Dependency Diagrams:
MODULE varNameList_mod (prefix=’vnl’ category=’7. Low-level data objects’)
- Purpose
Contains a list of all possible variable names that can be used as analysis variables along with additional information for each and procedures for accessing this information
Quick access
- Variables
- Routines
Needed modules
: MODULE bufr_mod (prefix=’bufr’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE midasMpi_mod (prefix=’mmpi’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE utilities_mod (prefix=’utl’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE mathPhysConstants_mod (prefix=’mpc’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)Variables
- varnamelist_mod/vnl_numvarmax [integer,parameter/public]¶
- varnamelist_mod/vnl_numvarmax2d [integer,parameter/public]¶
- varnamelist_mod/vnl_numvarmax3d [integer,parameter/public]¶
- varnamelist_mod/vnl_numvarmaxcloud [integer,parameter/public]¶
- varnamelist_mod/vnl_numvarmaxother [integer,parameter/public]¶
- varnamelist_mod/vnl_varnamelist (95) [character,parameter/public]¶
- varnamelist_mod/vnl_varnamelist2d (37) [character,parameter/public]¶
- varnamelist_mod/vnl_varnamelist3d (52) [character,parameter/public]¶
- varnamelist_mod/vnl_varnamelistcloud (5) [character,parameter/public]¶
- varnamelist_mod/vnl_varnamelistother (6) [character,parameter/public]¶
Subroutines and functions
- function varnamelist_mod/vnl_varlistindex3d(varname)¶
- Purpose
To get the 3d list index from the variable name
- Arguments
varname [character ,in]
- Return
listindex [integer ]
- Call to
- function varnamelist_mod/vnl_varlistindex2d(varname)¶
- Purpose
To get the 2d list index from the variable name
- Arguments
varname [character ,in]
- Return
listindex [integer ]
- Call to
- function varnamelist_mod/vnl_varlistindexother(varname)¶
- Purpose
To get the “Other” list index from the variable name
- Arguments
varname [character ,in]
- Return
listindex [integer ]
- Called from
- Call to
- function varnamelist_mod/vnl_varlistindex(varname)¶
- Purpose
To get the varlist index from the variable name
- Arguments
varname [character ,in]
- Return
listindex [integer ]
- Called from
- Call to
- function varnamelist_mod/vnl_varnameisvalid(varname)¶
- Purpose
Check if the supplied variable name is known by MIDAS.
- Arguments
varname [character ,in]
- Return
isvalid [logical ]
- Called from
- function varnamelist_mod/vnl_varnamefromvarnum(varnumber[, varnumberchm_opt[, modelname_opt]])¶
- Purpose
To get the variable name from the variable number
- Arguments
varnumber [integer ,in]
- Options
varnumberchm_opt [integer ,in,]
modelname_opt [character ,in,]
- Return
varname [character ]
- Called from
- Call to
- function varnamelist_mod/vnl_varnumfromvarname(varname[, varkind_opt])¶
- Purpose
Identifies varNumber from varName for use in assimilating obs in the CH family. Here, for weather variables, there is a 1-1 association between a variable name and an observation unit. So one must provide the name directly associated to a single BUFR code. As such, weather variable varNames may not necessarily be a member of the vnl_varNameList for this routine only.
For constituents, the varNumber refers only to the field/ variable and not units. As consequence, there is a unique pairing of varNumbers with the varNames from vnl_VarNameList.
- Arguments
varname [character ,in]
- Options
varkind_opt [character ,in,]
- Return
varnumber [integer ]
- Called from
- Call to
- function varnamelist_mod/vnl_varlevelfromvarname(varname)¶
- Purpose
To get variable level list from variable name
- Arguments
varname [character ,in]
- Return
varlevel [character ]
- Called from
- Call to
- function varnamelist_mod/vnl_varlevelfromvarnum(varnumber[, varnumberchm_opt[, modelname_opt]])¶
- Purpose
To get variable level list from the variable number
- Arguments
varnumber [integer ,in]
- Options
varnumberchm_opt [integer ,in,]
modelname_opt [character ,in,]
- Return
varlevel [character ]
- Called from
- Call to
- function varnamelist_mod/vnl_varkindfromvarname(varname)¶
- Purpose
To get variable kind list from the variable number
- Arguments
varname [character ,in]
- Return
varkind [character ]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine varnamelist_mod/vnl_varnamesfromexistlist(varnames, varexistlist)¶
- Purpose
To get variable names from the variable existList
- Arguments
varnames (*) [character ,out,pointer]
varexistlist (*) [logical ,in]
- Called from
- Call to
- function varnamelist_mod/vnl_varmassfromvarnum(varnumber)¶
- Purpose
Identifies constituent molar mass from varNum for use in conversions for the CH family.
- Arguments
varnumber [integer ,in]
- Return
varmass [real ]
- Call to
- function varnamelist_mod/vnl_varmassfromvarname(varname)¶
- Purpose
Identifies constituent molar mass from varName for use in conversions for the CH family.
- Arguments
varname [character ,in]
- Return
varmass [real ]
- Called from
- Call to
- function varnamelist_mod/vnl_isphysicsvar(varname)¶
- Purpose
Signals if variable is expected to be on the “physics” grid.
- Arguments
varname [character ,in]
- Return
isphysicsvar [logical ]
- Called from
- function varnamelist_mod/vnl_iscloudvar(varname)¶
- Purpose
determine if varName is cloud variable.
- Arguments
varname [character ,in]
- Return
iscloud [logical ]
- Called from
- function varnamelist_mod/vnl_addtovarnames(varnamesin, varnametoadd)¶
- Purpose
Add an additional varName to an existing list of varNames
- Arguments
varnamesin (*) [character ,in]
varnametoadd [character ,in]
- Return
varnamesout (*) [character ,pointer]
- Called from