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Dependency Diagrams:


Direct Dependency Diagram

program  midas_var

Main program for performing data assimilation using one of the following algorithms based on the incremental variational approach:

  • 3D-Var

  • 3D- or 4D-EnVar


The incremental variational data assimilation approach uses observations to compute a correction to the background state (i.e. the analysis increment) while taking into account the specified uncertainties for both the observations and the background state (i.e. the R and B covariance matrices, respectively). The analysis increment is computed by finding the minimum value of a cost function. This cost function is a scalar measure of the weighted departure of the corrected state from both the background state and the observations. The minimization is perfomed with a standard minimization algorithm (currently the quasi-Newton algorithm) that employs the gradient of the cost function to enable the minimum to be found (or at least approximated with sufficient accuracy) with relatively few iterations. The analysis increment is not assumed to be on the same horizontal and vertical grid as the background state. In addition, the temporal resolution of the background state and analysis increment are not assumed to be equal.

In practical terms, the background state is used to compute the “innovation” vector, that is, the difference between the observations and the background state in observation space: y-H(xb). The function H() represents the non-linear observation operators that map a gridded state vector into observation space. The innovation vector is used in the cost function calculation. Versions of the observation operators that are linearized with respect to the background state (or updated background state when using the outer loop) are also used in the cost function calculation to transform the analysis increment into observation space. The gradient of the cost function is computed using the adjoint of these linearized operators.

After the minimization, the analysis increment is spatially interpolated to the same grid as the background state and then added to this state to obtain the analysis. For some variables a physical constraint is imposed on the analysis (e.g. non-negative humidity or sea-ice concentration between 0 and 1) and then the analysis increment is recomputed.

File I/O

The required input files and produced output files can vary according to the application. Below are tables of files for typical NWP 4D-EnVar (e.g. GDPS) and sea ice or SST 3D-Var applications.

Input and Output Files (NWP applicaton)

Description of file


In - Main namelist file with parameters user may modify


In - The “static” namelist that should not be modified

trlm_$NN (e.g. trlm_01)

In - Background state (a.k.a. trial) files for each timestep


In - File defining grid for computing the analysis increment


In - Static (i.e. NMC) B matrix file for NWP fields


In - Static B matrix file for chemistry fields


In - Ensemble member files defining ensemble B matrix


In - Observation file for each “family” and MPI task


In - Observation error statistics


In - Something needed for chemistry assimilation?


In - Preconditioning file (Hessian of the cost function)

rebm_$MMMm (e.g. rebm_180m)

Out - Analysis increment on the (low-res) analysis grid


Out - Analysis increment on the (high-res) trial grid


Out - Analysis on the trial grid


Out - Updated obs file for each “family” and MPI task

Remainder are files related to radiance obs:


In - Satellite radiance observation errors of difference sensors


In - Satellite radiance observation errors


In - User-defined symmetric TOVS errors for all sky


In - Inter-channel observation-error correlations


In - High-res surface type and water fraction for radiance obs


In - RTTOV coefficient files


In - Min/max humidity limits applied to analysis


In - Ozone climatology

Input and Output Files (SST or Sea ice)

Description of file


In - Main namelist file with parameters user may modify

trlm_$NN (e.g. trlm_01)

In - Background state (a.k.a. trial) files for each timestep


In - File defining grid for computing the analysis increment


In - Observation error statistics (sea ice only)


In - Background error stddev


In - Normalization factor for diffusion operator correlations


In - Observation file for each “family” and MPI task

rebm_$MMMm (e.g. rebm_180m)

Out - Analysis increment on the (low-res) analysis grid


Out - Analysis increment on the (high-res) trial grid


Out - Analysis on the trial grid


Out - Updated obs file for each “family” and MPI task


Below is a summary of the var program calling sequence:

  • Initial setups:

    • Setup horizontal and vertical grid objects for “analysis grid” from analysisgrid file and for “trial grid” from first trial file: trlm_01.

    • Setup obsSpaceData object and read observations from files: inn_setupObs.

    • Setup columnData and gridStateVector modules (read list of analysis variables from namelist) and allocate column object for storing trial on analysis levels.

    • Setup the observation error statistics in obsSpaceData object: oer_setObsErrors.

    • Allocate a stateVector object on the trial grid and then read the trials: gio_readTrials.

    • Setup the B matrices: bmat_setup.

    • Setup the gridVariableTransforms and minimization modules.

  • Outer loop (only 1 iteration when no outer loop is used) during which the analysis increment is computed to correct the current “updated state” which is used to compute the innovation and serve as the starting point for the minimization of the following outer loop iteration:

    • Impose RTTOV humidity limits on updated state (initially the trial) on trial grid: qlim_rttovLimit.

    • Use the updated state on trial grid to setup the reference state used by gridVariableTransforms module for height calculations.

    • Compute columnTrlOnTrlLev and columnTrlOnAnlIncLev from updated state: inn_setupColumnsOnTrlLev, inn_setupColumnsOnAnlIncLev

    • Compute innovation from updated state: inn_computeInnovation.

    • Use the updated state on trial grid to setup the reference state used by gridVariableTransforms module for LQ to HU calculations.

    • Do the minimization for this outer loop iteration: min_minimize to obtain controlVectorIncr.

    • Update sum of all computed increment control vectors: controlVectorIncrSum(:) which is needed in the background cost function for outer loop.

    • Compute stateVectorIncr (on analysis grid) from controlVectorIncr: inc_getIncrement.

    • Interpolate and add stateVectorIncr to the updated state: inc_computeHighResAnalysis.

    • If requested, impose saturation and RTTOV humidity limits on the updated state.

    • Write increment (or sum of increments when outer loop used) to file: inc_writeIncrement.

    • End of outer loop.

  • Final steps, after the outer loop:

    • If requested, compute final cost function value using non-linear observation operators.

    • Write the final analysis and recomputed complete increment on the trial grid: inc_writeincAndAnalHighRes.

    • Various final steps, including: write the Hessian to binary file (min_writeHessian), update the observation files (obsf_writeFiles).


List of namelist blocks that can affect the var program.

  • The use of an outer loop is controlled by the namelist block &NAMVAR read by the var program.

  • The choice of 3D-Var vs. EnVar is controlled by the weights given to the climatological (i.e. static) and ensemble-based background error covariance (i.e. B matrix) components. The weights for all B matrix components are zero be default and can be set to a nonzero value through the namelist variable SCALEFACTOR in the namelist block for each corresponding fortran module.

  • Either algorithm can be used in combination with “First guess at appropriate time” (i.e. FGAT) which is controlled by the namelist variable DSTEPOBS (in NAMTIME) that specifies the length of time (in hours) between times when the background state is used to compute the innovation (i.e. O-B).

  • Similarly, the choice between 3D-EnVar and 4D-EnVar is controlled by the namelist variable DSTEPOBSINC (also in &NAMTIME) which specifies the length of time (in hours) between times when the analysis increment is computed. In the context of EnVar, if this is less than the assimilation time window, then the ensembles used to construct the ensemble-based B matrix component will be used at multiple times within the assimilation window to obtain 4D covariances (i.e. 4D-EnVar).

  • Some of the other relevant namelist blocks used to configure the variational analysis are listed in the following table:



Description of what is controlled



maximum number of iterations, convergence criteria and many additional parameters for controlling the minimization



assimilation time window length, temporal resolution of the background state and increment



weight and other parameters for ensemble-based B matrix component



weight and other parameters for the climatological B matrix component based on homogeneous-isotropic covariances represented in spectral space

Other B matrix modules


weight and other parameters for each type of B matrix

Needed modules

  • version_mod: MODULE version_mod (prefix=’ver’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)

  • codeprecision_mod: MODULE codePrecision_mod (prefix=’pre’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)

  • ramdisk_mod: MODULE ramDisk_mod (prefix=’ram’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)

  • utilities_mod: MODULE utilities_mod (prefix=’utl’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)

  • midasmpi_mod: MODULE midasMpi_mod (prefix=’mmpi’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)

  • message_mod: MODULE message_mod (prefix=’msg’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)

  • mathphysconstants_mod: MODULE mathPhysConstants_mod (prefix=’mpc’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)

  • horizontalcoord_mod: MODULE horizontalCoord_mod (prefix=’hco’ category=’7. Low-level data objects’)

  • verticalcoord_mod: MODULE verticalCoord_mod (prefix=’vco’ category=’7. Low-level data objects’)

  • humiditylimits_mod: MODULE humidityLimits_mod (prefix=’qlim’ category=’4. Data Object transformations’)

  • timecoord_mod: MODULE timeCoord_mod (prefix=’tim’ category=’7. Low-level data objects’)

  • obsspacedata_mod: MODULE obsSpaceData_mod (prefix=’obs’ category=’6. High-level data objects’)

  • columndata_mod: MODULE columnData_mod (prefix=’col’ category=’6. High-level data objects’)

  • gridstatevector_mod: MODULE gridStateVector_mod (prefix=’gsv’ category=’6. High-level data objects’)

  • gridstatevectorfileio_mod: MODULE gridStateVectorFileIO_mod (prefix=’gio’ category=’4. Data Object transformations’)

  • obsspacediag_mod: MODULE obsSpaceDiag_mod (prefix=’osd’ category=’1. High-level functionality’)

  • controlvector_mod: MODULE controlVector_mod (prefix=’cvm’ category=’6. High-level data objects’)

  • obsfiles_mod: MODULE obsFiles_mod (prefix=’obsf’ category=’3. Observation input/output’)

  • minimization_mod: MODULE minimization_mod (prefix=’min’ category=’1. High-level functionality’)

  • innovation_mod: MODULE innovation_mod (prefix=’inn’ category=’1. High-level functionality’)

  • bmatrix_mod: MODULE bMatrix_mod (prefix=’bmat’ category=’2. B and R matrices’)

  • rmatrix_mod: MODULE rMatrix_mod (prefix=’rmat’ category=’2. B and R matrices’)

  • obserrors_mod: MODULE obsErrors_mod (prefix=’oer’ category=’2. B and R matrices’)

  • gridvariabletransforms_mod: MODULE gridVariableTransforms_mod (prefix=’gvt’ category=’4. Data Object transformations’)

  • increment_mod: MODULE increment_mod (prefix=’inc’ category=’1. High-level functionality’)

  • biascorrectionsat_mod: MODULE biasCorrectionSat_mod (prefix=’bcs’ category=’1. High-level functionality’)

  • varqc_mod: MODULE varQC_mod (prefix=’vqc’ category=’1. High-level functionality’)

  • tovsnl_mod: MODULE tovsNL_mod (prefix=’tvs’ category=’5. Observation operators’)

  • statetocolumn_mod: MODULE stateToColumn_mod (prefix=’s2c’ category=’4. Data Object transformations’)

Routines called

ver_printnameandversion(), mmpi_initialize(), utl_tmg_start(), utl_writestatus(), ram_setup(), utl_isnamelistpresent(), msg(), utl_abort(), tim_setup(), obsf_setup(), tim_getdatestamp(), tim_setdatestamp(), mpc_printconstants(), pre_printprecisions(), hco_setupfromfile(), vco_setupfromfile(), col_setvco(), msg_memusage(), inn_setupobs(), col_setup(), col_allocate(), obs_numheader(), oer_setobserrors(), gsv_setup(), inn_gethcovcofromtrlmfile(), gsv_allocate(), gsv_zero(), gio_readtrials(), bmat_setup(), gvt_setup(), min_setup(), gsv_varexist(), gvt_setupreffromstatevector(), inn_setupcolumnsontrllev(), inn_setupcolumnsonanlinclev(), inn_computeinnovation(), min_minimize(), bcs_writebias(), tvs_deallocateprofilesnltlad(), inc_getincrement(), gio_readmaskfromfile(), inc_computehighresanalysis(), inc_writeincrement(), gsv_deallocate(), vqc_listrej(), rmat_cleanup(), osd_obsspacediag(), bmat_finalize(), s2c_deallocinterpinfo(), inc_analpostprocessing(), inc_writeincandanalhighres(), min_writehessian(), bcs_finalize(), obsf_filessplit(), obs_expandtompiglobal(), obsf_writefiles(), obs_mpiredistribute(), obs_finalize(), utl_tmg_stop()