Dependency Diagrams:
MODULE utilities_mod (prefix=’utl’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
- Purpose
A place to collect numerous simple utility routines.
Quick access
- Variables
- Routines
Needed modules
: MODULE clibInterfaces_mod (prefix=’’ category=’9. Global interfaces’)
: MODULE randomNumber_mod (prefix=’rng’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)Variables
- utilities_mod/utl_findloc [public]¶
- utilities_mod/utl_findlocs [public]¶
- utilities_mod/utl_reallocate [public]¶
- utilities_mod/utl_resize [public]¶
- utilities_mod/utl_str [public]¶
Subroutines and functions
- function utilities_mod/utl_fstlir(fld8, iun, ni, nj, nk, datev, etiket, ip1, ip2, ip3, typvar, nomvar)¶
- Arguments
fld8 (*) [real ,inout]
iun [integer ,in]
ni [integer ,in]
nj [integer ,in]
nk [integer ,in]
datev [integer ,in]
etiket [character ,in]
ip1 [integer ,in]
ip2 [integer ,in]
ip3 [integer ,in]
typvar [character ,in]
nomvar [character ,in]
- Return
vfstlir [integer ]
- Called from
- function utilities_mod/utl_fstlir_r4(fld_r4, iun, ni, nj, nk, datev, etiket, ip1, ip2, ip3, typvar, nomvar)¶
- Arguments
fld_r4 (*) [real ,inout]
iun [integer ,in]
ni [integer ,in]
nj [integer ,in]
nk [integer ,in]
datev [integer ,in]
etiket [character ,in]
ip1 [integer ,in]
ip2 [integer ,in]
ip3 [integer ,in]
typvar [character ,in]
nomvar [character ,in]
- Return
vfstlir [integer ]
- Called from
- function utilities_mod/utl_fstecr(fld8, npak, iun, dateo, deet, npas, ni, nj, nk, ip1, ip2, ip3, typvar, nomvar, etiket, grtyp, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4, datyp, rewrit)¶
- Arguments
fld8 (ni,nj,nk) [real ,in]
npak [integer ,in]
iun [integer ,in]
dateo [integer ,in]
deet [integer ,in]
npas [integer ,in]
ni [integer ,in,]
nj [integer ,in,]
nk [integer ,in,]
ip1 [integer ,in]
ip2 [integer ,in]
ip3 [integer ,in]
typvar [character ,in]
nomvar [character ,in]
etiket [character ,in]
grtyp [character ,in]
ig1 [integer ,in]
ig2 [integer ,in]
ig3 [integer ,in]
ig4 [integer ,in]
datyp [integer ,in]
rewrit [logical ,in]
- Return
vfstecr [integer ]
- Called from
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_matsqrt(matrix, rank_bn, exponentsign[, printinformation_opt])¶
- Purpose
Calculate square root of an error covariance matrix
- Arguments
matrix (rank_bn,rank_bn) [real ,inout]
rank_bn [integer ,in,]
exponentsign [real ,in]
- Options
printinformation_opt [logical ,in,] :: switch to print be more verbose
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_matinverse(matrix, rank_bn[, inversesqrt_opt[, printinformation_opt]])¶
- Purpose
Calculate the inverse of a covariance matrix and, optionally, also the inverse square-root.
- Arguments
matrix (*,*) [real ,inout] :: on entry, the original matrix; on exit, the inverse
rank_bn [integer ,in]
- Options
inversesqrt_opt (*,*) [real ,inout,] :: if present, the inverse sqrt matrix on exit
printinformation_opt [logical ,in,] :: switch to print be more verbose
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_eigendecomp(matrix, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, tolerance, numreturned[, printinformation_opt])¶
- Purpose
Calculate eigenValues/Vectors and return only those with eigenValues whose magnitude is greater than the specified tolerance.
- Arguments
matrix (*,*) [real ,inout] :: on entry, the original matrix; on exit, the inverse
eigenvalues (*) [real ,out] :: computed eigenValues
eigenvectors (*,*) [real ,out] :: computed eigenVectors
tolerance [real ,in] :: threshold for eigenValue magnitude to be returned
numreturned [integer ,out] :: number of eigenValues/Vectors returned
- Options
printinformation_opt [logical ,in,] :: switch to print be more verbose
- Called from
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_pseudo_inverse(inputmatrix, pseudoinverse[, threshold_opt])¶
- Purpose
to calculate the More-Penrose pseudo inverse of the matrix inputMatrix
- Arguments
inputmatrix (*,*) [real ,in] :: Input Matrix
pseudoinverse (*,*) [real ,out] :: its Moore Penrose Pseudo-Inverse
- Options
threshold_opt [real ,in,]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_writestatus(cmsg)¶
- Arguments
cmsg [character ,in]
- Called from
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_getfldprm(kip1s, kip2, kip3, knlev, cdetiket, cdtypvar, kgid, cdvar, kstampv, knmaxlev, kinmpg, kip1style, kip1kind, ktrials, koutmpg)¶
- Purpose
Get 3D grid parameters for a specific trial field and check for consitancies between grid parameters of the levels.
- Arguments
kip1s (knmaxlev) [integer ,out]
kip2 [integer ,out]
kip3 [integer ,out]
knlev [integer ,out]
cdetiket [character ,out]
cdtypvar [character ,out]
kgid [integer ,out]
cdvar [character ,out]
kstampv [integer ,out]
knmaxlev [integer ,in]
kinmpg (ktrials) [integer ,in]
kip1style [integer ,out]
kip1kind [integer ,out]
ktrials [integer ,in,]
koutmpg [integer ,out]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_abort(message)¶
- Arguments
message [character ,in]
- Called from
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_stopandwait4debug(message)¶
- Purpose
Stop the execution for the process reaching a call to the subroutine, then wait until all MPI processes reached such a call to utl_stopAndWait4Debug. Intended for debugging puposes only since it can cause unwanted MPI deadlocks - processes waiting infinitely because not all MPI processes will ever reach a call to utl_stopAndWait4Debug.
- Arguments
message [character ,in]
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_open_asciifile(filename, unit)¶
- Purpose
Opens an ascii file for output
- Arguments
filename [character ,in]
unit [integer ,out]
- Called from
- Call to
- function utilities_mod/utl_open_file(unit, filename, mode)¶
- Purpose
This is a temporary subroutine to open a file with fnom that is needed due to a bug in fnom that does not allow an ascii file to be opened in ‘APPEND’ mode.
- Arguments
unit [integer ,inout]
filename [character ,in]
mode [character ,in]
- Return
ier [integer ]
- Called from
- function utilities_mod/utl_stnid_equal(id1, id2)¶
- Purpose
Compares STNID values allowing for * as wildcards and trailing blanks
- Arguments
- Arguments
id1 [character ,in] :: reference stnid
id2 [character ,in] :: stnid being verified
- Return
same [logical ] :: logical indicating if id1 and id2 match
- Called from
- function utilities_mod/utl_int2str(i)¶
- Purpose
Function for integer to string conversion. Helpful when calling subroutine utl_abort.
- Arguments
i [integer ,in]
- Return
utl_int2str [character ]
- function utilities_mod/utl_float2str(x)¶
- Purpose
Function for integer to string conversion. Helpful when calling subroutine utl_abort.
- Arguments
x [real ,in]
- Return
utl_float2str [character ]
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_resize_1d_real(arr, dim1)¶
- Purpose
Resize 1D array
- Arguments
arr (*) [real ,inout,pointer]
dim1 [integer ,in]
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_resize_1d_int(arr, dim1)¶
- Purpose
Resize 1D array
- Arguments
arr (*) [integer ,inout,pointer]
dim1 [integer ,in]
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_resize_1d_str(arr, dim1)¶
- Purpose
Resize 1D array
- Arguments
arr (*) [character ,inout,pointer]
dim1 [integer ,in]
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_resize_2d_real(arr, dim1, dim2)¶
- Purpose
Resize 2D array
- Arguments
arr (*,*) [real ,inout,pointer]
dim1 [integer ,in]
dim2 [integer ,in]
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_resize_3d_real(arr, dim1, dim2, dim3)¶
- Purpose
Resize 3D array
- Arguments
arr (*,*,*) [real ,inout,pointer]
dim1 [integer ,in]
dim2 [integer ,in]
dim3 [integer ,in]
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_get_stringid(cstringin, nobslev, clist, nlistsize, nmax, elemid)¶
- Purpose
Get element ID from a list of accumulating character strings (e.g. stnids). Called by filt_topoChm in filterobs_mod.ftn90
- Arguments
cstringin [character ,in]
nobslev [integer ,in]
clist (nmax) [character ,inout]
nlistsize [integer ,inout]
nmax [integer ,in,]
elemid [integer ,out]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_get_id(id, idlist, nlistsize, nmax, elemid)¶
- Purpose
Get element ID from list of accumulating integer IDs.
- Arguments
id [integer ,in]
idlist (nmax) [integer ,inout]
nlistsize [integer ,inout]
nmax [integer ,in,]
elemid [integer ,out]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_readfstfield(fname, varname, iip1, iip2, iip3, etiketi, ni, nj, nkeys, array[, xlat_opt[, xlong_opt[, lvls_opt[, kind_opt]]]])¶
- Purpose
Read specified field from standard RPN/fst file. Could be one to all levels depending on the input iip1,iip2,iip3 values.
Currently assumes lat/long (or Gaussian) type grids. See hco_SetupFromFile for example toward future generalizations. Generalization would require having xlat and xlong being 2D.
- Arguments
- Arguments
fname [character ,in] :: input filename :varName: search nomvar
iip1 [integer ,in] :: search ip1
iip2 [integer ,in] :: search ip2
iip3 [integer ,in] :: search ip3
etiketi [character ,in] :: search etiket
ni [integer ,out] :: ni values
nj [integer ,out] :: OUT
nkeys [integer ,out] :: number of records satisfying search criteria
array (*,*,*) [real ,out,allocatable] :: data arrray
varname [character ,in]
- Options
xlat_opt (*) [real ,out,allocatable] :: 1D latitude array (optional)
xlong_opt (*) [real ,out,allocatable] :: 1D longitude array (optional)
lvls_opt (*) [real ,out,allocatable] :: 1D vertical coordinate array (optional)
kind_opt [integer ,out,] :: vertical coordinate type according to convip (optional)
- Call to
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_checkallocationstatus(status, message[, alloc_opt])¶
- Arguments
status (*) [integer ,in]
message [character ,in]
- Options
alloc_opt [logical ,in,]
- Called from
- Call to
- function utilities_mod/utl_varnamepresentinfile(varname[, filename_opt[, fileunit_opt[, typvar_opt]]])¶
- Arguments
varname [character ,in]
- Options
filename_opt [character ,in,]
fileunit_opt [integer ,in,]
typvar_opt [character ,in,]
- Return
found [logical ]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_reallocate_char_1d(array, dim1)¶
- Arguments
array (*) [character ,inout,allocatable]
dim1 [integer ,in]
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_reallocate_char_2d(array, dim1, dim2)¶
- Arguments
array (*,*) [character ,inout,allocatable]
dim1 [integer ,in]
dim2 [integer ,in]
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_reallocate_char_3d(array, dim1, dim2, dim3)¶
- Arguments
array (*,*,*) [character ,inout,allocatable]
dim1 [integer ,in]
dim2 [integer ,in]
dim3 [integer ,in]
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_reallocate_log_1d(array, dim1)¶
- Arguments
array (*) [logical ,inout,allocatable]
dim1 [integer ,in]
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_reallocate_log_2d(array, dim1, dim2)¶
- Arguments
array (*,*) [logical ,inout,allocatable]
dim1 [integer ,in]
dim2 [integer ,in]
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_reallocate_log_3d(array, dim1, dim2, dim3)¶
- Arguments
array (*,*,*) [logical ,inout,allocatable]
dim1 [integer ,in]
dim2 [integer ,in]
dim3 [integer ,in]
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_reallocate_int_1d(array, dim1)¶
- Arguments
array (*) [integer ,inout,allocatable]
dim1 [integer ,in]
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_reallocate_int_2d(array, dim1, dim2)¶
- Arguments
array (*,*) [integer ,inout,allocatable]
dim1 [integer ,in]
dim2 [integer ,in]
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_reallocate_int_3d(array, dim1, dim2, dim3)¶
- Arguments
array (*,*,*) [integer ,inout,allocatable]
dim1 [integer ,in]
dim2 [integer ,in]
dim3 [integer ,in]
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_reallocate_r4_1d(array, dim1)¶
- Arguments
array (*) [real ,inout,allocatable]
dim1 [integer ,in]
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_reallocate_r8_1d(array, dim1)¶
- Arguments
array (*) [real ,inout,allocatable]
dim1 [integer ,in]
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_reallocate_r4_2d(array, dim1, dim2)¶
- Arguments
array (*,*) [real ,inout,allocatable]
dim1 [integer ,in]
dim2 [integer ,in]
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_reallocate_r8_2d(array, dim1, dim2)¶
- Arguments
array (*,*) [real ,inout,allocatable]
dim1 [integer ,in]
dim2 [integer ,in]
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_reallocate_r4_3d(array, dim1, dim2, dim3)¶
- Arguments
array (*,*,*) [real ,inout,allocatable]
dim1 [integer ,in]
dim2 [integer ,in]
dim3 [integer ,in]
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_reallocate_r8_3d(array, dim1, dim2, dim3)¶
- Arguments
array (*,*,*) [real ,inout,allocatable]
dim1 [integer ,in]
dim2 [integer ,in]
dim3 [integer ,in]
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_reallocate_r4_4d(array, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4)¶
- Arguments
array (*,*,*,*) [real ,inout,allocatable]
dim1 [integer ,in]
dim2 [integer ,in]
dim3 [integer ,in]
dim4 [integer ,in]
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_reallocate_r8_4d(array, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4)¶
- Arguments
array (*,*,*,*) [real ,inout,allocatable]
dim1 [integer ,in]
dim2 [integer ,in]
dim3 [integer ,in]
dim4 [integer ,in]
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_reallocate_r4_5d(array, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dim5)¶
- Arguments
array (*,*,*,*,*) [real ,inout,allocatable]
dim1 [integer ,in]
dim2 [integer ,in]
dim3 [integer ,in]
dim4 [integer ,in]
dim5 [integer ,in]
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_reallocate_r8_5d(array, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dim5)¶
- Arguments
array (*,*,*,*,*) [real ,inout,allocatable]
dim1 [integer ,in]
dim2 [integer ,in]
dim3 [integer ,in]
dim4 [integer ,in]
dim5 [integer ,in]
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_heapsort2d(array)¶
- Purpose
Sort a real 2D array in ascending order according to the first column
- Arguments
array (*,*) [real ,inout]
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_splitstring(string_bn, separator, stringarray)¶
- Arguments
string_bn [character ,in]
separator [character ,in]
stringarray (*) [character ,inout,allocatable]
- Called from
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_combinestring(string_bn, separator, stringarray)¶
- Arguments
string_bn [character ,out]
separator [character ,in]
stringarray (*) [character ,in]
- Called from
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_removeemptystrings(stringarray)¶
- Arguments
stringarray (*) [character ,inout,allocatable]
- Called from
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_stringarraytointegerarray(stringarray, integerarray)¶
- Arguments
stringarray (*) [character ,in]
integerarray (*) [integer ,out,allocatable]
- Called from
- function utilities_mod/utl_isnamelistpresent(namelistsectionname, namelistfilename)¶
- Purpose
To find if a namelist name tag is present in a namelist file
- Arguments
namelistsectionname [character ,in]
namelistfilename [character ,in]
- Return
found [logical ]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_parsecolumns(line, numcolumns[, stringarray_opt])¶
- Purpose
To return column values in array of strings and the number of space-delimited columns in a string
- Arguments
line [character ,in]
numcolumns [integer ,out]
- Options
stringarray_opt (*) [character ,out,]
- Called from
- function utilities_mod/utl_copyfile(filein, fileout)¶
- Purpose
Copy the specified file to the new location and/or name This function is very general, but was initially written to copy files from the disk to the ram disk
- Arguments
filein [character ,in]
fileout [character ,in]
- Return
status [integer ]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_allreduce(localglobalvalue)¶
- Purpose
Perform mpi_allReduce to sum integer values over all mpi tasks and copy result back to same variable.
- Arguments
localglobalvalue [integer ,inout]
- Called from
- function utilities_mod/utl_findloc_char(chararray, value)¶
- Purpose
A modified version of the fortran function findloc. If multiple matches are found in the array, a warning message is printed to the listing.
- Arguments
chararray (*) [character ,in]
value [character ,in]
- Return
location [integer ]
- function utilities_mod/utl_findloc_int(intarray, value)¶
- Purpose
A modified version of the fortran function findloc. If multiple matches are found in the array, a warning message is printed to the listing.
- Arguments
intarray (*) [integer ,in]
value [integer ,in]
- Return
location [integer ]
- function utilities_mod/utl_findlocs_char(chararray, value)¶
- Purpose
A modified version of the fortran function findloc. Returns an array of all matches found in the array.
- Arguments
chararray (*) [character ,in]
value [character ,in]
- Return
locations (*) [integer ,allocatable]
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_randomorderint(intarray, randomseed)¶
- Purpose
Randomly shuffle the order of the integer array elements.
- Arguments
intarray (*) [integer ,inout]
randomseed [integer ,in]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_tmg_start(blockindex, blocklabel)¶
- Purpose
Wrapper for rpnlib subroutine tmg_start
- Arguments
blockindex [integer ,in]
blocklabel [character ,in]
- Called from
- subroutine utilities_mod/utl_tmg_stop(blockindex)¶
- Purpose
Wrapper for rpnlib subroutine tmg_stop
- Arguments
blockindex [integer ,in]
- Called from
- function utilities_mod/utl_medianindex(inputvector)¶
- Purpose
to find the median index of an input vector
- Arguments
inputvector (*) [real ,in]
- Return
medianindex [integer ]