midas_ensembleH sourceΒΆ

  1program midas_ensembleH
  2  !
  3  !:Purpose: Main program for applying the observation operator to an ensemble
  4  !          of states to compute the innovations and store them in eob*_HX binary files. The
  5  !          ``LETKF`` program can read these binary files instead of computing the innovations.
  6  !
  7  !          ---
  8  !
  9  !:Algorithm: The background (a.k.a trial) ensemble members are read and the non-linear 
 10  !            observation operators are applied to each ensemble member:
 11  !            :math:`H(xb_{i})`,
 12  !            the innovations are computed: 
 13  !            :math:`y-H(xb_{i})`,
 14  !            and stored in unformatted binary files. ``ensembleH`` has the ability 
 15  !            to compute innovations for a batch of ensemble members when the member 
 16  !            indices are sequential. 
 17  !
 18  !            --
 19  !
 20  !============================================== ==============================================================
 21  ! Input and Output Files                        Description of file
 22  !============================================== ==============================================================
 23  ! ``flnml``                                      In - Main namelist file with parameters user may modify
 24  ! ``flnml_static``                               In - The "static" namelist that should not be modified
 25  ! ``trlm_$NN`` (e.g. ``trlm_01``)                In - Background state (a.k.a. trial) files for each timestep
 26  ! ``ensemble/$YYYYMMDDHH_006_$NNNN``             In - Background ensemble member files
 27  ! ``obsfiles_$FAM/obs$FAM_$NNNN_$NNNN``          In - Observation file for each "family" and MPI task
 28  ! ``obserr``                                     In - Observation error statistics
 29  ! ``$YYYYMMDDHH_000_$NNNN``                      Out - Analysis ensemble member files
 30  ! ``obsfiles_$FAM.updated/obs$FAM_$NNNN_$NNNN``  Out - Updated obs file for each "family" and MPI task
 31  ! Remainder are files related to radiance obs:
 32  ! ``stats_$SENSOR_assim``                        In - Satellite radiance observation errors of difference sensors
 33  ! ``stats_tovs``                                 In - Satellite radiance observation errors
 34  ! ``stats_tovs_symmetricObsErr``                 In - User-defined symmetric TOVS errors for all sky
 35  ! ``Cmat_$PLATFORM_$SENSOR.dat``                 In - Inter-channel observation-error correlations
 36  ! ``ceres_global.std``                           In - High-res surface type and water fraction for radiance obs
 37  ! ``rtcoef_$PLATFORM_$SENSOR.dat``               In - RTTOV coefficient files
 38  ! ``rttov_h2o_limits.dat``                       In - Min/max humidity limits applied to analysis
 39  ! ``ozoneclim98``                                In - Ozone climatology
 40  !============================================== ==============================================================
 41  !
 42  !           --
 43  !
 44  !:Synopsis: Below is a summary of the ``ensembleH`` program calling sequence:
 45  !
 46  !             - **Initial setups:**
 47  !
 48  !               - Read the NAMENSEMBLEH namelist and check/modify some values.
 49  !
 50  !               - Various modules are setup: ``obsFiles_mod``,
 51  !                 ``gridStateVector_mod``, ``timeCoord_mod`` (and set up dates
 52  !                 and ``dateStampList`` variables for both trials and
 53  !                 increments/analyses).
 54  !
 55  !               - Setup horizontal and vertical grid objects from first
 56  !                 ensemble member file.
 57  !
 58  !               - Setup ``obsSpaceData`` object and read observations from
 59  !                 files: ``inn_setupObs``.
 60  !
 61  !               - Setup the observation error statistics in ``obsSpaceData``
 62  !                 object: ``oer_setObsErrors``.
 63  !
 64  !               - Allocate objects for ``column_mod``.
 65  !
 66  !               - Allocate and some setup of objects for
 67  !                 ``ensembleObservations_mod``.
 68  !
 69  !               - Allocate some objects for ``gridStateVector_mod``.
 70  !
 71  !               - Allocate ensemble object and read background ensemble members:
 72  !                 ``ens_readEnsemble``.
 73  !
 74  !             - **Computation**
 75  !
 76  !               - Option to read ensemble mean from file (``gio_readFromFile``) or 
 77  !                 compute ensemble mean (``ens_computeMean``)
 78  !
 79  !               - Loop over background ensemble members, computing innovation for each, 
 80  !                 with resulting ``H(xb)`` being stored in ``ensObs`` objects both for
 81  !                 original ensemble and, optionally, for the modulated
 82  !                 ensemble members.
 83  !
 84  !               - store the local ``ensObs`` object to binary file.
 85  !
 86  !             --
 87  !  
 88  !
 89  !:Options: `List of namelist blocks <../namelists_in_each_program.html#ensembleH>`_
 90  !          that can affect the ``ensembleH`` program.
 91  !
 92  !          * The use of ``ensembleH`` program is controlled by the namelist block
 93  !           ``&NAMENSEMBLEH`` read by the ``ensembleH`` program.
 94  !
 95  !          * Some of the other relevant namelist blocks used to configure the
 96  !            ``ensembleH`` are listed in the following table:
 97  ! 
 98  !===================== ================== ===============================================================
 99  ! Program/Module        Namelist           Description of what is controlled
100  !===================== ================== ===============================================================
101  ! ``midas_ensembleh``   ``NAMENSEMBLEH``   number of ensemble members, additional parameters to control
102  !                                          generating modulated members from original ensembles, 
103  !                                          the member number the current batch starts with, number of 
104  !                                          members in the batch, option to read ensemble mean from file.
105  ! ``timeCoord_mod``     ``NAMTIME``        assimilation time window length, temporal resolution of
106  !                                          the background state.
107  !===================== ================== ===============================================================
108  !
109  use version_mod
110  use midasMpi_mod
111  use fileNames_mod
112  use gridStateVector_mod
113  use gridStateVectorFileIO_mod
114  use columnData_mod
115  use verticalCoord_mod
116  use horizontalCoord_mod
117  use timeCoord_mod
118  use utilities_mod
119  use ramDisk_mod
120  use stateToColumn_mod
121  use obsFiles_mod
122  use obsSpaceData_mod
123  use obsErrors_mod
124  use innovation_mod
125  use ensembleObservations_mod
126  use ensembleStateVector_mod
127  use enkf_mod
128  implicit none
130  type(struct_obs), target  :: obsSpaceData
131  type(struct_ens)          :: ensembleTrl4D
132  type(struct_gsv)          :: stateVectorMeanTrl4D
133  type(struct_gsv)          :: stateVector4D
134  type(struct_gsv)          :: stateVector4Dmod
135  type(struct_gsv)          :: stateVectorWithZandP4D
136  type(struct_gsv)          :: stateVectorHeightSfc
137  type(struct_columnData)   :: column
139  type(struct_eob), target  :: ensObs
140  type(struct_eob), pointer :: ensObsGain
142  type(struct_vco), pointer :: vco_ens => null()
143  type(struct_hco), pointer :: hco_ens => null()
145  integer :: get_max_rss, fclos, fnom, fstopc, ierr
146  integer :: memberIndex, nulnam, dateStampFromObs
147  integer :: nEnsGain, eigenVectorIndex, memberIndexInEnsObs, stepIndex
148  integer, allocatable :: dateStampList(:)
150  logical :: useModulatedEns, fileExists
152  character(len=256)  :: ensFileName
153  character(len=256)  :: ensMeanFileName
154  character(len=9)    :: obsColumnMode
155  character(len=48)   :: obsMpiStrategy
156  character(len=48)   :: midasMode
158  ! namelist variables
159  character(len=256) :: ensPathName       ! path of ensemble member files
160  character(len=20)  :: obsTimeInterpType ! type of time interpolation to obs time
161  integer  :: nEns             ! ensemble size
162  integer  :: numRetainedEigen ! number of retained eigen modes used for modulated ensemble
163  integer  :: fileMemberIndex1 ! first member index in ensemble set to be read
164  integer  :: numFullEns       ! number of full ensemble set (needed only for modulated ensemble)
165  real(8)  :: vLocalize        ! vertical localization lengthscale (needed only for modulated ensemble)
166  logical  :: readEnsMeanFromFile ! choose to read ens mean from file (when reading subset of members)
167  NAMELIST /NAMENSEMBLEH/nEns, ensPathName, obsTimeInterpType, numRetainedEigen, &
168                         vLocalize, fileMemberIndex1, readEnsMeanFromFile, numFullEns
170  midasMode = 'analysis'
171  obsColumnMode = 'ENKFMIDAS'
172  obsMpiStrategy = 'LIKESPLITFILES'
174  call ver_printNameAndVersion('ensembleH','Program for applying H to ensemble')
176  !
177  !- 0. MPI, TMG initialization
178  !
179  call mmpi_initialize
180  call tmg_init(mmpi_myid, 'TMG_INFO')
182  call utl_tmg_start(0,'Main')
183  write(*,*) 'Memory Used: ',get_max_rss()/1024,'Mb'
185  ! Avoid printing lots of stuff to listing for std file I/O
186  ierr = fstopc('MSGLVL','ERRORS',0)
188  ! Setup the ramdisk directory (if supplied)
189  call ram_setup
191  ! Setting default namelist variable values
192  nEns                   = 10
193  ensPathName            = 'ensemble'
194  obsTimeInterpType      = 'LINEAR'
195  numRetainedEigen       = 0
196  vLocalize              = -1.0D0
197  fileMemberIndex1       = 1
198  readEnsMeanFromFile    = .false.
199  numFullEns             = 0
201  ! Read the namelist
202  nulnam = 0
203  ierr = fnom(nulnam, './flnml', 'FTN+SEQ+R/O', 0)
204  read(nulnam, nml=namensembleh, iostat=ierr)
205  if (ierr /= 0) call utl_abort('midas-ensembleH: Error reading namelist')
206  if (mmpi_myid == 0) write(*,nml=namensembleh)
207  ierr = fclos(nulnam)
209  if (numRetainedEigen < 0) call utl_abort('midas-ensembleH: numRetainedEigen should be ' // &
210                                             'equal or greater than zero')
212  useModulatedEns = (numRetainedEigen > 0)
213  if (useModulatedEns .and. vLocalize <= 0) then
214    call utl_abort('midas-ensembleH: vLocalize should be greater than zero for modulated ens')
215  end if
217  if (useModulatedEns .and. numFullEns < nEns) then
218    call utl_abort('midas-ensembleH: For modulated ensembles the number of full ensembles is needed ' // &
219                      'with numFullEns >= nEns')
220  end if
222  ! Read the observations
223  call obsf_setup(dateStampFromObs, midasMode)
225  ! Use the first ensemble member to initialize datestamp and grid
226  call fln_ensFileName(ensFileName, ensPathName, memberIndex_opt=1, &
227                       fileMemberIndex1_opt=fileMemberIndex1)
229  ! Setup timeCoord module, get datestamp from ensemble member
230  call tim_setup(fileNameForDate_opt = ensFileName)
231  allocate(dateStampList(tim_nstepobs))
232  call tim_getstamplist(dateStampList,tim_nstepobs,tim_getDatestamp())
234  write(*,*) 'midas-ensembleH: dateStamp = ',tim_getDateStamp()
236  !- Initialize variables of the model states
237  call gsv_setup
239  !- Initialize the Ensemble grid
240  if (mmpi_myid == 0) write(*,*) ''
241  if (mmpi_myid == 0) write(*,*) 'midas-ensembleH: Set hco and vco parameters for ensemble grid'
242  call hco_SetupFromFile(hco_ens, ensFileName, ' ', 'ENSFILEGRID')
243  call vco_setupFromFile(vco_ens, ensFileName)
245  write(*,*) 'Memory Used: ', get_max_rss()/1024, 'Mb'
247  ! read in the observations
248  call inn_setupObs(obsSpaceData, hco_ens, obsColumnMode, obsMpiStrategy, midasMode)
250  ! Initialize obs error covariances
251  call oer_setObsErrors(obsSpaceData, midasMode)
253  call col_setup
254  call col_setVco(column, vco_ens)
255  call col_allocate(column, obs_numheader(obsSpaceData))
256  write(*,*) 'Memory Used: ', get_max_rss()/1024, 'Mb'
258  ! Initialize the observation error covariances
259  call oer_setObsErrors(obsSpaceData, midasMode) ! IN
261  ! Allocate and initialize eob object for storing HX values
262  call eob_allocate(ensObs, nEns, obs_numBody(obsSpaceData), obsSpaceData, &
263                    fileMemberIndex1_opt=fileMemberIndex1)
264  call eob_zero(ensObs)
265  if (useModulatedEns) then
266    nEnsGain = nEns * numRetainedEigen
267    allocate(ensObsGain)
268    call eob_allocate(ensObsGain, nEnsGain, obs_numBody(obsSpaceData), obsSpaceData, &
269                      fileMemberIndex1_opt=fileMemberIndex1)
270    call eob_zero(ensObsGain)
271  else
272    ensObsGain => ensObs
273  end if
275  ! Set lat, lon, obs values in ensObs
276  call eob_setLatLonObs(ensObs)
277  if (useModulatedEns) call eob_setLatLonObs(ensObsGain)
280  ! Read the sfc height from ensemble member 1
281  call gsv_allocate(stateVectorHeightSfc, 1, hco_ens, vco_ens, dateStamp_opt=tim_getDateStamp(),  &
282                    mpi_local_opt=.true., mpi_distribution_opt='Tiles', &
283                    dataKind_opt=4, allocHeightSfc_opt=.true., varNames_opt=(/'P0','TT'/))
284  call gio_readFromFile(stateVectorHeightSfc, ensFileName, ' ', ' ',  &
285                        containsFullField_opt=.true., readHeightSfc_opt=.true.)
287  ! Allocate statevector related to ensemble mean
288  call gsv_allocate(stateVectorMeanTrl4D, tim_nstepobs, hco_ens, vco_ens, &
289                    dateStamp_opt=tim_getDateStamp(),  &
290                    mpi_local_opt=.true., mpi_distribution_opt='Tiles', &
291                    dataKind_opt=4, allocHeightSfc_opt=.true., &
292                    allocHeight_opt=.false., allocPressure_opt=.false.)
293  call gsv_zero(stateVectorMeanTrl4D)
294  call gsv_allocate(stateVector4D, tim_nstepobs, hco_ens, vco_ens, &
295                    dateStamp_opt=tim_getDateStamp(),  &
296                    mpi_local_opt=.true., mpi_distribution_opt='Tiles', &
297                    dataKind_opt=4, allocHeightSfc_opt=.true., &
298                    allocHeight_opt=.false., allocPressure_opt=.false.)
299  call gsv_zero(stateVector4D)
300  if (useModulatedEns) then
301    ! same as stateVector4D
302    call gsv_allocate(stateVector4Dmod, tim_nstepobs, hco_ens, vco_ens, &
303                      dateStamp_opt=tim_getDateStamp(),  &
304                      mpi_local_opt=.true., mpi_distribution_opt='Tiles', &
305                      dataKind_opt=4, allocHeightSfc_opt=.true., &
306                      allocHeight_opt=.false., allocPressure_opt=.false.)
307    call gsv_zero(stateVector4Dmod)
308  end if
310  ! Allocate statevector for storing state with heights and pressures allocated (for s2c_nl)
311  call gsv_allocate(stateVectorWithZandP4D, tim_nstepobs, hco_ens, vco_ens, &
312                    dateStamp_opt=tim_getDateStamp(),  &
313                    mpi_local_opt=.true., mpi_distribution_opt='Tiles', &
314                    dataKind_opt=4, allocHeightSfc_opt=.true.)
315  call gsv_zero(stateVectorWithZandP4D)
317  ! Allocate ensembles, read the Trl ensemble
318  call utl_tmg_start(2,'--ReadEnsemble')
319  call ens_allocate(ensembleTrl4D, nEns, tim_nstepobs, hco_ens, vco_ens, dateStampList, &
320                    fileMemberIndex1_opt=fileMemberIndex1)
321  call ens_readEnsemble(ensembleTrl4D, ensPathName, biPeriodic=.false.)
322  call utl_tmg_stop(2)
324  ! Compute ensemble mean and copy to meanTrl stateVectors
325  if (readEnsMeanFromFile) then
326    ! read the mean stateVector and copy to ensembleTrl4D object
327    call fln_ensTrlFileName(ensMeanFileName, '.', tim_getDateStamp())
328    ensMeanFileName = trim(ensMeanFileName) // '_trialmean'
329    inquire(file=trim(ensMeanFileName),exist=fileExists)
330    if (.not. fileExists) then
331      call utl_abort('midas-ensembleH: the ensemble mean file does not exist')
332    end if
333    do stepIndex = 1, tim_nstepobs
334      call gio_readFromFile(stateVectorMeanTrl4D, ensMeanFileName, ' ', ' ',  &
335                            containsFullField_opt=.true., readHeightSfc_opt=.true., &
336                            stepIndex_opt=stepIndex)
337    end do
338    call ens_copyToEnsMean(ensembleTrl4D, stateVectorMeanTrl4D)
339  else
340    call ens_computeMean(ensembleTrl4D)
341    call ens_copyEnsMean(ensembleTrl4D, stateVectorMeanTrl4D)
342  end if
344  do memberIndex = 1, nEns
346    write(*,*) ''
347    write(*,*) 'midas-ensembleH: apply nonlinear H to ensemble member ', memberIndex
348    write(*,*) 'Memory Used: ', get_max_rss()/1024, 'Mb'
350    ! copy 1 member to a stateVector
351    call ens_copyMember(ensembleTrl4D, stateVector4D, memberIndex)
352    call gsv_copy(stateVector4D, stateVectorWithZandP4D, allowVarMismatch_opt=.true., &
353                  beSilent_opt=.true.)
354    call gsv_copyHeightSfc(stateVectorHeightSfc, stateVectorWithZandP4D)
356    ! Compute and set Yb in ensObs
357    call s2c_nl(stateVectorWithZandP4D, obsSpaceData, column, hco_ens, &
358                timeInterpType=obsTimeInterpType, dealloc_opt=.false., &
359                beSilent_opt=.true.)
361    ! Compute Y-H(X) in OBS_OMP
362    call inn_computeInnovation(column, obsSpaceData, beSilent_opt=.true.)
364    ! Copy to ensObs: Y-HX for this member
365    call eob_setYb(ensObs, memberIndex)
367    ! Compute and set Yb in ensObsGain
368    do eigenVectorIndex = 1, numRetainedEigen
369      if (mmpi_myid == 0) write(*,*) 'midas-ensembleH: apply nonlinear H to modulated member ', &
370                                        eigenVectorIndex, '/', numRetainedEigen
372      ! modulate the member with eigenvectors of vertical localization matrix
373      call enkf_getModulatedState(stateVector4D, stateVectorMeanTrl4D, &
374                                  vLocalize, numRetainedEigen, nEns, &
375                                  eigenVectorIndex, stateVector4Dmod, &
376                                  beSilent=.true.)
378      call gsv_copy(stateVector4Dmod, stateVectorWithZandP4D, allowVarMismatch_opt=.true., &
379                    beSilent_opt=.true.)
380      call gsv_copyHeightSfc(stateVectorHeightSfc, stateVectorWithZandP4D)
382      call s2c_nl(stateVectorWithZandP4D, obsSpaceData, column, hco_ens, &
383                  timeInterpType=obsTimeInterpType, dealloc_opt=.false., &
384                  beSilent_opt=.true.)
386      ! Compute Y-H(X) in OBS_OMP
387      call inn_computeInnovation(column, obsSpaceData, filterObsAndInitOer_opt=.false., &
388                                 beSilent_opt=.true.)
390      ! Copy to ensObsGain: Y-HX for this member
391      memberIndexInEnsObs = (eigenVectorIndex - 1) * nEns + memberIndex
392      call eob_setYb(ensObsGain, memberIndexInEnsObs)
393    end do ! eigenVectorIndex
395  end do
396  call gsv_deallocate(stateVectorWithZandP4D)
397  if (gsv_isAllocated(stateVector4Dmod)) call gsv_deallocate(stateVector4Dmod)
398  call gsv_deallocate(stateVector4D)
399  call gsv_deallocate(stateVectorMeanTrl4D)
400  call gsv_deallocate(stateVectorHeightSfc)
402  ! write local ensObs to file
403  call eob_writeToFiles(ensObs, outputFilenamePrefix='eob_HX', writeObsInfo=.true.)
404  if (useModulatedEns) then
405    call eob_writeToFiles(ensObsGain, outputFilenamePrefix='eobGain_HX', writeObsInfo=.false., &
406                          numGroupsToDivideMembers_opt=numRetainedEigen, &
407                          maxNumMembersPerGroup_opt=numFullEns)
408  end if
410  !
411  !- MPI, tmg finalize
412  !  
413  write(*,*) 'Memory Used: ', get_max_rss()/1024, 'Mb'
414  call utl_tmg_stop(0)
416  call tmg_terminate(mmpi_myid, 'TMG_INFO')
417  call rpn_comm_finalize(ierr) 
419  write(*,*) 'Memory Used: ', get_max_rss()/1024, 'Mb'
421  !
422  !- 7.  Ending
423  !
424  if (mmpi_myid == 0) write(*,*) ' --------------------------------'
425  if (mmpi_myid == 0) write(*,*) ' MIDAS-ENSEMBLEH ENDS'
426  if (mmpi_myid == 0) write(*,*) ' --------------------------------'
428end program midas_ensembleH