Dependency Diagrams:
MODULE obsSubSpaceData_mod (prefix=’oss’ category=’6. High-level data objects’)
- Purpose
Repository of obs space structures, arrays, and routines specific to obs data pertinent to subspaces of the overall ObsSpaceData. Most tools are independent of ObsSpaceData and can be used by themselves for the users’ application(s).
Quick access
- Variables
- Routines
Needed modules
: MODULE codePrecision_mod (prefix=’pre’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE utilities_mod (prefix=’utl’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE mathPhysConstants_mod (prefix=’mpc’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE midasMpi_mod (prefix=’mmpi’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE bufr_mod (prefix=’bufr’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE obsSpaceData_mod (prefix=’obs’ category=’6. High-level data objects’)Types
- type obssubspacedata_mod/unknown_type¶
- Type fields
% code (*) [character ,pointer]
% data1d (*,*) [real ,pointer]
% data2d (*,*,*) [real ,pointer]
% dim1 [integer ]
% dim2 [integer ]
% irep [integer ]
% ndim [integer ]
% nrep [integer ]
- obssubspacedata_mod/oss_obsdata_get_header_code [public]¶
- obssubspacedata_mod/struct_oss_obsdata [public]¶
Subroutines and functions
- subroutine obssubspacedata_mod/oss_obsdata_alloc(obsdata, nrep, dim1[, dim2_opt])¶
- Purpose
Allocates memory for structure struct_oss_obsdata to hold obs data file information. If dim2 is specified, then the data array associated with each observation/report will be 2D array. will be a 1D array if dim2 is not specified.
- Arguments
- Arguments
obsdata [struct_oss_obsdata ,inout] :: data structure to allocate
nrep [integer ,in] :: max number of associated observations/reports for data
dim1 [integer ,in] :: first dimension length of the array associated to each observation/report :dim2: second dimension length of the array associated to each observation/report (optional)
- Options
dim2_opt [integer ,in,]
- Called from
- subroutine obssubspacedata_mod/oss_obsdata_dealloc(obsdata)¶
- Purpose
Deallocates memory for structure struct_oss_obsdata
- Arguments
obsdata [struct_oss_obsdata ,inout]
- Called from
- function obssubspacedata_mod/oss_obsdata_get_element(obsdata, code, idim1[, stat_opt])¶
- Purpose
Returns element of array from obsdata 1D data array. The returned element is the one with the specified identifying code.
- Arguments
- Arguments
obsdata [struct_oss_obsdata ,inout] :: struct_oss_obsdata instance
code [character ,in] :: unique identifying code
idim1 [integer ,in] :: position of element in the dim1 axis
- Return
element [real ] :: retrieved element from obsdata%data1d :stat: status code
- Options
stat_opt [integer ,out,]
- Called from
- Call to
- function obssubspacedata_mod/oss_obsdata_get_array1d(obsdata, code[, stat_opt])¶
- Purpose
Returns 1D data array from obsdata. The returned array is the one with the specified identifying code.
- Arguments
- Arguments
obsdata [struct_oss_obsdata ,inout] :: struct_oss_obsdata instance
code [character ,in] :: unique identifying code
- Return
array (obsdata%dim1) [real ] :: retrieved array from obsdata%data1d of dimension obsdata%dim1 :stat: search success (0 - found; 1 = no data; 2 = not found)
- Options
stat_opt [integer ,out,]
- Called from
- Call to
- function obssubspacedata_mod/oss_obsdata_get_data1d(obsdata, lon, lat, date, time, stnid[, stat_opt])¶
- Purpose
Extract 1D data array from structure according to input (lat,long,date,time,stnid)
- Arguments
- Arguments
obsdata [struct_oss_obsdata ,inout] :: Structure from which data elements are to be found
lon [real ,in] :: longitude real (radians)
lat [real ,in] :: latitude real (radians)
date [integer ,in] :: date in YYYYMMDD
time [integer ,in] :: time in HHMM
stnid [character ,in] :: station ID
- Return
array (obsdata%dim1) [real ] :: Identified 1D array :stat: search success (0 - found; 1 = no data; 2 = not found)
- Options
stat_opt [integer ,out,]
- Called from
- Call to
- function obssubspacedata_mod/oss_obsdata_get_array2d(obsdata, code[, stat_opt])¶
- Purpose
Returns 2D data array from obsdata. The returned array is the one with the specified identifying code.
- Arguments
- Arguments
obsdata [struct_oss_obsdata ,inout] :: struct_oss_obsdata instance
code [character ,in] :: unique identifying code
- Return
array (obsdata%dim1,obsdata%dim2) [real ] :: retrieved array from obsdata%data2d of dimension (obsdata%dim1,obsdata%dim2) :stat: search success (0 - found; 1 = no data; 2 = not found)
- Options
stat_opt [integer ,out,]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine obssubspacedata_mod/obsdata_set_index(obsdata, code[, stat_opt])¶
- Purpose
Sets the position variable (irep) in struct_oss_obsdata to reference the record that matches the input identifying code.
- Arguments
- Arguments
obsdata [struct_oss_obsdata ,inout] :: irep: current index position for the observation/report :index: obs index
code [character ,in] :: code for comparison to those in obsdata
obsdata :: irep: current index position for the observation/report
- Options
stat_opt [integer ,out,] :: status of call (optional) :0: no errors :1: no reports available :2: report not found
- Comments
If the optional argument stat_opt is provided and an error occurs, the error code will be returned and the abort will not be called to allow for error handling.
- Called from
- Call to
- function obssubspacedata_mod/obsdata_extra_code_test(test_code, ref_code, ref_lat)¶
- Purpose
Test matching of code values accounting for rare differences in stored lat (and lon) value(s) when codes are stored as strings in the form LAT–LON–YYYYMMDDHHMM* (ie. with >= oss_code_sublen characters).
- Caveat
The current version assumes the only source of difference would stem from a shift to the nearest latitude of the analysis grid from points near the pole. (this source of difference identified by M. Sitwell) Also currently assumes that most poleward analysis grid latitudes are within 1 degree away from a pole.
- Arguments
- Arguments
test_code [character ,in] :: code for comparison to ref_code
ref_lat [integer ,in] :: latitude (x100) part of reference code
ref_code [character ,in] :: reference code
- Return
found [logical ] :: logical indicating if a match has been found.
- Called from
- function obssubspacedata_mod/obsdata_get_header_code_i(ilon, ilat, date, time, stnid)¶
- Purpose
Generates a string code to identify an obervation by the header information in a BURP report. The BURP header information is saved as a string in the form LAT–LON–YYYYMMDDHHMMSTNID—-. Intention of this function is to be used for setting the unique identifier ‘code’ in struct_oss_obsdata. Can be called under the interface oss_obsdata_get_header_code.
- Arguments
- Arguments
ilon [integer ,in] :: longitude integer
ilat [integer ,in] :: latitude integer
date [integer ,in] :: date in YYYYMMDD
time [integer ,in] :: time in HHMM
stnid [character ,in] :: station ID
- Return
code [character ] :: unique code
- Called from
- function obssubspacedata_mod/obsdata_get_header_code_r(lon, lat, date, time, stnid)¶
- Purpose
Generates a string code to identify an obervation by the header information in a BURP report. The BURP header information is saved as a string in the form LAT–LON–YYYYMMDDHHMMSTNID—-. Intention of this function is to be used for setting the unique identifier ‘code’ in struct_oss_obsdata. Can be called under the interface oss_obsdata_get_header_code.
- Arguments
- Arguments
lon [real ,in] :: longitude real (radians)
lat [real ,in] :: latitude real (radians)
date [integer ,in] :: date in YYYYMMDD
time [integer ,in] :: time in HHMM
stnid [character ,in] :: station ID
- Return
code [character ] :: unique code
- Call to
- subroutine obssubspacedata_mod/oss_obsdata_add_data1d(obsdata, val, code, maxsize[, dim1_opt])¶
- Purpose
Add data value(s) to obsdata%data1d with associated identifier code.
- Arguments
- Arguments
obsdata [struct_oss_obsdata ,inout] :: Updated obsdata
val (*) [real ,in] :: data array to store in obsdata%data1d
code [character ,in] :: identifying code based on (lat,long,date,hhmm) if not also stnid
maxsize [integer ,in] :: max allowed size for obsdata dim1 value() dimension (optional)
obsdata :: Updated obsdata
- Comments
Retrieval of values from obsdata%data1d to be done via oss_obsdata_get_element (or oss_obsdata_get_array1d).
If obsdata allocation is required for all processors (such as for use later with obsdata_MPIGather), allocation and/or initialization of arrays needs to be done at a corresponding appropriate location outside the obs operations such as in oss_setup to ensure allocation is done for all processors, including those without associated data. This is to ensure that rpn_comm_allgather will work in routine obsdata_MPIGather.
- Options
dim1_opt [integer ,in,]
- Call to
- subroutine obssubspacedata_mod/oss_obsdata_mpiallgather(obsdata)¶
- Purpose
Gathers previously saved obsdata from all processors.
- Arguments
- Arguments
obsdata [struct_oss_obsdata ,inout] :: Local struct_oss_obsdata to become global
- Comments
Assumes obsdata%dim1 (and obsdata%dim2) the same over all processors.
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine obssubspacedata_mod/oss_get_comboidlist(obsspacedata, stnid_list, varno_list, unilev_list, num_elements, nset)¶
- Purpose
Uses the subroutine oss_comboIdlist to compile a unique list of stnid, (stnid,varno) or (stnid,varno,multi/uni-level) combinations to be used in searches.
- Arguments
- obsSpaceData
Observation space data
- Arguments
stnid_list (100) [character ,out] :: List of unique stnids
varno_list (100) [integer ,out] :: List of unique varno
unilev_list (100) [logical ,out] :: List of unique uni/multi-level identifications
num_elements [integer ,out] :: Number of unique elements in *_list arrrays
nset [integer ,out] ::
Integer indicating grouping, with values indicating
1: group by stnid
2: group by (stnid,bufr)
3: group by (stnid,bufr,multi/uni-level)
obsspacedata [struct_obs ,inout]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine obssubspacedata_mod/oss_comboidlist([stnid_add_opt[, varno_add_opt[, unilev_add_opt[, stnid_list_opt[, varno_list_opt[, unilev_list_opt[, num_elements_opt[, initialize_opt[, nset_opt[, gather_mpi_opt[, all_combos_opt]]]]]]]]]]])¶
- Purpose
Provide list of fixed or accumulated stnid, (stnid,varno) or (stnid,varno,multi/uni-level) combinations to be used in searches.
Can be used for both single processor and MPI mode, where ‘gather_mpi’ must be set to .true. at some point for use with MPI.
Called from osd_chem_diagnmostics in file obspacediag_mod.ftn90.
- Arguments
- Options
stnid_add_opt [character ,in,] :: stnid to add to stnid_list if part of unique set
varno_add_opt [integer ,in,] :: varno to add to varno_list if part of unique set
unilev_add_opt [logical ,in,] :: unilev logical to add to unilev_list if part of unique set
initialize_opt [logical ,in,] :: Initialize internal arrays and counters
gather_mpi_opt [logical ,in,] :: Gather all local MPI process and recompile unique lists
nset_opt [integer ,inout,] ::
- Integer indicating grouping of diagnostics. Input variable
if initialize=.true., output variable otherwise. Values indicate
1: group by stnid
2: group by (stnid,bufr)
3: group by (stnid,bufr,multi/uni-level)
- all combos_opt
Indicates if all combinations specified by nset are to be use, or only those specified in the namelist NAMCHEM Input variable if initialize=.true., output variable otherwise.
stnid_list_opt (100) [character ,out,] :: List of unique stnids
varno_list_opt (100) [integer ,out,] :: List of unique varno
unilev_list_opt (100) [logical ,out,] :: List of unique uni/multi-level identifications
num_elements_opt [integer ,out,] :: Number of unique elements in *_list arrrays
all_combos_opt [logical ,inout,]
- Called from
- Call to
- function obssubspacedata_mod/oss_obsdata_code_len()¶
- Purpose
Pass on oss_code_len value.
- Return
oss_obsdata_code_len [integer ]
- Called from