours, winds are available every timeStepWinds-hours |
windForecastLeadtime | integer :: windForecastLeadtime = 6 ! in hours, lead time of wind forecast in the input file |
idStation | character(len=12) :: idStation(numStationMax) = 'null' ! list of obsSpaceData 'idStation' values to consider |
maxPerSwath | integer :: maxPerSwath = 200000 ! maximum number of data per swath |
maxSwath | integer :: maxSwath = 10 ! maximum number of swaths |
numStation | integer :: numStation = MPC_missingValue_INT ! MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN NAMELIST! |
OmpRmsdThresh | real :: OmpRmsdThresh(numStationMax) = 0.0 ! rejection threshold applied to RMS of O-P for entire swath |
aiBiasActive | logical :: aiBiasActive ! Control if bias correction is applied to aircraft data |
aiRevOnly | logical :: aiRevOnly ! Don't apply new correction but simply reverse any old corrections for AI |
gpBiasActive | logical :: gpBiasActive ! Control if bias correction is applied to ground-based GPS data |
gpRevOnly | logical :: gpRevOnly ! Don't apply new correction but simply reverse any old corrections for GP |
uaBiasActive | logical :: uaBiasActive ! Control if bias correction is applied to radiosonde data |
uaNbiasCat | integer :: uaNbiasCat ! Number of bias profile categories in UA bcor files, e.g. 1, or 2 for "asc" and "desc" phase categories |
uaNlatBands | integer :: uaNlatBands ! Number of latitude bands in ua_bcors_stype bcor file (= 5 or 1). Set to 1 if there are no latitude bands in file |
uaNprofsMin | integer :: uaNprofsMin ! Min number of bias profiles required for a station/stype/time-of-day to use biases 'ua_bcors_stn' as corrections |
uaRejUnBcor | logical :: uaRejUnBcor ! Set DATA QC flag bit 11 on to exclude uncorrected UA observations from assimilation |
uaRevOnly | logical :: uaRevOnly ! Don't apply new correction but simply reverse any old corrections for UA |
nlNbSondes | integer :: nlNbSondes ! Number of radiosonde types in lists |
nlSondeCodes | integer :: nlSondeCodes(nSondesMax,20) ! List of radiosonde type codes |
nlSondeTypes | character(len=8) :: nlSondeTypes(nSondesMax) ! List of radiosonde type names |
allModeCsr | logical :: allModeCsr ! flag to select "ALL" mode for CSR (GOES, SEVIRI, MVIRI, ABI, etc..) |
allModeHyperIr | logical :: allModeHyperIr! flag to select "ALL" mode for hyperSpectral Infrared (AIRS, IASI, CrIS) |
allModeSsmis | logical :: allModeSsmis ! flag to select "ALL" mode for SSMIS |
allModeTovs | logical :: allModeTovs ! flag to select "ALL" mode for TOVS (AMSU-A, AMSU-B, MHS, ATMS, MWHS-2) |
bg_stddev | real(8) :: bg_stddev(NumPredictors) ! background error for predictors ("varbc" mode) |
biasActive | logical :: biasActive ! logical variable to activate the module |
biasMode | character(len=5) :: biasMode ! "varbc" for varbc, "reg" to compute bias correction coefficients by regression, "apply" to compute and apply bias correction |
centerPredictors | logical :: centerPredictors ! flag to transparently remove predictor mean in "reg" mode (more stable problem; very little impact on the result) |
cglobal | character(len=3) :: cglobal(maxNumInst) ! a "global" parameter and |
cinst | character(len=7) :: cinst(maxNumInst) ! to read the bcif file for each instrument in cinst |
dumpToSqliteAfterThinning | logical :: dumpToSqliteAfterThinning ! option to output all usefull parameters to sqlite files after thinning |
filterObs | logical :: filterObs ! flag to activate additional observation filtering in "reg" mode. If it is .false. only observations selected for assimilation will be used in the linear regression |
mimicSatbcor | logical :: mimicSatbcor ! in "reg" mode compute regression coefficients the same way as the original satbcor program |
nbscan | integer :: nbscan(maxNumInst) ! the number of scan positions are necessary |
offlineMode | logical :: offlineMode ! flag to select offline mode for bias correction computation |
outCoeffCov | logical :: outCoeffCov ! flag to activate output of coefficients error covariance (useful for EnKF system) |
outOmFPredCov | logical :: outOmFPredCov ! flag to activate output of O-F/predictors coefficients covariances and correlations |
outstats | logical :: outstats ! flag to activate output of residual statistics in "reg" mode |
passiveChannelList | integer :: passiveChannelList(maxNumInst, maxPassiveChannels) |
refreshBiasCorrection | logical :: refreshBiasCorrection !flag to replace an existing bias correction with a new one |
removeBiasCorrection | logical :: removeBiasCorrection ! flag to activate removal of an already present bias correction |
scanBiasCorLength | real(8) :: scanBiasCorLength ! if positive and .not. mimicSatBcor use error correlation between scan positions with the given correlation length |
weightedEstimate | logical :: weightedestimate ! flag to activate radiosonde weighting for bias correction computation in "reg" mode |
doAveraging | logical :: doAveraging ! flag to control output the average instead of the invidual B matrices |
dumpBmatrixTofile | logical :: dumpBmatrixTofile ! flag to control output of B matrices to Bmatrix.bin binary file |
includeAnlVar | character(len=4) :: includeAnlVar(vnl_numvarmax) ! list of variable names to include in B matrix |
latMax | real(8) :: latMax ! maximum latitude of the Bmatrix latitude-longitude output box |
latMin | real(8) :: latMin ! minimum latitude of the Bmatrix latitude-longitude output box |
lonMax | real(8) :: lonMax ! maximum longitude of the Bmatrix latitude-longitude output box |
lonMin | real(8) :: lonMin ! minimum longitude of the Bmatrix latitude-longitude output box |
nEns | integer :: nEns ! ensemble size |
numIncludeAnlVar | integer :: numIncludeAnlVar ! MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN NAMELIST! |
scaleFactorENs | real(8) :: scaleFactorEns(vco_maxNumLevels) ! scaling factors for Ens variances |
scaleFactorEnsHumidity | real(8) :: scaleFactorEnsHumidity(vco_maxNumLevels) ! scaling factors for Ens humidity variances |
scaleFactorHI | real(8) :: scaleFactorHI(vco_maxNumLevels) ! scaling factors for HI variances |
scaleFactorHIHumidity | real(8) :: scaleFactorHIHumidity(vco_maxNumLevels) ! scaling factors for HI humidity variances |
vLocalize | real(8) :: vlocalize ! vertical localization length scale |
corr_len | real :: corr_len( maxNumVars ) ! Horizontal correlation length scale (km) |
homogeneous_std | real(8) :: homogeneous_std(maxNumVars) ! homogeneous standard deviation (when stddevMode is 'HOMO') |
latIgnoreFraction | real(8) :: latIgnoreFraction ! Relative zonal grid spacing limit where lats near each numerical pole are ignored |
nsamp | integer :: nsamp(maxNumVars) ! Number of samples in the estimation of the normalization factors by randomization |
scaleFactor | real(8) :: scaleFactor(maxNumVars) ! scale factor applied to variances |
stab | real :: stab( maxNumVars ) ! Stability criteria (definitely < 0.5) |
stddevMode | character(len=4) :: stddevMode ! can be 'GD2D' or 'HOMO' |
useImplicit | logical :: useImplicit(maxNumVars) ! choose to use implicit formulation of diffusion operator (.true.) or explicit version (.false.) |
advDiagnostic | logical :: advDiagnostic ! when `.true.` write diagnostic info related to advection to files |
advectFactorAssimWindow | real(8) :: advectFactorAssimWindow(vco_maxNumLevels) ! level-dependent scaling of winds used to advect localization |
advectFactorFSOFcst | real(8) :: advectFactorFSOFcst(vco_maxNumLevels) ! level-dependent scaling of winds used to advect localization |
advectStartTimeIndexAssimWindow | character(len=32) :: advectStartTimeIndexAssimWindow ! time index where advection originates from "first" or "middle" |
advectTypeAssimWindow | character(len=32) :: advectTypeAssimWindow ! what is advected in assim. window: "amplitude" or "ensPertAnlInc" |
ctrlVarHumidity | character(len=2) :: ctrlVarHumidity ! name of humidity variable used for ensemble perturbations (LQ or HU) |
ensContainsFullField | logical :: ensContainsFullField ! indicates full fields and not perturbations are in the ens. files |
ensDateOfValidity | integer :: ensDateOfValidity ! when set to -1, date in ens. files is ignored (only for 3D ens.) |
ensDiagnostic | logical :: ensDiagnostic ! when `.true.` write diagnostic info related to ens. to files |
enspathname | character(len=256) :: enspathname ! path where ensemble members are located (usually ./ensemble) |
footprintRadius | real(8) :: footprintRadius ! parameter for variance smoothing (in meters) |
footprintTopoThreshold | real(8) :: footprintTopoThreshold ! parameter for variance smoothing (in meters) |
hInterpolationDegree | character(len=12) :: hInterpolationDegree ! select degree of horizontal interpolation (if needed) |
hLocalize | real(8) :: hLocalize(maxNumLocalLength) ! horiz. localization length scale for each waveband (in km) |
huMinValue | real(8) :: huMinValue ! minimum humidity value imposed on ensemble members |
IncludeAnlVar | character(len=4) :: includeAnlVar(vnl_numvarmax) ! list of state variables for this ensemble B matrix; use all if blank |
keepAmplitude | logical :: keepAmplitude ! activate storage of ens. amplitudes in instance of struct_ens |
LocalizationType | character(len=256) :: localizationType ! "LevelDependent", "ScaleDependent" or "ScaleDependentWithSpectralLoc" |
nEns | integer :: nEns ! number of ensemble members |
ntrunc | integer :: ntrunc ! spectral truncation used for horizontal localization function |
removeSubEnsMeans | logical :: removeSubEnsMeans ! remove mean of each subsensemble defined by "subEnsembleIndex.txt" |
scaleFactor | real(8) :: scaleFactor(vco_maxNumLevels) ! level-dependent scaling of variances for all variables |
scaleFactorHumidity | real(8) :: scaleFactorHumidity(vco_maxNumLevels) ! level-dependent scaling of variances for humidity |
transformVarKindCH | character(len=20) :: transformVarKindCH ! name of transform performed on chemistry-related variables in ens. |
useCmatrixOnly | logical :: useCmatrixOnly ! activate normalization of ens. perturbations by ens. stddev |
varianceSmoothing | character(len=24) :: varianceSmoothing ! "none", "horizMean", "footprint" or "footprintLandSeaTopo" |
vLocalize | real(8) :: vLocalize(maxNumLocalLength) ! vert. localization length scale for each waveband (in scale heights) |
waveBandIndexSelected | integer :: waveBandIndexSelected ! for multiple NAMBEN blocks, waveband index of this block |
waveBandPeaks | integer :: waveBandPeaks(maxNumLocalLength) ! total wavenumber corresponding to peak of each waveband for SDL |
ntrunc | integer :: ntrunc ! spectral trunction |
numModeZero | integer :: numModeZero ! number of eigenmodes to set to zero |
ReadWrite_sqrt | logical :: ReadWrite_sqrt ! choose to read or write the sqrt of correlations |
scaleFactor | real(8) :: scaleFactor(vco_maxNumLevels) ! scale factor applied to variances (all variables) |
scaleFactorCC | real(8) :: scaleFactorCC(vco_maxNumLevels) ! scale factor applied to velocity potential |
scaleFactorLQ | real(8) :: scaleFactorLQ(vco_maxNumLevels) ! scale factor applied to humidity |
scaleTG | logical :: scaleTG ! scale factor applied to skin temperature |
squareSqrt | logical :: squareSqrt ! choose to use the 'square' formulation of corr matrix (not used) |
stddevMode | character(len=4) :: stddevMode ! can be 'GD2D' or 'SP2D' |
TweakTG | logical :: TweakTG ! adjust skin temp variance based on land-sea mask and sea ice |
BLISTELEMENTS | INTEGER :: BLISTELEMENTS(maxElements) ! list of bufr element ids to read |
ENFORCE_CLASSIC_SONDES | LOGICAL :: ENFORCE_CLASSIC_SONDES ! choose to ignore high-res raobs lat/lon/time information |
READ_QI_GA_MT_SW | LOGICAL :: READ_QI_GA_MT_SW ! read additional QC-related elements for AMV obs |
UA_FLAG_HIGH_PRECISION_TT_ES | LOGICAL :: UA_FLAG_HIGH_PRECISION_TT_ES ! choose to read flag of higher precision elements for raobs |
UA_HIGH_PRECISION_TT_ES | LOGICAL :: UA_HIGH_PRECISION_TT_ES ! choose to use higher precision elements for raobs |
BLISTELEMENTS_SFC | INTEGER :: BLISTELEMENTS_SFC(maxElements) ! list of bufr element ids to read |
LISTE_ELE_GPS | INTEGER :: LISTE_ELE_GPS(maxElements) ! list of bufr element ids to read |
BLISTELEMENTS | INTEGER :: BLISTELEMENTS(maxElements) ! list of bufr element ids to read |
BLISTELEMENTS_SFC | INTEGER :: BLISTELEMENTS_SFC(maxElements) ! list of bufr element ids to read |
BITEMLIST | CHARACTER(len=3) :: BITEMLIST(maxItems) ! list of blocks to include in updated file (e.g. 'OMP','OMA') |
addBtClearToBurp | logical :: addBtClearToBurp ! choose to write clear-sky radiance to file in all-sky mode |
btClearElementId | integer :: btClearElementId ! bufr element id of clear-sky radiance in all-sky mode |
clwFgElementId | integer :: clwFgElementId ! bufr element id of cloud liquid water from background in all-sky mode |
siFgElementId | integer :: siFgElementId ! bufr element id of scattering index in all-sky mode |
ntrunc | integer :: ntrunc |
vertWaveBandPeaks | integer :: vertWaveBandPeaks(maxNumLocalLength) ! For vertical wave band decomposition |
waveBandPeaks | integer :: waveBandPeaks(maxNumLocalLength) ! For horizontal wave band decomposition |
formulation | character(len=12) :: formulation ! Bhi formulation |
ctrlVarHumidity | character(len=2) :: ctrlVarHumidity |
doSpectralFilter | logical :: doSpectralFilter |
ensContainsFullField | logical :: ensContainsFullField |
tool | character(len=60) :: tool |
vertModesLengthScale | real(8) :: vertModesLengthScale(2) |
blockpadding | integer :: blockpadding |
nirefpoint | integer :: nirefpoint |
njrefpoint | integer :: njrefpoint |
correlatedVariables | character(len=4) :: correlatedVariables(vnl_numvarmax) |
grd_ext_x | integer :: grd_ext_x |
grd_ext_y | integer :: grd_ext_y |
hlocalize_humidity | real(8) :: hlocalize_humidity ! horizontal length scale (in km) |
hlocalize_mass | real(8) :: hlocalize_mass ! horizontal length scale (in km) |
hLocalize_other | real(8) :: hlocalize_other ! horizontal length scale (in km) |
hLocalize_wind | real(8) :: hlocalize_wind ! horizontal length scale (in km) |
NormByStdDev | logical :: NormByStdDev |
nTrunc | integer :: nTrunc |
scaleFactor | real(8) :: scaleFactor(vco_maxNumLevels) |
SetTGtoZero | logical :: SetTGtoZero |
SpectralWeights | character(len=12) :: SpectralWeights |
vlocalize_humidity | real(8) :: vlocalize_humidity ! vertical length scale (in units of ln(Pressure)) |
vlocalize_mass | real(8) :: vlocalize_mass ! vertical length scale (in units of ln(Pressure)) |
vlocalize_other | real(8) :: vlocalize_other ! vertical length scale (in units of ln(Pressure)) |
vLocalize_wind | real(8) :: vLocalize_wind ! vertical length scale (in units of ln(Pressure)) |
WindTransform | character(len=12) :: WindTransform |
writeEnsPert | logical :: writeEnsPert |
cnames | character(len=codtyp_name_length) :: cnames(codtyp_maxNumber) ! names for new additions to standard codtype list |
icod | integer :: icod (codtyp_maxNumber) ! codes for new additions to standard codtype list |
abortOnMpiImbalance | logical :: abortOnMpiImbalance ! choose to abort program when MPI imbalance is too large |
addHeightSfcOffset | logical :: addHeightSfcOffset ! choose to add non-zero height offset to diagnostic (sfc) levels |
anltime_bin | character(len=8) :: anltime_bin ! can be 'MIDDLE', 'FIRST' or 'LAST' |
anlvar | character(len=4) :: anlvar(vnl_numvarmax) ! list of state variable names |
conversionVarKindCHtoMicrograms | logical :: conversionVarKindCHtoMicrograms ! activate unit conversion for CH variables |
minValVarKindCH | real(8) :: minValVarKindCH(vnl_numVarMax) ! variable-dependent minimum value applied to chemistry variables |
rhumin | real(8) :: rhumin ! minimum humidity value imposed after interpolation to columns |
psvCodTypName | character(len=codtyp_name_length) :: psvCodTypName(ofl_numFamily,codtyp_maxNumber) ! codtyp names for psv. obs families |
psvObsFamily | character(len=2) :: psvObsFamily(ofl_numFamily) ! observation families for passive assimilation |
psvVarName | character(len=4) :: psvVarName(ofl_numFamily,vnl_numvarmax) ! varName(s) for psv. obs families |
simCodTypName | character(len=codtyp_name_length) :: simCodTypName(ofl_numFamily,codtyp_maxNumber) ! codtyp names for sim. obs families |
simObsFamily | character(len=2) :: simObsFamily(ofl_numFamily) ! observation families for simulation |
simVarName | character(len=4) :: simVarName(ofl_numFamily,vnl_numvarmax) ! varName(s) for sim. obs families |
alphaRandomPert | real(8) :: alphaRandomPert ! Random perturbation additive inflation coeff (0->1) |
alphaRandomPertSubSample | real(8) :: alphaRandomPertSubSample ! Random pert. additive inflation coeff for medium-range fcsts |
alphaRTPP | real(8) :: alphaRTPP ! RTPP coefficient (between 0 and 1; 0 means no relaxation) |
alphaRTPS | real(8) :: alphaRTPS ! RTPS coefficient (between 0 and 1; 0 means no relaxation) |
etiket_anl | character(len=8) :: etiket_anl ! etiket for ensemble output files (member number will be appended) |
etiket_anlmean | character(len=12) :: etiket_anlmean ! etiket for mean of analyses and mean of increments files |
etiket_anlmeanpert | character(len=12) :: etiket_anlmeanpert ! etiket for mean of perturbed analyses |
etiket_anlmean_raw | character(len=12) :: etiket_anlmean_raw ! etiket for mean of raw analyses |
etiket_anlrms | character(len=12) :: etiket_anlrms ! etiket for rms of analyses files |
etiket_anlrmspert | character(len=12) :: etiket_anlrmspert ! etiket for rms of perturbed analyses |
etiket_anlrms_raw | character(len=12) :: etiket_anlrms_raw ! etiket for rms of raw analyses |
etiket_inc | character(len=8) :: etiket_inc ! etiket for ensemble output files (member number will be appended) |
etiket_trl | character(len=8) :: etiket_trl ! etiket for ensemble output files (member number will be appended) |
etiket_trlmean | character(len=12) :: etiket_trlmean ! etiket for mean of trials |
etiket_trlrms | character(len=12) :: etiket_trlrms ! etiket for rms of trials |
huLimitsBeforeRecenter | logical :: huLimitsBeforeRecenter ! Choose to apply humidity limits before recentering |
imposeRttovHuLimits | logical :: imposeRttovHuLimits ! switch for choosing to impose the RTTOV limits on humidity |
imposeSaturationLimit | logical :: imposeSaturationLimit ! switch for choosing to impose saturation limit of humidity |
includeYearInSeed | logical :: includeYearInSeed ! switch for choosing to include year in default random seed |
numBits | integer :: numBits ! number of bits when writing ensemble mean and spread |
numMembersToRecenter | integer :: numMembersToRecenter ! number of members that get recentered on supplied analysis |
randomSeed | integer :: randomSeed ! seed used for random perturbation additive inflation |
useAnalIncMask | logical :: useAnalIncMask ! mask out the increment on the pilot zone |
useMemberAsHuRefState | logical :: useMemberAsHuRefState ! use each member as reference state for variable transforms |
useOptionTableRecenter | logical :: useOptionTableRecenter ! use values in the optiontable file |
weightRecenter | real(8) :: weightRecenter(vco_maxNumLevels) ! weight applied to recentering increment (between 0 and 1; 0 means no recentering) |
weightRecenterLand | real(8) :: weightRecenterLand ! weight applied to recentering increment for land variables |
writeRawAnalStats | logical :: writeRawAnalStats ! write mean and standard deviation of the raw analysis ensemble |
writeSubSample | logical :: writeSubSample ! write sub-sample members for initializing medium-range fcsts |
writeSubSampleUnPert | logical :: writeSubSampleUnPert ! write unperturbed sub-sample members for medium-range fcsts |
forecastPath | character(len=256) :: forecastPath ! relative path where forecast files are stored |
fsoMode | character(len=4) :: fsoMode ! type of FSOI algorithm: can be 'HFSO' or 'EFSO' |
includeHUnorm | logical :: includeHUnorm ! choose to include humidity in forecast error norm |
includeP0norm | logical :: includeP0norm ! choose to include surface pressure in forecast error norm |
includeTGnorm | logical :: includeTGnorm ! choose to include surface skin temperature in forecast error norm |
includeTTnorm | logical :: includeTTnorm ! choose to include temperature in forecast error norm |
includeUVnorm | logical :: includeUVnorm ! choose to include winds in forecast error norm |
latMaxNorm | real(8) :: latMaxNorm ! maximum latitude for area included in forecast error norm (in degrees) |
latMinNorm | real(8) :: latMinNorm ! minimum latitude for area included in forecast error norm (in degrees) |
leadTime | real(8) :: leadTime ! lead time of forecast (in hours) |
lonMaxNorm | real(8) :: lonMaxNorm ! maximum longitude for area included in forecast error norm (in degrees) |
lonMinNorm | real(8) :: lonMinNorm ! minimum longitude for area included in forecast error norm (in degrees) |
nitermax | integer :: nitermax ! maximum number of minimization iterations |
nsimmax | integer :: nsimmax ! maximum number of cost function evaluations during minimization |
nvamaj | integer :: nvamaj ! number of vector pairs to store in memory for Hessian approximation |
rdf1fac | real(8) :: rdf1fac ! factor applied to initial cost function value to approximate final value |
repsg | real(8) :: repsg ! relative gradient amplitude used as stopping criteria |
StratoNorm | logical :: StratoNorm ! choose for forecast error norm from 100hPa to 1hPa,default from surface to 100hPa |
BGCKBAND | REAL(8) :: BGCKBAND ! Maximum allowed deviation abs(O-P)/P (default 0.05) |
gpsroBNorm | LOGICAL :: gpsroBNorm ! Choose to normalize based on B=H(x) (default=.True.), or approximate exponential reference |
gpsroEotvos | LOGICAL :: gpsroEotvos ! Add an operator-only Eotvos correction to local gravity (shift of altitudes, default False) |
gpsroError | character(len=20) :: gpsroError ! key for using dynamic/static refractivity error estimation (default 'DYNAMIC') |
GPSRO_MAXPRFSIZE | INTEGER :: GPSRO_MAXPRFSIZE ! Maximal number of data that is expected from a profile (default 300) |
gpsroNsigma | REAL(8) :: gpsroNsigma ! Factor applied to observation error for background departure check when gpsroBNorm is .true. (default 1.d6) |
HSFMIN | REAL(8) :: HSFMIN ! Minimum allowed MSL height of an obs (default 0 m) |
HTPMAX | REAL(8) :: HTPMAX ! Maximum allowed MSL height of an obs (default 70000 m) |
HTPMAXER | REAL(8) :: HTPMAXER ! Maximum MSL height to evaluate the obs error (default to HTPMAX) |
LEVELGPSRO | INTEGER :: LEVELGPSRO ! Data level to use (1 for bending angle, 2 for refractivity) |
SURFMIN | REAL(8) :: SURFMIN ! Minimum allowed distance to the model surface (default 0 m) |
WGPS | REAL(4) :: WGPS(0:1023,4) ! WGPS values for each satellite sensor |
DZMAX | REAL(8) :: DZMAX = 1000.0D0 ! Maximum DZ (m) over which ZTD rejected due to topography (when LTOPOFILT = .TRUE.) |
DZMIN | REAL(8) :: DZMIN ! Minimum DZ = Zobs-Zmod (m) for which DZ adjustment to ZTD will be made |
IREFOPT | INTEGER :: IREFOPT ! 1 = conventional expression for N using k1,k2,k3; 2 = Aparicio & Laroche N (incl. compressibility) |
IZTDOP | INTEGER :: IZTDOP ! 1 = use stored ZTD profiles to get ZTDmod; 2 = Vedel & Huang ZTD formulation: ZTDmod = ZHD(Pobs) + ZWD |
L1OBS | LOGICAL :: L1OBS ! Choose to select a single ZTD observation |
LASSMET | LOGICAL :: LASSMET ! Choose to assimilate GPS Met surface P, T, T-Td |
LBEVIS | logical , intent(in) :: lbevis ! determines which set of refractivity constants to use (Bevis or Rueger) |
LLBLMET | LOGICAL :: LLBLMET ! Indicate that surface met data blacklisted for GPS sites close to surface weather stations. |
LTESTOP | LOGICAL :: LTESTOP ! Choose to test ZTD observation operator (Omp and Bgck modes only) |
YSFERRWGT | REAL(8) :: YSFERRWGT ! Scale factor for GPS surface met errors (account for time series obs with error correlations) |
YZDERRWGT | REAL(8) :: YZDERRWGT ! Scale factor for GPS ZTD errors (account for time series obs with error correlations) |
YZTDERR | REAL(8) :: YZTDERR ! If < 0 use errors in input files; if > 0 use value as constant error (m); if 0 compute error as f(ZWD) |
interpToPhysicsGrid | logical :: interpToPhysicsGrid ! for LAM grid, choose to keep physics variables on their original grid |
maxValueCLDR | real(8) :: maxValueCLDR ! maximum CLDR value |
maxValueIWCR | real(8) :: maxValueIWCR ! maximum IWCR value |
maxValueLWCR | real(8) :: maxValueLWCR ! maximum LWCR value |
maxValueRF | real(8) :: maxValueRF ! maximum RF value |
maxValueSF | real(8) :: maxValueSF ! maximum SF value |
minValueCLDR | real(8) :: minValueCLDR ! minimum CLDR value |
minValueIWCR | real(8) :: minValueIWCR ! minimum IWCR value |
minValueLWCR | real(8) :: minValueLWCR ! minimum LWCR value |
minValueRF | real(8) :: minValueRF ! minimum RF value |
minValueSF | real(8) :: minValueSF ! minimum SF value |
applyLiebmann | logical :: applyLiebmann ! choose to apply Liebmann extrapolation to SST and/or sea ice |
etiket_anlm | character(len=12) :: etiket_anlm ! 'etiket' used when writing the analysis |
etiket_rebm | character(len=12) :: etiket_rebm ! 'etiket' used when writing the low-res increment |
etiket_rehm | character(len=12) :: etiket_rehm ! 'etiket' used when writing the high-res increment |
hInterpolationDegree | character(len=12) :: hInterpolationDegree ! type of interpolation to use: 'LINEAR' or 'CUBIC' |
imposeRttovHuLimits | logical :: imposeRttovHuLimits ! choose to impose "rttov" humidity limits to analysis |
SSTSpread | logical :: SSTSpread ! choose to apply spatial spreading of the SST increment onto land |
SSTSpreadMaxBoxSize | integer :: SSTSpreadMaxBoxSize ! control the amount of SST increment spreading |
SSTSubgrid | character(len=10) :: SSTSubgrid ! select subgrid on which to apply spreading: 'Yin' or 'Yan' |
useAnalIncMask | logical :: useAnalIncMask ! for LAM only, choose to apply scale factor from a mask file to the increment |
writeHiresIncrement | logical :: writeHiresIncrement ! choose to write the high-res increment to a file |
writeNumBits | integer :: writeNumBits ! number of bits to use when writing analysis and high-res increment |
numObsBatches | integer :: numObsBatches ! number of batches for calling interp setup |
timeInterpType_nl | character(len=20) :: timeInterpType_nl ! 'NEAREST' or 'LINEAR' |
checkCloudToGridUnassigned | logical :: checkCloudToGridUnassigned ! abort if unmasked points not assigned from cloudToGrid interp |
maxBoxSize | integer :: maxBoxSize ! max size used to fill values for cloudToGrid interpolation |
vInterpCopyLowestLevel | logical :: vInterpCopyLowestLevel ! overwrite values at lowest level to avoid extrapolation |
hLoc | logical :: hLoc |
horizPadding | integer :: horizPadding |
strideForHLoc | integer :: strideForHLoc |
strideForVloc | integer :: strideForVloc |
vLoc | logical :: vLoc |
arrayVertical | logical :: arrayVertical ! choose to use array vertical representation by default |
verbosity | integer :: verbosity ! maximum verbosity level of messages to be printed in the listing |
npex | integer :: npex ! number of MPI tasks in 'x' direction (set automatically by launch script) |
npey | integer :: npey ! number of MPI tasks in 'y' direction (set automatically by launch script) |
LGRTEST | logical :: lgrtest ! choose to perform the 'gradient test" before and after minimization |
LVARQC | logical :: lvarqc ! choose to activate varQC |
lvazx | logical :: lvazx ! generally not used any longer |
lwrthess | logical :: lwrthess ! choose to write the Hessian approximation |
lxbar | logical :: lxbar ! generally not used any longer |
NITERMAX | integer :: NITERMAX ! maximum number of minimization iterations |
NSIMMAX | integer :: NSIMMAX ! maximum number of cost function evaluations during minimization |
NVAMAJ | integer :: NVAMAJ ! number of vector pairs to store in memory for Hessian approximation |
NWOQCV | integer :: nwoqcv ! number of iterations to initially perform without varQC |
rdf1fac | real(8) :: rdf1fac ! factor applied to initial cost function value to approximate final value |
REPSG | real(8) :: REPSG ! relative gradient amplitude used as stopping criteria |
crisCloudFractionThreshold | real(8) :: crisCloudFractionThreshold ! threshold for CrIS cloud detection from VIIRS cloud mask |
dtl | real(8) :: dtl ! Max delta allowed btwn guess and true skin temp over land |
dtw | real(8) :: dtw ! Max delta allowed btwn guess and true skin temp over water |
ilist1 | integer :: ilist1(nmaxinst,nch_he) ! Chan numbers for cloud top height detection: background profile matching |
ilist2 | integer :: ilist2(nmaxinst,nco2) ! Chan numbers for cloud top height detection: CO2-slicing |
ilist2_pair | integer :: ilist2_pair(nmaxinst,nco2) ! Chan number pairs for cloud top height detection: CO2-slicing |
inst | character(len=7) :: inst(nmaxinst) ! List of instrument names |
iwindow | integer :: iwindow(nmaxinst) ! Ref window channel for clear/cloudy profile detection |
iwindow_alt | integer :: iwindow_alt(nmaxinst) ! Alternate window channel for clear/cloudy profile detection |
night_ang | real(8) :: night_ang ! Min solar zenith angle for night (between 90 and 180) |
ninst | integer :: ninst ! MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN NAMELIST! |
pco2max | real(8) :: pco2max ! Max RTTOV level for lev_start variable entering CO2 slicing in mb |
pco2min | real(8) :: pco2min ! Min RTTOV level for lev_start variable entering CO2 slicing in mb |
elemIdList | integer :: elemIdList(maxElementNumber) ! list of bufr element IDs to read from file |
numElemIdList | integer :: numElemIdList ! MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN NAMELIST! |
numberUpdateItems | integer, save :: numberUpdateItems ! MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN NAMELIST! |
updateItemList | character(len=4), save :: updateItemList(maxItemNumber) ! obsSpace column names used to update the file |
numberUpdateItems | integer, save :: numberUpdateItems ! MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN NAMELIST! |
updateItemList | character(len=4), save :: updateItemList(maxItemNumber) ! obsSpace column names used to update the file |
useVacuum | logical, save :: useVacuum ! choose to 'vacuum' the file after cleaning to reduce file size |
amsuaClearCldPredThresh | real(8) :: amsuaClearCldPredThresh(5) ! cloud threshold for considering obs as clear sky |
amsuaInflateErrAllskyCoeff | real(8) :: amsuaInflateErrAllskyCoeff ! state dependent obs error inflation factor |
mwAllskyHuInflateByOmp | logical :: mwAllskyHuInflateByOmp ! choose to inflate all sky HU radiance errors by an amount related to O-P |
mwAllskyHuInflateBySiDiff | logical :: mwAllskyHuInflateBySiDiff ! choose to inflate all sky HU radiance errors by an amount related to cloud O-P |
mwAllskyTtInflateByClwDiff | logical :: mwAllskyTtInflateByClwDiff ! choose to inflate all sky TT radiance errors by an amount related to cloud O-P |
mwAllskyTtInflateByOmp | logical :: mwAllskyTtInflateByOmp ! choose to inflate all sky TT radiance errors by an amount related to O-P |
new_oer_sw | logical :: new_oer_sw ! use the 'new' method to compute errors for AMV observations |
obsfile_oer_sw | logical :: obsfile_oer_sw ! choose to read errors for AMV from the obs files |
readOldSymmetricObsErrFile | logical :: readOldSymmetricObsErrFile ! choose to read 'old style' obs error file, when only AMSU-A was all sky |
visAndGustAdded | logical :: visAndGustAdded ! choose to read visibility and gust errors in addition to other conv variables |
numberSSTDatasets | integer :: numberSSTDatasets = MPC_missingValue_INT ! MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN NAMELIST! |
SSTdataParams | type(SSTdataParamsType) :: SSTdataParams(maxNumberSSTDatasets) ! list of SSTdataParamsType defining SST obs errors |
addFSOdiag | logical :: addFSOdiag ! choose to include FSO column in body table |
lwritediagsql | logical :: lwritediagsql ! choose to write 'diag' sqlite observation files |
onlyAssimObs | logical :: onlyAssimObs ! choose to not include unassimilated obs in 'diag' sqlite files |
writeObsDb | logical :: writeObsDb ! write obDB file from scratch |
discardlandsfcwind | logical :: discardlandsfcwind ! choose to reject surface wind obs over land |
list_altDiffMax | integer :: list_altDiffMax(numElem) ! list of bufr element IDs to apply maximum altitude difference |
list_topoFilt | character(len=2) :: list_topoFilt(nTopoFiltFam) ! list of obs family names for applying max altitude |
nelems | integer :: nelems ! MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN NAMELIST! |
nelems_altDiffMax | integer :: nelems_altDiffMax ! MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN NAMELIST! |
nflags | integer :: nflags ! MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN NAMELIST! |
nlist | integer :: nlist(nelemsMax) ! list of bufr element IDs to consider for assimilation |
nlistflg | integer :: nlistflg(nFLagsMax) ! list of flag 'reference numbers' to use for rejecting obs |
rejectGZforAnalysis | logical :: rejectGZforAnalysis ! whether to reject geopotential height for analysis update |
rlimlvhu | real(8) :: rlimlvhu ! pressure level (in hPa) above which humidity (ES) obs are rejected |
surfaceBufferZone_Height | real(8) :: surfaceBufferZone_Height ! height of buffer zone (in m) for rejecting obs near sfc |
surfaceBufferZone_Pres | real(8) :: surfaceBufferZone_Pres ! height of buffer zone (in Pa) for rejecting obs near sfc |
useEnkfTopoFilt | logical :: useEnkfTopoFilt ! choose to use simpler approach (originally in EnKF) for rejecting obs near sfc |
value_altDiffMax | real(8) :: value_altDiffMax(numElem) ! value of maximum difference between model sfc and obs altitude |
maxRangeInterp | real(8), save :: maxRangeInterp ! max allowable horizontal distance between levels (in m) for radar winds |
listPlatformIce | character(len=12), save :: listPlatformIce(maxPlatformIce) ! list of ice obs 'platforms' (station IDs) to assimilate |
nPlatformIce | integer, save :: nPlatformIce ! MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN NAMELIST! |
assim_all | logical :: assim_all(assim_maxfamnum) ! Choose to assimilate all obs of specified family |
assim_exclude_flag | integer :: assim_exclude_flag(assim_maxfamnum,assim_maxsize) ! Number of bits for excluding obs |
assim_exclude_nflag | integer :: assim_exclude_nflag(assim_maxfamnum) ! List of bits for excluding obs from assimilation |
assim_fam | character(len=2) :: assim_fam(assim_maxfamnum) ! List of families to which filt_diagnOnly is to apply |
assim_nlev | integer :: assim_nlev(assim_maxfamnum,assim_maxsize) ! 0: multi- and uni-lev; 1: uni-lev; >1 multi-lev |
assim_num | integer :: assim_num(assim_maxfamnum) ! Number of combinations identified for assimilation |
assim_stnid | character(len=9) :: assim_stnid(assim_maxfamnum,assim_maxsize) ! List of stnid to assimilation '*' for wild card |
assim_varno | integer :: assim_varno(assim_maxfamnum,assim_maxsize) ! List of bufr elements to assimilate (0 means all) |
genOperConstraintType | character(len=5) :: genOperConstraintType(0:oopc_constituentsSize) ! Strong constraint for generalized obs operator (see oopc_genOper) |
genOperHCorrlenExpnt | real(8) :: genOperHCorrlenExpnt(0:oopc_constituentsSize) ! Exponent for horiz. correl. length weighting in oopc_genOper |
genOperOmAStatsFactor | real(8) :: genOperOmAStatsFactor(0:oopc_constituentsSize) ! Additional OmAStats normalization factor for oopc_genOper |
modelName | character(len=10) :: modelName = 'GEM-MACH' ! Identification of the model |
obsdata_maxsize | integer :: obsdata_maxsize ! Max number of obs associated with ordered obs indices |
operatorSubType | character(len=20) :: operatorSubType(2,assim_maxsize) ! Operator sub-type name |
storeOperators | logical :: storeOperators ! Choose to store linear operators for re-use in TL/AD |
tropo_bound | integer :: tropo_bound(0:oopc_constituentsSize) ! Indicate which column top value used for special treatment |
tropo_column_top | real(8) :: tropo_column_top(0:oopc_constituentsSize) ! Default for column boundary (in Pa) of total column obs |
tropo_mode | integer :: tropo_mode(0:oopc_constituentsSize) ! Special treatment for troposphere of total column obs |
do_adjust_aladin | logical :: do_adjust_aladin ! choose to adjust obs value as if it was retrieved using our temp and pressure |
adjustTemperature | logical, save :: adjustTemperature ! choose to adjust near-sfc temperature using lapse rate and height difference |
ndatamx | integer :: ndatamx ! maximum number of rows in 'body' table (used for initial allocation) |
nmxobs | integer :: nmxobs ! maximum number of rows in 'header' table (used for initial allocation) |
deltaHeight | real(8) :: deltaHeight ! Size of vertical bins for diagnostics (meters) |
deltaLat | real(8) :: deltaLat ! Size of latitude bins for diagnostics (degrees) |
deltaLon | real(8) :: deltaLon ! Size of longitude bins for diagnostics (degrees) |
deltaPressure | real(8) :: deltaPressure ! Size of vertical bins for diagnostics (Pascal) |
diagn_all | logical :: diagn_all(ofl_numFamily) ! Choose to use all combinations specified by diagn_nset |
diagn_nset | integer :: diagn_nset(ofl_numFamily) ! Choose to group by 1: stnid, 2: stnid,bufr, 3: stnid,bufr,nlev |
diagn_num | integer :: diagn_num(ofl_numFamily) ! Prescribed (starting) number of (stnid, bufr, nlev) for diag calc |
diagn_pressmin | real(8) :: diagn_pressmin(ofl_numFamily) ! Bottom of top layer for diagnostics (in Pa) |
diagn_save | logical :: diagn_save(ofl_numFamily) ! Choose to save gridded info in ascii file |
diagn_stnid | character(len=9) :: diagn_stnid(ofl_numFamily,max_cfg_size) ! List of stnid for diag calc |
diagn_unilev | logical :: diagn_unilev(ofl_numFamily,max_cfg_size) ! List indicating if uni-lev obs for diag calc |
diagn_varno | integer :: diagn_varno(ofl_numFamily,max_cfg_size) ! List of bufr element ids for diag calc |
elementList | integer :: elementList(ofl_numFamily) ! List of bufr element ids to consider |
familyList | character(len=2) :: familyList(ofl_numFamily) ! List of family names to consider |
lrandom | logical :: lrandom ! Perform diagnostics from random perturbations |
nrandseed | integer :: nrandseed ! Random seed value |
numElement | integer :: numElement ! MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN NAMELIST! |
numFamily | integer :: numFamily ! MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN NAMELIST! |
hybrid_mode | character(len=12) :: hybrid_mode ! can be 'WEIGHTED_SUM' or 'MAX_VALUE' |
saturationCurve | character(len=20) :: saturationCurve ! saturationCurve must be one of 'Tetens_1930', 'Tetens_2018a', 'Tetens_2018' |
rmat_lnonDiagR | logical :: rmat_lnondiagr ! choose to use non-diagonal R matrix (i.e. non-zero correlations) |
maxNumIteration | integer :: maxNumIteration ! maximum number of iterations for determining slant path |
toleranceHeightDiff | real(4) :: toleranceHeightDiff ! threshold of height diff (in m) for convergence of slant path |
listElem | character(len=256) :: listElem ! list of bufr element ids to read |
numberElem | integer :: numberElem ! MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN NAMELIST! |
sqlExtraDat | character(len=256) :: sqlExtraDat ! can be used e.g. for ' and id_obs in (select id_obs from header where...) ' |
sqlExtraHeader | character(len=256) :: sqlExtraHeader ! can be used e.g. for ' id_stn in (...) ' |
sqlNull | character(len=256) :: sqlNull ! can be used e.g. for ' and obsvalue is not null ' |
listElem | character(len=256) :: listElem ! list of bufr element ids to read |
numberElem | integer :: numberElem ! MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN NAMELIST! |
sqlExtraDat | character(len=256) :: sqlExtraDat ! can be used e.g. for ' and id_obs in (select id_obs from header where...) ' |
sqlExtraHeader | character(len=256) :: sqlExtraHeader ! can be used e.g. for ' id_stn in (...) ' |
sqlNull | character(len=256) :: sqlNull ! can be used e.g. for ' and obsvalue is not null ' |
listElem | character(len=256) :: listElem ! list of bufr element ids to read |
numberElem | integer :: numberElem ! MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN NAMELIST! |
sqlExtraDat | character(len=256) :: sqlExtraDat ! can be used e.g. for ' and id_obs in (select id_obs from header where...) ' |
sqlExtraHeader | character(len=256) :: sqlExtraHeader ! can be used e.g. for ' id_stn in (...) ' |
sqlNull | character(len=256) :: sqlNull ! can be used e.g. for ' and obsvalue is not null ' |
listElem | character(len=256) :: listElem ! list of bufr element ids to read |
numberElem | integer :: numberElem ! MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN NAMELIST! |
sqlExtraDat | character(len=256) :: sqlExtraDat ! can be used e.g. for ' and id_obs in (select id_obs from header where...) ' |
sqlExtraHeader | character(len=256) :: sqlExtraHeader ! can be used e.g. for ' id_stn in (...) ' |
sqlNull | character(len=256) :: sqlNull ! can be used e.g. for ' and obsvalue is not null ' |
listElem | character(len=256) :: listElem ! list of bufr element ids to read |
numberElem | integer :: numberElem ! MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN NAMELIST! |
sqlExtraDat | character(len=256) :: sqlExtraDat ! can be used e.g. for ' and id_obs in (select id_obs from header where...) ' |
sqlExtraHeader | character(len=256) :: sqlExtraHeader ! can be used e.g. for ' id_stn in (...) ' |
sqlNull | character(len=256) :: sqlNull ! can be used e.g. for ' and obsvalue is not null ' |
listElem | character(len=256) :: listElem ! list of bufr element ids to read |
numberElem | integer :: numberElem ! MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN NAMELIST! |
sqlExtraDat | character(len=256) :: sqlExtraDat ! can be used e.g. for ' and id_obs in (select id_obs from header where...) ' |
sqlExtraHeader | character(len=256) :: sqlExtraHeader ! can be used e.g. for ' id_stn in (...) ' |
sqlNull | character(len=256) :: sqlNull ! can be used e.g. for ' and obsvalue is not null ' |
listElem | character(len=256) :: listElem ! list of bufr element ids to read |
numberElem | integer :: numberElem ! MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN NAMELIST! |
sqlExtraDat | character(len=256) :: sqlExtraDat ! can be used e.g. for ' and id_obs in (select id_obs from header where...) ' |
sqlExtraHeader | character(len=256) :: sqlExtraHeader ! can be used e.g. for ' id_stn in (...) ' |
sqlNull | character(len=256) :: sqlNull ! can be used e.g. for ' and obsvalue is not null ' |
listElem | character(len=256) :: listElem ! list of bufr element ids to read |
numberElem | integer :: numberElem ! MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN NAMELIST! |
sqlExtraDat | character(len=256) :: sqlExtraDat ! can be used e.g. for ' and id_obs in (select id_obs from header where...) ' |
sqlExtraHeader | character(len=256) :: sqlExtraHeader ! can be used e.g. for ' id_stn in (...) ' |
sqlNull | character(len=256) :: sqlNull ! can be used e.g. for ' and obsvalue is not null ' |
listElem | character(len=256) :: listElem ! list of bufr element ids to read |
numberElem | integer :: numberElem ! MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN NAMELIST! |
sqlExtraDat | character(len=256) :: sqlExtraDat ! can be used e.g. for ' and id_obs in (select id_obs from header where...) ' |
sqlExtraHeader | character(len=256) :: sqlExtraHeader ! can be used e.g. for ' id_stn in (...) ' |
sqlNull | character(len=256) :: sqlNull ! can be used e.g. for ' and obsvalue is not null ' |
listElem | character(len=256) :: listElem ! list of bufr element ids to read |
numberElem | integer :: numberElem ! MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN NAMELIST! |
sqlExtraDat | character(len=256) :: sqlExtraDat ! can be used e.g. for ' and id_obs in (select id_obs from header where...) ' |
sqlExtraHeader | character(len=256) :: sqlExtraHeader ! can be used e.g. for ' id_stn in (...) ' |
sqlNull | character(len=256) :: sqlNull ! can be used e.g. for ' and obsvalue is not null ' |
listElem | character(len=256) :: listElem ! list of bufr element ids to read |
numberElem | integer :: numberElem ! MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN NAMELIST! |
sqlExtraDat | character(len=256) :: sqlExtraDat ! can be used e.g. for ' and id_obs in (select id_obs from header where...) ' |
sqlExtraHeader | character(len=256) :: sqlExtraHeader ! can be used e.g. for ' id_stn in (...) ' |
sqlNull | character(len=256) :: sqlNull ! can be used e.g. for ' and obsvalue is not null ' |
codtyp_sat | integer :: codtyp_sat(10) ! list of codtyp values of SST satellite obs (default is 88) |
listElem | character(len=256) :: listElem ! list of bufr element ids to read |
numberElem | integer :: numberElem ! MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN NAMELIST! |
sqlExtraDat | character(len=256) :: sqlExtraDat ! can be used e.g. for ' and id_obs in (select id_obs from header where...) ' |
sqlExtraDat_sat | character(len=256) :: sqlExtraDat_sat ! same as sqlExtraDat, but only for SST satellite obs |
sqlExtraHeader | character(len=256) :: sqlExtraHeader ! can be used e.g. for ' id_stn in (...) ' |
sqlExtraHeader_sat | character(len=256) :: sqlExtraHeader_sat! same as sqlExtraHeader, but only for SST satellite obs |
sqlNull | character(len=256) :: sqlNull ! can be used e.g. for ' and obsvalue is not null ' |
itemUpdateList | character(len=3) :: itemUpdateList(maxNumberUpdate) ! List of columns to be updated (e.g.'OMA','OMP') |
itemUpdateListRadar | character(len=3) :: itemUpdateListRadar(maxNumberUpdate) ! List of columns to be updated for Radar data |
numberUpdateItems | integer :: numberUpdateItems ! MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN NAMELIST! |
numberUpdateItemsRadar | integer :: numberUpdateItemsRadar ! MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN NAMELIST! |
itemInsertList | integer :: itemInsertList(maxNumberInsertItems) ! List of bufr element ids to insert in sql file data table |
numberInsertItems | integer :: numberInsertItems ! MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN NAMELIST! |
bgTermZeroBias | real(4) :: bgTermZeroBias ! background term of zero bias estimate |
iceFractionThreshold | real(4) :: iceFractionThreshold ! consider no ice condition below this threshold |
maxBias | real(4) :: maxBias ! max acceptable difference (insitu - satellite) |
numberPointsBG | integer :: numberPointsBG ! parameter, number of matchups of the background bias estimation |
numberSensors | integer :: numberSensors ! MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN NAMELIST! |
numObsBatches | integer :: numObsBatches ! number of batches for calling interp setup |
saveAuxFields | logical :: saveAuxFields ! to store or not auxiliary fields: nobs and weight |
searchRadius | real(8) :: searchRadius ! horizontal search radius, in km, for obs gridding |
sensorList | character(len=10) :: sensorList(maxNumberSensors) ! list of sensors |
timeInterpType_nl | character(len=20) :: timeInterpType_nl ! 'NEAREST' or 'LINEAR' |
weightMax | real(4) :: weightMax ! maximum value of weight for the current day bias |
weightMin | real(4) :: weightMin ! minimum value of weight for the current day bias |
calcHeightPressIncrOnColumn | logical :: calcHeightPressIncrOnColumn ! choose to compute Z and P increment on column, instead of grid |
rejectObsNonMonotonicPressure | logical :: rejectObsNonMonotonicPressure ! choose to reject obs when interpolated column pressure is non-monotonic |
slantPath_RA_nl | logical :: slantPath_RA_nl ! choose to use slant path for non-linear radar operator |
slantPath_RO_nl | logical :: slantPath_RO_nl ! choose to use slant path for non-linear GPS-RO operator |
slantPath_TO_nl | logical :: slantPath_TO_nl ! choose to use slant path for non-linear radiance operator |
slantPath_TO_tlad | logical :: slantPath_TO_tlad ! choose to use slant path for linearized radiance operators |
useFootprintForTovs | logical :: useFootprintForTovs ! choose to use a horizontal footprint operator for radiance obs |
considerSHIPstnID | logical :: considerSHIPstnID ! signal if SHIP stn ID should be considered in thinning |
deltmax | integer :: deltmax ! maximum time difference (in minutes) |
doThinning | logical :: doThinning ! if false, we return immediately |
step | real(8) :: step ! time resolution (in hours) |
useBlackList | logical :: useBlackList ! signal if blacklist file should be read and used |
ecmwfRejetsES | logical :: ecmwfRejetsES ! choose to do filtering of T-Td obs with approach similar to ECMWF |
toleranceFactor | real(4) :: toleranceFactor ! Tolerance factor for TAC vs BUFR selection |
verticalThinningES | logical :: verticalThinningES ! choose to do vertical thinning of humidity obs |
deltmax | integer :: deltmax ! maximum time difference (in minutes) |
deldist | integer :: deldist ! minimal distance in km between adjacent observations |
deltemps | integer :: deltemps ! number of time bins between adjacent observations |
gpsroVarNo | integer :: gpsroVarNo ! bufr element id to be used |
heightMax | real(8) :: heightMax ! niveau a partir du quel on rejette les donnees |
heightMin | real(8) :: heightMin ! niveau a partir du quel on accepte les donnees |
heightSpacing | real(8) :: heightSpacing ! epaisseur minimale entre deux niveaux |
deldist | integer :: deldist ! minimal distance in km between adjacent observations |
deltemps | integer :: deltemps ! number of time bins between adjacent observations |
rejectNoZTDScore | logical :: rejectNoZTDScore ! reject GB-GPS obs if no ZTD quality score available |
removeUncorrected | logical :: removeUncorrected ! remove obs that are not bias corrected (bit 6) |
keepNthVertical | integer :: keepNthVertical ! keep every nth vertical datum |
deltax | integer :: deltax ! thinning (dimension of box sides) (in km) |
deltrad | integer :: deltrad ! radius around box center for chosen obs (in km) |
deltax | integer :: deltax ! thinning (dimension of box sides) (in km) |
deltmax | integer :: deltmax ! maximum time difference (in minutes) |
delta | integer :: delta ! thinning (dimension of box sides) (in km) |
deltrad | integer :: deltrad ! radius around box center for chosen obs (in km) |
deltax | integer :: deltax ! thinning (dimension of box sides) (in km) |
deltmax | integer :: deltmax ! maximum time difference (in minutes) |
deltrad | integer :: deltrad ! radius around box center for chosen obs (in km) |
removeUnCorrected | logical :: removeUncorrected ! remove obs that are not bias corrected (bit 6) |
numlev | integer :: numlev ! MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN NAMELIST! |
rcoefinc | real(8) :: rcoefinc ! parameter for defining fixed set of model levels for vertical thinning |
rprefinc | real(8) :: rprefinc ! parameter for defining fixed set of model levels for vertical thinning |
rptopinc | real(8) :: rptopinc ! parameter for defining fixed set of model levels for vertical thinning |
vlev | real(4) :: vlev(maxNumLev) ! parameter for defining fixed set of model levels for vertical thinning |
dataSetSST | character(len=10) :: dataSetSST(maxNumDataSetSST) ! array of SST dataset names considered in thinning |
deltmax | integer :: deltmax ! maximum time difference (in minutes) |
doThinning | logical :: doThinning ! if false, we return immediately |
fractionGridCell | real(4) :: fractionGridCell ! keep data only inside a fraction of the grid cell size |
numTimesteps | integer :: numTimesteps ! thinning number of timesteps |
dstepobs | real(8) :: dstepobs ! time step length for background state (in hours) |
dstepobsinc | real(8) :: dstepobsinc ! time step length for increment and/or B matrix (in hours) |
dwindowsize | real(8) :: dwindowsize ! length of assimilation window (in hours) |
fullyUseExtremeTimeBins | logical :: fullyUseExtremeTimeBins ! choose to use full-size bins at both ends of window (usually only half size) |
referencetime | character(len=6) :: referencetime ! location of 'date' within the window: 'middle' or 'start' |
cinstrumentid | character(len=15) :: cinstrumentid(tvs_maxNumberOfSensors) ! List of incstrument names |
cloudScaleFactor | real(8) :: cloudScaleFactor ! Scale factor applied to model produced clouds to account for bias |
crtmodl | character(len=8) :: crtmodl ! For now, must equal 'RTTOV' |
csatid | character(len=15) :: csatid(tvs_maxNumberOfSensors) ! List of satellite names |
doAzimuthCorrection | logical :: doAzimuthCorrection(tvs_maxNumberOfSensors) ! Choose to apply correction to azimuth angle |
instrumentNamesUsingCLW | character(len=15) :: instrumentNamesUsingCLW(tvs_maxNumberOfSensors) ! List of inst names using CLW |
instrumentNamesUsingHydrometeors | character(len=15) :: instrumentNamesUsingHydrometeors(tvs_maxNumberOfSensors) ! List of inst name using full set of hydromet variables |
isAzimuthValid | logical :: isAzimuthValid(tvs_maxNumberOfSensors) ! Indicate if azimuth angle is valid |
ldbgtov | logical :: ldbgtov ! Choose to print simulated and observed Tb to listing |
mpiTask0ReadCoeffs | logical :: mpiTask0ReadCoeffs ! Choose to read coeffs only on task 0 and broadcast |
mwAllskyAssim | logical :: mwAllskyAssim ! High-level key to activate all-sky treatment of MW radiances |
mWAtlasId | integer mWAtlasId ! MW Atlas Id used when useMWEmissivityAtlas == .true. ; 1 TELSEM2, 2 CNRM atlas |
mwInstrumUsingCLW_tl | logical :: mwInstrumUsingCLW_tl ! Choose to use CLW increment in TL/AD if exists as state variable |
mwInstrumUsingHydrometeors_tl | logical :: mwInstrumUsingHydrometeors_tl ! Choose to all hydomet variables in TL/AD if exist as state variables |
nsensors | integer :: nsensors ! MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN NAMELIST! |
regLimitExtrap | logical :: regLimitExtrap ! Choose to use RTTOV reg_limit_extrap option |
useMWEmissivityAtlas | logical useMWEmissivityAtlas ! Flag to activate use of RTTOV built-in MW emissivity Atlases |
useO3Climatology | logical :: useO3Climatology ! Choose to use ozone climatology (otherwise model field) |
userDefinedDoAzimuthCorrection | logical :: userDefinedDoAzimuthCorrection ! Indicate if user defined azimuth correction is to be used |
userDefinedIsAzimuthValid | logical :: userDefinedIsAzimuthValid ! Indicate if user defined azimuth angle is valid |
useUofWIREmiss | logical useUofWIREmiss ! Flag to activate use of RTTOV U of W IR emissivity Atlases |
listinstrum | character(len=8) :: listinstrum(0:ninst-1) ! List of instrument names |
listoffset | integer :: listoffset(0:ninst-1) ! Corresponding list of channel offset values |
inst_names | character(len=22) :: inst_names(ninst) ! List of instrument names for all radiance types |
name_inst | character(len=22) :: name_inst(ninst) ! List of instrument names for hyperspectral IR |
name_inst | character(len=22) :: name_inst(ninst) ! List of instrument names for hyperspectral IR |
listburp | integer, save :: listburp(mxinstrumburp) ! List of instrument ID values from obs file |
listinstrum | character(len=8) :: listinstrum(0:ninst-1) ! List of instrument names |
name_inst | character(len=22) :: name_inst(ninst) ! List of instrument names for hyperspectral IR |
listburp | integer, save :: listburp(mxinstrumburp) ! List of instrument ID values from obs file |
listplat | character(len=8), save :: listplat(mxsatburp) ! Table of RTTOV platform identifier |
listsat | integer, save :: listsat (mxsatburp) ! Table of RTTOV satellite identifier |
forceSfcOnly | character(len=4), save :: forceSfcOnly(vnl_numVarMax) ! List of 3D variable names only allocated at the surface |