midas_diagHBHt sourceΒΆ

  1program midas_diagHBHt
  2  !
  3  !:Purpose: Main program for computing a single random realization of
  4  !          background error in observation space, stored in ``obs_hbht``. This
  5  !          can then be used by python or other scripts to compute the
  6  !          background error variance (consistent with the specified B matrix)
  7  !          in observation space for comparison with the innovation variance
  8  !          and observation error variance.
  9  !
 10  !          --
 11  !
 12  !:Algorithm: The random realization of background error in observation space
 13  !            is computed following these steps:
 14  !
 15  !            1. Compute random values for the control vector with each element
 16  !               drawn from independent Gaussian distribution with variance of one
 17  !               and bias of zero.
 18  !            
 19  !            2. Multiply random vector by sqrt of B matrix.
 20  !
 21  !            3. Apply observation operator to obtain random perturbation in
 22  !               observation space.
 23  !
 24  !            --
 25  !
 26  !:File I/O: The required input files and produced output files can vary
 27  !           according to the application. Below are tables of files for
 28  !           typical NWP 4D-EnVar (e.g. GDPS) and sea ice or SST 3D-Var
 29  !           applications.
 30  !
 31  !           --
 32  !
 33  !============================================== ==============================================================
 34  ! Input and Output Files (for NWP application)   Description of file
 35  !============================================== ==============================================================
 36  ! ``flnml``                                      In - Main namelist file with parameters user may modify
 37  ! ``flnml_static``                               In - The "static" namelist that should not be modified
 38  ! ``trlm_$NN`` (e.g. ``trlm_01``)                In - Background state (a.k.a. trial) files for each timestep
 39  ! ``analysisgrid``                               In - File defining grid for computing the random gridded perturbation
 40  ! ``bgcov``                                      In - Static (i.e. NMC) B matrix file for NWP fields
 41  ! ``bgchemcov``                                  In - Static B matrix file for chemistry fields
 42  ! ``ensemble/$YYYYMMDDHH_006_$NNNN``             In - Ensemble member files defining ensemble B matrix
 43  ! ``obsfiles_$FAM/obs$FAM_$NNNN_$NNNN``          In - Observation file for each "family" and MPI task
 44  ! ``obserr``                                     In - Observation error statistics
 45  ! ``obsinfo_chm``                                In - Something needed for chemistry assimilation?
 46  ! ``obsfiles_$FAM.updated/obs$FAM_$NNNN_$NNNN``  Out - Updated obs file for each "family" and MPI task
 47  ! Remainder are files related to radiance obs:
 48  ! ``stats_$SENSOR_assim``                        In - Satellite radiance observation errors of different sensors
 49  ! ``stats_tovs``                                 In - Satellite radiance observation errors
 50  ! ``stats_tovs_symmetricObsErr``                 In - User-defined symmetric TOVS errors for all sky
 51  ! ``ceres_global.std``                           In - High-res surface type and water fraction for radiance obs
 52  ! ``rtcoef_$PLATFORM_$SENSOR.dat``               In - RTTOV coefficient files
 53  ! ``ozoneclim98``                                In - Ozone climatology
 54  !============================================== ==============================================================
 55  !
 56  !           --
 57  !
 58  !:Synopsis: Below is a summary of the ``diagHBHt`` program calling sequence:
 59  !
 60  !             - **Initial setups:**
 61  !
 62  !               - Setup horizontal and vertical grid objects for "analysis
 63  !                 grid" from ``analysisgrid`` file and for "trial grid" from
 64  !                 first trial file: ``trlm_01``.
 65  !
 66  !               - Setup ``obsSpaceData`` object and read observations from
 67  !                 files: ``inn_setupObs``.
 68  !
 69  !               - Setup ``columnData`` and ``gridStateVector`` modules (read
 70  !                 list of analysis variables from namelist) and allocate column
 71  !                 object for storing trial on analysis levels.
 72  !
 73  !               - Setup the observation error statistics in ``obsSpaceData``
 74  !                 object: ``oer_setObsErrors``.
 75  !
 76  !               - Allocate a stateVector object on the trial grid and then
 77  !                 read the trials: ``gio_readTrials``.
 78  !
 79  !               - Setup the B matrices: ``bmat_setup``.
 80  !
 81  !               - Setup the ``gridVariableTransforms``.
 82  !
 83  !             - **Calculation**
 84  !
 85  !               - Compute ``columnTrlOnTrlLev`` and ``columnTrlOnAnlIncLev``
 86  !                 from trials: ``inn_setupColumnsOnTrlLev``,
 87  !                 ``inn_setupColumnsOnAnlIncLev``
 88  !
 89  !               - Compute innovation from updated state:
 90  !                 ``inn_computeInnovation``.
 91  !
 92  !               - Compute an MPI global random vector, then extract only
 93  !                 portion needed for this MPI task (to reduce sensitivity of
 94  !                 results to MPI topology).
 95  !
 96  !               - Multiply random vector by sqrt of B matrix with resulting
 97  !                 gridded state random perturbation in ``statevector``.
 98  !
 99  !               - Apply linearized observation operators to the random gridded
100  !                 state: ``s2c_tl`` and ``oop_Htl`` with final result in
101  !                 observation space: ``obs_work`` column of ``obsSpaceData``.
102  !
103  !               - Copy result from ``obs_work`` to ``obs_hbht`` column.
104  !
105  !             - **Final steps**, after the outer loop:
106  !
107  !               - Various final steps, including: update the observation files
108  !                 (``obsf_writeFiles``).
109  !
110  !           --
111  !
112  !:Options: `List of namelist blocks <../namelists_in_each_program.html#diaghbht>`_
113  !          that can affect the ``diagHBHt`` program.
114  !
115  !          * The choice of what B matrix is used for the calculation is
116  !            controlled for each individual B matrix component through it's
117  !            own namelist block. The weights for all B matrix components are
118  !            zero be default and can be set to a nonzero value through the
119  !            namelist variable ``SCALEFACTOR`` in the namelist block for each
120  !            corresponding fortran module.
121  !
122  !          * All other namelist blocks related to observations are relevant
123  !            for the diagHBHt calculation, including ``NAMFILT`` and
124  !            ``NAMTOV``.
125  !
126  !          * Some of the other relevant namelist blocks used to configure the
127  !            diagHBHt calculation are listed in the following table:
128  ! 
129  !======================== ============ ==============================================================
130  ! Module                   Namelist     Description of what is controlled
131  !======================== ============ ==============================================================
132  ! ``timeCoord_mod``        ``NAMTIME``  assimilation time window length, temporal resolution of
133  !                                       the background state and increment (i.e. perturbation)
134  ! ``bMatrixEnsemble_mod``  ``NAMBEN``   weight and other parameters for ensemble-based B matrix
135  !                                       component
136  ! ``bMatrixHI_mod``        ``NAMBHI``   weight and other parameters for the climatological B matrix
137  !                                       component based on homogeneous-isotropic covariances
138  !                                       represented in spectral space
139  ! Other B matrix modules   various      weight and other parameters for each type of B matrix
140  !======================== ============ ==============================================================
141  !
142  use version_mod
143  use codePrecision_mod
144  use ramDisk_mod
145  use utilities_mod
146  use midasMpi_mod
147  use MathPhysConstants_mod
148  use horizontalCoord_mod
149  use verticalCoord_mod
150  use timeCoord_mod
151  use obsSpaceData_mod
152  use columnData_mod  
153  use gridStateVector_mod
154  use gridStateVectorFileIO_mod
155  use controlVector_mod
156  use obsFiles_mod
157  use randomNumber_mod
158  use obsTimeInterp_mod
159  use stateToColumn_mod
160  use innovation_mod
161  use bMatrix_mod
162  use obsErrors_mod
163  use gridVariableTransforms_mod
164  use obsOperators_mod
165  implicit none
167  integer :: istamp,exdb,exfin
168  integer :: ierr
170  type(struct_obs),        target :: obsSpaceData
171  type(struct_columnData), target :: columnTrlOnAnlIncLev
172  type(struct_columnData), target :: columnTrlOnTrlLev
173  type(struct_gsv)                :: stateVectorTrialHighRes
174  type(struct_hco),       pointer :: hco_trl => null()
175  type(struct_vco),       pointer :: vco_trl => null()
177  logical           :: allocHeightSfc
179  character(len=48) :: obsMpiStrategy, varMode
181  type(struct_hco), pointer :: hco_anl => null()
182  type(struct_hco), pointer :: hco_core => null()
184  istamp = exdb('diagHBHt','DEBUT','NON')
186  call ver_printNameAndVersion('diagHBHt','RANDOMIZED DIAGNOSTIC of HBHt')
188  ! MPI initilization
189  call mmpi_initialize 
191  call tmg_init(mmpi_myid, 'TMG_INFO')
193  call utl_tmg_start(0,'Main')
195  varMode='analysis'
197  call ram_setup
199  ! Do initial set up
201  obsMpiStrategy = 'LIKESPLITFILES'
203  call var_setup('VAR') ! obsColumnMode
205  ! Reading trials
206  call inn_getHcoVcoFromTrlmFile( hco_trl, vco_trl )
207  allocHeightSfc = ( vco_trl%Vcode /= 0 )
209  call gsv_allocate( stateVectorTrialHighRes, tim_nstepobs, hco_trl, vco_trl,  &
210                     dateStamp_opt=tim_getDateStamp(), mpi_local_opt=.true., &
211                     mpi_distribution_opt='Tiles', dataKind_opt=4,  &
212                     allocHeightSfc_opt=allocHeightSfc, hInterpolateDegree_opt='LINEAR', &
213                     beSilent_opt=.false. )
214  call gsv_zero( stateVectorTrialHighRes )
215  call gio_readTrials( stateVectorTrialHighRes )
217  ! Horizontally interpolate trials to trial columns
218  call inn_setupColumnsOnTrlLev( columnTrlOnTrlLev, obsSpaceData, hco_core, &
219                                 stateVectorTrialHighRes )
221  ! Interpolate trial columns to analysis levels and setup for linearized H
222  call inn_setupColumnsOnAnlIncLev(columnTrlOnTrlLev,columnTrlOnAnlIncLev)
224  ! Compute observation innovations and prepare obsSpaceData for minimization
225  call inn_computeInnovation(columnTrlOnTrlLev,obsSpaceData)
227  ! Compute perturbed
228  call diagHBHt(columnTrlOnAnlIncLev,obsSpaceData)
230  ! Deallocate memory related to B matrices
231  call bmat_finalize()
233  ! Now write out the observation data files
234  if ( .not. obsf_filesSplit() ) then 
235    write(*,*) 'We read/write global observation files'
236    call obs_expandToMpiGlobal(obsSpaceData)
237    if (mmpi_myid == 0) call obsf_writeFiles(obsSpaceData)
238  else
239    ! redistribute obs data to how it was just after reading the files
240    call obs_MpiRedistribute(obsSpaceData,OBS_IPF)
241    call obsf_writeFiles(obsSpaceData)
242  end if
245  ! Deallocate copied obsSpaceData
246  call obs_finalize(obsSpaceData)
248  ! 3. Job termination
250  istamp = exfin('diagHBHt','FIN','NON')
252  call utl_tmg_stop(0)
254  call tmg_terminate(mmpi_myid, 'TMG_INFO')
256  call rpn_comm_finalize(ierr) 
260  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
261  ! var_setup
262  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
263  subroutine var_setup(obsColumnMode)
264    !
265    !:Purpose: Control of the preprocessing of the variational assimilation
266    !
267    implicit none
269    ! Arguments:
270    character (len=*), intent(in) :: obsColumnMode
272    ! Locals:
273    integer :: dateStampFromObs
274    type(struct_vco),pointer :: vco_anl => null()
275    integer :: get_max_rss
277    write(*,*)
278    write(*,*) '-----------------------------------'
279    write(*,*) '-- Starting subroutine var_setup --'
280    write(*,*) '-----------------------------------'
282    !
283    !- Initialize the Temporal grid and set dateStamp from env variable
284    !
285    call tim_setup()
287    !     
288    !- Initialize burp file names and set datestamp if not already
289    !
290    call obsf_setup(dateStampFromObs, 'analysis')
291    if (tim_getDateStamp() == 0) then
292      if (dateStampFromObs > 0) then
293        call tim_setDatestamp(dateStampFromObs)
294      else
295        call utl_abort('var_setup: dateStamp was not set')
296      end if
297    end if
299    !
300    !- Initialize constants
301    !
302    if ( mmpi_myid == 0 ) then
303      call mpc_printConstants(6)
304      call pre_printPrecisions
305    end if
307    !
308    !- Initialize variables of the model states
309    !
310    call gsv_setup
311    write(*,*) 'Memory Used: ',get_max_rss()/1024,'Mb'
313    !
314    !- Initialize the Analysis grid
315    !
316    if(mmpi_myid.eq.0) write(*,*)''
317    if(mmpi_myid.eq.0) write(*,*)' preproc: Set hco parameters for analysis grid'
318    call hco_SetupFromFile(hco_anl, './analysisgrid', 'ANALYSIS', 'Analysis' ) ! IN
320    if ( hco_anl % global ) then
321      hco_core => hco_anl
322    else
323      !- Iniatilized the core (Non-Exteded) analysis grid
324      call hco_SetupFromFile( hco_core, './analysisgrid', 'COREGRID', 'AnalysisCore' ) ! IN
325    end if
327    !     
328    !- Initialisation of the analysis grid vertical coordinate from analysisgrid file
329    !
330    call vco_SetupFromFile( vco_anl,        & ! OUT
331                            './analysisgrid') ! IN
333    call col_setVco(columnTrlOnAnlIncLev,vco_anl)
334    write(*,*) 'Memory Used: ',get_max_rss()/1024,'Mb'
336    !
337    !- Setup and read observations
338    !
339    call inn_setupObs(obsSpaceData, hco_anl, obsColumnMode, obsMpiStrategy, varMode) ! IN
340    write(*,*) 'Memory Used: ',get_max_rss()/1024,'Mb'
342    !
343    !- Basic setup of columnData module
344    !
345    call col_setup
346    write(*,*) 'Memory Used: ',get_max_rss()/1024,'Mb'
348    !
349    !- Memory allocation for background column data
350    !
351    call col_allocate(columnTrlOnAnlIncLev,obs_numheader(obsSpaceData),mpiLocal_opt=.true.)
353    !
354    !- Initialize the observation error covariances
355    !
356    call oer_setObsErrors(obsSpaceData, varMode) ! IN
357    write(*,*) 'Memory Used: ',get_max_rss()/1024,'Mb'
359    !
360    !- Initialize the background-error covariance, also sets up control vector module (cvm)
361    !
362    call bmat_setup(hco_anl,hco_core,vco_anl)
363    write(*,*) 'Memory Used: ',get_max_rss()/1024,'Mb'
365    !
366    ! - Initialize the gridded variable transform module
367    !
369    call gvt_setup(hco_anl,hco_core,vco_anl)
370    call gvt_setupRefFromTrialFiles('HU')
371    call gvt_setupRefFromTrialFiles('height')
373    write(*,*) 'Memory Used: ',get_max_rss()/1024,'Mb'
375  end subroutine var_setup
377  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
378  ! diagHBHt
379  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
380  subroutine diagHBHt(columnTrlOnAnlIncLev, obsSpaceData)
381    !
382    !:Purpose: Main calculations of HBHt
383    !
384    implicit none
386    ! Arguments:
387    type(struct_obs),        intent(inout) :: obsSpaceData         ! Observation-related data
388    type(struct_columnData), intent(inout) :: columnTrlOnAnlIncLev ! Background columns interpolated to anl levels and obs horiz locations
390    ! Locals:
391    type(struct_columnData) :: columnAnlInc
392    type(struct_gsv)        :: statevector
393    type(struct_vco), pointer :: vco_anl
394    real(8) ,allocatable :: random_vector(:)
395    real(8) ,allocatable :: local_random_vector(:)
396    integer :: index_body, local_dimension, jj, ierr, dateprnt, timeprnt, nrandseed, istat
397    integer ,external :: newdate, get_max_rss
398    real(8) ,external :: gasdev
400    !
401    !- 1.  Initialization
403    write(*,*)
404    write(*,*) 'Computing perturbations for randomized HBHT evaluation START'
406    vco_anl => col_getVco(columnTrlOnAnlIncLev)
407    !- 1.3 Create a gridstatevector to store the perturbations
408    call gsv_allocate(statevector,tim_nstepobsinc,hco_anl,vco_anl, &
409                      dataKind_opt=pre_incrReal,mpi_local_opt=.true.)
411    !- 1.4 Create column vectors to store the perturbation interpolated to obs horizontal locations
412    call col_setVco(columnAnlInc,vco_anl)
413    call col_allocate(columnAnlInc,col_getNumCol(columnTrlOnAnlIncLev),mpiLocal_opt=.true.)
415    !- 1.6
416    call oti_timeBinning(obsSpaceData,tim_nstepobsinc)
418    !
419    !- 2.  Compute the perturbations
420    !
422    !- 2.1 Random perturbations
423    write(*,*)
424    write(*,*) 'Generating random perturbation:'
426    !- Global vector (same for each processors)
427    allocate(random_vector(cvm_nvadim_mpiglobal),stat =istat )
428    allocate(local_random_vector(cvm_nvadim),stat =istat )
430    !- Initialize random number generator
431    ierr = newdate(tim_getDatestamp(), dateprnt, timeprnt, -3)
432    nrandseed=100*dateprnt + int(timeprnt/100.0) 
433    write(*,*) 'diagHBHt: Random seed set to ',nrandseed
434    call rng_setup(nrandseed)
435    ! Generate a random vector from N(0,1)
436    do jj = 1, cvm_nvadim_mpiglobal
437      random_vector(jj) = rng_gaussian()
438    enddo
439    write(*,*) 'Memory Used: ',get_max_rss()/1024,'Mb'
440    !- Extract only the subvector for this processor
441    call bmat_reduceToMPILocal(local_random_vector,  & ! OUT
442         random_vector)      ! IN
443    local_dimension = size(local_random_vector)
444    !- Transform to control variables in physical space
445    call bmat_sqrtB(local_random_vector,local_dimension,statevector)
446    !- 2.2 Interpolation to the observation horizontal locations
448    call s2c_tl( statevector,                        & ! IN
449                 columnAnlInc,                       & ! OUT (H_horiz EnsPert)
450                 columnTrlOnAnlIncLev, obsSpaceData )  ! IN
451    !- 2.3 Interpolation to observation space
452    call oop_Htl(columnAnlInc,columnTrlOnAnlIncLev,obsSpaceData,min_nsim=1)
454    !- Copy from OBS_WORK to OBS_HPHT
456    do index_body = 1, obs_numBody(obsSpaceData)
457      call obs_bodySet_r(obsSpaceData,OBS_HPHT,index_body, &
458                         obs_bodyElem_r(obsSpaceData,OBS_WORK,index_body) )
459    end do
460    !
461    !- 3.  Ending/Deallocation
462    !
463    deallocate(random_vector, stat=istat)
464    deallocate(local_random_vector, stat=istat)
465    call col_deallocate(columnAnlInc)
466    call gsv_deallocate(statevector)
467    write(*,*)
468    write(*,*) 'Computing perturbations for randomized HBHT evaluation END'
470  end subroutine diagHBHt
472end program midas_diagHBHt