Dependency Diagrams:
MODULE gridStateVectorFileIO_mod (prefix=’gio’ category=’4. Data Object transformations’)
- Purpose
The grid-point state vector I/O methods for reading from and writing to files.
Quick access
- Routines
Needed modules
: MODULE midasMpi_mod (prefix=’mmpi’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE gridStateVector_mod (prefix=’gsv’ category=’6. High-level data objects’)
: MODULE interpolation_mod (prefix=’int’ category=’4. Data Object transformations’)
: MODULE utilities_mod (prefix=’utl’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE verticalCoord_mod (prefix=’vco’ category=’7. Low-level data objects’)
: MODULE horizontalCoord_mod (prefix=’hco’ category=’7. Low-level data objects’)
: MODULE oceanMask_mod (prefix=’ocm’ category=’7. Low-level data objects’)
: MODULE varNameList_mod (prefix=’vnl’ category=’7. Low-level data objects’)
: MODULE ramDisk_mod (prefix=’ram’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE timeCoord_mod (prefix=’tim’ category=’7. Low-level data objects’)
: MODULE mathPhysConstants_mod (prefix=’mpc’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE codePrecision_mod (prefix=’pre’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
Subroutines and functions
- subroutine gridstatevectorfileio_mod/gio_readfromfile(statevector_out, filename, etiket_in, typvar_in[, stepindex_opt[, unitconversion_opt[, statevectorref_opt[, readheightsfc_opt[, containsfullfield_opt[, vcofilein_opt]]]]]])¶
- Purpose
Read an RPN standard file and put the contents into a stateVector object. Main high level wrapper subroutine.
- Arguments
statevector_out [struct_gsv ,inout]
filename [character ,in]
etiket_in [character ,in]
typvar_in [character ,in]
- Options
stepindex_opt [integer ,in,]
unitconversion_opt [logical ,in,]
statevectorref_opt [struct_gsv ,in,] :: Reference statevector providing optional fields (P0, TT, HU)
readheightsfc_opt [logical ,in,]
containsfullfield_opt [logical ,in,]
vcofilein_opt [struct_vco ,in,pointer]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevectorfileio_mod/readfromfileandinterptotiles(statevector_out, filename, vco_file, hco_file, etiket_in, typvar_in, stepindex, unitconversion, readheightsfc, containsfullfield[, statevectorref_opt])¶
- Purpose
Read an RPN standard file and put the contents into a stateVector object. Wrapper subroutine that also proceed with distributed interpolation on MPI tiles.
- Note
this routine currently only works correctly for reading FULL FIELDS, not increments or perturbations… because of the HU -> LQ conversion
- Arguments
statevector_out [struct_gsv ,inout]
filename [character ,in]
vco_file [struct_vco ,in,pointer]
hco_file [struct_hco ,in,pointer]
etiket_in [character ,in]
typvar_in [character ,in]
stepindex [integer ,in]
unitconversion [logical ,in]
readheightsfc [logical ,in]
containsfullfield [logical ,in]
- Options
statevectorref_opt [struct_gsv ,in,] :: Reference statevector providing optional fields (P0, TT, HU)
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevectorfileio_mod/readfromfileandtransposetotiles(statevector_out, filename, etiket_in, typvar_in, stepindex, unitconversion, readheightsfc, containsfullfield)¶
- Purpose
Read an RPN standard file and put the contents into a stateVector object. Wrapper subroutine that also proceed with distributed transposition on MPI tiles.
- Note
this routine currently only works correctly for reading FULL FIELDS, not increments or perturbations… because of the HU -> LQ conversion
- Arguments
statevector_out [struct_gsv ,inout]
filename [character ,in]
etiket_in [character ,in]
typvar_in [character ,in]
stepindex [integer ,in]
unitconversion [logical ,in]
readheightsfc [logical ,in]
containsfullfield [logical ,in]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevectorfileio_mod/readfromfileandinterp1proc(statevector_out_r4, filename, vco_file, hco_file, etiket_in, typvar_in, stepindex, unitconversion, readheightsfc, containsfullfield)¶
- Purpose
Read an RPN standard file and put the contents into a stateVector object. Wrapper subroutine that also proceed with (serial) interpolation.
- Arguments
statevector_out_r4 [struct_gsv ,inout]
filename [character ,in]
vco_file [struct_vco ,in,pointer]
hco_file [struct_hco ,in,pointer]
etiket_in [character ,in]
typvar_in [character ,in]
stepindex [integer ,in]
unitconversion [logical ,in]
readheightsfc [logical ,in]
containsfullfield [logical ,in]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevectorfileio_mod/readfromfileonly(statevector_out, filename, etiket_in, typvar_in, stepindex, unitconversion, readheightsfc, containsfullfield)¶
- Purpose
Read an RPN standard file and put the contents into a stateVector object. Wrapper subroutine
- Arguments
statevector_out [struct_gsv ,inout]
filename [character ,in]
etiket_in [character ,in]
typvar_in [character ,in]
stepindex [integer ,in]
unitconversion [logical ,in]
readheightsfc [logical ,in]
containsfullfield [logical ,in]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevectorfileio_mod/gio_readfile(statevector, filename, etiket_in, typvar_in, containsfullfield[, readheightsfc_opt[, stepindex_opt[, ignoredate_opt]]])¶
- Purpose
Read an RPN standard file and put the contents into a stateVector object. Low level subroutine that does the actual file reading.
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,inout]
filename [character ,in]
etiket_in [character ,in]
typvar_in [character ,in]
containsfullfield [logical ,in]
- Options
readheightsfc_opt [logical ,in,]
stepindex_opt [integer ,in,]
ignoredate_opt [logical ,in,]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevectorfileio_mod/gio_readmaskfromfile(statevector, filename)¶
- Purpose
Check if any ocean mask fields exist. If so, read for the surface or all ocean depth levels.
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,inout]
filename [character ,in]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevectorfileio_mod/gio_getmasklam(statevector_mask, hco_ptr, vco_ptr[, hinterpolatedegree_opt])¶
- Purpose
To read a LAM mask from a file (./analinc_mask by default).
- Arguments
statevector_mask [struct_gsv ,inout]
hco_ptr [struct_hco ,in,pointer]
vco_ptr [struct_vco ,in,pointer]
- Options
hinterpolatedegree_opt [character ,in,]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevectorfileio_mod/gio_readtrials(statevectortrialin)¶
- Purpose
Reading trials
- Arguments
statevectortrialin [struct_gsv ,inout,target]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevectorfileio_mod/gio_writetofile(statevector_in, filename, etiket_in[, scalefactor_opt[, ip3_opt[, stepindex_opt[, typvar_opt[, hucontainslq_opt[, unitconversion_opt[, writeheightsfc_opt[, numbits_opt[, containsfullfield_opt]]]]]]]]])¶
- Purpose
Write a statevector object to an RPN standard file.
- Arguments
statevector_in [struct_gsv ,in,target]
filename [character ,in]
etiket_in [character ,in]
- Options
scalefactor_opt [real ,in,]
ip3_opt [integer ,in,]
stepindex_opt [integer ,in,]
typvar_opt [character ,in,]
hucontainslq_opt [logical ,in,]
unitconversion_opt [logical ,in,]
writeheightsfc_opt [logical ,in,]
numbits_opt [integer ,in,]
containsfullfield_opt [logical ,in,]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevectorfileio_mod/writetictactoc(statevector, iun, etiket)¶
- Purpose
Write a statevector object grid descriptors to an RPN standard file.
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,in]
iun [integer ,in]
etiket [character ,in]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevectorfileio_mod/gio_fileunitstostateunits(statevector, containsfullfield[, stepindex_opt])¶
- Purpose
Unit conversion needed after reading RPN standard file
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,inout]
containsfullfield [logical ,in]
- Options
stepindex_opt [integer ,in,]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevectorfileio_mod/readnml()¶
- Purpose
Read the namelist NAMSTIO
- Call to