Dependency Diagrams:
MODULE obsSpaceErrorStdDev_mod (prefix=’ose’ category=’1. High-level functionality’)
- Purpose
Contains subroutines for computing background-error and OmP-error standard deviations in observation space
Quick access
- Routines
Needed modules
: MODULE midasMpi_mod (prefix=’mmpi’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE obsSpaceData_mod (prefix=’obs’ category=’6. High-level data objects’)
: MODULE columnData_mod (prefix=’col’ category=’6. High-level data objects’)
: MODULE bufr_mod (prefix=’bufr’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE utilities_mod (prefix=’utl’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE earthConstants_mod (prefix=’ec’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE mathPhysConstants_mod (prefix=’mpc’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE stateToColumn_mod (prefix=’s2c’ category=’4. Data Object transformations’)
: MODULE gridStateVector_mod (prefix=’gsv’ category=’6. High-level data objects’)
: MODULE verticalCoord_mod (prefix=’vco’ category=’7. Low-level data objects’)
: MODULE horizontalCoord_mod (prefix=’hco’ category=’7. Low-level data objects’)
: MODULE bMatrixHI_mod (prefix=’bhi’ category=’2. B and R matrices’)
: MODULE obsOperators_mod (prefix=’oop’ category=’5. Observation operators’)
: MODULE gps_mod (prefix=’gps’ category=’5. Observation operators’)
: MODULE codtyp_mod (prefix=’codtyp’ category=’8. Low-level utilities and constants’)
: MODULE bCovarSetupChem_mod (prefix=’bcsc’ category=’6. High-level data objects’)
: MODULE timeCoord_mod (prefix=’tim’ category=’7. Low-level data objects’)
: MODULE obsTimeInterp_mod (prefix=’oti’ category=’4. Data Object transformations’)
: MODULE bMatrixEnsemble_mod (prefix=’ben’ category=’2. B and R matrices’)
: MODULE varNameList_mod (prefix=’vnl’ category=’7. Low-level data objects’)
: MODULE obsOperatorsChem_mod (prefix=’oopc’ category=’5. Observation operators’)
: MODULE obsFamilyList_mod (prefix=’ofl’ category=’7. Low-level data objects’)
: MODULE calcHeightAndPressure_mod (prefix=’czp’ category=’4. Data Object transformations’)Types
- type obsspaceerrorstddev_mod/unknown_type¶
- Type fields
% element (*) [integer ,allocatable]
% ibegin (*) [integer ,allocatable]
% lat (*) [real ,allocatable]
% levels (*) [real ,allocatable]
% month (*) [real ,allocatable]
% n_lat (*) [integer ,allocatable]
% n_lvl (*) [integer ,allocatable]
% n_month (*) [integer ,allocatable]
% n_stnid [integer ]
% source (*) [integer ,allocatable]
% std (*) [real ,allocatable]
% std_type (*) [integer ,allocatable]
% stnids (*) [character ,allocatable]
Subroutines and functions
- subroutine obsspaceerrorstddev_mod/ose_computestddev(columntrlonanlinclev, hco_anl_in, obsspacedata)¶
- Purpose
To set OmP-error std dev when possible. Otherwise compute background-error stddev in observation space to estimate OmP-error std dev.
- Arguments
columntrlonanlinclev [struct_columndata ,inout] :: Background columns on anl levels, obs horiz locations
hco_anl_in [struct_hco ,in,pointer]
obsspacedata [struct_obs ,inout] :: Observation-related data
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine obsspaceerrorstddev_mod/ose_setstaticerrorstddev(columntrlonanlinclev, obsspacedata, statushbht, statushbht_ch, statusompe_ch)¶
- Purpose
To assign or compute the OmP error standard deviations in observation space where requested. If not possible or available, compute background-error standard deviation.
- Note
OmP error std dev assigment currently only available for the CH obs family.
- Arguments
columntrlonanlinclev [struct_columndata ,inout]
obsspacedata [struct_obs ,inout] :: observation-space data, output saved in OBS_HPHT column
statushbht [logical ,inout]
statushbht_ch [logical ,inout]
statusompe_ch [logical ,inout]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine obsspaceerrorstddev_mod/ose_compute_hbht_static(columntrlonanlinclev, lobsspacedata, active)¶
- Purpose
To compute background-error stddev in observation space using fixed statistics specific in stats file.
- Arguments
columntrlonanlinclev [struct_columndata ,in]
lobsspacedata [struct_obs ,inout]
active [logical ,out]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine obsspaceerrorstddev_mod/ose_compute_hbht_static_chem(columntrlonanlinclev, obsspacedata, active)¶
- Purpose
To compute the background error standard deviations in observation space, sqrt(diag(H*B_static*H^T)).
- Arguments
columntrlonanlinclev [struct_columndata ,in] :: column at observation location
obsspacedata [struct_obs ,inout] :: observation-space data, output saved in OBS_HPHT column
active [logical ,out] :: flag to indicate if chemical constituents are to be used
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine obsspaceerrorstddev_mod/ose_compute_hbht_ensemble(columntrlonanlinclev, obsspacedata, active)¶
- Purpose
To compute background-error stddev in observation space using ensemble-based statistics.
- Arguments
columntrlonanlinclev [struct_columndata ,inout] :: Background columns interpolated to anl levels, obs locations
obsspacedata [struct_obs ,inout] :: Observation-related data
active [logical ,out]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine obsspaceerrorstddev_mod/setfgefam(cdfam, column, columntrlonanlinclev, lobsspacedata)¶
- Purpose
To interpolate vertically the contents of “column” to the pressure levels of the observations. Then to compute THE FIRST GUESS ERROR VARIANCES. A linear interpolation in ln(p) is performed.
- Arguments
cdfam [character ,in]
column [struct_columndata ,in]
columntrlonanlinclev [struct_columndata ,in]
lobsspacedata [struct_obs ,inout]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine obsspaceerrorstddev_mod/setfgefamz(cdfam, column, columntrlonanlinclev, obsspacedata)¶
- Purpose
To interpolate vertically the contents of “column” to the levels of the observations (in meters). Then to compute THE FIRST GUESS ERROR VARIANCES. A linear interpolation in z is performed.
- Arguments
cdfam [character ,in]
column [struct_columndata ,in]
columntrlonanlinclev [struct_columndata ,in]
obsspacedata [struct_obs ,inout]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine obsspaceerrorstddev_mod/setfgett(column, columntrlonanlinclev, lobsspacedata)¶
- Purpose
To interpolate vertically the contents of “column” to the pressure levels of the observations. Then to compute THE FIRST GUESS ERROR VARIANCES. A linear interpolation in ln(p) is performed.
- Arguments
column [struct_columndata ,in]
columntrlonanlinclev [struct_columndata ,in]
lobsspacedata [struct_obs ,inout]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine obsspaceerrorstddev_mod/setfgesurf(column, columntrlonanlinclev, lobsspacedata)¶
- Purpose
To interpolate vertically the contents of “column” to the pressure levels of the observations. A linear interpolation in ln(p) is performed.
- Arguments
column [struct_columndata ,in]
columntrlonanlinclev [struct_columndata ,in]
lobsspacedata [struct_obs ,inout]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine obsspaceerrorstddev_mod/setfgedif(cdfam, columntrlonanlinclev, lobsspacedata)¶
- Purpose
To construct the FIRST GUESS ERROR VARIANCES from the diff-calculated dependencies and the primary errors.
- Arguments
cdfam [character ,in]
columntrlonanlinclev [struct_columndata ,in]
lobsspacedata [struct_obs ,inout]
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine obsspaceerrorstddev_mod/setfgegps(column, columntrlonanlinclev, lobsspacedata)¶
- Purpose
To set FGE for all GPS ZTD observations using Jacobians from ZTD observation operator
- Option
Test ZTD operators (compares H(x+dx)-H(x) with (dH/dx)*dx when gps_gb_LTESTOP = .true.)
- Note
- _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
9 October 2015
Effective Rev644M, this routine is no longer used! FGE for ZTD is no longer needed for background check. Routine is called only when gps_gb_LTESTOP=.true., in which case the operator test only is done.
- Arguments
column [struct_columndata ,in]
columntrlonanlinclev [struct_columndata ,in]
lobsspacedata [struct_obs ,inout]
- Called from
- Call to
- function obsspaceerrorstddev_mod/ose_setompstddevch(obsspacedata)¶
- Purpose
To read OmP error std dev from auxiliary file or calculate from OmP.
- Arguments
obsspacedata [struct_obs ,inout] :: observation-space data; output saved in OBS_OMPE column
- Return
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine obsspaceerrorstddev_mod/ose_readompstddev_auxfilech()¶
- Purpose
To read and store OmP error std. dev. as needed for CH family obs - if/when available.
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine obsspaceerrorstddev_mod/ose_calcompstddevch(obsspacedata)¶
- Purpose
To calc OmP error std dev for some obs sets of the CH family
- Arguments
obsspacedata [struct_obs ,inout] :: observation-space data; output saved in OBS_OMPE column
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine obsspaceerrorstddev_mod/ose_fillompstddevch(obsspacedata)¶
- Purpose
To assign the Omp error std dev where possible for the obs of the CH obs family.
- Arguments
obsspacedata [struct_obs ,inout] :: observation-space data; output saved in OBS_OMPE column
- Called from
- Call to
- function obsspaceerrorstddev_mod/ose_getompstddevch(zlat, zlev, stnidindex, latindex, monthindex)¶
- Purpose
To return the OmP error std dev for a CH family measurement
- Arguments
zlat [real ,in] :: latitude (radians)
zlev [real ,in] :: vertical coordinate value
stnidindex [integer ,in] :: station and obs type index
latindex [integer ,in] :: reference lat for interpolation
monthindex [integer ,in] :: month index
- Return
- Called from
- function obsspaceerrorstddev_mod/ose_ompstddevexistsforallch(obsspacedata)¶
- Purpose
To determine if all obs to be processed have usable OBS_OMPE values for the CH obs family.
- Arguments
obsspacedata [struct_obs ,inout] :: observation-space data; output saved in OBS_OMPE column
- Return
- Called from
- Call to
- subroutine obsspaceerrorstddev_mod/ose_deallocompstddevch()¶
- Purpose
To deallocate temporary storage space used for OmP error std dev for the CH family.
- Called from