Dependency Diagrams:
MODULE gridStateVector_mod (prefix=’gsv’ category=’6. High-level data objects’)
- Purpose
The grid-point state vector and related information.
Quick access
- Types
- Variables
- Routines
Needed modules
: MODULE codePrecision_mod (prefix=’pre’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE midasMpi_mod (prefix=’mmpi’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE earthConstants_mod (prefix=’ec’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE varNameList_mod (prefix=’vnl’ category=’7. Low-level data objects’)
: MODULE verticalCoord_mod (prefix=’vco’ category=’7. Low-level data objects’)
: MODULE horizontalCoord_mod (prefix=’hco’ category=’7. Low-level data objects’)
: MODULE oceanMask_mod (prefix=’ocm’ category=’7. Low-level data objects’)
: MODULE mathPhysConstants_mod (prefix=’mpc’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE timeCoord_mod (prefix=’tim’ category=’7. Low-level data objects’)
: MODULE utilities_mod (prefix=’utl’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE message_mod (prefix=’msg’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE physicsFunctions_mod (prefix=’phf’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)Types
- type gridstatevector_mod/struct_gduv¶
- Type fields
% null [real ,pointer]
% r4 (*,*,*) [real ,pointer]
% r8 (*,*,*) [real ,pointer]
- type gridstatevector_mod/struct_gsv¶
This is the derived type of the statevector object
- Type fields
% addheightsfcoffset [logical ]
% allkbeg (*) [integer ,pointer]
% allkcount (*) [integer ,pointer]
% allkend (*) [integer ,pointer]
% alllatbeg (*) [integer ,pointer]
% alllatend (*) [integer ,pointer]
% alllatperpe (*) [integer ,pointer]
% alllonbeg (*) [integer ,pointer]
% alllonend (*) [integer ,pointer]
% alllonperpe (*) [integer ,pointer]
% alluvkbeg (*) [integer ,pointer]
% alluvkcount (*) [integer ,pointer]
% alluvkend (*) [integer ,pointer]
% anltime [integer ]
% datakind [integer ] :: default value
% dateoriginlist (*) [integer ,pointer]
% datestamp3d [integer ,pointer]
% datestamplist (*) [integer ,pointer]
% deet [integer ]
% etiket [character ]
% extrauvallocated [logical ] :: extra winds (gdUV) are allocated
% hco [struct_hco ,pointer]
% hco_physics [struct_hco ,pointer]
% heightsfcpresent [logical ]
% hextrapolatedegree [character ] :: or ‘VALUE’ or ‘MINIMUM’ or ‘NEUTRAL’
% hinterpolatedegree [character ] :: or ‘LINEAR’ or ‘CUBIC’ or ‘NEAREST’
% horizsubsample [integer ]
% ip2list (*) [integer ,pointer]
% latperpe [integer ]
% latperpemax [integer ]
% lonperpe [integer ]
% lonperpemax [integer ]
% mpi_distribution [character ] :: or ‘Tiles’ or ‘VarsLevs’
% mpi_local [logical ]
% mykbeg [integer ]
% mykcount [integer ]
% mykend [integer ]
% mylatbeg [integer ]
% mylatend [integer ]
% mylonbeg [integer ]
% mylonend [integer ]
% myuvkbeg [integer ]
% myuvkcount [integer ]
% myuvkend [integer ]
% ni [integer ]
% nj [integer ]
% nk [integer ]
% npaslist (*) [integer ,pointer]
% numstep [integer ]
% oceanmask [struct_ocm ]
% onphysicsgrid (*) [logical ,pointer]
% uvcomponentpresent [logical ] :: wind component present on this mpi task
% varexistlist (vnl_numvarmax) [logical ]
% varnumlev (*) [integer ,pointer]
% varoffset (*) [integer ,pointer]
% vco [struct_vco ,pointer]
- gridstatevector_mod/gsv_conversionvarkindchtomicrograms [logical,public]¶
activate unit conversion for CH variables
- gridstatevector_mod/gsv_getfield [public]¶
- gridstatevector_mod/gsv_getfielduv [public]¶
- gridstatevector_mod/gsv_minvalvarkindch (vnl_numvarmax) [real,public]¶
- gridstatevector_mod/gsv_rhumin [real,public]¶
Subroutines and functions
- function gridstatevector_mod/gsv_getoffsetfromvarname(statevector, varname)¶
- Purpose
Returns the offset for the given variable provided it exists
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,in]
varname [character ,in]
- Return
offset [integer ]
- Called from
- Call to
- function gridstatevector_mod/gsv_getvarnamefromk(statevector, kindex)¶
- Purpose
Returns the variable name from a given kIndex
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,in]
kindex [integer ,in]
- Return
varname [character ]
- Called from
- Call to
- function gridstatevector_mod/gsv_getlevfromk(statevector, kindex)¶
- Purpose
Returns level index from a given kIndex
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,in]
kindex [integer ,in]
- Return
levindex [integer ]
- Called from
- Call to
- function gridstatevector_mod/gsv_getmpiidfromk(statevector, kindex)¶
- Purpose
Returns MPI id from the given kIndex
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,in]
kindex [integer ,in]
- Return
mpiid [integer ]
- Called from
- Call to
- function gridstatevector_mod/gsv_varexist([statevector_opt, varname])¶
- Options
statevector_opt [struct_gsv ,in,]
- Arguments
varname [character ,in]
- Return
varexist [logical ]
- Called from
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_varnameslist(varnames[, statevector_opt])¶
- Purpose
Lists all variables present in the statevector
- Arguments
varnames (*) [character ,inout,pointer]
- Options
statevector_opt [struct_gsv ,in,]
- Called from
- Call to
- function gridstatevector_mod/gsv_msgvarnames(statevector)¶
- Purpose
Return a string of all variables present in the statevector
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,in] :: stateVector for which variable names extracted
- Return
string :: allocated string with list of variable names
- Call to
- function gridstatevector_mod/gsv_msgfldextremum(statevector, varname)¶
- Purpose
Return a string describing span of values (min/max) for the specified field
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,in] :: stateVector for which values provided
varname [character ,in] :: specified variable name for the calculation
- Return
string :: allocated string with min/max values
- function gridstatevector_mod/gsv_getnumlev(statevector, varlevel[, varname_opt])¶
- Purpose
Returns the number of levels for a given type of variable; varLevel can be one of ‘TH’, ‘MM’, ‘SF’, ‘SFMM’, ‘SFTH’, ‘DP’, ‘SS’ or ‘OT’.
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,in] :: Input statevector
varlevel [character ,in] :: Variable type in ‘TH’, ‘MM’, ‘SF’, ‘SFMM’, ‘SFTH’, ‘DP’, ‘SS’ or ‘OT’
- Options
varname_opt [character ,in,] :: Variable name when varLevel=’OT’
- Return
nlev [integer ]
- Called from
- Call to
- function gridstatevector_mod/gsv_getnumk(statevector)¶
- Purpose
Returns the number of k indexes on the current MPI process
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,in]
- Return
numk [integer ]
- Called from
- function gridstatevector_mod/gsv_getdatakind(statevector)¶
- Purpose
Returns the real kind (4 or 8 bytes floating point value) of the input statevector
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,in]
- Return
datakind [integer ]
- Called from
- function gridstatevector_mod/gsv_getnumlevfromvarname(statevector, varname)¶
- Purpose
Returns the number of levels for a given variable
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,in]
varname [character ,in]
- Return
nlev [integer ]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_setup()¶
- Purpose
Initialises the gridstatevector module global structure.
- Called from
- Call to
- function gridstatevector_mod/gsv_isinitialized()¶
- Purpose
To verify gsv_setup has already run.
- Return
gsvinitialized [logical ]
- Called from
- function gridstatevector_mod/gsv_isallocated(statevector)¶
- Purpose
To verify if a stateVector is allocated.
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,in]
- Return
isallocated [logical ]
- Called from
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_allocate(statevector, numstep, hco_ptr, vco_ptr[, datestamp_opt[, datestamplist_opt[, mpi_local_opt[, mpi_distribution_opt[, horizsubsample_opt[, varnames_opt[, datakind_opt[, allocheightsfc_opt[, hinterpolatedegree_opt[, hextrapolatedegree_opt[, allocheight_opt[, allocpressure_opt[, besilent_opt]]]]]]]]]]]]])¶
- Purpose
Allocates the struct_gsv memory, sets horizontal and vertical coordinates, sets some options and MPI distribution configurations
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,inout] :: statevector to be allocated
numstep [integer ,in] :: number of time steps
hco_ptr [struct_hco ,in,pointer] :: horizontal structure
vco_ptr [struct_vco ,in,pointer] :: vertical structure
- Options
datestamp_opt [integer ,in,] :: reference datestamp
datestamplist_opt (*) [integer ,in,] :: explicit datestamp list
mpi_local_opt [logical ,in,] :: if .false. no MPI distribution will be used
mpi_distribution_opt [character ,in,] :: MPI distribution strategy in {‘Tiles’, ‘VarsLevs’, ‘None’} default: ‘Tiles’
horizsubsample_opt [integer ,in,] :: horizontal subsampling factor (to get a coarser grid)
varnames_opt (*) [character ,in,] :: allow specification of variables
datakind_opt [integer ,in,] :: real kind (4 or 8 bytes; defaults to 8)
allocheightsfc_opt [logical ,in,] :: toggle allocation of surface height field
hinterpolatedegree_opt [character ,in,] :: set the horizontal interpolation degree
hextrapolatedegree_opt [character ,in,] :: set the horizontal extrapolation degree
allocheight_opt [logical ,in,] :: force the allocation of ‘Z_T’ and ‘Z_M’
allocpressure_opt [logical ,in,] :: force the allocation of ‘P_T’ and ‘P_M’
besilent_opt [logical ,in,] :: limit outputs to listing
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_communicatetimeparams(statevector)¶
- Purpose
Ensures all mpi tasks have certain time and other parameters
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,inout]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_resettimeparams(statevector)¶
- Purpose
Resets certain time parameters to “missing” values
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,inout]
- Called from
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_checkmpidistribution(statevector)¶
- Purpose
Checks the distribution of latitude and longitude gridpoints over the mpi tasks. If the variation in the number of grid points in either direction is too large, other mpi topologies will be suggested in the listing and the program could potentially abort. The printing to the listing is limited to only the first 5 calls.
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,in]
- Called from
- Call to
- function gridstatevector_mod/complementaryuvname(uv_in)¶
- Purpose
Returns the other wind component name UU -> VV, VV -> UU
- Arguments
uv_in [character ,in]
- Return
uv_out [character ]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_modifydate(statevector, datestamp[, modifydateorigin_opt])¶
- Purpose
Modifies a statevector reference date
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,inout]
datestamp [integer ,in]
- Options
modifydateorigin_opt [logical ,in,]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_modifyvarname(statevector, oldvarname, newvarname)¶
- Purpose
Replaces a variable with a variable of the same vertical level type
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,inout]
oldvarname [character ,in]
newvarname [character ,in]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_zero(statevector)¶
- Purpose
Zeros all struct_gsv arrays
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,inout]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_add(statevector_in, statevector_inout[, scalefactor_opt])¶
- Purpose
Adds two statevectors
- Arguments
statevector_inout [struct_gsv ,inout] :: second operand, will receive the result
statevector_in [struct_gsv ,in] :: first operand
- Options
scalefactor_opt [real ,in,] :: optional scaling of the second operand prior to the addition
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_schurproduct(statevector_in, statevector_inout)¶
- Purpose
Applies the Schur product of two statevector
- Arguments
statevector_inout [struct_gsv ,inout] :: second operand, will receive the result
statevector_in [struct_gsv ,in] :: first operand
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_copy(statevector_in, statevector_out[, stepindexout_opt[, allowtimemismatch_opt[, allowvarmismatch_opt[, allowvcomismatch_opt[, besilent_opt]]]]])¶
- Purpose
Copies a statevector
- Arguments
statevector_in [struct_gsv ,in]
statevector_out [struct_gsv ,inout]
- Options
stepindexout_opt [integer ,in,]
allowtimemismatch_opt [logical ,in,]
allowvarmismatch_opt [logical ,in,]
allowvcomismatch_opt [logical ,in,]
besilent_opt [logical ,in,]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_copymask(statevector_in, statevector_out[, besilent_opt])¶
- Purpose
Copy ocean mask, if it exists.
- Arguments
statevector_in [struct_gsv ,in]
statevector_out [struct_gsv ,inout]
- Options
besilent_opt [logical ,in,]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_copy4dto3d(statevector_in, statevector_out)¶
- Purpose
Copies contents of a 4D statevector into a 3D statevector object by extracting the middle time step.
- Arguments
statevector_in [struct_gsv ,in]
statevector_out [struct_gsv ,inout]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_copyheightsfc(statevector_in, statevector_out)¶
- Purpose
Copies HeightSfc data from one statevector to another
- Arguments
statevector_in [struct_gsv ,in]
statevector_out [struct_gsv ,inout]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_hpad(statevector_in, statevector_out)¶
- Purpose
Copies a statevector to a horizontally larger one and pad with a predefined value of 0 (or 1000 for ‘P0’).
- Arguments
statevector_in [struct_gsv ,in]
statevector_out [struct_gsv ,inout]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_power(statevector_inout, power[, scalefactor_opt])¶
- Purpose
Applies the power function
- Arguments
statevector_inout [struct_gsv ,inout] :: i,j,k,l) = scaleFactor_opt * (statevector_inout(i,j,k,l)**power)
power [real ,in]
- Options
scalefactor_opt [real ,in,] :: optional scaling applied on the power of the operand
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_scale(statevector_inout, scalefactor)¶
- Purpose
Applies scaling factor to a statevector
- Arguments
statevector_inout [struct_gsv ,inout] :: scaleFactor * statevector_inout
scalefactor [real ,in]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_scalevertical(statevector_inout, scalefactor)¶
- Purpose
Applies a specific scaling to each level
- Arguments
statevector_inout [struct_gsv ,inout] :: k,:) = scaleFactor(k) * statevector_inout(:,:,k,:)
scalefactor (*) [real ,in]
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_3dto4d(statevector_inout)¶
- Purpose
Copies the 3D data array to all time steps of the 4D array of the same statevector
- Arguments
statevector_inout [struct_gsv ,inout]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_3dto4dadj(statevector_inout)¶
- Purpose
Adjoint code of the 3dto4d copy to all time steps
- Arguments
statevector_inout [struct_gsv ,inout]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_deallocate(statevector)¶
- Purpose
Deallocates the struct_gsv memory structure
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,inout]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_getfieldwrapper_r4(statevector, field_r4[, varname_opt])¶
- Purpose
Returns a pointer to the 4D data array. Wrapper for the kind 4 real.
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,in]
field_r4 (*,*,*,*) [real ,inout,pointer]
- Options
varname_opt [character ,in,]
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_getfieldwrapper_r8(statevector, field_r8[, varname_opt])¶
- Purpose
Returns a pointer to the 4D data array. Wrapper for the kind 8 real.
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,in]
field_r8 (*,*,*,*) [real ,inout,pointer]
- Options
varname_opt [character ,in,]
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_getfield_r48(statevector[, field_r4_opt[, field_r8_opt[, varname_opt]]])¶
- Purpose
Returns a pointer to the 4D data array. Wrapper pairing the proper real data kind
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,in]
- Options
field_r4_opt (*,*,*,*) [real ,inout,pointer]
field_r8_opt (*,*,*,*) [real ,inout,pointer]
varname_opt [character ,in,]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_getfield3d_r8(statevector, field3d[, varname_opt[, stepindex_opt]])¶
- Purpose
Returns a pointer to the 3D data array. Wrapper for the kind 8 real.
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,in]
field3d (*,*,*) [real ,inout,pointer]
- Options
varname_opt [character ,in,]
stepindex_opt [integer ,in,]
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_getfield3d_r4(statevector, field3d[, varname_opt[, stepindex_opt]])¶
- Purpose
Returns a pointer to the 3D data array. Wrapper for the kind 4 real.
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,in]
field3d (*,*,*) [real ,inout,pointer]
- Options
varname_opt [character ,in,]
stepindex_opt [integer ,in,]
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_getfielduvwrapper_r4(statevector, field_r4, kindex)¶
- Purpose
Returns a pointer to the UV data array. Wrapper for the kind 4 real.
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,in]
field_r4 (*,*,*) [real ,inout,pointer]
kindex [integer ,in]
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_getfielduvwrapper_r8(statevector, field_r8, kindex)¶
- Purpose
Returns a pointer to the UV data array. Wrapper for the kind 8 real.
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,in]
field_r8 (*,*,*) [real ,inout,pointer]
kindex [integer ,in]
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_getfielduv_r48(statevector[, field_r4_opt[, field_r8_opt, kindex]])¶
- Purpose
Returns a pointer to the UV data array. Wrapper pairing the proper real data kind
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,in]
kindex [integer ,in]
- Options
field_r4_opt (*,*,*) [real ,inout,pointer]
field_r8_opt (*,*,*) [real ,inout,pointer]
- Called from
- Call to
- function gridstatevector_mod/gsv_isassocheightsfc(statevector)¶
- Purpose
Returns .true. if HeightSfc is associated
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,in]
- Return
isassociated [logical ]
- Called from
- function gridstatevector_mod/gsv_getheightsfc(statevector)¶
- Purpose
Returns an access pointer to HeightSfc
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,in]
- Return
field (*,*) [real ,pointer]
- Called from
- Call to
- function gridstatevector_mod/gsv_getdatestamp(statevector[, stepindex_opt])¶
- Purpose
Returns the reference datestamp (or the datestamp of a specified time step.
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,in]
- Options
stepindex_opt [integer ,in,]
- Return
datestamp [integer ]
- Called from
- Call to
- function gridstatevector_mod/gsv_getvco(statevector)¶
- Purpose
Returns an access pointer to the statevector vco (vertical coordinate structure)
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,in]
- Return
vco_ptr [struct_vco ,pointer]
- Called from
- function gridstatevector_mod/gsv_gethco(statevector)¶
- Purpose
Returns an access pointer to the statevector hco (horizontal coordinate structure)
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,in]
- Return
hco_ptr [struct_hco ,pointer]
- Called from
- function gridstatevector_mod/gsv_gethco_physics(statevector)¶
- Purpose
Returns an access pointer to the statevector physics hco (horizontal coordinate structure)
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,in]
- Return
hco_ptr [struct_hco ,pointer]
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_transposevarslevstotiles(statevector_in, statevector_out)¶
- Purpose
Transposes the data from mpi_distribution=VarsLevs to Tiles
- Arguments
statevector_in [struct_gsv ,in]
statevector_out [struct_gsv ,inout]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_transposetilestovarslevs(statevector_in, statevector_out[, besilent_opt])¶
- Purpose
Transposes the data from mpi_distribution=Tiles to VarsLevs
- Arguments
statevector_in [struct_gsv ,in]
statevector_out [struct_gsv ,inout]
- Options
besilent_opt [logical ,in,]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_transposetilestovarslevsad(statevector_in, statevector_out)¶
- Purpose
Adjoint of Transpose the data from mpi_distribution=Tiles to VarsLevs
- Arguments
statevector_in [struct_gsv ,in]
statevector_out [struct_gsv ,inout]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_horizsubsample(statevector_in, statevector_out, horizsubsample)¶
- Purpose
Subsamples the horizontal statevector grid by an integral factor and transform accordingly the fields
- Arguments
statevector_in [struct_gsv ,in]
statevector_out [struct_gsv ,out]
horizsubsample [integer ,in]
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_transposesteptovarslevs(statevector_1step_r4, statevector_varslevs, stepindexbeg)¶
- Purpose
Transposes the data from a timestep MPI distribution (1 timestep per MPI task) to the mpi_distribution=’VarsLevs’ distribution.
- Comment
Step-wise distribution is mostly only used for file I/O. When in such implicit time distribution, it is necessery that mpi_local=.false. and numStep=1.
- Arguments
statevector_1step_r4 [struct_gsv ,in]
statevector_varslevs [struct_gsv ,inout]
stepindexbeg [integer ,in]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_transposesteptotiles(statevector_1step, statevector_tiles, stepindexbeg)¶
- Purpose
Transposes the data from a timestep MPI distribution (1 timestep per MPI task) to the mpi_distribution=’Tiles’ distribution (4D lat-lon tiles).
- Comment
Step-wise distribution is mostly only used for file I/O. When in such implicit time distribution, it is necessery that mpi_local=.false. and numStep=1.
- Arguments
statevector_1step [struct_gsv ,in]
statevector_tiles [struct_gsv ,inout]
stepindexbeg [integer ,in]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_transposetilestostep(statevector_1step, statevector_tiles, stepindexbeg)¶
- Purpose
Transposes the data from a mpi_distribution=’Tiles’ distribution (4D lat-lon tiles) to a timestep MPI distribution (1 timestep per MPI task)
- Comment
Step-wise distribution is mostly only used for file I/O. When in such implicit time distribution, it is necessery that mpi_local=.false. and numStep=1.
- Arguments
statevector_1step [struct_gsv ,inout]
statevector_tiles [struct_gsv ,in]
stepindexbeg [integer ,in]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_transposetilestompiglobal(statevector_mpiglobal, statevector_tiles)¶
- Purpose
Does MPI transpose (allGather) from mpi_distribution=’Tiles’ (4D lat-lon tiles) to global 4D stateVector on each MPI task where it is allocated.
- Arguments
statevector_mpiglobal [struct_gsv ,inout]
statevector_tiles [struct_gsv ,in]
- Called from
- Call to
- function gridstatevector_mod/gsv_varkindexist(varkind)¶
- Purpose
To check whether any of the variables to be assimilated (i.e. specified in the namelist NAMSTATE) are part of the specified variable kind
- Arguments
varkind [character ,in] :: Variable kind (e.g. MT or CH)
- Return
kindfound [logical ] :: Logical indicating whether var kind found
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_dotproduct(statevector_a, statevector_b, dotsum)¶
- Purpose
Computes the dot product of two statevectors
- Arguments
statevector_a [struct_gsv ,in]
statevector_b [struct_gsv ,in]
dotsum [real ,out]
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_field3d_hbilin(field, nlong, nlat, nlev, xlong, xlat, vlev, fieldout, nlongout, nlatout, nlevout, xlongout, xlatout, vlevout)¶
- Purpose
Horizontal bilinear interpolation from a 3D regular gridded field to another 3D regular gridded field.
This version can be used with fields that are not part of the background state, such as climatologies.
This version does not depend on gridstatevector data types/structures.
- Arguments
field (nlong,nlat,nlev) [real ,in] :: 3D field
nlong [integer ,in,] :: number of latitudes
nlat [integer ,in,] :: number of longitudes
nlev [integer ,in,] :: number of vertical levels
xlong (nlong) [real ,in] :: longitudes (radians)
xlat (nlat) [real ,in] :: latitudes (radians)
vlev (nlev) [real ,in] :: vertical levels of input field (in pressure)
fieldout (nlongout,nlatout,nlevout) [real ,out] :: 3D field
nlongout [integer ,in,] :: number or latitudes
nlatout [integer ,in,] :: number of target longitudes
nlevout [integer ,in,] :: Number of target vertical levels
xlongout (nlongout) [real ,in] :: target longitudes (radians)
xlatout (nlatout) [real ,in] :: target of target latitudes (radians)
vlevout (nlevout) [real ,in] :: Target vertical levels (in pressure)
- Called from
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_smoothhorizontal(statevector_inout, horizontalscale[, masknegatives_opt[, varname_opt[, bininteger_opt[, binreal_opt[, binrealthreshold_opt]]]]])¶
- Purpose
To apply a horizontal smoothing to all of the fields according to the specified horizontal length scale
- Arguments
statevector_inout [struct_gsv ,inout,target]
horizontalscale [real ,in]
- Options
masknegatives_opt [logical ,in,]
varname_opt [character ,in,]
bininteger_opt (*,*,*) [real ,in,pointer]
binreal_opt (*,*) [real ,in,pointer]
binrealthreshold_opt [real ,in,]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_getinfo(statevector, message)¶
- Purpose
Writes out grid state vector parameters
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,in]
message [character ,in]
- subroutine gridstatevector_mod/gsv_applymasklam(statevector_inout, masklam)¶
- Purpose
To apply a mask to a state vector for LAM grid
- Arguments
statevector_inout [struct_gsv ,inout]
masklam [struct_gsv ,in]
- Called from
- Call to
- function gridstatevector_mod/gsv_containsnonzerovalues(statevector)¶
- Purpose
To check if stateVector has any non-zero value.
- Arguments
statevector [struct_gsv ,in]
- Return
statevectorhasnonzerovalue [logical ]
- Called from