Dependency Diagrams:
MODULE obsOperatorsChem_mod (prefix=’oopc’ category=’5. Observation operators’)
- Purpose
Observation operators for CH obs family, including nonlinear, tangent-linear and adjoint versions, and related setup and input routines.
Quick access
- Variables
- Routines
Needed modules
: MODULE earthConstants_mod (prefix=’ec’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE mathPhysConstants_mod (prefix=’mpc’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE obsSpaceData_mod (prefix=’obs’ category=’6. High-level data objects’)
: MODULE columnData_mod (prefix=’col’ category=’6. High-level data objects’)
: MODULE bufr_mod (prefix=’bufr’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE physicsFunctions_mod (prefix=’phf’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE midasMpi_mod (prefix=’mmpi’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE utilities_mod (prefix=’utl’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE varNameList_mod (prefix=’vnl’ category=’7. Low-level data objects’)
: MODULE obsSubSpaceData_mod (prefix=’oss’ category=’6. High-level data objects’)
: MODULE obsFiles_mod (prefix=’obsf’ category=’3. Observation input/output’)
: MODULE codtyp_mod (prefix=’codtyp’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE ozoneClim_mod (prefix=’ozo’ category=’5. Observation operators’)
: MODULE presProfileOperators_mod (prefix=’ppo’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE timeCoord_mod (prefix=’tim’ category=’7. Low-level data objects’)
: MODULE bCovarSetupChem_mod (prefix=’bcsc’ category=’6. High-level data objects’)Types
- type obsoperatorschem_mod/unknown_type¶
- Type fields
% applygenoper [logical ]
% columnbound [real ]
% constituentid [integer ]
% date [integer ]
% height (*) [real ,allocatable]
% hhmm [integer ]
% hu (*) [real ,allocatable]
% iavgkern [integer ]
% ixtr (*) [integer ,allocatable]
% lat [real ]
% layeridentified [logical ]
% lon [real ]
% modlevindexbot (*) [integer ,allocatable]
% modlevindextop (*) [integer ,allocatable]
% nmodlev [integer ]
% nobslev [integer ]
% obs_index [integer ]
% obslev (*) [real ,allocatable]
% obsspacetrial (*) [real ,allocatable]
% operatorcategory [character ]
% pp (*) [real ,allocatable]
% stnid [character ]
% success (*) [logical ,allocatable]
% trial (*) [real ,pointer]
% tt (*) [real ,allocatable]
% varname [character ]
% varno [integer ]
% vco [integer ]
% vlayerbottom (*) [real ,allocatable]
% vlayertop (*) [real ,allocatable]
% zh (*,*) [real ,allocatable]
% zhp (*,*) [real ,allocatable]
- type obsoperatorschem_mod/unknown_type
- Type fields
% applygenoper [logical ]
% iavgkern [integer ]
% ixtr (*) [integer ,allocatable]
% modlevindexbot (*) [integer ,allocatable]
% modlevindextop (*) [integer ,allocatable]
% nobslev [integer ]
% success (*) [logical ,allocatable]
% trial (*) [real ,pointer]
% vlayerbottom (*) [real ,allocatable]
% vlayertop (*) [real ,allocatable]
% zh (*,*) [real ,allocatable]
% zhp (*,*) [real ,allocatable]
- type obsoperatorschem_mod/unknown_type
- Type fields
% element (*) [integer ,allocatable]
% ibegin (*) [integer ,allocatable]
% lat (*) [real ,allocatable]
% n_col (*) [integer ,allocatable]
% n_lat (*) [integer ,allocatable]
% n_lvl (*) [integer ,allocatable]
% n_stnid [integer ]
% obssubspace (*) [struct_oss_obsdata ,allocatable]
% profelement (*) [integer ,allocatable]
% rak (*) [real ,allocatable]
% source (*) [integer ,allocatable]
% stnids (*) [character ,allocatable]
% type_bn (*) [character ,allocatable]
% vco (*) [integer ,allocatable]
% vlayerbottom (*) [real ,allocatable]
% vlayertop (*) [real ,allocatable]
- type obsoperatorschem_mod/unknown_type
- Type fields
% field (*,*,*) [real ,allocatable]
% ivkind [integer ]
% lat (*) [real ,allocatable]
% lon (*) [real ,allocatable]
% nlat [integer ]
% nlev [integer ]
% nlon [integer ]
% vlev (*) [real ,allocatable]
- obsoperatorschem_mod/oopc_addefftempobsfile [public]¶
- obsoperatorschem_mod/oopc_chobsoperators [public]¶
Subroutines and functions
- subroutine obsoperatorschem_mod/oopc_setupch(kmode)¶
- Purpose
To set up additional information required by constituent obs and not provided in obsSpaceData. Also to assign observation layer top and bottom levels (and averaging kernel matrices). See ‘oopc_CHobsoperators’.
- Arguments
kmode [integer ,in] :: Mode of observation operator
- Call to
- subroutine obsoperatorschem_mod/oopc_readnamchem()¶
- Purpose
Read and store miscellaneous flags and constants.
- Comment
- assim_* arrays could instead be made available to all families
by moving them to a different input namelist (and changing its dimensions settings).
- genOperConstraintType
Reference profile type for weighted integration or layer averaging (generalized observation) operator. Relevant for operatorSubType(2,i)=’genOper’. ================================================ ‘Trial’ use trial field xb for mass weighted
increment distribution
- ‘Diff’ use a combination of the difference of
an external reference xc and the trial field xb, i.e. mass weighted increment distribution as a(xc-xb) + b*xc where a and b depend on the size of sum[(xc-xb)/sig(xb)]^2 over the profile
- genOperHCorrlenExpnt
Used with operatorSubType(2,i) =’genOper’ Exponent for partially mitigating the effect of the influence of neighbouring column amonunt obs from background error correlations. Emperically obtained exponent value. Not optimal for all possible local horizontal data densities.
- genOperOmAStatsFactor
OmA RMS (or std dev) conservation factor for operatorSubType(2,i) =’genOper’.
- assim_fam
List of families to which filt_diagnOnly is to apply.
- assim_exclude_flag
Array specifying bits for identifying diagnostic-only observations for observations that would otherwise be assimilated according to the other assim_* arrays
- assim_exclude_nflag
Number of bit flags to specify in assim_exclude_flag array
- assim_all
Logical indicating if all assimilatable obs of the specified family will be assimilated (default is .true.) When assim_all is .false., account for the setttings of assim_num, assim_varno, assim_stnid, assim_nlev.
- assim_num
Relevant when assim_all = ,false. Number combinations (stnid, bufr element, multi/uni-level) identified for assimilation. All others will not be assimilated. OmP and OmA diagnostics and output will still be produced for non-assimilated datasets.
none are to be assimilated when assim_all is .false. (default)
sets of (stnid, bufr varno, multi/uni-levels) to be assimilated
- assim_varno
Bufr elements of obs sets for assimilation. A value of 0 implies that all are to be used.
- assim_stnid
Stnids of obs sets for assimilation. ‘*’ denote wild cards
- assim_nlev
multi-level and uni-level
- tropo_mode
Integer indicating if special treatment is to be given to the troposphere when assimilating total column measurements. Values indicate
No special treatment given (default)
Values of the adjoint model above obsoper%columnBound set to zero. If specified, generalized innovation operator only applied below obsoper%columnBound in the tangent linear model.
Values of tangent linear model and adjoint model above obsoper%columnBound set to zero.
Array index refers to BUFR code element of Table 08046 (iconstituentId) identifying the constituent. Relevant for total column measurements only.
- tropo_bound
Integer indicating which column top value to use if tropo_mode is non-zero.
Use fixed value of tropo_column_top
Use model determination of tropopause
Use model determination of PBL
Options 1 and 2 will default to the value set in tropo_column_top if the model derived column top could not be determined. Relevant for total column measurements only.
- tropo_column_top
Default value to use for the column boundary (in Pa). Array index refers to BUFR code element of Table 08046 (iconstituentId) identifying the constituent. Relevant for total column measurements only.
- obsdata_maxsize
Max allowed size of work arrays (in terms of number of obs) associated to ordered observation indices
- modelName
Identifier of forecast model Default: ‘GEM-MACH’ Set to ‘GEM’ for varNames of ‘O3L’, ‘CH4L’, and ‘N2OL’
- :operatorSubType(2,i):Operator sub-type name.
Index (2,i) for sub-type to apply for stnid in element (1,i) See related “obsoper@operatorCategory” automatically assigned based on obs BUFR element and obsinfo_chm content.
Operator Sub-type name Description Category ============= ===================================================================== ‘Interp’ ‘default’ Piecewise linear interpolation (default)
‘wgtAvg’ Piecewise weighted averaging interpolator
‘Surface’ ‘default’ No special treatment (default) ‘Integ’ ‘default’ Simple/basic vertical integration (default)
‘genOper’ Weighted vertical integration - see ‘genOper*’ parameters
- ‘LayerAvg’ ‘default’ Simple layer averaging (default)
‘genOper’ Weighted vertical layer averaging - see ‘genOper*’ parameters
‘genOper’ requires NAMBCHM namelist parameter settings getPhysSpaceStats=.true. and getPhysSpaceHCorrel=.true.
Application of averaging kernels is directed only by the content of the obsinfo_chm file ‘SECTION III’
- storeOperators
Logical indicating if linear operators are stored for re-use in TL and AD calc. If so, the linear operators will not be re-calculated at different iterations. Not used when tropo_mode>=1
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine obsoperatorschem_mod/oopc_readlevels()¶
- Purpose
To read and to store reference levels (where needed) or top- and bottom-layer boundaries for CH sub-families.
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine obsoperatorschem_mod/oopc_getlevels()¶
- Purpose
To return reference model levels or layer boundaries for an observation. Combination of STNID, element variable number and number of vertical levels to determine association to the observations. Default values for top and bottom layers for total column measurements are to be provided.
- Call to
- subroutine obsoperatorschem_mod/oopc_dealloclevels()¶
- Purpose
To deallocate temporary storage space used for layer info
- Call to
- subroutine obsoperatorschem_mod/oopc_readavgkern()¶
- Purpose
To read averaging kernels from auxiliary file or observation file
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine obsoperatorschem_mod/oopc_readavgkernauxfile()¶
- Purpose
To read and to store averaging kernel matricesfor CH sub-families
- Comments
Currently implemented for only one latitude band
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine obsoperatorschem_mod/oopc_deallocavgkern()¶
- Purpose
To deallocate temporary storage space used for averaging kernels
- Call to
- function obsoperatorschem_mod/oopc_findavgkern(cstnid, varno, nlev)¶
- Purpose
To find the averaging kernel for an observation if one is specified. Returns 0 if either not found or not specified. Combination of STNID, BUFR element and number of vertical levels to determine association to the observations.
- Arguments
cstnid [character ,in] :: station id
varno [integer ,in] :: BUFR descriptor element
nlev [integer ,in] :: number of levels in the observation
- Return
istnid [integer ] :: Index of averaging kernel in oopc_avgkern. Zero if not found.
- Call to
- subroutine obsoperatorschem_mod/oopc_getavgkern(istnid, nlev, ncol, code, avg_kern)¶
- Purpose
To return averaging kernel for an observation.
- Arguments
istnid [integer ,in] :: index of averaging kernel in oopc_avgkern
nlev [integer ,in] :: number of observation levels
ncol [integer ,in] :: number of columns for avg kernel info (without the a priori contribution)
code [character ,in] :: measurement identifier
avg_kern (nlev,ncol + 2) [real ,out]
- Call to
- subroutine obsoperatorschem_mod/oopc_deallocinfo(info)¶
- Purpose
To deallocate struct_oopc_info instance
- Arguments
info [struct_oopc_info ,inout]
- Called from
- function obsoperatorschem_mod/oopc_diagnonly(cfamname, cstnid, varno, nobslev, flag)¶
- Purpose
To identify whether or not the obs set identified by the combination of (cstnid,varno,nobslev) will be assimilated or else used for independent verifications after assimilation/minimization
- Arguments
cfamname [character ,in] :: Family name
cstnid [character ,in] :: Input station id
varno [integer ,in] :: Obs BUFR number
nobslev [integer ,in] :: Number of levels
flag [integer ,in] :: observation integer flag
- Return
oopc_diagnonly [logical ]
- Called from
- Call to
- function obsoperatorschem_mod/oopc_checktype(stnidset, typeset, stnid, type_bn)¶
- Purpose
To determine if specified combination of (stnid,type) found in (StnidSet,TypeSet).
- Arguments
stnidset (*) [character ,in]
typeset (*) [character ,in]
stnid [character ,in]
type_bn [character ,in]
- Return
sametype [logical ]
- Call to
- function obsoperatorschem_mod/oopc_gettype(stnidset, typeset, stnid)¶
- Purpose
To determine “type” for specified “stnid” found in “(StnidSet,Typesef)”.
- Arguments
stnidset (*) [character ,in]
typeset (*) [character ,in]
stnid [character ,in]
- Return
- Call to