Dependency Diagrams:
MODULE kdTree2_mod (prefix=’kdtree2’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
- Purpose
An implementation of the kdtree algorithm for efficiently finding nearby locations (first used in LETKF to find all obs near an analysis grid point). Written by Matt Kennel.
Quick access
- Types
- Variables
- Routines
Needed modules
: MODULE utilities_mod (prefix=’utl’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE kdtree2_precision_mod (prefix=’none’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE kdtree2_priority_queue_mod (prefix=’none’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE earthConstants_mod (prefix=’ec’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)Types
- type kdtree2_mod/interval¶
- Type fields
% lower [real ]
% upper [real ]
- type kdtree2_mod/unknown_type¶
- type kdtree2_mod/unknown_type
- Type fields
% dimen [integer ]
% ind (*) [integer ,pointer]
% n [integer ]
% null [real ,pointer]
% rearrange [logical ]
% rearranged_data (*,*) [real ,pointer]
% root [tree_node ,pointer]
% sort [logical ]
% the_data (*,*) [real ,pointer]
- type kdtree2_mod/unknown_type
- kdtree2_mod/kdkind [integer,public]¶
- kdtree2_mod/kdtree2 [integer,public]¶
- kdtree2_mod/tree_node [real,public]¶
Subroutines and functions
- function kdtree2_mod/kdtree2_create(input_data[, dim[, sort[, rearrange]]])¶
- Purpose
Create the actual tree structure, given an input array of data.
- Arguments
input_data (*,*) [real ,target]
- Options
dim [integer ,in,]
sort [logical ,in,]
rearrange [logical ,in,]
- Return
mr [kdtree2 ,pointer]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine kdtree2_mod/build_tree(tp)¶
- Arguments
tp [kdtree2 ,pointer]
- Called from
- Call to
- function kdtree2_mod/build_tree_for_range(tp, l, u, parent)¶
- Arguments
tp [kdtree2 ,pointer]
l [integer ,in]
u [integer ,in]
parent [tree_node ,pointer]
- Return
res [tree_node ,pointer]
- Called from
- function kdtree2_mod/select_on_coordinate_value(v, ind, c, alpha, li, ui)¶
- Purpose
Move elts of ind around between l and u, so that all points <= than alpha (in c cooordinate) are first, and then all points > alpha are second.
- Arguments
v (,) [real ]
ind () [integer ]
c [integer ,in]
alpha [real ,in]
li [integer ,in]
ui [integer ,in]
- Return
res [real ]
- subroutine kdtree2_mod/select_on_coordinate(v, ind, c, k, li, ui)¶
- Purpose
Move elts of ind around between l and u, so that the kth element is >= those below, <= those above, in the coordinate c.
- Arguments
v (*,*) [real ]
ind (*) [integer ]
c [integer ,in]
k [integer ,in]
li [integer ,in]
ui [integer ,in]
- subroutine kdtree2_mod/spread_in_coordinate(tp, c, l, u, interv)¶
- Purpose
the spread in coordinate ‘c’, between l and u. Return lower bound in ‘smin’, and upper in ‘smax’,
- Arguments
tp [kdtree2 ,pointer]
c [integer ,in]
l [integer ,in]
u [integer ,in]
interv [interval ,out]
- subroutine kdtree2_mod/kdtree2_destroy(tp)¶
- Purpose
Deallocates all memory for the tree, except input data matrix
- Arguments
tp [kdtree2 ,pointer]
- Called from
- subroutine kdtree2_mod/kdtree2_n_nearest(tp, qv, nn, results)¶
- Purpose
Find the ‘nn’ vectors in the tree nearest to ‘qv’ in euclidean norm returning their indexes and distances in ‘indexes’ and ‘distances’ arrays already allocated passed to this subroutine.
- Arguments
tp [kdtree2 ,pointer]
qv (*) [real ,in,target]
nn [integer ,in]
results (*) [kdtree2_result ,target]
- Call to
- subroutine kdtree2_mod/kdtree2_n_nearest_around_point(tp, idxin, correltime, nn, results)¶
- Purpose
Find the ‘nn’ vectors in the tree nearest to point ‘idxin’, with correlation window ‘correltime’, returing results in
- Arguments
results (*) [kdtree2_result ,target] :: which must be pre-allocated upon entry.
tp [kdtree2 ,pointer]
idxin [integer ,in]
correltime [integer ,in]
nn [integer ,in]
- Call to
- subroutine kdtree2_mod/kdtree2_r_nearest(tp, qv, r2, nfound, nalloc, results)¶
- Purpose
find the nearest neighbors to point ‘idxin’, within SQUARED Euclidean distance ‘r2’. Upon ENTRY, nalloc must be the size of memory allocated for results(1:nalloc). Upon EXIT, nfound is the number actually found within the ball.
Note that if nfound .gt. nalloc then more neighbors were found than there were storage to store. The resulting list is NOT the smallest ball inside norm r^2
Results are NOT sorted unless tree was created with sort option.
- Arguments
tp [kdtree2 ,pointer]
qv (*) [real ,in,target]
r2 [real ,in]
nfound [integer ,out]
nalloc [integer ,in]
results (*) [kdtree2_result ,target]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine kdtree2_mod/kdtree2_r_nearest_around_point(tp, idxin, correltime, r2, nfound, nalloc, results)¶
- Purpose
Like kdtree2_r_nearest, but around a point ‘idxin’ already existing in the data set.
Results are NOT sorted unless tree was created with sort option.
- Arguments
tp [kdtree2 ,pointer]
idxin [integer ,in]
correltime [integer ,in]
r2 [real ,in]
nfound [integer ,out]
nalloc [integer ,in]
results (*) [kdtree2_result ,target]
- Call to
- function kdtree2_mod/kdtree2_r_count(tp, qv, r2)¶
- Purpose
Count the number of neighbors within square distance ‘r2’.
- Arguments
tp [kdtree2 ,pointer]
qv (*) [real ,in,target]
r2 [real ,in]
- Return
nfound [integer ]
- Call to
- function kdtree2_mod/kdtree2_r_count_around_point(tp, idxin, correltime, r2)¶
- Purpose
Count the number of neighbors within square distance ‘r2’ around point ‘idxin’ with decorrelation time ‘correltime’.
- Arguments
tp [kdtree2 ,pointer]
idxin [integer ,in]
correltime [integer ,in]
r2 [real ,in]
- Return
nfound [integer ]
- Call to
- subroutine kdtree2_mod/validate_query_storage(n)¶
- Purpose
make sure we have enough storage for n
- Arguments
n [integer ,in]
- Called from
- Call to
- function kdtree2_mod/square_distance(d, iv, qv)¶
- Purpose
distance between iv[1:n] and qv[1:n]
- Arguments
d [integer ]
iv (*) [real ]
qv (*) [real ]
- Return
res [real ]
- Called from
- subroutine kdtree2_mod/search(node)¶
- Arguments
node [tree_node ,pointer]
- Called from
- function kdtree2_mod/dis2_from_bnd(x, amin, amax)¶
- Arguments
x [real ,in]
amin [real ,in]
amax [real ,in]
- Return
res [real ]
- Called from
- function kdtree2_mod/box_in_search_range(node, sr)¶
- Purpose
Return the distance from ‘qv’ to the CLOSEST corner of node’s bounding box for all coordinates outside the box. Coordinates inside the box contribute nothing to the distance.
- Arguments
node [tree_node ,pointer]
sr (*) [tree_search_record ,pointer]
- Return
res [real ]
- Call to
- subroutine kdtree2_mod/process_terminal_node(node)¶
- Purpose
Look for actual near neighbors in ‘node’, and update the search results on the sr(:) data structure.
- Arguments
node [tree_node ,pointer]
- Call to
- subroutine kdtree2_mod/process_terminal_node_fixedball(node)¶
- Purpose
Look for actual near neighbors in ‘node’, and update the search results on the sr(:) data structure, i.e. save all within a fixed ball.
- Arguments
node [tree_node ,pointer]
- subroutine kdtree2_mod/kdtree2_n_nearest_brute_force(tp, qv, nn, results)¶
- Purpose
find the ‘n’ nearest neighbors to ‘qv’ by exhaustive search. only use this subroutine for testing, as it is SLOW! The whole point of a k-d tree is to avoid doing what this subroutine does.
- Arguments
tp [kdtree2 ,pointer]
qv (*) [real ,in]
nn [integer ,in]
results (*) [kdtree2_result ]
- Call to
- subroutine kdtree2_mod/kdtree2_r_nearest_brute_force(tp, qv, r2, nfound, results)¶
- Purpose
find the nearest neighbors to ‘qv’ with distance**2 <= r2 by exhaustive search. only use this subroutine for testing, as it is SLOW! The whole point of a k-d tree is to avoid doing what this subroutine does.
- Arguments
tp [kdtree2 ,pointer]
qv (*) [real ,in]
r2 [real ,in]
nfound [integer ,out]
results (*) [kdtree2_result ]
- Call to
- subroutine kdtree2_mod/kdtree2_sort_results(nfound, results)¶
- Purpose
Use after search to sort results(1:nfound) in order of increasing distance.
- Arguments
nfound [integer ,in]
results (*) [kdtree2_result ,target]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine kdtree2_mod/heapsort(a, ind, n)¶
- Purpose
Sort a(1:n) in ascending order, permuting ind(1:n) similarly.
If ind(k) = k upon input, then it will give a sort index upon output.
- Arguments
a (*) [real ,inout]
ind (*) [integer ,inout]
n [integer ,in]
- subroutine kdtree2_mod/heapsort_struct(a, n)¶
- Purpose
Sort a(1:n) in ascending order
- Arguments
a (*) [kdtree2_result ,inout]
n [integer ,in]
- Called from
- function kdtree2_mod/kdtree2_3dposition(lon_rad, lat_rad)¶
- Purpose
Calculate the 3 dimensional coordinates of a point on the sphere of Earth radius given the longitude-latitude position on the surface of the sphere in radian.
- Arguments
lon_rad [real ,in]
lat_rad [real ,in]
- Return
positionarray (3) [real ] :: returned values of function
- Called from