Dependency Diagrams:
MODULE getGridPosition_mod (prefix=’gpos’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
- Purpose
A place to collect numerous interpolation related routines. The main task of the module is to compute the grid XY position from a lat-lon. This simply calls the ezsint routine gdxyfll for simple grids. For Yin-Yan grids it calls the function gpos_xyfll_yinYangGrid (see below in this module). There is also support for RPN Y grids, in which case it calls the subroutine gpos_xyfll_unstructGrid.
Quick access
- Routines
Needed modules
: MODULE kdTree2_mod (prefix=’kdtree2’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE mathPhysConstants_mod (prefix=’mpc’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE physicsFunctions_mod (prefix=’phf’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE utilities_mod (prefix=’utl’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)Variables
Subroutines and functions
- function getgridposition_mod/gpos_getpositionxy(gdid, xpos_r4, ypos_r4, xpos2_r4, ypos2_r4, lat_deg_r4, lon_deg_r4, subgridindex)¶
- Purpose
Compute the grid XY position from a lat-lon. This simply calls the ezsint routine gdxyfll for simple grids. For Yin-Yan grids it calls the function gpos_xyfll_yinYangGrid (see below in this module). There is also support for RPN Y grids, in which case it calls the subroutine gpos_xyfll_unstructGrid.
- Arguments
gdid [integer ,in]
xpos_r4 [real ,out]
ypos_r4 [real ,out]
xpos2_r4 [real ,out]
ypos2_r4 [real ,out]
lat_deg_r4 [real ,in]
lon_deg_r4 [real ,in]
subgridindex [integer ,out]
- Return
ierr [integer ] :: returned value of function
- Called from
- Call to
- function getgridposition_mod/gpos_xyfll_yinyanggrid(gdid, xpos_r4, ypos_r4, xpos2_r4, ypos2_r4, lat_deg_r4, lon_deg_r4, subgridindex)¶
- Purpose
Compute the grid XY position from a lat-lon for a Yin-Yang grid. It returns locations from both the Yin and Yang subgrids when in the overlap region, depending on the logical variable useSingleValueOverlap.
- Arguments
gdid [integer ,in]
xpos_r4 [real ,out]
ypos_r4 [real ,out]
xpos2_r4 [real ,out]
ypos2_r4 [real ,out]
lat_deg_r4 [real ,in]
lon_deg_r4 [real ,in]
subgridindex [integer ,out]
- Return
ierr [integer ] :: returned value of function
- Called from
- function getgridposition_mod/gpos_xyfll_unstructgrid(gdid, xpos_r4, ypos_r4, lat_deg_r4, lon_deg_r4)¶
- Arguments
gdid [integer ,in]
xpos_r4 [real ,out]
ypos_r4 [real ,out]
lat_deg_r4 [real ,in]
lon_deg_r4 [real ,in]
- Return
ierr [integer ] :: returned value of function
- Called from
- Call to
- function getgridposition_mod/gpos_gridisorca(ni, nj, latitude, longitude)¶
- Arguments
ni [integer ,in,] :: first dimension of the grid
nj [integer ,in,] :: second dimension of the grid
latitude (ni,nj) [real ,in] :: latitude (degrees or radians)
longitude (ni,nj) [real ,in] :: longitude (degrees or radians)
- Return
gridisorca [logical ] :: returned value of function
- Called from